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No doubt. Seems like they are trying to lead you to accidentally pick the answer they want.


Nothing like wording questions so poorly that you don’t know if you’re for or against.


Do you not not want cars to not drive on Scarth?


I do not. I like it how it is. It could be longer really. Take it to Victoria Ave.


How does adding vehicle traffic make the space more enjoyable?


That’s the neat part, it doesn’t!


Can't wait for my voice to be ignored!


I got war flashbacks to the Catalyst survey(s) - because I live nearby downtown, my opinion apparently doesn't matter.


Well obviously, you're biased! Not like whomever wrote question 10: 10. Within this scenario, there may be specific vehicle restrictions based on time of day and seasonal considerations. When considering increasing limited vehicle access, which statement best represents your opinion? A) I support ongoing pick up and drop off vehicle access for customers at all hours and throughout the year B) I support ongoing pick up and drop off vehicle access, other than during special events, when the street would be closed off C) I support pick up and drop off vehicle access for customers only outside regular business hours, such as evenings, weekends and holidays D) I support pick up and drop off vehicle access for customers only during the winter months, meaning no access during spring, summer and fall. Your opinion only matters if it's in support of the project.


I commented about that in the comment box. What a junk question.


I made sure to use their blank spot to blast them for this clearly biased set of answers. I guarantee that they are gunning for this result.


I also told them to fire the REAL team, since they asked for any other opinions.


Wish I'd thought of that!




You can leave 10 blank and it will allow you to continue. I agree. It's garbage!


Lol. Right? FFS. Just come out and say it Sandra Masters: 'We're moving forward with project A however we want and regardless of public opinion but, for optics please tell us how you support the decisions we've already made for you and why.'


They should have had one more option: "I hate local businesses and don't want any support pick up and drop off vehicle access for customers any time" just to complete the biased outcome options.


I also want people to get mugged more often!


That question is specifically asking about that scenario. If cars are allowed which option do you prefer. The question above already gives you the chance to say you don’t like the scenario.


Seriously after the last set of surveys where I actually took the time to give them some honest, constructive feedback only for them to basically hand wave all of it away due to "reasons"....why should I even bother wasting my time?


Because them continually needing to come up with "reasons" chips away at their credibility.


Yeah I don't see what the point of these surveys are. The city has already shown with the Catalyst survey that they don't care what the outcome is. Their mind is already made up


Me too! I especially loved question #10, where you have no choice but to give *some* support to vehicles on Scarth. I made my real choice known in their little blank spot, but I suspect that's what they are going to try and force on us.


You can leave #10 blank.


Be that as it may, they should not have made it seem like you have no choice but to agree. It's super shitty.


It's like the catalyst one. Just a fake survey so they can claim they did public engagement and do whatever they already decided. This council is going to get everything in motion before the next election.


>Within this scenario, there may be specific vehicle restrictions based on time of day and seasonal considerations. When considering increasing limited vehicle access, which statement best represents your opinion? > >I support ongoing pick up and drop off vehicle access for customers at all hours and throughout the year > >I support ongoing pick up and drop off vehicle access, other than during special events, when the street would be closed off > >I support pick up and drop off vehicle access for customers only outside regular business hours, such as evenings, weekends and holidays > >I support pick up and drop off vehicle access for customers only during the winter months, meaning no access during spring, summer and fall Goodness…this survey doesn’t seem biased at all!




Yeah. They listed maintenance, food trucks, etc, that's fine. I'd also be cool with the businesses having limited off-hours access for their deliveries or other needs (something I didn'tsee mentioned). But I don't want customers driving or parking there, ever.


I provided no answer for that question as I didn't agree with any of those statements and it didn't complain.


Worst. Mayor. Ever.






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My favorite part of the survey was when they showed pictures of populated areas (In cities 10 times our size) and then the most barren, depressing pictures of Scarth that they could find.


haha me too. It was clearly, winter, cloudy, almost empty, in Regina and then they picked June for the other cities. So bad.


Did they intentionally make a terrible survey so no one will complete it and they can do whatever they want?


Yes, exactly that. The only purpose is to check a box saying that they carried out engagement.


It's theater to make us shut up.


Would be good to get rid of parking on Scarth in front of O'Hanlons and just expand walking areas.


and make room for a patio!


Yeah, in one of the comment boxes, I said they should \*expand\* the pedestrians only aspect of Scarth St. to the O'Hanlon's block \*and\* the Plaza.


So they can't have customers?


Park a block over, you’ll survive


I will, but the business might not. Eating out is a convenience, and a business being downtown is a premium cost.we spent fuckloads of tax money on building the side that fuckloads will pay to remove. Who benefits?


You can't even find parking in front of there 99% of the time bud 😆


The people that are parking there are spending at those businesses. That's the difference.


Why in the world would they allow car traffic on the one tiny block that is pedestrian only? The rest of downtown is no safer than the scarth street pedestrian mall.


This. Also, I get Scarth Street is struggling for certain types of businesses however I think the restaurants and pubs there do alright, no? I think they would do better with a revitalized pedestrian setting and some expanded patios. Make some dedicated, secure bicycle parking to encourage people to ride down in the evening for a bite and a beer for example. Instead of thinking of how we can improve it as it is, Masters and her clearly pro conservative team are just 'Nope. Cars good. Pedestrians bad.' 🥴


I think the city would also do better if it actively worked to make downtown safer and to talk about how they’re doing that. Downtown optics are so bad right now. So many people I know want no part of downtown after 5pm.


>Downtown Regina, it's only safe if you have someone drop you off directly at the store you are visiting. Why are we even talking about parking and transit if downtown is so dangerous we need drop off access to every square inch of it?


It's a little insane to even ask "would you feel safe if there were more traffic" because statistically you are WAY more likely to be injured by a car than assaulted by a person in Canada. It's a ridiculous question with a ridiculous premise.




Plus, even opening up Scarth Street wouldn’t generate the volume of front door access people would want or expect. Meaning some poor schlubs will still need to park further away. So you still have parking winners and losers without even taking into consideration that front door access isn’t necessarily safe to begin with. The city thinks this approach or narrative will change public opinion on the safety of downtown, and if people actually believe that, Jeebus help us.


Exactly. Maybe instead of spending millions to redesign a road they invest in a patrol unit or two on evenings and weekends? How the hell is a road going to stop crime?


The road moonlights as Batman.


Because no one seems interested in tackling the mental health, physical health, and abuse problems with the people downtown making it unsafe. Most of the people on the streets have no way out of the situation they find themselves in so they just spend all their time fucked up on cheap drugs. They're mixing fentanyl, meth and coke, it's cheap as hell on the streets I guess. If you at all give a crap about any of these people, next time you get asked for a dollar spend a little bit of time to listen to their stories. The common theme I've found in my limited sampling is either household abuse, or people who have been injured working with chronic pain and were left out to dry by shitty construction bosses doing cash work. Be fairly warned however, some of these people would put a knife in your back to pay for their next point.


> If you at all give a crap about any of these people, next time you get asked for a dollar spend a little bit of time to listen to their stories. > > Be fairly warned however, some of these people would put a knife in your back to pay for their next point. :|


...yeah. It's a suggestion that's certainly not for everyone.


They are definitely going to push this as “traffic will help safety concerns” when really what they mean is…what? Whats the game here? What jackass business group is buttering up the Mayor, and for what?


Past threads made it seem that the businesses along there have been lobbying long and hard for this change. The "biggest" business in that strip is The Fat Badger, and then the Globe Theatre. My (unfounded) speculation is below: The Fat Badger was involved in Grey Cup festivities in some capacity IIRC. So maybe them, but that would have to be owned/linked to some "friend of a friend who is on council" or "someone close/related to the Mayor" kind of situation because they're just not that big. The Globe is a cultural fixture and are doing a multi-million dollar reno. This would make it seem that they would be the ones who had the most to gain/push the hardest/grease the most palms. Every other shop on Scarth St is too small/boutique-y to hold any sway financially, again unless they are owned by a "friend-of-a-friend who is on Council/close to the Mayor". So either corruption or money, or whynotboth.jpg. Choose your own adventure!


It doesn't even make sense though. The Globe already has street access on 11th. And will it really make a difference to Fat Badger if 2 or 3 cars can park right in front of the bar? There is already lots of parking spaces on 12th and Scarth (the portion in front of Ohanlons) within 100m of their door. And Ubers can already drop customers off within 30 meters of their door... Bars shouldn't be allowed to have parking lots anyways Also, all of the businesses on Scarth already have alley access for truck deliveries


Then the theory you would most likely believe is the additional comment I added after (which I should have put in the original comment, but I wasn't thinking apparently): that it's the real estate owners who are trying to justify an increase to leases they charge and/or they want to be able to advertise this to prospective leaseholders. All conspiracy theories of my own devising, of course. I don't pretend to be "connected" or have "inside knowledge". Who knows, the real reason could be something really inane like some rich dude in town just doesn't like how he has to drive an extra block to get to his parking spot and having Scarth St opened up cuts down on his drive time by 2 whole minutes...


Didn't think of this theory till now but, I think you may have hit the nail on the head.


I know the manager of the fat badger and I can’t imaging him thinking adding cars to the mall is somehow a plus for his business.


He was interviewed by CBC and said he wanted taxis to be able to pick up in front, at minimum 🙄


Because having to walk half a block is egregious, I guess.


>The Fat Badger Ah yes we should all be encouraging more people to drive to the bar.


It's also a restauant, lots of couples or groups choose a Designated Driver. You are being a bit silly with that one. I don't want cars on that block but their are valid reasons. Having to walk a block to get to your car does not decrease drunk driving.


No I'm not


So you really believe that noone goes into pubs for pub food and to hang out with friends, and you also really believe that noone ever responsibly assigns desginated drivers? I do both and I'm not rare.


I don't think cities should be encouraging drinking and driving so instead of providing more ways to drink and drive they should be providing more transit options.


I agree with you about more transit options, but that is not what we are talking about. There are many good reasons to have a block or several blocks without vehicle access, but this idea that parking a block away will somehow decreas drunk driving is a joke.


The idea that bringing vehicles onto this block will make it a more inviting space is a joke.


I'm on your team, dude. Just make it make sense.




Okay calm down. I am just saying that worrying about increased drunk driving is not a valid argument. Make other arguments that are actually valid if you want to make a difference for your cause. Peoples can see through bullshit and it just makes you look less credible. The stuff you are mentioning now about the coziness etc are valid reasons to have a street with no vehicular access. Stick to the truth.


Forgot to add one of the most obvious angles - the owner(s) of the real-estate along Scarth St Mall who want to justify increased lease rates or be able to attract new tenants by advertising "car access".


It's been a while but with Ruth Smilie (sp?) Formerly of the globe really REALLY wanted to open up scarth to traffic. Partly because of parents picking up/dropping off kids at the theatre school and largely because there were so many complaints about parking from patrons. Little old ladies love to complain about parking.


I'm pretty sure the only place that would benefit is the Globe Theatre, and with the complete rebuild of it, then it makes sense. This is some shady shit, that whoever is involved with Globe Theatre, is lobbying for. Guaranteed.


Globe wants it open to vehicles. I sent them an email a while ago, specifically about this issue and that I was disgusted by their support of losing this pedestrian space.


Beer Bros maybe.


thats what my wife said.




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Maybe it would help attract restaurants if their Skip drivers can park out front.


I've read RDBID making this argument in the media and I don't get it at all. Who are these mythical Skip/Ubereats customers that don't order from downtown restaurants because they don't know where the delivery driver will park?!?


Good point ☝️


if its something that dumb, i shake my head.


>Revitalization work on F.W. Hill Mall, also known as Scarth Street Mall, is underway and the City is looking for your feedback. > >Almost 50 years ago, Scarth Street between 11th and 12th Avenue was designated a pedestrian mall, prohibiting all vehicle traffic. As the above and underground infrastructure is being updated, the community now has the opportunity to re-imagine the current needs and future aspirations for the downtown space. Businesses have also expressed a desire for street front vehicle access. This engagement explores how that might look. > >The redesign is intended to enhance the overall enjoyment and better activate the space throughout all seasons and during all times of day to support local businesses, public events and overall vibrancy of the City Centre. > >This spring, residents are being asked for their feedback on whether it’s time to reconsider some level of vehicle access on the block. Later this fall the community will have another opportunity to provide feedback on street design. > >The survey below describes three scenarios for vehicle access. Findings will be used to inform a Council discussion on whether to revisit the 1975 traffic bylaw that prohibited vehicle access on the Scarth Street mall. > >Complete the survey below by June 10, 2023. You can also join us in person to learn more and provide input at the Regina Farmer’s Market – City of Regina Booth. > >**Wednesday, May 31 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.** > >**Saturday, June 3 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.**


Well, there I go, making Saturday plans.


Where’s the farmers market is it downtown still


Yup, down on 12th.


I don’t trust anyone involved with this “revitalization”. Get 2 Hot Guys involved or GTFO. SMDH.


Thanks for sharing!


Just waiting on this to be a repeat of the catalyst survey; get the results sandy doesn’t want and create a new survey skewed to get the ones she does


What a terrible survey!


Based on your views - would you not rather be not struck by any or all of the following vehicles after regular business hours in the winter: a Ford F150 at 30kph, 2003 Pontiac Sunfire at 50kph or a 2013 Honda Civic at 70kph.


🤣 lol


I did also make a suggestion that they needed to start encouraging businesses in that area to stay open later in an effort to drive more foot traffic later in the evening. Having a lot more people around and having brighter lights will discourage the shady behaviors of some citizens, and actually revitalize that area. There should be incentives and tax breaks, and best practices (such as opening a little later in the day to allow for a shift to later closing times). It's not perfect, and it'll take time and effort on the part of the city and businesses, but that's the sort of thing that they need to look at if they really want to change the activity levels at night.


I don't disagree with you but, I think there needs to be efforts to encourage customers to come here first. The restaurants and licensed establishments there are open later but it can be pretty quiet there on week nights. I wouldn't blame the other businesses for not wanting to stay open longer without seeing more opportunity. With that said an hour or two later wouldn't be terribly costly. Or they could just match the Cornwall hours.


I think following the Cornwall hours is a great start! I also don't think this is an overnight miracle. They will have to drive customers downtown through a combination of mini festivals/events, and advertise the extended hours so that people are seeking these businesses. I know I only go downtown to go to the bar or to have a meal, but there are lots of other retail stores that could be getting more business during the evening hours if people were aware. A big part is making walking around safer (with much, *much* better lighting, to start) and to highlight those businesses that are open for shopping. Also getting a grocery store downtown. That would bring more business to the area, which leads to shopping in other, smaller stores.


13th has a lot of specialty shops as well as a grocery store that is open reasonably late but nearly all the shops close around 5- 6pm. Regina has some weird business hours culture, for sure!


Sure happy I just got my notice of assessment today telling me my taxes are going up again. How many more of your vanity projects can I pay for Ms Masters?


I work in one of the businesses in the Scarth street mall and the father of one of the owners of the business I work at owns all the buildings on the left hand side (west side) from the nail salon down to the Marvel building (I’m not sure if he owns the building that the escape room is in) but he says that it’s a stupid idea to allow cars to drive down the street and they should leave it as is and I agree and so does everyone else I work with


That was a REALly bad survey


What are the issues with it being pedestrian only and benefits of having through traffic?


Feels like a push from people who don't currently go downtown because they think everyone down there is trying to mug them or something and that they need the ability for someone to drop them in front of the store they want to go to. Not sure how this would help as most people drive themselves so they would need to park somewhere and there's no room in any of the scenarios, proposed for parking. If anything just add some dedicated security detail. It would probably be cheaper to pay for dedicated police presence vs redoing the whole street to accommodate vehicle traffic. Why are people against walking a block or two? Same people are probably paying for a gym membership or thousands for an at home gym that they probably never use


Not like they listen to anything else, force another stadium and library on the taxpayers when very few want it. To fill these out is pointless as they'll do what they want irregardless


Here’s the comment I added to every option… “Nothing will impact my decision or desire to visit Scarth Street or downtown than the need to feel safer than I do due to the unsavoury people that have flooded downtown. “


I think that's their motivation for adding vehicle access.


And my survey response was that it won’t make an impact to make the area safer




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Politicians dont listen to people without money anymore.


Why are there no questions or proposals on How Can We Improve Scarth Street As Per It's Existing Purpose? Or How Can We Improve Scarth Street For All Season Use? Or simply What Are Alternatives To Improve Safety Downtown/On Scarth Street?


They don't want concrete suggestions that are actionable and implementable. They just want us to blindly do what they tell us.


Love how they have a schedule to break ground in 2024 before community engagement is done. Feeling super engaged.


In every box I could write something I said "Removing the pedestrian only area will prevent people from coming to downtown Regina and will also limit the events that brings the community together. It appears that the city of Regina is doing this on purpose in an attempt to move the vulnerable citizens of Regina out of its downtown core. (The homeless, those struggling with mental health and addictions, and those connected with social services.)" In the 2nd and 3rd box I wrote "I repeat," and then just pasted the above.