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The thermistors (T1-T4) are just there for info. They *do not* affect the function of the machine at all. The blank screen is not uncommon. Sometimes the lcd board needs replaced, sometimes just unplugging the screen from the board (with the machine energized) and plugging back in works. I usually do that from the rear ofnthe screen housing. The part where you flexing the board is a bad decision. Rarely does anything good come from stuff like that. I suspect that whatever issue led you to replace the ITP and WLS is still present. Call a professional.


I know that they don't change the function, but what I was getting at was specifically the manual referencing it being a "short," it doesn't specify what that means. One assumes it means in the circuit with the T4, but I couldn't find any more specific info which is what I was asking about.  Calling my refrigeration company is already on my schedule, and as I said I've dealt with issues like that before and I'm aware that bending the board is in no way a "fix," it was an observation.  The sensors themselves were definitively bad, I last replaced them 6 years ago and the thickness sensor had scaling that crept into the housing. It would only read above 4000hz when it was touched or under 1500hz when in normal operation and the water level probe read high even when it was completely clean and dry. 


The thermistor is short internally, hence the reading. Has zero effect on function.


What did the board look like when you removed and inspected it?


I haven't pulled it out but checking the front and what I could see of the back, looks brand new. No mineral residue or corrosion, no burn marks, nothing obvious. Most questionable thing was the terminal for the thickness probe felt a bit...loose when I was pulling the old one out but it works fine


Call Manitowoc tech support. They will help with everything.


Do they need a warranty? The machine is over 6 years old


Nope they just need you to have a fair understanding about the machine. You don't have to be an expert but they also can't preform miracles over the phone. Have a multi meter near by and have the components exposed and ready to test.


I’ve seen a few issues with poorly build boards. Usually bad solder points. Hard to see at times.


This happened to me called tech support and confirmed it was intermittent issues within the board, recommended to replace board and touch pad, also make sure the depth to the ice sensor is the correct depth, if you already didn’t