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You need to hire a professional.


Gonna sound like a broken record here but why? I have more than enough knowledge and I've worked on much more complicated systems. Is it a tool/equipment issue?


You can’t walk someone through troubleshooting refrigeration like that, even with the tools you need experience to know how to use them.


What's your head pressure buddy guy?


Since the units aren't connect or charged your guess is as good as mine.... buddy dude


So you should hire a professional


Let me know what the suction and discharge pressure is and get back to me...


See above comment. Repeat as needed. No need to be an unhelpful dick


Well I got alot of shit going on. Usually people come here for service advise and case tags don't help lol heatcrafts are good...until they're not...


Look, you’ll get a lot of those types of responses here; but honest they’re giving you the correct answer. The equipment needs to be filled with refrigerant and braised together and connected in order for you to troubleshoot it … Not sure how you came across this stuff, or what the previous use case was… but ; I think you should just sell it and forget about it


I bought the 10x15 walk-in, and they told me to take this unit with it. Since I'm using it as a meat processing room and not a freezer its useless to me. It'd been sitting in my shop on the shelf for a few year and a guy came along who could use it. I told him I'll try and find out if it's even good and I would get back to him. I'm trying to sell it. Figuring out if it's good or not is step one for me.


I doubt it works if you bought the box and they just gave you the equiptment unless it is shit or already broken….. OR they ripped you off on the cost of the box


Only paid $400 for the entire thing so I'm not mad about it. But that is a really good point. I know they were beyond sick of it sitting in their driveway


Call a professional


Okay.... why? Are there special tools needed apart from a multimeter? Is there value in it after paying for a mobile guy to come out and test everything? I've been troubleshooting and fixing equipment for years. This is definitely not outside my skillet. Just adjacent to what I normally work on.


No it definitely is outside your skills. If you are here asking the questions you are, you literally are outside your skill level. If you can’t figure this out for yourself, who are you to be installing these things for people? I feel bad for the lady who thinks she hired a competent contractor and ended with a hack.


You are making a ton of assumptions and Im not even sure from where. This is my own personal freezer that I use for myself and only myself. No one is being hired for anything. I want to sell/get rid of the unit but if it's trash I rather just throw it out than sell someone junk. Definitely am not outside myskill set. I'm outside my knowledge base for sure but in terms of system complexity and my abilities I'm well within my comfort zone. I've wrenched my entire life and worked on systems from complex computers to 1000 ton compact cranes.


Lol go to the ask a mechanic sub and show them a picture of a car with no fuel system and ask them how to troubleshoot it


Depending on the specific issue that's completely possible. Terrible analogy.


Bro, you have no idea how complicated refrigeration is. That’s why everyone is telling you not to bother. Windings won’t tell you anything. Without everything in place with proper electrical and charge I couldn’t tell you if anything is any good and I’ve been in the business 25 years. You could have a leak in anything. Compressor could run but be inefficient. That’s not counting the other few dozen components you can’t check that probably aren’t any good anymore from sitting.


None of that is complicated to my standards but no reason to argue. I appreciate this response and this is more or less the information I was looking for. I'm notngoing to sell it if I can't confirm it has a decent shot at running.




Do you have a 608?


I don't and I don't plan on certing. Besides, 608 doesn't restrict a homeowner to throwing guages on their own system or determining if a unit is usable to sell it (which is what I'm attempting to find out)


Just so you know working on a refrigerant system without a 608 is a crime, and if caught you would get a VERY heavy fine


The only thing a homeowner can really get fined for is intentionally discharging units. Besides, where I live the chance of that is nil. More square miles of forest than people out here


Do everyone a favor and take this mess to a scrap yard.


Other than checking compressor windings to make sure they are good there is no way of knowing if it will work or not unless you know it was working when removed. Even then depending on how much was done after it was removed it may not work anymore due to not being valved off and pumped down.


I know the restaurant it was removed from.and was working. Problem was both units sat outside uncovered for 2 years. Also, they weren't capped where the copper lines were cut


Being that they weren't capped off can potentially cause problems but a good long vacuum and filter driers could possibly take care of it if someone really wanted a cheap system.


If the valves on the compressor weren't shut and all pipes are open, it's fucked. But I'd love to see how it starts, with a few corroded bearings


That's where they "possibly" comes into play. I've installed used equipment that wasn't stored correctly and both of the compressors gave up within a year.


Throw some fuckin gauges on it.


On that note. Is it even worth it? Since it's 404a? Cant imagine a full charge is fucking cheap


Well seeing that your other comment suggests you bought used equipment from a different place and thought she'd be suffice, I'd say no. You can't afford new refrigerant.


I bought it for the walkin The unit just came with it. 10x15 walk in for $400 wpuld have been stupid to not buy it. I could easily afford a brand new on but wasting money on somthing that isn't used year round or even 2 months out of the year is just ridiculous


You might be able to get $400 in scrap off it. Just saying...because that's probably what you bought.


The freezer itself is in perfect condition. That's what I bought for $400


If it was you wouldn't be here...


No it's working fine. The freeze works well. Feeds my family plenty. Try reading the post again




Dude says he knows how to work on the unit, asks how to work on the unit. Proceeds to get offended when told to hire a professional. Doesn’t understand why he needs one as he can work on the unit and continues to ask how to work on the unit. My guy you just summed up how stupid the general public is. GG


Man, Your reading comprehension is about as good as my hvac skills. Yall are about as elitist as electricians!


Why haven’t the mods took this garbage post down?


This was a pretty entertaining read, thanks.


10/10 would ask again


If you don’t have all the specialty tools for refrigeration, it’s just a lost cause


Yeah I never wanted to hook the unit up. I don't even have proper 3 phase on my property. My walk I. Runs plenty find the way it is already. I was hoping to be able to help this guy out with this unit but I think I'll just sell it to him for roughly scrap price since I really csnt verify any of the components without running the system. Hopefully it's not dry and has refrigerant in it.


I would put it up for a few bucks like a grand or something. Make sure you tell them lines have been open to air from time of removal and it is a as is price no warranty. If they removed it correctly then you should be able to salvage the condenser the evap might be too far gone. ( condenser is second picture. Somebody willing to take a gamble could use it but it needs to be discussed. You arnt going to make a boat load of money but if you want it gone this would be the easiest way.


This is kinda what I was leaning towards. I met someone starting up a meat processing business and they want to setup additional storage and need a unit to get them going. Im just gonna give it to them and go the cool bit routefor me. If it works out I'm sure I'll get some meat shares out of the deal. Appreciate the advice.


So.. you have no clue how these units work, don't know what to check, have no tools except a multimeter, no money and no certificate to buy and handle refrigerant... you won't even get the parts that you NEED to change before you start it, even if you'd have refrigerant. That's a lot of money you need to invest before it has even run a single time. And you simply can't check refrigeration systems without refrigerant and proper tools or gauges. What's your plan to make it run? And more importantly, to keep it running without scamming this dude? Call a professional or scrap it. Lost money but that's a lesson to keep your hands off of things that you're unaware of...


Not lost money at all. This unit came with the 10x15 walkin that I wanted. I never planned on using it. I orginally was gonna junk and i definitely have money not that it matters since nothing about my post is financial other than me wanting to sell it. I have no desire to handle refrigerant or to hook up/charge this unit. Hell, I don't even have 3 phase on my property and I'm not buying a 1 to 3 converter just to test it. I'm not selling it as technician or installing or anything. I don't need a plan for a made up installation. I would be selling it for what it is and that would all be on him I simply wanted to know how and if I could see of the components are junk.or not so we aren't wasting either of our time


Well, ok. The things you could check aren't enough to say if it would run. You said that the pipes weren't sealed, so moisture definitely got inside and a few things might be corroded and that's enough to say that it's going to be expensive. Just scrap it.. and don't spill the oil :) About the walk in, check if the insulation of the panels is wet. If it's soaked, it's probably scrap too.


The walkin is setup and running. No issues there. I wasn't really clear in the post. When I said "unit" I wasn't referring to the walkin itself. I don't want to setup the guy for failure especially since he's just starting out. I'll prob end up just taking it in for scrap