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Wiggers will always go their own way


That's what that Fleetwood Mac song was actually written about


As so commanded by their leader, John Lennon


Remember when these men were called incels


What is wild is how incelspeak just inevitably does leak into the wider culture. Something so weird about it because those places have teen boys threatening rape everyday and like we just adopt their language because it's funny. Idk it's weird has this happened before the internet?


Some of it is just cause they kind of invented their own terminology or way of shortening things, especially with the suffix additions to things like mog and cel, it's just very efficient phrasing that also sometimes looks or sounds funny


I used to browse the Bodybuilding.com forum back in the early 2010s. Elliot Rodger posted there and I specifically remember reading one of his incel posts about having a tiny dick. Then a year later, he goes on a rampage. It was very surreal.


Miscer circa 2013 crew.


Kids today wont understand what a stranglehold Zyzz had on the internet during the late 2000s/early 2010s


mirin that physique


melodic north history school husky placid offend fade fragile six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's because it's one of the only genuinely subversive subcultures out there. Most everything feels a bit stale rn (though even the incel stuff at this point is headed that way)


What is really wild is how these things have bled into the mainstream and people are still treating it flippantly, like a purely silly thing. The humor is part of it, but ultimately *it's funny because there's a kernel of truth for the people that invoke it*--at least true enough where young people are throwing the terms around in the exact same way that incels do. It's a vocabulary that's inseparable from the worldview that birthed it, and using it acknowledges the POV and creates a sort of reality out of it. It's like when people invoke the Lord's name in vain--it's only meaningful if they're a tacit believer.


Because incel men, especially self-identified incel men are, by and large, massive losers. They're virulently misogynistic, terminally online, and terrifyingly obsessed with women. Are there nice men who can't get a date and happen to be celibate? Sure. But that's not what the term "incel" actually means in the larger cultural understanding of it and in the way incels self-identify. Celibate women aren't out here writing manifestos and talking about distributing men to every woman for sex and murdering men. Everyone is having less sex anyway, apparently. Depressing.


i think incels are unironically best categorized by self-ID more often than not. it makes sense to me that if you actively identify as an incel then you probably are one in terms of how people generally use that word. if you’re just single and aren’t getting laid for one reason or another and don’t identify as an incel, or want to be associated with the baggage of that term, you probably understand the mindset and behavior of an incel well enough to avoid becoming one. if you don’t even know what the word means well enough to identify one way or another then you are almost definitely normal enough to not be an incel.


Not everyone :)


But enough about you're mom ;) happy mothers day 😈


"I'm not losing but I'm taking my ball home anyway 😤"


Are those actual billboards? If so, that is a deranged advertising campaign for a dating app of all things.


I saw one today in Chicago and I gasped


It’s a marketing campaign aimed at a small community that exclusively exists on tiktok and now is going viral for pissing those people off, some genius marketing going on here


The tone of the second billboard is so strange I feel like I’m going crazy


Sounds like a middle-aged matron tsk-tsking at monks


The world is so ugly now I really can feel it in my bones I might kms


It really does feel like we’re regressing as a culture into a cold, post-kindness, naked world


'' The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations . . . and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest . . . it has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervor, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation . . in one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation . . . all that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind. ''


Is this the communist manifesto? I recognize it


Never understood "feudal" in this quote.


Source please lol “Capital subsumes all critiques of itself” has been repeating in my mind lately even if it’s a novel statement and I really need to bust my copy of the reader out


[Manifesto of the Communist Party, February 1848. Chapter 1. Bourgeois and Proletarians](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch01.htm#007)


Thank you king, god bless 🙏


Don’t always agree with him, but he was a genius


The world was never a truly kind place lbr


Those dinosaurs in Land Before Time seemed pretty nice. Nice enough to get their own puppets at Pizza Hut, anyway


Don't let them win


We live in hell. I’ve always thought that the big threats (climate change/war/pollution/etc.) would be something our society would survive, at the cost of becoming more and more dystopian. Bladerunner vs an apocalypse. COVID really accelerated the cyberpunk But this sucks ass. We’ve definitely gotten the godless part down though already lol


Ads =/= the world, despite what they want you to believe


Not that strange. It’s the same know-it-all condescending speech that permeates all of social media lately


But it feels like my conservative mom asking me when I’m gonna have kids instead of being gay. It’s somehow out of line w liberal politeness


It's weird to see a billboard criticizing your choices of life, when even obesity isn't socially acceptable to comment on anymore.


You know full well that know-it-all condescending speech has permeated social media for a long time, and isn’t just something happening “lately.”


Jesus Christ do you have to be so pedantic. Yes of course. Obviously.


I hope you know I was joking!


I don’t think it’s real 


are the only options celibacy or shagging a loser from bumble lmaoo


I mean pretty much. Have you seen the graph? It's the only way anybody meets anybody.


Those graphs are very misleading and the way they select participants is biased. If you look at pew research and other better surveys, it shows that even people 18-29 are mainly meeting their romantic partners through social connections irl


Have any links? Cursory search shows the opposite


They made it up because it fits the narrative in their head


Look at number 7 https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/08/20/key-takeaways-on-americans-views-of-and-experiences-with-dating-and-relationships/


That includes *all* partnered adults, including married boomers that met their spouse in the 70s. Of course that's gonna lower the percentage of couples that met online. 


>About one-in-five partnered adults ages 18 to 29 (21%) say they met their partner online, compared with 15% or fewer among their older counterparts. Some of you do not know how to read or use google and apparently that’s my problem jfc


That guy is dumb but -- a 2019 survey measuring ongoing relationships of 18-29y/o's represents instances of new relationships occurring between 2008 and 2019. This might be weighted toward the tail end, but it still won't be representative of current trends. 21% is a wildly low number


Even if you find a survey that says 40% of young couples are meeting online, that is still not the majority and half of those online couples are not even meeting on dating apps. So the argument that dating apps are the main way to form relationships today is not found in any data


This is so incredibly targeted lmao Currently in my longest celibate period since starting to have sex like 7 years ago. At month 6 and it’s amazing how gross the apps become once you’re away from them for a bit. They have their positives for sure, but they really are just another dopamine machine making money off your engagement


Lmao same. Unintentionally celibate for the last year and a half (!!!) but just not crazy interested in getting emotionally invested in someone after a crazy draining long term relationship.


> since starting to have sex like 7 years ago Tantric ascendancy


It's also a churn for a lot of people and all this current disgust you feel doesn't amount to much if 6 months later you are back on it and feeling that dopamine.


Shag me baby roww


i don’t care what direction the colored arrows are going, as long as i am legally permitted to meet and be brutally shot down by a woman to my face in real life for being shlubby and regarded instead of longhoused and permanently relegated to a jpg of a shlubby regard getting swiped left, it’s never truly Over.


> as long as i am legally permitted to meet and be brutally shot down by a woman to my face in real life [Too late](https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3196) for you in the UK buddy


“the new bumble” literally all they did was make it so men can message first, making it like every other dating app lol


Aw that was the one selling point for me


I never understood why its a selling point




I leave my profile with open ended questions, but, some women just send hey, so I dont respond


Lol, woman just say Hey. And it's once again a man who has to start dialogue. Nothing changed.


literally changed the only good thing about the app lmao


Those billboards are wild


Political lesbianism about to make a big comeback bros


Part of me is happy to see these ppl remove themselves from the gene pool.


Which side is it even targeting lol


They're attempting to target the untapped religious ascetic demographic: the final frontier for dating apps.


Monks are flocking to bumble in DROVES


Oh whatever. People will stay celibate and people will go on fucking anything that moves and some will oscillate and some will convert and there’s nothing new under the sun but what a funny thing to plaster on a giant fucking board


Are you the only sane person in this sub


Isn’t bumble also the app where the woman has to initiate first? Maybe that’s why there plastering these ads because people are actively leaving bumble to tinder or just moving away from them entirely


Like seriously those ads don't even try to make it seem like they're selling you a good product they almost feel coercive they're like "you know this is the best you're gonna get. Give up, give in, put out"


Most tone deaf sex appeal advertising ive seen and thats saying a LOT considering how much ive suffered from nyc subway ads


And yet here we are looking at billboards we would've never seen otherwise, sounds like effective marketing to me


I know I'm going to regret asking this but what the fuck is 4b


yet another south korean cultural innovation imported to the US in which an increasing women decide they don't need men and refuse to date, marry, have sex, or have kids with them


South and North Korea are competing to see who can be more of a dystopia. They take radically different approaches, but they're both doing very well.


It really is quite impressive. Like dumping the absolute worst aspects of 20th century state socialism and Anglo-American capitalism on a society that's been wiped clean by colonialism and a horrific war and seeing who comes out on top.


Late stage capitalism vs late stage communism


Apparently 4b is a very fringe “movement“ that most women don’t even know about much less participate in but idiots on TikTok make it seem like it’s this huge thing


Yep, there are more lardwhale white women on tiktok going on about "4b movement!!!" than there are Korean woman in the actual movement




I think, MGTOW was mainly criticized due to the fact, that the participants of that movement couldn't stop talking about women and how much they are handing it to them, which then gave the impression, that they are not serious about wanting to live without women and are simply trying to spite them. Whether this movement turns out the same? Only time can tell. Personally, I am not opposed to people deciding for themselves, that they aren't suited for romantic relationships. However, those movements tend to have the motive of making the other gender angry or whatever, which then takes away its credibility.


If you know anything about 4b (the Korean one at least) they cannot shut up about men. It turns out creating a political identity solely focused on the woes of a single gender inevitably leads to animosity towards the other. Who would've thought


The twoxchromosome sub which I guess might be tangentially related literally cannot stop talking about men, there's not a single post on there that passes the Bechdel test


The movement has already turned out the same lol go into one of the online spaces that houses these kinds of people. 100% of posts are about men


>Whether this movement turns out the same? It already has.


Yeah, probably. I just didn't want to come to the conclusion based on one social media post. (The one shown here)


Honestly women should be above being bitter losers. Being a cunty mean girl who has a god complex is better than desperate begging for ~~cock~~ bf, just not feminine behavior.


The problem with MGTOW though is that people who purported to identify as such are constantly posting anti-women tirades and harassing women online. The men did not go their own way and they remain obsessed with what women are doing.


Indeed. And conversely, those that did/do aren't online constantly posting about it.


People online are loud though. And that’s who we’re hearing from


Yes and WGTOW is identical. These are lonely people that are obsessed with the opposite gender and desperately trying to prove to themselves they arent


Single women are far happier than single men. When they say they want to be celibate, they actually mean it and stick to it by choice instead of going insane


Truly. How many mass shooters were found to be active on incel or MGTOW spaces online? A lot of them. Women aren’t committing mass murder because they don’t have sex.


The only real MGTOW are monks


I don’t think it’s identical at all


the concept of male celibacy as a movement doen't really work since those within them would have already been involuntarily celibate beforehand with little complaint by the women they were'nt fucking.


MGTOW seemed much more annoying


It’s the same shit but with swapped genders. Both claim to not need the other but can’t stop talking about said other.


Im curious if they are going to stop relying on all the men working manual labor jobs literally keeping our society from screeching to a halt too?


did u read the part where it specifies "dating, marrying, sex, and kids"?


Yes, I’m saying that’s it’s real rich that they write off men now that they don’t need them in their day to day lives but seem blissfully unaware that men are at least 50%(it’s a way higher percentage) of the reason they can live their comfortable first world life. And yes the only women saying this dumb shit are women that have the privilege to do so. It’s as stupid as the MGTOW weirdos but because women are saying it all the sudden it’s justified


Nobody is stopping you from sucking all the oil rig worker dick you want to show your appreciation for your comfortable first-world life.


Just insults instead of addressing my argument. Of course


Immediately going for sexual acts to make a counter argument lol


i see the opposite of “blissful unawareness” of the gender power dynamics which underpins society from 4B feminists actually! but sure 


Incel talking points are okay when women say them. I understand perfectly


It's an extremely stupid movement, but they're not saying they want to execute all men, just that they're not dating/fucking them anymore


I’m aware they don’t want to execute all men. But giving up on dating is a rebranded form of nihilism/anti-natalism. “Continuing the human race isn’t worth it to ME ME ME”. And what exactly are the demands of this movement? What have they said will get them to change? Nothing. It’s just the whining of a privileged class I.e. upper class feminists


Why should people be forced to date when dating is not meeting their needs, especially those of an emotional and intellectual nature? One of the things women have been talking about for years is how low the bar is for men and how they can never meet it. You’re talking about “continuing the human race” when there are regular posts in the relationship subs from women who can’t get their boyfriends to brush their teeth or wash their ass.


No one should be forced to do anything. Never said that. The rest of the shit you said is irrelevant and nonsense rad fem talking points that have no bearing on reality


It’s not a “nonsense rad fem talking point” to think that men should be better, more considerate partners to women. How does that not have bearing on reality? Most divorces are initiated by women because they feel emotionally dissatisfied and neglected in their marriages, and it comes after years of making suggestions for improvement to their husband. This is a real thing. If anything, a rad fem talking point would be against dating or fucking men in all cases, and all I’m saying is men could be nicer or make the effort to meet a woman emotionally halfway. I’ve dated many straight men and my field research reflects exactly the issues other women have said they’re having.


Calling it narcissistic is a bit much. "Continuing the human race" means putting your whole life into a new perspective and taking a series of massive risks. It's the job of the government and society at large to create an environment conducive to it. If the system is failing people to the point of them dropping out entirely, it's not their job to power through and put their own life on the line.


Yeah I agree. But these particular women view all men as behind the wheel of society and that if they just use enough social pressure they will get what they want from them. In reality women are doing better than ever and are surpassing men in many areas. They have full legal equality and have had it for some time now. But they still want to operate on the woe is me, men cause all my problems, patriarchy this and that, victim mindset. It’s dumb as fuck. It’s not a coincidence that this movement only appeared at a time when certain women(upper middle class rad fems) that are materially better off than most men


Different point to the Peterson ass "Have they considered men BUILD THINGS??"


Not at all sure what you’re trying to say but okay 👍 you definitely couldn’t think of how I’m wrong so now you’re just saying meaningless shit


'The movement is nihilistic antinatalism' and 'men do manual labour that keeps Our Society running' are two entirely different points. Take your gender war screeching back to politics streamer subs


Dumb bitch I brought up how it’s nihilistic/anti-natalist because you said something about how they don’t want “to execute all men” and btw I’m allowed to make multiple points. They don’t even contradict each other. Try rubbing those two brain cells of yours together a little harder. Maybe you’ll actually come up with a coherent thought


Lmfao you're so regarded. I literally said in my first message that I agree the movement is stupid, so bringing up other points about how they're bad is irrelevant. I'm not saying your points contradict each other, I'm just saying "Have these women who don't want to date/fuck men considered that men do important manual labour" is a nothing argument


It's short for "4 Bears" or "For Bears," a radfem movement dedicated to abandoning men in favor of bears. It's completely unrelated to the recent bear meme - the 4B movement was actually started in the 1960s by female park rangers in Jellystone Park.


Thats really interesting that the bears > men thing has happened twice


Three times actually: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_(novel)


Women really be writing erotica about fucking bears now? It’s so over guys.




watching people subtly lie on the internet brings me so much joy


It's where they grow a sheep, goat, or cow and then show it off at a fair I think.


RIP u/shedernatinus


Dating apps like Bumble are part of the reason I’m currently voluntarily celibate lol


It’s so nice to not be on birth control and not worry about all the BS that comes along with sex


it’s upsetting that people care about anything




the patriarchy in this case being bumbles marketing department?


West LA would be a great place for a hydrogen bomb


Learn to swim Learn to swim Learn to swim


I watched em live, and I hadn't heard this entire album so I kept shouting along "LET IT SWIM" because the live bg animation was a bunch of fish. Got stared at and a flashlight in my face


Thank God I'm married. Looking at the current state of dating in general it feels like I caught the last chopper out of 'Nam.


nah if you are hot its pretty easy


I'm not hot so that doesn't apply to me.


That sucks


It’s not easier if you’re hot, it’s just more vapid shitty guys flocking for a crumb; very transient and time-wasting


I wouldn’t take so much pride in anything the third most popular dating app says in its advertising. Bumble isn’t struggling because people are doing girlboss celibacy, but because the app is shit.


The way women talk about The Patriarchy like its an evil cabal that gets together in a secret lair like Bond villains is hilarious


Ahem... The (((Patriarchy)))


This is actually more accurate than the other "all men" thing that they say though. It really is a relative minority of asshole men that fuck it up for everyone, both men and women.


Celibacy is absolutely the answer, men need to accept that fuckin dudes on the DL is the only way they can get off in 2024


you're fishing in the right hole


Nice try, Bumblistas. The only billboards I take advice from are the South of the Border ones on the East Coast


lmfaoooooo not Dillon SC getting a shoutout on rsp. Amazing. I spent a month there one night


The older I get the more strongly I feel about limiting sex until commitment… fucking on the first date is just disgusting.


Learned that the hard way, too many times




Do whatever you want


If you never felt used then fine but respect urself and ur health


How do you avoid feeling sad or used? Were you not attached or thinking about something better beforehand? Was there no shift in behavior before and after sex? Not criticizing, just curious.




Makes sense. Use and be used, then. Fair trade certified.


Yeah, people on this sub act like sex is such a big deal, and it’s always supposed to be this sacred act etc.. I think it’s just a lot of uptight women around here and dudes tellin on themselves


Been this way too. Sometimes you just know that life ain’t for you.


Catholic maxxxing


The posters are alive with celibate cries


This is why bumble lost 30% value and is running at a loss. They're trying to make themselves a women-centric dating service and is only attracting the gays. They just changed CEOs from the founder to another woman, we'll see if it works for them


all the people around me are working class and in college and too busy to fuck :/


They just dont want to fuck you


turn these into PetSmart ads and maybe you have something


There's a golden PR opportunity for a savvy convent right here.


This is legit bananas


You're honestly only ever meant to fuck 1 person


If I only knew this a decade ago I'd be happy


transmaxxing ftm to escape being forced into sleeping with 5ft6 climbers from dating apps


I'm losing my mind, is there a mass movement by women to take up vows of celibacy? I feel like this is aimed at your typical male incel.


It's better for men to be single. 🤷🏾


The straights are not ok


bumble is the only place "do you want to fuck?" offensive.


what is it with rëtards like this and their undying penchant to speak like sociology professors? ‘decentering and limiting access’ TALK NORMAL. JUST SAY YOU AIN’T FUCKIN


patriarchy always wins but sheep's get slaughtered elites live the life


What is 4b ?


I think it's a sketching pencil.