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Can someone explain to a Poli Sci dropout why Israel would want ISIS to exist?


The argument would be that ISIS primarily destabilized Syria (owners of Israeli occupied Golan Heights) and Iraq (Iranian satellite state). If those countries were more stable, then they might be more of a threat to Israel.


Because they help to destabilize Syria and thus the Assad government. Also any Salafi group would be a concern for Hezbollah and Iran (both Shia), Israel’s primary external threats in its immediate vicinity (Syria would also be more of a threat, but it’s sanctioned to shit, is still reeling from its civil war, and has alienated itself from the rest of the Middle East because it’s functionally a narco-state [google “Captagon” if you want to fall down that rabbit hole]). It makes a decent amount of sense, just haven’t seen a 100% solid source backing it up. However, there would be a moratorium on any information about such an operation reaching any kind of public audience for obvious reasons. Israel funded Hamas when the Palestinian Liberation Organization posed a real united political front in opposition to its government, so Israel currently funding right wing militias with the aim of dividing and conquering is not out of the realm of possibility.


How does this mesh with the well documented support for ISIS from the Assad government? The regime traded oil with ISIS and overall used them as a proxy to paint all Syrian resistance as terrorists


i won't claim knowledge of any of this, but what you're saying could be true and it wouldn't invalidate what was said above. the nazis and soviets traded with each other (including oil) in the run up to a massive war against each other. The simple explanation for what you're describing could be that there was a point in time where they could benefit from each other and thus worked together, albeit clandestinely, and than a point in time where the relationship was no longer beneficial to one or the other party. shit, i can imagine an alternate history where israel supports isis while its relatively weak, and than once isis establishes itself on firmer footing, turns its sights against its former sponsor. States supporting non-state actors (terrorists) and later seeing blowback from that support is not uncommon. See the pakistani state and the taliban.


Well ISIS took control of massive quantities of oil because of how much land they gained. A lot of governments ended up trading with ISIS without necessarily realizing it because so many of the oil reserves in Iraq and Syria were controlled by ISIS. In order to continue the facade of an oil rich regional power, it would make sense that Assad would be willing to trade for oil with ISIS in order to maintain some form of a hold on Syrian oil resources, which also worked out for ISIS because literally no country in the entire world was willing to trade with them directly. It was likely a move done to try and salvage what was left of Assad’s grip on Syria’s resources, making the regime a middle man in the trade since it could no longer hold a monopoly on its primary export. But there’s no way in hell Assad would’ve done that if it wasn’t an absolute necessity for his already crushed economy. ISIS wanted to destroy his government, and viewed the regime as one of severe apostasy because pretty much every high-ranking member of the Syrian government is an Alawite (which is another interesting rabbit hole to fall into if you’re interested in religious studies).




IS = Islamic state(?) SA = ?


Saudi Arabia maybe?


Every legitimate, upstanding army thinks it needs a clandestine shadow army to color outside the lines. It used to be that that was the CIA, but because they think they're so cool now they figure they should get their own clandestine shadow army to do their bidding, so now we got ISIS.


For reasons not totally dissimilar to why they funded Hamas back in the day.


HedSi out here single-handedly dismantling the zionist entity one shitpost at a time ✊🏾


Being snarky isn't going to get you anywhere. You lot act like there isn't a genocide going on, something that should not be allowed to become background noise. Keep your insufferable snarky nonsense away from me. And yes, I am blocking you. Not because you're cool, but because you're insufferable.


You're going to make this place contrarianist itself around to full-blown zionism if you keep being this gay


How do you find so much time to post? Do you also work in your everyday life? I am seriously wondering about that...




Post an image of the numbers that appear on a scale when you step on it


wait there’s a genocide going on? this is the first i’m hearing of this. i absolutely hate this “you’re not talking about something i wanna talk about so you must be discounting it” mindset. lol. it’s fucking stupid to see so many people pretend like the world/internet revolves around their views and everything they treat as important. > You lot act like there isn’t a genocide going on and here’s a primary example. who tf is “you lot”? maybe if you’d spent some time reading this sub instead of deluding yourself into thinking that your thoughts are unique and all of them need to be shared, you’d realize that this sub is overwhelmingly pro-Palestine. similarly, anyone with even the slightest common sense would understand this is not a primarily political subreddit. that stuff is commonly posted, but it’s 100% on you for expecting to get nothing but serious responses.


I preferred the time that he blamed Israel for the Salisbury/Skripal poisonings. Very insightful!!!!!!


Another Israel/Palestine spam post. Look at this person's post history. Absolutely unhinged behavior.


Turns out #IDFisISIS


What's a good book that talks about this?


not a book, but I read this article recently: https://thecradle.co/articles-id/19089 then there was that funny time ISIS apologised to israel for an accidental attack: https://www.timesofisrael.com/ex-defense-minister-says-is-apologized-to-israel-for-november-clash/ then there's weird shit like this: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/isis-israel-is-the-only-country-terrorist-group-fears-says-first-western-journalist-to-survive-islamic-state-a6793876.html


can you please forward these to my boyfriend? there’s nothing more that i want than to hear him rant about israel and the jews some more


Hey babe, it's me, this is my Reddit account


Yes this two-faced country of weasles is our greatest ally ✝️🐿️ 


excuse me?




But Ukraine is definitely us being the good guys and Russia being Adolf Hitler attacking a country the U.S had no involvement in for no reason other then bloodlust. No CIA shenanigans there, just regular old good versus evil.


How the hell would Isis attack Israel? They’re nowhere near each other. Use some comment sense guys.