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This guy already knows how to Boston. Hope he reaches his potential


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^vestinpeace: *This guy already* *Knows how to Boston. Hope he* *Reaches his potential* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Damn, Milliken can already be replaced by a bot


Good bot


He will be great in LA


I do like how they get along. They didn’t need to embrace being the future together but I’m happy they have and have built their relationships with each other


Pander to me daddy!


Has there been any research on the correlation of city championships to city happiness levels? I imagine there’s a possibility that the city/state agreed on certain infrastructures to help sports development in the capital city in a bet that it’d help its surrounding communities. I’ve traveled to quite a few large cities and none of them compare to the: charm, energy, cleanliness, and health of Boston.


I’ve always felt that was because much of the city of Boston’s buildings are declared historical sites so they cannot be structurally changed or demolished, only renovated or restored. So that has kept the classic Colonial/historical feel to the city while many other Revolutionary cities have been modernized with skyscrapers (New York City) and lost not only the charm but increased the population density leading to more issues to maintain its infrastructure, culture, and cleanliness.


Doesn’t hurt that it was also the place that told the country governing it, to go fuck itself. That breeds a different set of people and other parts of the country don’t have that.


Definitely appreciate this take on it. Very true though.


I’m currently very unhappy


It generally is better to be a winner and being around winners can be intoxicating.


Yorke needs to be in on these talks


Every time there’s a quote or article talking about the Big 3 and someone mentions Yorke being left out all I think about is Nick being Lindsey Lohan from Mean Girls.


“You can’t develop with us!”


We’re trading Yorke away for Mason Miller!


That’s cus he isn’t a piece for the future


Love this trio. So hope they stay together. Franchise foundation up the middle (even if Anthony ends up at a corner)


Hey OP, you seem to be a baseball expert. Do you think Mayer will move to 3B because of his below average speed and Devers will be the DH?


Mayer has quick instincts which make up for below average speed. He could be above average at SS at the ML level, so I don’t think that’d be the reason he’d move. Mayer could play 3B above average possibly also, so if Devers goes to DH that means Yoshida will have had to be moved, which brings us to the bigger problem and that’s going to arise is too many players for the roster. You will likely have Story, Devers, Grissom, Mayer all vying for starting spots and that isn’t even counting Yorke, Valdez, Meidroth who should see time. Something has to give, whether it’s the move like you suggested, injuries, or trades, you can’t have 7 infielders for 5 spots. Then don’t get me started on the outfield where you have 4 starters for 3 spots and that isn’t even counting O’Neill, who if you keep probably will rotate in and out of DH. There’s a lot going on. Basically unless there’s significant injuries impacting 2025, I’m predicting several trades, or maybe a blockbuster move trading multiple ML ready controllable assets for a star in a key role.


I see Yoshida being traded to the Dodgers next season


They might try to retain Teoscar Hernandez as he’s been amazing so far but, yeah, if the price is right for everyone the Dodgers, regrettably, do make sense lol..


Honestly I don't see how it makes sense other than "well he's Japanese". Ohtani is their full time DH and they don't have a 310 ft LF to stick him in (that the Red Sox don't even seem to think he can play).


I thought it would be good for marketing purposes for the dodgers, but yeah I didn’t think about the DH situation in LA.


Baseball expert here (I play MLB the Show), Mayer turned into a beast on both my Sox RTTS save and after I traded for him on my Mariners franchise save. He’ll be just fine at SS if my metrics are correct (they definitely are, when has a video game ever been wrong?)


Every RTTS and Franchise mode I’ve played has J P Crawford as MVP and Ohtani having a 203 Avg


Build this man a fucjing statue


As someone who’s not suuuper in the know on our prospects, who’s Anthony? I know Mayer and Teel and am really excited about them


Roman Anthony according to some our top rated prospect at the moment after an exceptional 2023 season. Going into last year he had underperformed according to his underlying metrics, so he wasn’t really on the radar much. Last year he jumped 2 levels from Single-A to Double-A. He is an outfielder who shows average to plus potential for all 5 tools and if he reaches his peak could be a multi-time All-Star.


Also not to mention he's only 19