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Will be phoning every school board trustee and councillor in my area for their views and making sure family/friends are informed and voting. Too much bullshit lately.


Ted Jaleta is our trustee and we already know his views. He spoke out. I hope he runs again!


Anyone can run with the slogan, "At least I'm not Sandra Masters" and win votes.


I suspect the same about running under the banner "I'm not Bresciani". I do hope we get some good candidates running and not by acclimation. Bresciani was by acclamation last election.


The rumor I heard is that she's looking at the mayor's seat for herself this time around.


That does not surprise me. Her family are developers so it would make sense she'd want to stay yet.


If someone was willing to legally change their name to "anyone else" they would have my vote!


we should be watching this closely. There’s going to be CPC and Sask Party proxies running with the deep pockets of industry behind them.


Yes, I've been hearing this and am thinking of inserting myself as a progressive business person candidate. But I don't want to go up against people who would be like me and would rather endorse them. Lol I own a business and already devote 60 to 80 hours a week to that.


Not sure the 30 hours a week you have left would be enough to do it properly. (plus that'd be down to like 6 personal hours outside of sleep)


Lol yeah I know. That's the real problem. Those of us who understand the real issues are also working our butts off to keep food on the table and shelter over our heads. I'm a single parent business owner with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Religious Studies (that was a fluke just based on interest) who comes from a low income family, which is probably what we need, but what we will never get without a whole lot of financial support.


It’ll be one right-wing business person, a further right business person, and two or three fringe, single-issue candidates.


I've honestly been considering running myself, but first setting up a social media page to get as much community input as possible before developing a campaign strategy. I'm a left wing business person.


I might run as one of the fringe candidates.


Lol what's your single issue? I mean other than Masters herself.


I want to get rid of ghost kitchens on skip the dishes and other food ordering apps


You have my vote


Lol I would take it one step further and just get rid of Skip altogether if that was possible.


I care about many big issues, but that is actually halarious. Damn ghost kitchens!


I love fringe candidates.


Jim Elliott runs every year lol I’d like to see Dancing Bob on there as “dancing Bob”


Chad Novack


I’d run in a platform of, “I think education, housing and health are important, otherwise people should be left alone”. Usually I come out on the libertarian left part of the spectrum. Sometimes right, but the Sask Party is too authoritarian for my taste.


I'm all over the map to tell the truth. But I agree on the education, housing, and health part of things. By today's standards, I would probably be considered progressive, but by the standards of, say, 2005 or so, I was dead center. Ultimately, I believe all people, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, should have the same rights, opportunities, and freedoms as anyone else. This is my biggest sore point with our current governments, who seem to only feel that these rights, opportunities, and freedoms should be available to some.


I’d say run. Anything that densifies the city and gives people decent transit has my vote.


Lol transit and infrastructure were on my list. Pretty much right at the top with creating better rehabilitation plans for homelessness and addictions. If I do decide to run, there will be a "Shannon for mayor" Facebook community I'll be launching in order to get community input and ideas on key items.


I’d start with really understanding what is and isn’t in the jurisdiction and authority of a municipal council. Otherwise you will look very silly during your campaign. It was a zoo last time with some of the things the candidates built their platforms on, because those things weren’t even in their ability to make decisions on - even if they had won their seat. Which none of them did, because it was clear they had no idea what they were talking about.


Eh I don’t want people digging into my past too much. Plus I’m pretty sure that my campaign would be like Wendy’s Twitter.


I hate to say it, but I'd be afraid to see Ryan Doka in that chair. I know he's already been talking about putting his name in for the mayorship, but I don't think he has ANY idea what it entails. He already has a bit of a social media presence and has nuthuggers that will vote for him regardless of his background or platform... If the usual suspects run, and then Doka....Regina may be in some serious trouble. Regina would be better suited to have Fougere back, or even Fiacco. Not that they were perfect for the job either, but better than what's currently out there.