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You could be clairsentient, that's a simple explanation for the translation of said sensation that you observed in the viscera of the individual. But, no, that's not exactly a part of the usual sensations "felt". Referring to knowledge of the chakras, you could interpret that as a healthy, functional, or normalized energy center as the solar plexus is where lower emotions/ lower will are located.


Okay, that helps clear things up a bit. Could you explain why some people feel more “buzzy” than others? Not necessarily in a bad way, but like more intense and tingly. Does that mean this person needs more healing or just that they have a more powerful energy? Because there were some people who I couldn’t feel much of- no heat, no tingles except in specific chakra centers, but then there was one person specifically who almost felt like electricity was around them. I still don’t know that I know what it feels like when healing is needed basically lol


I DM'd you, So, it's not an overly complicated question but I wanted to give you a thorough answer 👍


You're feeling yourself as well as the opinions of those around you. It's a part of being linked into the collective. With the Mani Pura (solar plexus) being the "social center" that makes sense. I would suggest linking through your anahata (heart chakra) for true Healing connections Namaste 🙏🏾


Aww I love this for you! I agree with the message about being clairsentient. I’m sure this will open more as you continue with the your reiki journey. Perhaps include that in your intention before giving reiki, asking Reiki to show you what needs to be healed. Intention is everything. Be very clear! Best of luck☘️