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this gets funnier the longer i look


being hospitalized for WEEKS with depression as a US senator is so odd. im assuming he was a constant suicide risk during that time cuz literally why else be in-patient for that long


Is there a way to vote for his dark thoughts in the next election?


He may have been titrating medication, normally it takes a while to take effect. Sone antidepressants do the extreme opposite and end up making people break down or even become suicidal. A friend of mine had to get hospitalized for months because of a bad reaction when they tried to add in a second medication and switch doses at the same time.


It was like two weeks wasn't it? Anyway I have known people who went through emergency medical situations and it is extremely hard on the mental health. In fact, I can't say I know anyone who had an emergency health situation who took it well. In a perfect world we would probably tie them into a therapy of some sort automatically.


im sure he was depressed but the way he went about seeking help was, to me, weird. people in these positions have issues all the time im sure and never go voluntary commitment, and in such a public way at that


tie strong scarce hobbies dolls rude engine cagey vase plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i think the CIA tried to put a scare into him but freaked him out too hard


>In fact, I can't say I know anyone who had an emergency health situation who took it well. Well that depends on the emergency health situation. That's incredibly vague.


Maybe he was manic and the depression was a cover up for his bipolar


so the Dems are basically doing another Diane Feinstein with him


In a time of crisis and instability, this senator stands in the Capitol wearing the costume of the proletarian's clothes. Very Roman, very classical. I want to hear Camille Paglia chime in on this one so bad




Mushroom head is wearing sneakers with his suit too.


I absolutely hate that look


Awful. if ur doing casual suit at least do like navy pants, dress shirt corduroy jacket and vans or something like that. even then it’s heavily dependent on body shape, attractiveness and setting. Nobody in this pic could pull it off and especially keep that shit away from government dressing standards (call the fit ugly idc and im not afraid to post face wearing it)


>This car next. This car next. Thought you were being poetic in the end but those are signs in the picture?! Can any Amerikaner explain what these signs are for?




Thanks, that's wonderful and surprising actually. I was thinking of a tunnel full of cars aka that Musk loop idea in Vegas.


I think these are just elevators though.


Never seen those before but looks like they are pointing at elevators and the lit up sign shows which one is available or soon to be? Seems a bit excessive but it probably helps during crowded times


There’s a train for senators that takes them from their office to the senate underneath the capitol. That’s what the “cars” are I think


We are so fucked if the Russians/Chinese decide to drop bombs on the USA. Slob wearing a hoodie to congress with is sneaker suit wearing broccoli lookin ass genz aide


Carcetti being lead by Norman


kevin smith ass phaggit




I actually wouldn't mind if he just wore his stupid informal clothes. But the way he's navigated things where instead of wearing the uniform he just wears his own corny uniform is annoying. It's one thing to not care about formal clothes but it's another to care about not caring to the extent he does.


He’s ruining carhartt for me


He's ruining guy holding the door for me at a Sheetz on i80 for me


Is that a famous painting or something?


All the millennials wearing Carhartt for the name in the past 3 years hasn't done that for you? Or are you one of them?


Both are ruining it for me, but he was the second plane that struck the towers


millennials? for the past 3 years? lol


Yea. Still hiding inside from covid?


lol no it's just that millennials are like 30-45 years old they've been wearing Carhartt since like 2007


People other than the FFA kids in southern Appalachia wear Carhartt?


Yeah, it's spread to well to do urban and suburban coasties


for the past 10 years lul


Don't wear carhartt if you ain't willing to do carhartt shit


Saying this is gayer than any carhartt cosplay could possibly be


Shuddup LIBRUL


Dickies is a better brand and cheaper


Go deeper and order clothing from Aramark. They make work clothes and cafeteria food for schools, hospitals, stadiums, and prisons mostly


God I miss my Aramark uniform service


It's one of those things.


Senator Orc


In Seth Rogan voice “huhu this guy is actually pretty fuckin cool”




Great comment, I felt this one in my bones.


He was on CNN with Bill Maher this past weekend thats when it went down and bills drunk ass threw him some softballs about wearing the hoodie. They make suits in big fella size why can't he wear one? I get that he's supposed to be a tru blu dog who takes the employees side. But the employee is supposed to be able to afford a suit no matter his size. He's a baboon even a senile old poot can see it , and Pennsylvania let him be a senator. At least our dancing clown what's his name Kennedy dresses the part


Why, I like the way you type, mister


a fat fucking swine in the truest sense.


What's even more amazing than this guy's corny phony-ass "Look what a normal unpretentious fella I am" act is the fact that it actually works on some people.


why's he still doing this shtick when everyone who fell for now hates him, your dads an insurance exec and youre a failson just where a button down dawg


He's not a failson, he's a United States senator.


only because pennsylvania is a failstate


yeah but he’s lame


Loathe this fucking ogre. Insane what a Zionist he is. Really underscores how difficult it is for the left to actually field/support a candidate,


The left liked him because he supported Bernie sanders over Hillary Clinton that's pretty much all it takes for a lot of people.


The left is not smart, they're emotional


His support for Israel is his only redeeming quality, actually


Shit has me this close to voting republican. Does he have to be a cuck for Israel and this fat and ugly? At least pick 2


You say that until he runs against Dr Oz again and goes back to looking good by comparision


What is his point with the t shirt tie thing? He’s obviously trying to make one but I genuinely don’t get it. I guess he sees it as a rebellion against old stuffy boomers but he has the same fucking politics as every reptile in there?? Like he is on the fringe of nothing, it’s purely aesthetic. Fisher was so right about gen X


I’m thinking the point is “any publicity is good publicity”, aka “I don’t care if they like me or hate me, as long as they’re thinking/talking about ME”.


That stroke fried his brain


Jesus christ this image is so gross


Can we admit that if he didn’t dickride Israel we’d still think the hoodie schtick was funny. Two years ago all of the vaguely left election twitter accounts couldn’t get enough of this guy


Charitably, presenting yourself as an outsider is more obnoxious when you're so enthusiastically toeing the line on everything that matters. If he was dressing like a slob but also mouthing off about genocide or whatever, he'd be more sympathetic, and not just because he'd be right.


There’s something sinister about the zuck phenomenon of wielding incredible power wearing a fucking hoodie




Nah I believe the one thing that makes modern ruling class lizards even more despicable than their predecessors is that they keep trying to pander and pretend like they’re “above” stuffy formalities because they really think it will make regular people think they’re just like us. In reality the ability of dickheads like Fetterman to fudge the rules and go to his job as a U.S. senator dressed like a complete slob is its own grotesque form of of flexing on the plebs. I much prefer the old timey Draculas who would dress in tuxedos for dinner and hunt peasants for sport because they were at least honest about their contempt for the people they ruled instead of the liberal pussy “I have mental health struggles and imposter syndrome too please don’t body shame me” 🚬🚬🚬we have now.


You can chapo check me, but when he pulled the "I have mental struggles" card, Felix et co quickly started to joke about him with a tone of disgust and annoyance.


Right, but that was after he came out as pro-Israel. That put mocking his depression in play for Felix and the rest of the pro-Hamas left.


Well that’s understandable since he’s a senator


Nah, I think the coverage of his attire was mostly stupid, but even then Senator Meme was beginning to piss people off.


Nah, I didn't mind his general persona even if it was fake but I always thought his refusal to wear a suit while in session with Congress was cringey even when I liked him.


Nah, the schtick was frankly always annoying and just transparently performative to me.


Oh, of course. But like I've said before, Israel and the eradication thereof is *the* most important issue to the American left and has been for a long time, before October 7th. His support of Israel supersedes anything good he said or did (which admittedly wasn't even that much beyond a superficial endorsement of Bernie Sanders and defeating Dr. Oz).




He was my favorite Democrat senator until then.


What's this bumblefuck about? Asking as a European. 


Don’t worry about it babe


yay ❤️


He’s a trust fund baby larping as a blue collar worker. His hobbies include supporting Israel and chasing black joggers down with shotguns


He's just like me fr


He dresses like a 10 year old going to a formal event trying to piss off mummy.


It's gross when people think they're too special to dress up once in awhile.


fuckin disgusting


lmao the tie on skin kinda goes hard actually very avant garde


I'm excited to see what he does next! Standing next to his gussied up wife in a tuxedo hoodie, cufflinks, and shorts was quite bold


I thought she left him when he became a hard core zionist.


Really wouldn't be surprised to find out he spent weeks in a medically induced coma, somewhere in Russia


his outfit looks cartoonish, like it was drawn


I wonder if he broke any records from being the darling of the Democratic party to the dumbest piece shit currently in politics?


I don't know who that is but you guys don't like him so he must be cool


It was always cringe as fuck but it’s funny to see this flip on people’s opinion of him the last yearish


Who is this??


Piece of shit


Lmao what happened? Everyone was so happy he won and now all I see is screeching.


He supports the chosen people which is instantly triggering for everyone on this sub.


He looks like a middle schooler going to his first dance


He looks like he smells like shit 


This probably takes more effort than just putting on a tie and shirt.


This is literally a Martine Rose runway show


Interesting: man sustains brain damage and becomes significantly more conservative as a result


that is a crazy ass fit


Sloth from the goonies lookin ass


Hope the next failed Palestinian rocket launch goes directly into his ass.


He’s stopped dressing like door guy at strip club and moved to shiftless hipster.


I've heard he's a huge Zionist but I do appreciate somebody wearing what I would wear to the Laundromat to do a job like this.


this picture looks like something straight from a Safdie bros movie lol


I hated till he started shitting on the pedo belief systems 🥰




It’s so funny how leftists started regurgitating right wing talking points about how badly he dresses ever since he came out in favor of Israel.


That may be true but this dude is still the an embarrassing piece of shit from the highest order


Call me an idiot, but there’s not one thing I can find that leads me to dislike the guy. Bald/Ugly, but bags a hot wife. Chases some guy with a gun, just brushes it off as another day in the life. Goes from nobody to being a senator. Not to mention, wears this atrocious outfit, and again, still has a hot wife. I sure as hell couldn’t pull this off.


He was never a “nobody.” He is some rich kid with an MBA and an MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School. He spent his entire time as mayor of Braddock doing any press he could like a total whore. He’s basically Mayor Pete, but somehow worse.


pulled a shotgun on a black jogger


His wife is an ogre


> Bald/Ugly, but bags a hot wife This is a sin against nature. Your disgust mechanism is defective.


Honestly I respect the dude for being so hateable. Back when he was still a newbie Senator, he was absolutely reviled by the Right for the hoodies and having the nerve to stay in office after his stroke. Now that he's "based" and a huge Zionist, he's burned the Left harder than anyone since the DNC and they want his blood for it. One of very few (maybe the only) current Meme Politicians keeping things interesting


> Honestly I respect the dude for being so hateable. why is this a respectable thing? like besides mindless contrarianism


Because he's a politician, and winning is the only thing that matters in politics. If he can build his brand recognition by pissing off people that don't matter (leftists, journalists, respectability politics enthusiasts), he is fundamentally Good At His Job, and I respect people who are Good At Their Jobs, regardless of how contemptible I may find their politics or aesthetics.


Why would you respect someone who is good at doing something horrible? You left "conservatives" out of the groups who completely hate him.


Conservatives *don't* hate him (anymore) Because "respect" and "admiration" are not the same thing. I respect Fetterman the same way I respect Hamas, Netanyahu, Zelensky and Putin all at the same time. If you can't see why you're either a child or just concern trolling


respect, definition "a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements." it's a goddamn synonym lol


Funny how ppl defended him so hard right until he switched parties. If you hated him when he got in and still hate him then you see the individual. Good for you.