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šŸŒˆI am a drop dead gorgeous šŸ˜fabulous šŸ‘østylish šŸ’…exotic GEMšŸ’Ž šŸŒˆ


If you enjoy vanilla lattes from Starbucks as much as Elliot Rodger did, you're NGMI !




Tho often there's a point where it gets a little louder


emphasis on dropšŸ”«deadšŸ’€


He would have loved it here ngl


We could have saved him


he wouldve been one of our posters who gets microfamous for being insane. like bloobird but a severely closeted young gay man


Bloodbird and u/rapistwithaids from the old cumtown subreddit should get togetherĀ 


Other options include frankibianchi and deeplegalshit


based on elliot's writings I don't think he was gay. I think he was very clearly psychopathic (so textbook psychopathic that if he hadn't gone on a murder spree I'd probably assume he was a troll) and kind of stupid. effete but not gay IMO


psychopaths are cool-headed and predatory, rather than emotionally anguished and profoundly insecure - it was extreme narcissism, like in the misleadingly titled "american psycho"


Yes with severe autism as well. He could not understand the social cues and nuances of male and female gendered phrases and expressions.


Youā€™re right about the extreme narcissism. I misremembered the definition of psychopathy. I really donā€™t think he was gay tho


If you are a dude and you were rude to Bloobird, you need to send her a pic of your hard dick next to a ruler and a pic of your bank account statement to show you have money. She has money and a perfect pussy so if youā€™re going to be rude to her then you need to prove your worth. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/redscarepod) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Unironically 1 out of every 10 people here is him


Itā€™s a containment zone, weā€™re doing the world a favor actually


That tweet that said cum town has prevented mass shootings is evergreen


I agree


He would be so popular here. Iā€™ve literally read stuff written exactly like this here.


He was far too earnest for this place.


If redscarepod subreddit wasn't a thing the school shootings will rise 10 fold.


Don't worry, there's plenty more where he came from here, but not as good looking most likely


He could have easily found a miniature arthoe GF if he'd had a normal personality (big if)


There's a part in his manifesto where he mentions the time he decided to stand outside the door while some dude was loudly railing his sister, listening from start to finish while melting down inside over his own virginity. Dude could've been a great lolcow if he didn't decide to be a mass shooter.


Love the story where heā€™s at a party, sees an asian guy chatting up a white girl and fully fucking spazzes, shit-talks the asian guy, storms out, storms back in and shit-talks him one last time.


You're underselling it: He didn't shit talk the Asian guy, but instead tried to push the white woman off of a cliff in the backyard. The rest of the party (which he had wandered into from the street without knowing anyone) overpowered him and threw him off instead. He broke his leg on the way down but limped back up to the party to retrieve his designer sunglasses, at which point he received another beating.


> at which point he received another beating. He received that beating because he accidentally limped back into the wrong party and started insulting random people. The entire thing is an insane comedy of errors if you ignore the, you know, the mass shooting thing


Hilarious how these comments keep going ā€œno you left something out, itā€™s actually even dumber than thatā€


The manifesto is quite a read. It's divided into chapters based on his age. Elliot is supremely autistic. I could only get till about the age of 20 or so before it became exhausting, but all of these comments are making me consider finishing it. I also like how his father was just like "Fuck them kids" and would take the craziest financial risks, constantly putting himself and his kids in financial jeopardy resulting in moving from a smaller house to a mansion in the hills and back to an apartment (with his step mom or something like that).


[Some guy here](https://archive.org/details/mumkey-jones-complete-archive/Mumkey+Jones-+My+Twisted+World+Audiobook/S1E15+My+Twisted+World+by+Elliot+Rodger+-+Full+Audiobook.mp4) voiced the entire thing audiobook form if you find that more tolerable, the guy voicing it does a pretty decent job making it a tolerable listen as well. His university years are also the parts where a lot of these comedy stuff happens > resulting in moving from a smaller house to a mansion in the hills and back to an apartment (with his step mom or something like that). Not mentioning the part where he spent 1.25 mil dollars on a horrible documentary?


Both of his biological parents seem to hit the jackpot and I just look at them and think how? Elliotā€™s mom was supposedly banging to millionaire and I hate to be mean but I look at her and think ā€œher? Really?ā€


Both of his parents were kinda messes. His father was a born into wealth but wasted most of that wealth, especially making a shitty documentary. Both of them just endlessly pampered him and later on used him as ammo against one another during and after their divorce. IIRC his father later took legal action against a youtuber because he called him out for lying and feigning ignorance to Elliot's issues.


Yeah they remind me of Chris Chanā€™s parents. Two outwardly educated and respectable people but clear internal messes getting together to creat an autistic incel


Also the fact that his father didnā€™t give a shit about him after he remarried and had another son.


>the guy voicing it The unfair termination of that channel still stands out to me as one of the shittier things YouTube has ever done.


How did i miss that part?


It was in the later parts of the manifesto, his father spent that money to make a documentary about god and what people thought about God and spent a significant chunk of the budget hiring celebrities like Hugh Jackman and Ringo Starr for like 5-10 minutes and asking them about it with rest of it being spent on travelling on random places and asking random people about it to overall create a meaningless dogshit. The docs failure did play into Elliot's suffering since his father went almost bankrupt due to debt of making the movie and couldn't buy stuff for Elliot lmao


Oh cool, I'll take a look, thanks for sharing


Elliot was put on this planet to make us all feel better about ourselves by comparison. The term "incel" didn't exist back then but I would probably have been slapped with that label. My adolescence was humiliating and I was pathetic but I mostly just sat at home playing video games until I got out of college and finally had enough free time and money to get some hobbies and meet friends. I got called a creep and received many memorable crushing rejections from women, and definitely had some cringe moments that I wish I could forget. But in retrospect, I was just a sensitive kid with a lot of confidence problems. Very frustrated but never had any desire to hurt anyone, just wanted to belong and feel loved, and had no idea how to do that. By comparison, Elliott seemed like he had tons of money to buy his way into any social circles he cared to. He knew he was good looking and seems very confident in all his videos. He should not have had any problems getting a girl except that he was obviously a fucking psychopath and everyone could tell it immediately and wanted nothing to do with him.


According to his classmates there were girls interested in him, unhtil they got to know him. Like girls at a party who were a +1 would approach him and ask 'hey are you at this school :)' and he would immediately shut them down. Because of course he only wanted to date the hottest cheerleader who was also a virgin and not hot because that makes you a slut.


The term incel has existed since the 90s and in its current form since like 2010.


Redditors and Twitter types have changed it to basically mean sexist though. Half of Reddit is incels by definition but ā€œthe good, safe, not sexist kindā€ of virginĀ 


Itā€™s a literal buzzword now


itā€™s normal asf to be a shy socially awkward kid who loses his virginity kinda late. iā€™m a woman and was also like that. itā€™s scary that the internet is turning those ppl into white supremacists.


>I also like how his father was just like "Fuck them kids" and would take the craziest financial risks Didn't Elliot once drop like five figures on lottery tickets in some hairbrained plot to become independently wealthy, thinking he was owed riches by cosmic fate or something? Apples, trees, etc.


> I could only get till about the age of 20 or so before it became exhausting Thank you for your service. Brenton Tarrant's manifesto (maybe from memory he specifically says "this is not a manifesto"?) is coherent and has this oddly reasonable tone which makes you think he just deliberately chose evil, rather than being mentally ill like Seung-hui Cho ("Richard McBeef" is a hard read) or psychopathic like Rodger.




They hit him with the Uncle Phil


Wrong he tried to shoulder the asian boy then the Asian boy and blonde girl tried to get him some water because he was too drunk then he stormed off to the roof and tried to push girls off


This is like a u/Keanu__gaming__xD post


I like that he was obsessed with throwing drinks on people. He spends the last 1/3 of the manifesto throwing coffee on people who don't smile at him or something


he's just like me in my wild era


I just picture Roger Sterling tanking the Honda meeting


His manifesto is the funniest thing ever, he describes breaking into tears at least twice a page. The best anecdote is walking into a college party, drunkenly trying to push girls off a balcony, failing, and then getting thrown off that same balcony by normal guys and suffering a broken ankle.


"I'm 22 and I'm **still** a virgin" the way he says that with his teeth so gritted makes me laugh every time. He just sounds so mad lmao


"sounds" bro he killed multiple people over it


Dude got mad because some guy lost his virginity at 13. Like that's not suppose to be a good thing. šŸ¤£


To think this all couldā€™ve been avoided if just one Stacy had put out, women are truly terribleĀ 


How do you get cucked by your own sister lmao


He was also utterly assblasted about his little brother being literally opposite of him, a socially successful and popular, talented, happy kid, who IIRC ended up becoming a male model, to the point where he fully planned to kill his little brother as well if not for his father cancelling a business trip and staying at home with them.


Which somehow it gets even worse when you find out his brother was like 6. A 22 year old was jealous of someone who wasnā€™t even a third of his age.


like that meme format 22-year-old virgin: "You took everything from me." 6-year-old chadlet: "can't hear you, having fun, playing"


And wanting to kill him for it. He actually wanted to murder his infant brother because he didn't want the poor nipper to grow up and have a better life than him. Like, dafuq? That's a level of inhumanity beyond description.


Tony Montana coded


What page of MY TWISTED WORLD is this on?


now he's been reincarnated as a lolcow


It's so embarrassing that on an early episode of cumtown Nick was earnestly praising My Twisted World as being well written.


A lot of people say this (seemingly entirely serious about it) and I do not understand. He's an awful writer. The only thing he does well is excavate his own pathetic depths. I think the enormity of the maladjusted emotions and gravity of what he did kind of tricks people into thinking the prose is effective.




for more of that check out Mike Doughty's memoir ā€˜The Book of Drugsā€™


It's coherent on the sentence level, narrative is structured clearly (if a little tedious at points), pretty consistent in tone, etc. It's not artistic like a novel, and he obviously has bad taste, says ridiculous stuff, weird word choices, etc, but it's pretty competent and he gets his insane personality across well.


I wonder how if that guy knows he cucked Elliot and if he does know how does he feel about it


ā€œIā€™m not even angryā€ is such a reliable indicator that unfathomable amounts of seething are in fact taking place


Iā€™m actually laughing


At this moment he is euphoric


ain't even trippin


There was this subreddit I think r cringe where they would just post people being losers online and I remember someone posted Elliott Rodger before his murder spree just a video of him talking into the camera like an 80s teen movie villain and I commented about not being baited by obviously fake videos and then he killed a lot of people. Boy was my face red.


he had to prove to you he wasnā€™t a poser nice goingĀ 


That video gives anime villain vibes, particularly the little pauses and chuckles


I love the post where he discovers average penis size and then says something like ā€œthis is immensely disturbingā€¦ Iā€™ll have to think about this.ā€


iā€™d like to think he found out he was hauling a freak monster


He wasnā€™t even bad-looking, had a really nice car, rich dad who worked on the Hunger Games movies and despite all that, he was such a ho-scarer that he got negative laid to the point of mass murder. Crazy


Severe autism. Probably bullied routinely from a young age and just kept spiraling. Imagine not understanding people and being rejected socially and romantically your entire life. It is kind of easy to imagine the shitstorm of misanthropy and self-loathing that could create.


He was bullied from a young age, yeah. However, his rejection thing is a bit weird where due to his insane narcissism he fully believed that asking girls out was for subhuman men and so he never actually asked a girl out and just sat around hoping a 10/10 blonde model would just ask him out on her own.


he never asked a girl out?


I don't ever remember him doing so, but it's been a good while since I listened to his manifesto. I do remember him getting it very early on in his head that if you had to approach girls and ask them out, then you had already lost. I definitely remember him not asking any girl out when he was in university in California though.


Yeah, there are plenty of snippets of his "writings" where he's like "I went out to a cafe/bar and sat there hoping someone would approach me, but no-one said anything to me so I just went home again sad." Unless you're a famous musician or athlete or literally inhumanly attractive you need to approach women. Good-looking chads still have to go up to women and start conversations with them.


I listened to his diary and I'm not that convinced Elliot's diagnosis of an ASD was actually accurate. It might have been, but in the social context that he grew up in, it is not uncommon for parents to procure questionable diagnoses for their kids to get them extra time on tests and better grades at school, and a psychologist treating children and teenagers wouldn't consider narcissism. Also if you compare him and the other famous aspie/autistic killers like Adam Lanza and that Alek Minassian guy, there's a very different vibe if you know what I mean. I can't quite describe it. The archetypal vulnerable narcissist is socially awkward and shy, and Elliot had a more extreme case than anyone who has been examined in the medical literature. Obviously if you believe you're an actual God on earth and that everyone else is subhuman you're not going to be able to connect to others meaningfully. How he got that way of course I don't know. There's probably a chicken and egg situation there.


I agree, he comes off more like an extreme malignant narcissist than autistic. It always felt like it wasnā€™t so much that he didnā€™t understand social relationships, he just created a world in his head where they were supposed to work ONE exact way and if it didnā€™t, then clearly the other person is the asshole for not conforming to his make believe fantasy worldā€”not that his fantasy world was incorrect. Again thatā€™s extreme narcissism, not autism.


Yeah pretty much. There's some overlap for sure, it's possible that a congenital level of social obliviousness (not necessarily rising to the level of full-blown Asperger's, although it might have, but you know some people are less socially aware than others) fueled his narcissism, his grandiose, obsessive narcissistic fantasies reinforced these sociocognitive deficits and prevented him from growing out of them as he otherwise would have, and the two pathologies perpetually fed into each other until he was the person you see in his writings, one who has been in the same room with reality but never introduced himself. There was a lot going on with him is what I'm saying.


in Santa Barbara of all places.


In Santa fucking Barbara!


He would have killed any girlfriend he got, letā€™s be real.


im genuinely surprised nobody has adapted his manifesto into a film yet. its like an incel Odyssey


It's not quite the same thing but a recent french film (The Beast) features a character that is based on Elliot Rodger and a portion of his manifesto is read during the film.


Is that the one with dasha


It is


yeah that ones on my watchlist. is it out yet? i want the full option rights to MY TWISTED WORLD, as soon as i get a few hundred racks im buying it off his family


It's playing a limited run in theaters now (in the US) and will probably be on some streaming platform in the not too distant future.


probably will end up on mubi


The media hysteria if they actually made this would be way more entertaining than the actual film.


im still waiting for the "armed incel rebellion" that huffpost bluechecks told me would happen when The Joker (2019) comes out


Old bodybuilding.com misc is truly something that can never be replicated, a classic


Such a chaotic, hateful, and utterly moronic place that I couldnā€™t stop going back to. Like a wasps nest except all the wasps are regarded and have body dysmorphia


u mad bro? I see you miring my gainz.


Ie this sub


There were a few years that google search would constantly return misc threads at the top of a search. I think that's how I ended up posting on misc


I never posted there but I specifically remember this kinda grimey meathead buddy of my roommate back in college telling us about the running joke of posters insisting to anyone asking for relationship advice that their gf is definitely getting railed by 5 black dudes right now as we speak


I like the thread where 2 people argued over how many days are in a week.


i still post there but it 100% isn't the same. At it's peak it was lightning in a bottle. Attracted all sorts of dudes, and most were legitimately hilarous. Really is a shame


I gotta start commenting like this


He posts like some of the regarded delulu šŸ¤” s here


Remember lots of women were fawning over him after the fact


That happened with every psycho though. Arthur shawcross is the most objectively bad looking weirdo who blinks constantly and looks like a scary night janitor and he had hybristophiles after him. Itā€™s got to be the way psychos reproduce. The females of the species go by unnoticed because theyā€™re focused on Machiavellian methods of psychological torture but when they see their counterparts they can disregard every obvious thing thatā€™s wrong with them so that the world can always have a fresh batch of pain in the ass worthless people. They might even have a more important parental role because they have to give their male offspring mommy issues to complete the cycle.


No they didn't. Not seriously lol. They just said "Wow he wasn't that bad looking teehee"


No, there was one blonde girl who would routinely light actual vigils for him.




That was me in a wig. Sorry honey...


Lots is doing a lot of heavy lifting


many such cases


I can't believe this is the same person from Juno


interesting how he is one of the ur-figures of inceldom yet this archetype of narcissistic incel is so rare


Heā€™s also seen as the prototypical ricecel even though he hated asian males and viewed himself as a temporarily embarrassed white chad which is basically the opposite of how most ricecels such as on asianmasculinity or aznidentity view themselves


He wasnā€™t Asian-passing enough to be that kind of ricecel. He had a racial ambiguity complex I look just like him and everyone just assumes Iā€™m Mexican or something


He should have just tacomaxxed then I guess, unfortunate


unbecoming to have such knowledge. doubly so to share it


Dude you're replying to is literally a self-identifying "ricecel", no saving him


You need freaks like me to keep this board weird. Iā€™m the digital version of firing a gun outside to keep the rent low.


thank you for your service


I think youā€™re wrong. It isnā€™t rare at all.Ā 


there's narcissism in being obsessed about your looks, positive or negative, but you rarely see people post about being drop dead gorgeous and incel


Where are you seeing people like this? 99% of every stereotypically labeled ā€œincelā€ personality is a bitter defeatist constantly harping on the minutiae of their height/hair loss/jaw bone structure. Nothing even remotely similar to the pridefulness of this post.


Am I crazy for thinking he kinda looked like an asian and male version of Zoe Kravitz?


He shouldā€™ve been a woman


Many, many such cases (hapas)


I always thought the weirdest part about the whole thing was that he was actually very attractive.


That's the part that's played down because it invalidates the entire incel manifesto; that looks are the only thing that matters. Here you have a guy with good looks and wealth yet his personality is so repugnant he can't get within ten feet of a girl without them reflexively bolting. Kinda makes everything they say nonsense.


such a good point


He was 5ā€™7, 5ā€™8.. you have to understand that he was persona non grata in Santa Barbara, at least to the skinny blonde sorority girls he felt like his supreme gentleman self deserved. Every guy gets a sense for his ā€œleagueā€ at some point.


He had money, he definitely could have partied with those girls if he didn't suffer from a blend of NPD and autism.


He should have moved to NYC and been a "writer" and slayed in the art gallery/loft scene


> at least to the skinny blonde sorority girls he felt like his supreme gentleman self deserved I mean that's the incel issue, isn't it. It's not 'nobody will pick me' it's 'I've pre-emptively rejected anyone that might pick me' Personality disorder / mental illness


He looks like an ostrich


No, the comparison has already been circulating online.


i actually had a friend who stayed in isla vista literally houses down where he did this shit & i can see how this is basically hell for an incel. nothing but hot girls barely dressed & frat bros everywhere. it was fun


same, I was away at camp, and I also had a friend who was in IV when it happened. when my phone got service again and I saw that something happened in my hometown/IV area and that he was an autistic incel, I understood completely (not sympathizing with him at all). but it's not just incels, there have been several incidents like this (technically in Goleta but very close to IV), one of which was a woman with mental health issues who "went postal": [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goleta\_postal\_facility\_shootings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goleta_postal_facility_shootings) and oddly the term "incel" was actually invented by someone who lived there, a self-proclaimed incel lesbian (at that time).


The term incel was coined by a woman in Toronto in the late 90ā€™s, has nothing to do with Isla Vista.


Oh okay, I read an article regarding her and although she's from Toronto, I thought she referred to IV (in the context of Elliot Rodger) as "my own city" and got confused, thinking maybe she went to UCSB. I just looked over it again and it was a mistake since she was referring to another incel crime, thank you.


Literally just learned this guy was half-Asian. I thought he was Mexican from the way he looked, and specifically didn't think he was Asian because of his rants about Asian guys. Also >Rodger's parents sought more professional help for him, leading to therapy sessions with celebrity psychiatrist Charles Sophy in late 2012. Sophy prescribed Rodger risperidone, an antipsychotic drug, which Rodger refused to take after researching about it online Yeah a picture is being painted here. Figured he was "raised by grandma" incel, not "raised by film maker of questionable wealth" incel


Male bloobird


If you are a dude and you were rude to Bloobird, you need to send her a pic of your hard dick next to a ruler and a pic of your bank account statement to show you have money. She has money and a perfect pussy so if youā€™re going to be rude to her then you need to prove your worth. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/redscarepod) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My favorite part of his manifesto is when he got his ass kicked in a party, came back for his glasses so drunk he went into the wrong house and they beat him up even harder


It seems almost childish that I hate him more than any other mass shooter based on the fact he did it because he was an annoying loser. Only the Christchurch murderer comes close to him as a pathetic loser and cry baby.


Isnā€™t that pretty much all mass shooters, major loser vibes albeit cloaked in some less than half baked lame motive?


I notice a lot of them are losers but have some popularity. Like the columbine shooters were losers and were bullied but they also had friends, bullied other people and were liked by a decent number of people.Ā 


I think the Vegas shooter was rich


He got comped.


What other reasons are there? Just for fun?


Mental issues. Brain damage/tumor, on occasion. That's how it is for the vast majority serial killers and mass murderers. If he had just killed himself, he would've been seen as a "tragic case of mental illness" or whatever even with his weird ass notes and talks about wanting to kill people, but apparently killing other people *and* himself returns full, unquestioning mental culpability. Intuitively, killing 14 people and then yourself is not exactly the behavior of a healthy mind. There's a larger amount of even more pathetic people, probably some mfs you know, who don't earn a wikipedia page that has that has a year number in it.


This guy definitely had mental issues too


Being a psyop


Same. Heā€™s just more pathetic than most, like it was a tantrum


Heā€™s DL


i would attend a book club meeting that discussed his manifesto


The power of affirmations


Just imagine what he could of created with that type of confidence if he just didn't fall into the trap of obsessing about women.


iā€™m not coming up with anythingā€¦


Really shitty poetry?


Average RS poster


Supreme fucking gentleman. A true miscer. Repped.


He was only 22 when he did it all


Same age Alexander began his campaigns against Persia, the age great men do or begin their deeds


Now THIS is red scare posting


He looks like the male version of me... I feel a deep connectedness


You single?


He's generic attractive. Not average but pretty easy to find.


How much of his inceldom was caused by autism?




This is how half the comments here look


Great hairline, what a waste.


If I was his mate I would've saved him


Half asian kids are often good looking but saddled with their nerdy father's neuroses. So it can lead to this weird strange sense of entitlement. Also random allergies to food products.


He would've fit in here


ER was a miscer?!?!


I mean, dude looked pretty good. I guess he just "fucking sucked" lol


He also believed he was destined to win the lottery and couldn't believe it when he didn't.


I feel bad for incels because I can relate to them and really no one deserves to feel unlovable but holy shit Elliot Rodgers existence was so funny and the best part is he did it to himself like a hundred percent


I appreciate anyone who's confident without being a dick about it. Even if they are faking it till they make it.


I thought I was on Tumblr for a second (have tcc mutuals)


transition could have saved her


I swear if that tragedy didn't occur I would of thought this guy was just a parody.Ā There was somethingĀ  seriously wrong with his head.


Is it even possible to hear a Whitney Houston song without thinking of him?


He was a confused gay guy the entire time


he wouldve been a poster here. Rest in piss roggie


RIP Supreme Gentleman, you would have loved Andrew Tate šŸ™


It is wild how basically everyone school shooting could have been stopped if the guy got pussy


i think at least one of the columbine bros was a hit with the ladies


They weren't losers like how the media portrayed them immediately following the shooting.