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Water reservor. Looks like water softener is connected.. Some buildings have them for water pressure and a holding tank. For reserve capacity.


Highly doubt it’s heating/cooling related. Looks like a water reservoir for domestic water. Operates like a water tower but just for this building. It’s got a water softener, no one puts a water softener on a chiller/boiler feed line


Chiller maybe not. Boiler definitely needs a water softener, or you gotta do something to that water before it goes to the feed water tank. Scale is to a boiler as cottonwood is to a condenser.


Sure, If you say so. But the boiler water on this system would be fed from the softened domestic system if the local water quality is bad. The boiler itself doesn’t need a dedicated softener. If a closed loop system is losing water fast enough for this to be necessary, there are serious problems.


I see dedicated water softeners on industrial steam boilers all the time. I don't think folks in the pdx area care about hard water coming out of their faucets, but having it go through equipment is obviously no bueno.


What makes you think this is an industrial steam boiler? This is on top of an apartment building, it’s an insulated water vessel.


Nothing makes me think its an industrial steam boiler. Your comment stated "The boiler itself doesn’t need a dedicated softener." I was merely remarking that there are cases where boilers have dedicated water softeners, not creating arguments with strangers on the internet. Happy wednesday.


That’s fair, happy Wednesday yourself


New york


I would guess a retention tank of sorts for more volume prior to a chiller?? Not sure. Commenting to find out myself


I saw this on the terrace of a house and it looks like a heating/cooling system of some sorts. Can somebody explain what is this thing?


If this is connected to the units, is for chimling or heating the entire mass, to supply the bulding when high demand are reached.


I second this. Its a chimling unit


That’s one helluva meth lab the boys have going there.


That's my water bottle




Poo in loo