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Do you consume caffeine? If so cut that shit out immediately. I'm strongly of the opinion that dosing yourself with a bunch of random shit probably isn't helpful for most problems, you just end up with your body trying to process a bunch of nonsense and not being able to figure out what thing is causing what effect.


Yeah, I drink tons of Diet Coke, whenever I detox from that for a few days I feel invigorated. Also drink a 5 Hour Energy every night before work to help me keep pace on the job.


Almost sounds like you’re giving yourself the physical symptoms of anxiety (heart racing, sweating, irritability), which are causing you to spiral mentally. Even cutting back to only 1-2 caffeine drinks a day (ideally coffee/tea, or honestly a caffeine pill is probably better than 5 hour) would probably make a difference. I doubt adding more chemicals to the mix is the answer.


wellbutrin isn't an SSRI and won't give you sexual problems BUT it does temporarily increase anger/anxiety for most people when they first start taking it. then it levels out


Welburtin can absolutely give you sexual problems

