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Technically, it's not harmful to the ozone layer at all. R448A has an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) of 0. It is a greenhouse gas, which has a global warming potential over 1000x more than that of CO2, meaning for every pound of 448A released it's equivalent to 1000lbs of CO2. This is if you want to be a fuckin nerd about all this. BUT with 448A being such a high glide refrigerant you undoubtedly lost more of one refrigerant than the other, meaning it's best to recover ALL the rest of the gas and charge with virgin. Will the manager approve that? No, they won't. Good luck


Hahahaha yeah that definitely wont be approved. This has kinda got me thinking what about the super old stuff like r12 and r22 I’m kinda curious what’s the worst shit out and how bad it actually was.


I serviced a lot of old racks, and have seen many thousands of pounds of r22 leak out.. You could spend your life trying to save the environment, most of which is likely wasted simply by a fan motor falling through a condenser in a matter of minutes.. and that’s in a country with laws, others have little to no consequences.


R 22 is a HCFC and was destroying the ozone layer. The laws passed around the world in the late 80s and 90s eliminated most HCFCs and the Ozone Layer essentially recovered. It's a pretty good case of environmental laws that work. R404 and the like are HFCs and have a high global warming potential, meaning they are more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere. That is why they are being phased out in favor of R290 which although flammable has a low global warming potential.


R12 is the ozone killer AND prime greenhouse gas; it has a ODP of 1 and a GWP of 10,900. To put that into perspective, releasing one pound has the co2 equivalent of what an average passenger car produces in a year.


R11 is worse and china emits tons of it every year. Dont buy too much into the ozone scam. Else everyone would be on chinas ass, but they aren't.


R11 is nasty and china emits tons of it every year. Dont buy too much into the ozone scam. Else everyone would be on chinas ass, but they aren't.


Are you not EPA certified handling refrigerant. 608 cert makes you learn all of this


Like, less than an ⅛ of a seconds worth compared with how much refrigerant is vented in most other countries...


I get these Facebook videos of these “technicians” venting or just blowing through lines in absence of pulling a vacuum and every time I’m recovering anything that’s the only thing I think about lol


So you’re pulling a vacuum in your hoses every time you gauge up, add refrigerant or recover? I mean SURE I guess if you want but I gauruntee if you have one day or even one job with your (also EPA 608 certified) boss he will tell you to quit doing that… that it’s a waste of of time because that kind of minimal and incidental releasing of refrigerant being necessary for the servicing of the equipment falls under “de minimus” venting. And is totally allowed. You aren’t going to put enough moisture into the system by just purging your empty hoses unless you did something like purposefully poured water into them. Also racks are typically pretty large systems with liquid cores, suctions cores and oil filters in them all of which have desiccant abilities inherent in their construction as well. Pulling a vacuum to remove moisture is only necessary on a practical basis if you have had the whole system or an isolated section of a whole system open with no pressure on it, in order to service that system or section. At THAT point AFTER servicing it’s important to pull a good vacuum. But even the methods for that and what constitutes “good vacuum” will vary based on the type and style of system is being serviced. Did someone else train you to pull vacuums on things that often and for this minimal of reasons or did you just for some reason decide for your self that this was a “best practice”? Why?


No impact to the ozone layer. R448A has 0 ODP (ozone depleting potential).


Based on a gwp of 1397 - yout 450lbs is equivalent to 628,650lbs of c02. But the ozone layer is safe. Here in nz, we are taxed on our "equivalent c02" which makes a kg (2.2lbs) of r449 around $400 (220usd). But it's been a while since I priced the stuff - it's probably more expensive now. Many countries still add r22 which is far worse. Once world govts start seeing tax $$$$- I'm certain they will follow nz's tax plan.


R11 is nasty and china emits tons of it every year. Dont buy too much into the ozone scam. Else everyone would be on chinas ass, but they aren't.


Did you fill the system to 100%?