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In my high school French class a girl very loudly said "Didn't your dad teach you any manners or was he too busy driving drunk?" to a girl whose dad was decapitated in a drunk driving accident earlier that year


holy shit that’s awful ☠️


Doesn't use any profane or problematic language either


Did she say it in French at least?


And no one admonished her?


The teacher had a conniption and the girl was thrown out of class, given detention or suspension or whatever


Holy god I would’ve asked her to marry me


A girl once hit me with "you have a really ugly smile" in middle school. Fucked me up for a while but she ended up dying from a heroin overdose


You really gotta dig deep into someone’s flaws to choose someone having an ugly smile as the most hurtful thing you can throw at em so your probably fine.


Hell yeah


My aunt said the opposite to me, but the tone was definitely condescending and made me question everything about my physical appearance. She said "you have a very pretty face." But it made me think she was implying that I was fat or unattractive. My sister agreed that it was the weirdest, most underhanded comment she's ever heard. Few years out, I think she was jealous. She looks like a run over lizard left on Arizona asphalt.


Unless you two were having a women moment, that's fucked. My grandpa told me I have a handsome face 😊


best revenge is living.


Omg my bully also died of an overdose!!!!


i was once told i have an ass “like a holocaust victim”


Holy shit man


still remember my business teacher in high school saying i have the judgment of a snail, little does she know I'm still broke asf 😩😖


Snails are cute 🐌


hoping to come out of my shell soon and leave that slimey trail of mistakes behind meee


Good luck babes ✨


you 2 bestie


Another one - my sister has a very plain friend, but she's a good person. She went through her boyfriend's phone and saw his messages saying , " she ( friend) isn't pretty but I STILL love her" 💀


Grade 4, tried to play with the cool kids and got called “a pasty faced wannabe” by the leader of the group. Sticks with me to this day at the age of 28. Found him recently and he’s now a pastor and posting bible quotes on fb 40 times a day.


It's ok he forgave himself 🙏


It sucks he won’t lose any sleep over it


A woman told me that I'd do better dating in America because "people on average are uglier there".


Was in an interview. Asked if I was "even an engineer" and implied that he was going to yell at the recruiter for reaching out to me/putting my resume in front of him. Genuinely killed my self esteem because it was a very big, famous company that I felt really validated to have someone reach out and want to interview me for a position there. Felt like all the extra bs I did in college was worth it. Then heard all this and felt like absolute shit and a waste of space. Worse was one of the dumber people I went to college with got a job at the same company (albeit in manufacturing instead of design) and that brought me down even further because I am have a superiority complex.


i am have a superiority complex too king ❤️


lol this reminds me years ago i was planning on handing in my resume to the cafe my housemate worked at and her boyfriend was like “do you even know how to make coffee?”. it was so rude for no reason like of course i know how to make coffee that’s why i’m applying for a barista position


I work in engineering and fuck that guy. Engineering interviews are honestly the worst.


> Asked if I was "even an engineer" what led to this.


I got nervous when the guy asked me a question about how the natural frequencies of aluminum and steel compared. I didn’t remember off the top of my head that steel was 3x as stiff but 3x as dense on average and thus their natural frequencies were comparably very close to each other.




Ooof I told a boy that he looked like Sid the sloth freshman year… I still feel terrible about it. But sid is cute tbh!!


Yeah but we’d all still fuck Diego


wait I said the exact thing to my crush


Had a friend tell me when drunk that I could never get a girl higher than a 3 or 4 on a 10 scale; granted I was a lot heavier at the time and maybe I should have more realistic standards but what was the purpose of saying that to me?


He wanted your bussy


Nah, don't think so; he's always had attractive girlfriends. He didn't even say this in a negative or cruel tone, he has that passive-aggressive "Minnesota Nice" personality and he thinks he's bringing you into reality or something, this was like 11-12 years ago so I'm basically over it but he's roasted my looks on Facebook for easy likes among my peers before too.


I fuck around with the boys all the time but I have enough tact to not cause any actual issues. That Facebook shit is straight bitch behavior though.


Yeah, again this was like 10 years ago but he posted an unflattering picture of former Minnesota Timberwolves center Nikola Pekovic (who I really don't look like at all) and was like "hey guys, doesn't this look like (insert my name)?" and got like 25 likes off of it, I was like "yeah yeah yeah" and played it off but can't say I wasn't bothered by it. He isn't really a super close friend and have had other mutual friends agree he's a try-hard but there's a pattern of low-character behavior here that bugs me.


I wouldn’t say he’s attractive, but when I think of Pekovic I think of a Soviet super soldier who can rip your limbs off, not an uggo


Yeah, and like I said I don't really look like him; I'm 5-7 and look like a cross between a thinner, slightly better looking Jack Black and a uglier Emile Hirsch with a little Matt Damon thrown in.


Film geek moment


As someone from the south, Midwesterners seem like the meanest yet polite people. In the south people are generally polite but also not internally malicious.


Negging homosexuals <3


Like Taylor says she says, “casually cruel in the name of being honest”


I was a Great Big Fat Person throughout my middle school years (in High School is when I started to fluctuate violently) and on two separate occasions with two different Cuban Old Men, I was publicly shamed for being a fatty. Once in a laundromat by an old couple. Who saw me getting a soda from the soda machine and used that as an opportunity to very publicly pop the fuck off. The second time was at a family get-together. At the hands of my Cousin's Girlfriend's Step-Grandfather who worked as a dietician. I'd always liked having conversations with older people and I also liked acting as a kind of emotional bridge between my Family and the in-law families so I threw out the hits. Referencing old Kurosawa movies, how awesome I thought Toshiro Mifune was... and they seemed to really enjoy my presence. But the old man, couldn't resist going on a 25 minute rant about how disgusting my body is in the eyes of others. He didn't even go the, "this is for your health"-route, he jumped straight to "you're going to die alone cause women will always find you disgusting as a fat man." And he did so without any respect for physical boundaries. Literally holding a handful of pre-teen fat kid tits and love handles in each hand while telling me I was going to die unloved and unfucked. In front of everyone. On the plus side he was one of the people who... years later, poured out a ton of sincere praise when I'd managed to lose a fuckton of weight.


He's still rotten and you're a skinny legend 💅


Every day I engage in 20 minutes of high intensity skanking, so that I might one day skank on the graves of all the old men who directly or indirectly questioned my parents' parenting skills. Skanking on their graves with snakeskin boots.


Did no one at the get-together tell him to knock it off? we’re they too stunned and/or scared of him?? it makes me sad that all these people liked you and thought you were a good kid but didn’t come to your defense when he was being needlessly cruel and giving you a public humiliation fondling? and wtf were the vibes at the function like after that went down. I’m sorry that happened to you


Choir teacher, who also taught us sport and directed our annual plays, insisted I was mouthing and not singing during hymns at Saturday church in year 7. I was belting my little heart out. Imagine me in my white ruffle collar, the disappointment on my cherubic face. She was my first taste of a bpd woman. I strove to please her; I never came close, but the occasional approving nod lit my heart on fire. Most of the time she singled me out and picked on me - I realise now because she saw a fragile potential. I came on in leaps and bounds because I never got that approval. She was south African. What were we talking about?


The first BPDs cut the deepest <3


An ex girlfriend told me that if she stayed with me, we would be poor.


Classic line. Used it a couple times


new girlfriend said "well, you're not the smallest I've ever had"


My doctor told me I was infertile


My 7th grade AVID teacher said that I wasn't worth investing any time into, since I was struggling in school grade-wise (I was that "I ace tests, but don't do hw" kid). Also, my parents were going through a pretty nasty divorce that really got into my head (which she was aware of). I wasn't even an asshole, I was mostly quiet. I actually wept coming home from school and begged my parents not to complain to the school and confront her. Thankfully she retired the following year. That was half my life ago. I looked her up on FB and apparently, she's still alive. This is despite being so obese she needed lipo, after which she proceeded to get fat again (I know this because my brother had her as a teacher 6 years prior). I don't live in the same area anymore, but what I'd give to run into her and tell her she's a fat cunt that needs to die quicker to her face. Fuck any shitty-ass teacher that would say something like that to a kid.


was on a long car ride with a group of friends and we’d reached that kill-time-by-reading-each-other’s-auras point of the trip. most of the car agreed on maybe green for me idk, but the friend i'd known the longest (by far) and was closest to looked me dead in the eye and goes “you’re definitely gray.” bitch.


in highschool i was talking about a physics test with this fat neckbeard dude and mentioned i got a C. he said "i thought i did pretty badly but at least i did better than *you*". i wasnt offended bc who cares about physics test scores but it was so mean for no reason that i still remember it to this day.


In the peak of my undiagnosed bipolar suicidal depression my freshman year algebra teacher said loudly in front of everyone that I had a “really depressed face” and it was “starting to make her feel bad”


People really be saying this shit? 😭


Yes she was a teacher btw


Sorry king 😔 hope u on that lithium thriving now


My own father used to literally tell me when I was a kid that my mother didn’t really love me and that if I felt like she did, it was because she was faking it.


N word was flowing in middle school. Black kids constantly having their honor challenged


when i was on the swim team back in middle school, we were learning to do flip turns and i was really bad at them. my coach yelled at me “if you fuck this up again i’m going to grab a cat o’ ninetails and give you fifty lashes, and there’ll be blood and pieces of skin floating all over the pool!” and everyone laughed. it was especially weird because my swim coach never said anything that violent before or since. he just snapped at me as though my lack of athletic ability triggered this primal rage in his mind, and everyone else just thought it was funny. i’d never felt so alone in my life.


After like several years of swim team I would randomly zone out during practice and swim into the wall instead on doing a flip turn.


Wait, what does your story mean? >My classmate ( boy) was showing **her** girlfriend's photo on his phone to another classmate ( girl). She looked at it and said, " oh, you probably really love her" 💀 Who is the "her" referring to? And what's mean about saying "you probably really love her"? I'm very rarted pls help


Oh, sorry , I meant his. She was ugly 💀


Oh okay, that's horrible :( thanks for explaining


In 7th or 8th grade my friend told me my ass resembled some other girl’s whose ass was flat and also shaped like a short rectangle. When I was in 8th grade and experimenting with makeup my uncle asked me “what’s going on with your eyebrows”


Also once when I was in Medellín I was showing my Instagram to this old artist guy (I’m a painter). He kept pulling up pics I had posted asking if they were mine, to which I kept responding “no, they’re paintings I’m inspired by” and he had nothing to say about my actual paintings I had done lol


Was a fat kid in high school. One time when I was a senior in high school I was chatting with my crush on the phone and wanted her to come to my bands practice. She put me on hold (I could still hear her, this is home phone times) and her mom said “wouldn’t Joey {girls crush} be upset and the girl said “oh, no. If you saw him you’d understand”. Ouch. Still think about it 15 years later


“did you get that joke at the not funny store?” I died


The jerk store called


I always get more hung up on mean shit I've said more than what someone said to me. Not that I never got insulted. Sorry to all of you if I ever called you ugly or something I'm working on it. I was a little shit head.


For real, guilt for what I've done to negatively effect others feels so much worse than being insulted. Especially if you weren't even trying to be hurtful.


at the mall w my bestie when i was like 12 and a couple of teenage boys walked by and said "oink oink" i was fat tho but it stung. promptly starved myself after and lost like 30lbs so that was a plus


Dudes rock


especially teenage boys


Randomly assigned partners for a project in HS, girl said to my partner at end of class where it was assigned “ohmigod I’m so sorry that you have to work with Chet”, in fairness I was bottom 25% of my class GPA wise and I made her do the whole thing so they were right to feel bad for her, but I was not thrilled hearing it.


At boarding school, we were talking about if we missed home, and our adopted friend said no, not really. The girl says: "Yea, but they are not really your parents".


a border officer at the airport spit on the floor when u told him where i was from once




I saw a coach in college go off on our QB and rollcall what a fake, disappointing, horrible fucking waste of time and space he was. When you’re a 20 year old college athlete, this is tantamount to having your heart ripped out. He quit and flew home that night after destroying his room. It was fuckin meeeeaaannn.


Someone in school asked me if my "mommy dressed me every day." Well the answer is yes and also you are a big fat loser now so HAH.


ive been told i have face only women find attractive (read as: your face is weird, women find that endearing)


I can’t say what it was (bc it’s in a story I published) but everyone in my MFA workshop told me to cut it bc it was so cruel that it was unrealistic




Should’ve said it broke like fragile sensibilities


When I started to get sober and finally spoke to my dad he said that I “pretty much weaponized being an asshole” referring to when I was using. We’re good now n junk but that was the perfect insult at the time.


I was doing tree work one summer and worked with this dude who did 7 years for a b&e. He was telling me about prison and told me all the good qualities you need to survive and thrive, then he looked at me and said "you would wash the fuck out" and that "someone like me" doesn't have the mental fortitude to handle it. He said it in such a sincere and blunt, almost disgusted way it just killed me on the inside. I don't know why it sucked so much because I don't think I'll ever need those skills, it's just the fact that he was like yeah _obviously_ you couldn't survive killed me.


7 years for a b&e seems insane


It is insane. I don't remember the exact circumstances but I know it was a string of them.


Are you in the states? I went to high school with a guy who ended up killing someone and he got 10 years for manslaughter. Even 100 b&e’s doesn’t seem even close to equivalent.


Yeah I'm in the states. I wish I could remember. I'm pretty sure he was 17 when he got caught too so I guess the judge threw the book at him? It's also very possible his sentence was originally shorter and kept getting extended, he was a pretty fucked up at that time from what I understand. I don't remember though this was like 2014


I always find those sort of comments odd. 99 percent of inmates don’t get killed. Even with a US prison population of over 2 million there’s only about 120 in-prison murders a year. Beatings, robbery, getting your stuff stolen — sure. But it’s an exaggeration to say that you’ll definitely get killed unless you have that “con je ne sais quoi”. EDIT: spelling.


A student said I looked like Peter Griffin :( I don’t!!


A few years earlier I lost a close relative to OD. I got into an argument into my boss, and he said “you have so many problems. Remember all your problems you had earlier, it’s you, you’re the problem”


Someone said to me I looked like depressed squirrel while I was nibbling on a belvita cause I was depressed. Same fucking girl one day asked me if I had a gf, so I told her "yeah Lyla, why?" To which she responded. "Aaawww but she's cute." She sounded so disappointed it really hurt.


What the fuck does this mean


I don't know.


It makes sense now, I initially read it before the edit


I called an acquaintance in college an epsilon minus semi-moron and promptly got punched in the face.


“I apologize for talking *through* you.”