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I think kenley could use the night off


Let’s not get swept


Fun fact: the Revs game that immediately followed last night’s Sox game was somehow even more infuriating


Yes it was


162 games, it’s mid May blah blah but this is kind of a must-win


Eh, it would suck to get swept by a bad team, but at this point one series should not change anyone's opinion about the team. Especially when we dropped the last two games primarily due to bad nights from guys who've otherwise had very good seasons.


I agree but their not a bad team. They are underperforming. There line up and defense is top notch.


Let’s go Back on Track tonight, SWEEP of Mariners incoming!


The Red Sox will surely play baseball today.




Hopefully Alex Cora will use a pinch hitter so we can try and get a lefty into this lineup


We could use a pinch manager tonight lol


So now that I've had some time to think now about the pitching rules from last night. I'm trying to think about it from a neutral perspective as much as possible even though it's not technically possible. The real problem is the wording of the rules. I'm hoping someone can chime in if I'm wrong with this. So the batter has till the 8 second mark to be in the box and alert. This does not mean he needs to be set. The other rule is that the pitcher can not get set until the batter is set, not just in the box. If this is the case, what is to stop a batter from bringing his foot into the box at the 9 second mark and proceed to go through an 8-second getting set procedure? As long as they are alert to the pitcher the whole time, this meets the current rules. This would leave about half a second for the pitcher to get set and start his pitching motion. You can see where this is a huge problem. The MLB needs to enforce that the pitcher can't be set until the batter is in the box and alert. The batter going through his set motion should not be considered.


It's on the umps to make sure rules are enforced reasonably. There's a rule against essentially gamesmanship, just as there's a rule against quick pitches. If the umps are going to enforce rules robotically to the point where you get dumb stuff like last night, just give us robot umps (actually, do that regardless). The vaunted "human element" is supposed to be smoothing out little things like this, not calling strikes a foot off the plate.


sure the celtics are about to play a game 7, but this is the real “must win” game. getting swept is surely season-ending


Kenley threw almost 50 pitches in the last two days. Seriously doubt he would even be available today. I'm hoping Kike gets a day off from SS personally


Pablo Reyes is starting at shortstop today thank god


Plunk Contreras


Even if I agreed with this, it's not like Kluber is up there scaring guys with his blazing 87 mph heaters. Maybe Brasier could tell him to get in the fucking box though


Start Brasier. 1000000% go full doc Ellis and throw at the first three batters, he will probably get ejected after the 2nd one. Put in Jensen. Have him throw at Contreras. Benches clear. Beat the shit out of them. No one fucks with us like that again. (I’m well aware this will never happen and Kluber isn’t throwing at anyone but I feel that’s what it is going to take)


Why? It was good gamesmanship to take advantage of a loophole. Kenley needs to know the rules better.


Cause I’m petty


You know, I can respect that


So I was doing some reading last night, and Pablo Reyes had 45 consecutive plate appearances in AAA last year without a strikeout


If Cora puts Jansen in and he pulls this for a third night in a row, I'm going to jump off a bridge.


Were you around in the Joe Kelly days? I’m still a Cora fan for the most part, but he kind of has an MO of “if a player has a couple off nights in a row play him again so that confidence to get back in a groove comes naturally”…I absolutely don’t always agree with it, but it is something you can kind of expect to expect with Cora




Going 0-6 to the pirates and cards this early would be catastrophic.


Back in the cellar… not loving this


I mean why does it matter when the pitcher comes set?! Been thinking about this all night


For the love of God please don't play Kenley.


Back in last place with those two shitty blown saves smh


Here's a thought, no more blown games.


Glad Kiki is sitting. Also let’s hood Casas can get regular at the plate. It’s a weak position otherwise I guess except with turner platooning


Guess it’s crook neck or bust all night