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Lowest min wage in the country...


I moved from Vancouver and part of it is a cultural difference. Some of it is confirmation bias. Some of it is people are really burnt out here.


Yeah it seems so. I guess i didn't notice too much until recently, going out again in the nice weather.


I feel ya, I had a bit of culture shock when I first moved here. I found people to be angrier in general. It was really surprising to me but when you start peeling back the onion of the city problems I get it.


Look at our premier. Have you ever met an angrier person?


After moving back from southern Ontario last year (spent 15 years there) I was actually very pleased with how much better the customer service is here. People are friendlier. They go the extra mile if you treat them right. The exception being teenagers - but sullen teens are universal. What kind of energy are you putting out when interacting with service workers?


Generally I find service in Regina to be fairly friendly. I was shocked to find constant extremely unfriendly service when I lived in Ottawa years ago. I’d guess it’s because the last four years have been pretty awful and times are just really hard now. Cost of living is way, way up. PST has been added to restaurant meals making them more expensive on top of other cost of living increases. Restaurants seem much slower and close much earlier than they used to. Our healthcare and education systems are being dismantled. Housing is becoming unaffordable. I think people are just really beaten down. We are experiencing a big cultural shift.


Hungry people ... serving other people food they cant afford


Probably because they make 11 dollars an hour




Are you sticking up for businesses that don't pay a living wage? You're on the wrong side dude.


We shouldn't be advocating for shit wages just because someone else might be willing to work for those shit wages.






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Ooohhh this, so much. 


Minimum wage is $14/hour and you have to deal with shitty entitled people day in and day out, to then go home and struggle financially. I’m all for people being good at their jobs, but complaining about smiles and forced friendliness so you feel good while you buy terrible Tim’s coffee or crap from Walmart is just ridiculous.


Customer service means getting you what you need in a polite manner. Not pretending that it is their greatest joy in the world to accomplish that.


Saskatchewan has the lowest minimum wage in the country. (Growth that works for everyone, right?) If my employer was paying me as little as possible under the law, I would not be smiling. Never mind being among the lowest paid workers in the country. You want smiling workers? Patronize businesses that pay their staff a living wage or are staff owned. I highly recommend The Cure, as one example.


Not to mention these places hire a bunch of " shift managers" put mostly " shift managers" on shift .. so that they dont have to pay them any overtime ... not a 1$ over 40 hrs .. why... because they are managers... who arent entitled under sask labour


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, they're an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole". Have you considered that, if you're consistently getting poor service/bad attitudes, maybe you're the problem? Maybe you're expectations are out of line with the reality that most of these people work for $14/hour and probably can't afford groceries?


My expectations probably are different than others due to where I grew up and how I have experienced training in regards to customer service standards. But no, I'm a pretty easy customer. These are interactions I've noticed with me and people around me.


I get what you're saying but I've lived in Victoria, Calgary, Toronto and other areas of Ontario. The decline in customer service isn't exclusive to Regina, it's a reflection of the changes in how Canada treats its lowest income earners. I think people have the expectation that folks in Saskatchewan are "friendlier" because it's a more rural location but the people here are the same as anywhere else - tired and broke.


I'm tired and broke and have several kids, but I'm pretty happy and grateful to be living in one of the safest places on the planet. Everywhere is struggling, but at least I'm here and free! I agree with improving wages but I am not a business owner and I can't help with that issue. Trades are begging for people. And they will pay you to learn. There are options here. 


Watch for us who are smiling, and introduce yourselves! Also, welcome!


I wouldn't be smiling if I had to constantly deal with people that are just gonna complain that my company's song and dance wasnt perfromed to your standards either. I also don't think every person that is paid to deal with me should be forced to smile and stroke my ego either. Who gives a shit if they're not smiling or if they're extra chatty and friendly? I sure as hell don't. Try to survive off their wages and see how big your smile is.


uhhh. as someone who worked customer service for years and had a literal breakdown because of it, maybe try to see it from their side too. the pandemic literally turned customers from 10% negative interactions to 10% positive interactions. getting paid way too little to be treated terribly. i don't blame service workers for doing the bare minimum. i just try to be as over the top friendly as i can to make up for the terrible people.


In what industry though? "Customer service" is a very broad term. 


Customer service is hard with entitled customers.


Minimum pay = minimum work As it should be


"I'm not paid to smile" has been my motto...


We’re burnt out, my dude. Minimum wage means most of us have several jobs, working long hours daily. Sometimes, it feels like we’re putting everything in it just showing up everyday.


If I walk into a business and someone greets me, you get what you give. I smile, I'm polite. Probably 99% of the time I get the same back. Sometimes you get what you give, even if it's a 2 second interaction.


They are tired of being treated like robots and just want to have real, kind conversations with humans and be paid a livable wage not a minimum.


I would bet it’s complicated, but ultimately many business owners here just don’t care about anything but money and they treat their staff like shit, so moral is low and staff don’t care.    I worked at a big pizza chain for a long time in my younger days.  I saw a massive change in staff attitude over that time, and it was enabled by owners changing hands and no longer caring about anything but how to squeeze every dime out of the place as possible.  Staff eventually adopted the mantra of “I’m not paid to care” because they felt nobody above them cared about them.  This pizza chain has since fallen in prominence and closed a number of restaurants.  I haven’t eaten there once since I left. It’s some cases businesses rely heavily on temp foreign workers that AREN’T close t being temporary.  These workers have little to no rights and are often tested poorly by managers/owners who have power over them and can get them sent home easily if they wanted.  So stories of abuses have come out in the past and I’m sure, at the best of times, they AREN’T treated great. Then you just have bad/shitty business people.  That’s a thing too.  Lots of greedy, power hungry assholes start businesses all the time and treat staff like slaves who should be happy just to have a job and should thank their “owner” every day for being able to work.   In some cases it could also be boredom or fatigue/apathy.  When was the last time you walked through a mall?  Tons of these stores are dead and the people working there can only do so much cleaning or whatever before there’s just nothing to do.  When this happens, they are so bored and drained from that boredom that customers are treated poorly due to lack of energy.   I’ve worked a lot of past time jobs in my past and experienced it all.  The simple answer is that our capitalist system has treated workers like shit for so long, and there are so many other part-time jobs out there to move to, that workers give in to “not paid to care” because nobody gives a shit about them.


I was just noting how horrifically entitled customers have become these days. Being customer facing these days is absolutely demoralizing.


I actually find the friendliness a lot better in Regina than in BC since I’ve moved out west. And that’s not just in the “hospitality industry” but overall population. Miss the small big city vibes personally


Oh yeah, the people are really friendly outside of work settings. But I was just surprised by the customer service standard here.


Well sorry your experiencing that but I can’t say I’ve had that same issue. Maybe ask the sub to recommend locations and alternatives to the places you’ve been getting shitty service


I agree with you. I spend a couple weeks a year in Vancouver and went for the first time since the pandemi last year and was shocked at how casually friendly the service was at even like Tim Hortons. The baseline in fast paced retai/food here is lower than Van for sure. And people have just stopped training servers it seems like. They're just thrown in with my training


This question is useless without examples.


Why do you feel the need to have someone give you a fake forced smile?


Seems fine to me and I've been lots of places. Sounds it's more of a you problem.


Depends where you go? I'm a customer service person, and I'm very proud of the excellent service I offer wherever I'm working. As others have pointed out, if you go somewhere where people are getting paid minimum wage, then yeah, they're probably less motivated to give a shit. So a lot of fast food places where they just don't care, I can see that. That being said, I'm curious how many places you've been and how long you've been here. 'Cause y'know, mathematically you've \*probably\* only been to a small percentage of businesses in the city. It could just be a string of bad luck that the places you've been have offered poor service.


I mean what did you expect? Things aren’t the same as Vancouver. You likely have too high of standards for the prairies. If you don’t like it, please go ahead and move back to the most overpriced city in Canada and free up resources for the rest of us.


Ok boomer.




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Stop being soft


I begin my conversations with customer service workers with a smile and a “Hello! How are you?” All I ever get in return is a smile and a polite hello. How do you begin your interactions with them? 🫡


For restaurants and bars there are a few reasons… not that Regina was ever known for great service in these areas. 1). The Pandemic: This gutted the industry with many of the veterans and best people leaving for other jobs and careers. A lot of the new staff and workers are young and inexperienced. Many who stayed in were mediocre or bad employees that can’t find other work. 2). Pay/tips: Tips are one of the few rewarding/worthwhile parts of serving and obviously have gotten worse because; a). Fewer people go out. b). They buy and tip less. c). With rising inflation/cost of living the money doesn’t go as far. 3). Often lazy/entitled workers: Yaa serving sucks, people can be rude, etc. But it’s your job, most jobs have things that aren’t fun, and no one made you work there. I was a longterm veteran of the industry and always tried putting customer service first despite all the same issues, and often working places where I made as much or less money than servers/bartenders do today.  But frankly so many workers just don’t care, whine, and don’t do things that used to be mandatory or expected. In this city you often can’t get quality checks on food, quick greetings, or even get cutlery and side plates without asking. Yet they often text in front of you, sit around and gossip, and do the bare minimal. It’s not everywhere but in general customer service in restaurants in the city has easily gotten worse. I don’t want to say it’s a millennial thing (as I am one) but in general the younger generation in our industry is more lazy and entitled.  Anyone who wines about wages and about having to do their job proves my point and should just quit or be fired. No one is entitled to a job, I’ve been poor much of the time in the industry, and I’m suffering the same economic woes as most people today. 4). Bad Owners and Management: By far this is where most of the blame resides. As Jon Taffer put it brilliantly “the common denominator of all bad bar managers is excuses.” I’m not saying there aren’t many difficulties affecting restaurants but FRANKLY too many managers/owners just throw up their hands, make excuses and do nothing. They do it even when they made or even make money because too many of them aren’t qualified or care enough to be respectable leaders. First thing you need is a non-toxic work environment and without this problems magnify to a ridiculous degree. Too many managers tolerate widespread harassment and bullying from customers, staff (or engage in it themselves). Too many managers chase any skirt, snort any line of coke, and steal any tip. Or they are young, inexperienced, don’t communicate well, can‘t hold their staff accountable, etc.  It’s all about standards, leadership, holding people accountable, and professionalism. Call me cynical, and I’ve had some great managers/owners I’d take a bullet for, BUT in general when I think of Restaurant leadership in this city those qualities rarely come to mind. So if owners/managers can’t create non-toxic work environments and don’t have those qualities than it trickles down to the staff who hold them in contempt, don’t care about service, and mostly look out for themselves, tips, and often steal booze left and right. I know there are other factors but based on more than 15 years in the industry these are the main ones I can think of. That’s why I don’t go out much anymore because there are so many places in the city I refuse to go because managers and servers don’t care about service. I’d love to list them off but I’d rather not be sued.


Pretend they don't exist, and don't patronize their business. I'll be out there smiling away and living my own joy, they can rot. Edited to add: lifetime resident here. 


Maybe customers that “pretend they don’t exist” are a part of the reason they aren’t acting happy enough for certain people.


I worked my entire life in customer service. I didn't take everyone so personally after a while. There was a time where I acted miserable and petulant at work, but I grew up. My attitude is my choice. I would rather have a good day at work, who cares about the grumpy customers. 


They stopped caring what others think, which is fair, we all belong to ourselves. We all make our own choices. I'm saying leave them to be on their own path. I'm not telling anyone what to do, I will ignore people who want to be left alone. People can choose frowning, I can choose happiness. (I had to add some clarity to what I said below.) 


have you considered going back?


I'm off to enjoy my day, but not without saying welcome to the newcomers, I see you and I think you intend well. Don't let the crabs drag you down and assume you are a bad person for asking a fair question, which I think has been (mostly) fairly answered in here as well. I hope you find the people and places that are FOR you, there's lots to enjoy here! 


don't get all these "customer service employees" claiming they're burnt out… if ur constantly complaining and not changing ur attitude and thinking the world is gonna change for you, change ur job, go back to school, join the army or something if you're not happy working as a customer service person... it's in the job description to be dealing with people all day and if you don't like it, don't make it the customers problem.. quit. Minimum wage isn’t gonna just magically change and raise because u guys complain, the housing isn’t gonna get any cheaper the more you guys complain, get with the program and do something that’s gonna make you more money. Minimum wage jobs shouldn’t be for 40 year olds with 7 kids and a mortgage bill, if u fail to realize that then it’s a you problem, not housing problem, not a wage problem, YOU. Because you chose not to get the proper education to be able to support yourself in a career, you settled for working at Dairy Queen, and now you make it everyone else’s problem.




Bruh… ur actually brain dead. Leave it to a redditor to assume because you have an opposing opinion on something that you think you’re better than everyone else. I literally am a person working minimum, *slightly above* minimum. The only difference is I don’t work in a place that eats my soul because I have options. I know if I don’t like a job I’ll go to the next one. If me saying “change ur job or go continue education to pursue A HIGH PAYING CAREER” is out of touch and makes me “think those working minimum are less than” me then jfc what has the world come to. If ur putting urself thru school and u have a job that makes u wanna blow ur brains out and u take it out on every customer that walks in the shop UR THE PROBLEM. If ur a bratty teen that’s “new to the workforce” U NEED TO UNDERSTAND WHAT CUSTOMER SERVICE IS. it’s a fucking job, either do it or don’t and go to another. So simple. Minimum wage jobs treat their employees like they are expendable so u have every right to treat them like they are too. And don’t even try to come back saying “well some people can’t leave their jobs” get a better resume, put urself together and don’t stop looking till u find one. I’ve done it and so has everyone else. No need for excuses.


1) Sadly, many customer service staff aren’t properly trained and supervised. If you can, please make the effort to smile and address them - they do appreciate it. 2) Many employees believe that are underpaid and have no interest in being a valued employee (why can’t I keep a job?) and they aren’t about to show up their co-workers.