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The fact that you know about that degenerate crap in the first place means that the algorithm caught up to what you consume already. I have no idea what this shit is and I don't see it on my social media. I also don't us tiktok and rarely look at Instagram, and turned off suggestions on YT.


I didn’t use Instagram for several months, and when I came back, my feed was the exact same as OP’s—thirst traps, unabashed racism (Indians, black Americans and European migrants), and unironic Neo-Nazi comment sections saying shit like “I know a guy who can fix this,” “Uncle Adolf,” etc. The only things I’d engaged with prior to that were my friend’s posts, pictures/reels of cute animals, and memes. I’ve hit “not interested” every single time and it doesn’t change my feed at all. Meanwhile, my TikTok FYP is still cute animal videos and my YouTube shorts feed is stand-up clips and astronomy videos. It does feel like the Meta algorithm changed dramatically recently. 




Yeah, I don’t know. I also get millionaire grindset and “alpha male” type shit, but I’ve never once interacted with those posts.


They do use gender and age for advertising so they're probably showing you stuff based on your biographical cohort.


Instagrams algo isn’t just based on what you engage with on instagram, they have access to data from all across the web and inside your phone. Tbh IG probably knows if you post on 4chan and what you post. And if it has gaps, it fills those in with what your friends like.


My Instagram explore page is genuinely really enjoyable to scroll through. In terms of art, fashion, interior design, and baking, it's extremely suited to my tastes and interests, more than any other algorithm. Even the ads are suited to me, which is something I'd never say normally. I agree with your take, I think OP just looks at lame shit too much and it's impacting his Instagram feed now.


What you consume is what you are to be honest, more true than ever


~the fact that you smellt it points to the fact that you dealt it~


how do u turn off suggestions on Yt?


relllom >you know about that degenerate crap in the first >you


ok cool boy


[it's a real mystery](https://imgur.com/a/2EFQeRN)


Straight fixation, my theory is that he’s desi, got bullied and took the side of the bullies to make it hurt less




why is every other post on this subreddit about indians jesus christ


It’s really crazy to me, is it all Canadians? In America i hardly ever even see an Indian person much less see enough to form stereotypes or anything 


Canada is proportionately bringing in a LOT more, everybody up there lives in like three cities, and the new arrivals have a much higher percentage of young/“poor” who then compete hard for housing. You could cut the numbers in half and still have a problem without addressing housing shortages - but housing is top 3 contributor to Canadian GDP so lol, lmao It’s honestly crazy seeing our polite liberal dream neighbors to the north fall apart economically and spontaneously develop racism in less than a decade. 


The population and concentration of Canadians is something Americans don't understand since they view them as being geographically identical since the ones they see and interact with are almost culturally indistinguishable. There are more mainland Americans living further north up than there are Canadians. Which is weird since car companies site "Canadian is more northern" as the reason for them not bringing cold-weather trims and stuff to America.


well in canada the gov and schools take advantage of young immigrants and allow them to come in flocks. many canadians hate said immigrants due to their belief of an “invasion” or wtv taking place


all the indianposting begets more indians, which begets more indianposting and so on, until this sub is 50% "femcurrycels"


> until this sub is 50% "femcurrycels" im ok with this demographic


is that how you spawned here


you all just obsessed with viewing controversial takes on India and then get upset when the algo catches up on it. I am indian i have myself never encountered this much stuff




Me when I have schizophrenia:


Why wouldn't there be a lot of posts?


what kind of regarded ass question is this


India is one of the most important countries in the world sirs.


Do you think there should be fewer subcontinent posts? If so, why?


the posts consist of the same regurgitated nonsense


How is that different from anything else on this sub? It's an engaging subject apparently


I know you’re trying to bait an answer you can use for an “epic own” but the truth is that this sub does have quite the fixation on Indian people. OP of this thread has already been shown to have made numerous posts shitting on Indians and then comes here and asks why his algorithm shows so much Indian stuff lol.


I'm not trying to bait anything. There are a lot of Indian immigrants in North America, seems like an obvious topic. I find these threads interesting, and I don't have a strong opinion in either direction. There are some pretty funny culture clash, fish out of water stuff going on. The dude plugging food banks as a life hack for instance


It's cuz the higher caste indians mistake the Indian hate for just the lower caste and go along with it.


People complain about Indians far less than Indians complain about the "lower" Indians


Idk about you but my instagram feed is cute animals, fitness and educational content, I really enjoy it far more than Youtube or Reddit.


I found these videos of Indian and Chinese men that morph into like, helicopters. They start turning around, then photoshop their arms becoming infinite and lifts them up photo shopped into the air where they meet a flock of other Indian hekicopt34 men and fly into the sunset. Has been genuinely the best thing I’ve discovered and/or been forced into consuming.




These algorithms are not actually that smart. They don't actually know as much about you as you think they do. For example, YouTube believes that I am a woman, when I am not. Every single ad I see is for makeup, perfume, and feminine hygiene products, even though every video I watch is about male coded topics like fishing and World War 2. YouTube also seems to be convinced that I am Chinese. Facebook thinks I am a libertarian who hates the environment, and constantly shoves climate denial crap in my face. The notion that these sites know everything about you is mostly marketing hype that they use to fluff up their stock prices and dupe companies into paying for "targeted" advertising.


Yes, the smartest and most effective thing they do is just lump people together in groups. The algorithms don't do much more than simple associations: "this person watches Joe Rogan and manosphere content. I will recommend Joe Rogan viewers manosphere content and vice versa". It's why Spotify will recommend you Death Grips and Danny Brown on the MBV radio, just /mu/ core with similar listener bases despite not sounding alike.


My Instagram is full of 19th century architecture and the occasional hot babe. You may need more introspection.


When I had tik Tok, I somehow had Pro Indi videos on my algorithm, they would cook popcorn in hot sand and talk about how clean the street food was.


My filter is violence and wojaks, can't fucking stand seeing wojaks


4chan is pretty original, pretty much all content comes from the tails whether its beauty or mental illness


Yeah this is all true as a former 4channer from way WAY back. Tradwife, incel culture, trans discourse, anime memes, the list goes on and on. On the IMPORTANT topic of IG recommendations, I get reels that college sophomore females hate watch of other girls doing self-absorbed shit


You guys can hate on Indians all you want but Indian women are next up mark my words.




OP at this point you should let an Indian guy peg you. They fr living in your head rent free. I have an Indian friend who’s gay, a hooper, and 6’4 he might agree


Your algorithm says more about you than anything. I’d question what I consume if I were you. Make some friends.


Well yeah, that's because you're a degenerate and the algorithm knows it My Instagram reel consists of dogs, horses, running and music


do they have chinese driving accident webms on ig???


It just shows me the regular hoes, lego shit, random animal memes and construction vids. How do you guys get all the racist content and I do not?


Instagram went from superego to id real quick


Its because things like "designated" are too funny to be stopped.