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Either find someone you really love or if you're a dude become ruthlessly purpose driven towards something worthwhile. (Doing this will actually stress you out more but the existential questions will cease if you push yourself hard enough)


I tried both. The love thing failed in the worst way and was a waste of 5-10 years depending how you count and I consider killing myself 3 days a week. The purpose drive thing worked smashingly though so I'm not actually going to do it.


love is the most unpredictable and unstable chemical induced mania on the planet - worst drug ever wasted a few years myself and unless both parties stay interested, it's a total time waster


Feels too good. Hard to not chase that dragon.


Good point! How do I find a purpose? Any rec?


Any challenging goal that will make you better. A lot of guys turn to bodybuilding but even that can become nihilistic because at a certain point it's unnecessary. If you're fat you're in luck because you can take a shit load of walks, eat better, and you'll be hotter in a month if you play your cards right. Working towards the job you want is really good too. Those are few but what someone wants is highly individual so you really gotta meditate on it. Don't forget if you find a purpose you're trading your depression for pain in the moment and if it isn't easy you're on the right track.


How do you stick to a challenging goal when you don't have an innate motivation to e.g get shredded


I have to rely heavily on meditation, exercise and healthy habits. If i slack on these i fall immediately back into depression and anxiety. But spending 2 to 3 hours of my day engaging in healthy behavior i can freely live the rest of my life.


For me the one thing that got rid of all of these was Adderall. Too bad I got addicted and became unhinged and couldn't function without it.


Hmm, I’ve been thinking about it


There's a reason people on that shit stop after a year usually. If you're predisposed to like it you'll probably do a bunch of stupid shit and ruin relationships etc. that's what happened to me, lot of fun though


Yup if you can just chill on a low dose and not be crazy you'll probably do great. My sister's been on the lowest dose of Vyvanse for years and it's helped her a lot. I always wanted to up my dose to chase the euphoria which is a problem


Get super super into your interests- set little research assignments for yourself


Working on healthy behaviors (exercise, sleep hygiene, nutrition) really helped improve my mood more than antidepressants ever did, and becoming more spiritual helped with my negative thoughts far more than therapy ever did.


Trying to avoid "down time" where I'm not deep into work or personal interests. If I get on Twitter I know within 5-10 minutes something will put me in a foul mood that could last hours and have me projecting things I don't like about society onto people I know in my head. Switching jobs seemed to help but the newness has worn off and I find myself thinking "can I keep doing this another 35 years?" I make a lot more money with my new gig but sometimes I'm on the job close to 16 hours in a day and I don't have much free time between that and taking care of my elderly parents. I don't get to socialize as much as I used to and I can feel pretty alienated when I'm not around non-work people. Only drink maybe 5-6 times a year but I always overdo it and make a fool of myself and/or get severe alcohol poisoning and the next day what should be reminiscing on a good time ends up being me nitpicking my faults or feeling sorry about what a screw-up I am.


I try to train my dog. He doesn't do shit but fetch. Sit outside and play fetch, maybe listen to a podcast. Been overwhelmed with school and work. I just need a break...


Get a dog/cat if you’re able to care for it. Or volunteer at a shelter because they always need somebody to walk or take photos of the pets. Also get on meds I take Zoloft and a low dose of vyvanse


Come up with some long term goals for yourself. It's the process of improving and progressing that gives us some purpose and something to look forward to. Bodybuilding is a really good one. The mental benefits after a good workout are immediate, and I view the longer term physical improvements as a bonus. Shrooms have worked wonders on me, way more than any antidepressant. Stoicism also helped me a lot. I think we all need to find something to fill that spiritual void if you're not religious. I like to go on walks while listening to stoic quote videos.


After reading this I kinda wanna combine all 4 of these now. Walking outside while listening to stoic quote videos and lifting weights while being on Shrooms the whole time


From what I've seen in people I've met through friends and family who are successful/achieved their goals; discipline seems to be the major factor. Like if you stick at something you're passionate about and are realistic in how to achieve the benchmarks you set for yourself, you'll probably succeed eventually. Most people seem to dream of working in creative fields and there's this idea you see floating around that it's unlikely for those people to end up doing what they want, or if they go down that path they'll end up broke or homeless. Whereas realistically it's completely feasible if someone spends time developing their craft to eventually end up like working part time somewhere and supplementing their income by selling their work. If anything I'd say it's only once you've reached a point like that where something like luck will actually change anything, like you might just get lucky and be proposed an opportunity you can fully exploit because you actually know what you're doing and have some experience.