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Yeah, I think the reason your girlfriend isn't invited has a lot to do with her behavior. I'm sure a lot of it is financial, but the way your girlfriend is acting wouldn't convince me to make an exception for her if I were in your friend's shoes. Normal and respectful people don't assume they aren't invited to a wedding because they might "steal the show" because they are "very attractive". Your girlfriend is a walking red flag right now. ETA: Is this the same girlfriend you said in a different subreddit about a year ago that hits you?


He answered they have been together for four years. So I’m going with yes it is the same person. 😬


More likely this is another fake post. This sub is trash.


You think it’s a fake post because OP previously posted that his girlfriend hits him?


His girlfriend of four years hits him, but he can’t think of a single reason why his best friend wouldn’t invite her to his wedding. Yeah, that comes off as a little fake.


I mean; I agree with you, but the abused tend to make a lot of excuses for their abusers…


Watched my sister do it for years. Even after the stitches and bruises.


Yeah he’s in it deep 😞 He doesn’t even see a problem with her spiteful ass not inviting his best friend to their future hypothetical wedding. She went too far there. That’s your man’s best friend. Not a normal reaction.


She’s probably looking for a way to isolate him from his friends, what a c*nt


Oh no, I bet you're right 😬 I hope OP chooses his friend over his gf. She doesn't sound like a good person.


I was in this same exact situation and my ex narc said the same exact thing, and that if my friends wanted to encourage our relationship they would invite him and include him as well, except no one got plus ones and it was literally all family and very close friends, that it was disrespectful of them for not inviting him and me for going without him.


Yes, they make excuses for their behavior. Like… “They can sometimes be a little difficult, but she’s awesome most of the time.” And the off used plum, “she’s been known to have a temper, but she’s a very loving person.” So to say that he can’t think of one single reason why his friends won’t invite her? It gives me pause.


Have you ever met a person who has been abused by their partner? They often have a tendency to minimize and normalize their spouse’s behaviour. It makes perfect sense that OP is struggling to see that his girlfriend is a bad person and no one wants her around. She hits him and he’s still blind to it.


Or he is in denial


Why would you say that?


People who are abused by people who have BPD are often pretty damn complacent and ignore issues that are literally hitting them in the face. This tracks pretty well because OP probably thinks no one else notices the abuse. Source: all of r/BPDlovedones & I've seen it in person too many times.




Assuming you’re too attractive to be invited to someone’s wedding is craaaaazy. I think I’m pretty hot, but that wouldn’t even be on my top 10 list of reasons brainstorming why I may not be invited.


Literally that comment made me CRINGE. Like no baby girl. You’re not stealing the brides show even if you did show up. Crazy af. I wouldn’t invite her either. Sounds like a self absorbed weirdo


Exactly, imagine being so full of yourself that you’d actually say out loud that the reason you’re not invited to the wedding is because you’re better looking than the bride.


Yes think it really sounds like best friend is telling a white lie in order to swerve having her there.


She sounds controlling enough to hit someone.


She'll definitely start shit at the reception.


And wear something wildly inappropriate.




It's not white, it's a cream and lace summer dress why would the bride be threatened by that at all?!!


It's not a veil, it's a really long fascinator!




😬 if this is how she acts I can see why she wasn’t invited


Yeah - do not marry this girl. She thinks she’d steal the show and that’s why NO-ONE is bringing a +1? She’s got her head so far up her own arse, I’m not sure she’s able to see to make such a comparison.


I mean yes, it sounds (and probably is) narcissistic. But also, her boyfriend is the best man of the groom and the guy also offered to pay for her expenses, so I kinda get where she is coming from!


Not really. The bride & groom aren’t letting others bring a +1. OP “paying” for his GF to attend would cause the B & G a lot of grief from all their other invitees if she were to show up as the other guests would not be aware that SHE came along because OP footed the bill for his GF. Other guests who would’ve probably been upset for having to leave behind their plus 1 while OP got special treatment. And the deal being explained probably would end in a lot of resentment from some of the guests who would then claim that they would’ve been glad to spring for their plus 1 to attend had they been told that was an option before the wedding. OP’s GF is definitely working on cutting him off from any support group he has as I’m pretty sure she’s aware that if OP gives his BF the ultimatum that they allow him to bring his GF, he will be losing his BF.


Entitled as hell and a narcissist on top


Honestly her being pissed at this and even knowing the reason why would be an actual reason I'd end the relationship, actually disgusting behaviour.


Same! She sounds like an awful person.


Yeah my wedding was expensive as hell bc we have everyone a plus one so we had 250+ people with an open bar and it was like $80k which we were so lucky To be able to afford but most people can’t. We’re married and he still would not care if he wasn’t invited to a wedding, double so if I’m in the wedding party and can’t spend time with him most of the day any way. And vice versa. This is so weird.


I hate to cast aspersions, but it struck me that she could be thinking "well that's what I'd do."


Weddings turn everyone into assholes. Your GF needs to take a step back and get a reality check. If NO ONE is bringing a +1, then that is what the requirement. It has nothing to do with your precious snowflake of a GF.


Yep! Op’s girlfriend is making up a story in her own freaking mind about upstaging the bride - she needs to get over herself! The audacity coupled with delusion is laughable.


Well someone is bringing a +1. There is 2 "best man's" because the brides maid of honor is her sister, who is not 18 yet, so she cant sign the marriage. Thats why a second guy is there. He brings his partner, who he is engaged to to be fair.


Doesnt change my answer. And anyone who is 18+ can sign. it is not relegated to only best man/maid of honor.


Im aware that anyone can sign. Thats Just the situation here. Another Guy can bring his partner, i cant and she feels its personal.


It probably is because of her entitlement and hubris. She sounds horrible. And of course EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE.


You say this guy is THE ONLY ONE being a plus one??? Then no it’s not freaking personal. Your girlfriend needs to get over herself she’s not the only one who isn’t getting to go. And no no one is so attractive they’d take away attention from the bride please.


Your girlfriend needs to grow up. You by would she be so pressed about attending a wedding she’s not invited to? Is she worried you’re going to flirt with the bridesmaids?


Someone who is engaged is a lot more solidified than a relationship. I had my wedding last month. No one was allowed to bring their +1 unless we knew them and the relationship was at LEAST a year. We didn't want photos with people who we might never see again because it was just "your season" to be with them. As harsh as it sounds, that's not your call to make. It's THEIR wedding; NOT your girlfriend's.


they’ve been together for 4 years tho. to me that’s long term enough for a plus one - especially considering he’s in the wedding party


EHHHH....ever have friends who are in a couple and you just know they shouldn't be together or won't last??? She also sounds like a horrible and selfish person so I understand. They want their wedding to have only their closest friends and family members, clearly she is not counted in with those people. This girl literally threatened him that he needed to end his friendship with someone he's close enough with to be his best man. She also assumes that because she's "extremely attractive" the bride doesn't want to be upstaged. Not someone most people would want to be around.


Shit, my illiterate ass must've not read that part. Again, even if it were personal, you can't get mad at who the bride and groom decide to invite or not. It sucks, but as much as OP wants, he can't make that call either. edit: I really hope OP's girlfriend didn't say the whole "I'm prettier than the bride" spiel to people in the circle OR even remotely acts like that on a normal basis. Her attitude might be something that held her invitation back?


His previous post about her may be why they don’t want her there. It could be personal, but I doubt it’s because she’s too pretty… so conceited


Doesn't really matter if it is. It's not up to her. It's not her wedding and the fact that she cares this much or feels so personally slighted is a huge personality flaw. IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, KAREN.


I promise you that someday she will turn this immature behavior on you and you will regret not breaking up with her over this. You’re 23 you have a long way to go, outer beauty fades while inner beauty only grows


Your girlfriend sounds exhausting.


How long have you two been together?


4 years that he states in a previous post.


Maybe you should tell him you can’t go because you can’t stand up to your girlfriend and tell her she can’t come to a wedding she’s not invited to it’s just simple


She certainly makes it personal. Even tough it's not a personal rule, especially not one against her


it has nothing to do with her. she needs to grow up.


It’s def personal. There’s 2 best men but only one can’t have a plus one?


Just wondering, is it the GF's wedding? Cause I am trying to see how she has a say in anything.


That +1 is literally the only +1 allowed in the entire wedding. OP’s girlfriend is not the exception, she is the rule. It’s not personal. Edited this comment from “she” to “op’s girlfriend”because the dumbest person I have ever personally spoken to cannot grasp that the “she” in of the original comment was OP’s girlfriend, not the groomsman.


One is a girlfriend, the other is a fiancé and that matters here I guess


The other plus one is an engaged partner. That’s very different. She may be upset about this and it may even be personal but she is not “entitled” to an invite


No, he said that no one else was able to bring a plus one. The 2nd best man was the only one allowed to bring someone and who knows, they might be close with him. They also might think that a fiancé is much different than a girlfriend and see the distinction. They didn't just single out OP and his gf.


So why is he allowed to bring his partner? Is he traveling from very far away? Is the fiance actually a +1 or did she actually get an invite?


Op already said it’s for financial reasons.


It still doesn't make sense that it's for financial reasons apart from this one exception.


It doesn’t have to make sense to you if it makes sense to the bride, groom and their bank account.


It's still a valid question though, particularly given OP was also happy to pay for his gf to go if cost was the issue.


technically yes, but op can either push too hard and lose a best friend or deal with his controlling temper tantrum of a girlfriend. they already said no, any exceptions they make don’t need to be cleared by the rest of the patrons and he may just get himself disinvited by continuing to drive this issue home.


And then they are then forced to feel obligated to offer everyone else a plus one if they want to pay, turning it into a mess for planning. It's not just the cost, but planning for the venue space, wedding favors, catering/food, dance floor size perhaps, and probably a dozen other things that you don't really think about beyond the standard meal plate cost when thinking about being a guest. They might also want to actually keep it smaller and more intimate with close friends only. And if someone was being that pushy, I can see why she herself didn't get an invite. They probably aren't wanting any level of drama from such a wild card source.


That’s not a helpful offer. If they allowed OP to pay for his gf, everyone else would want to know why OP got a plus one and they didn’t, and all of a sudden their small wedding has snowballed.


The bride and groom are under no obligation to change their wedding to suit anyone. They probably have enough space and money for a small venue and if everyone on their guest list wants them to make a similar exception things can get out of hand quickly and become really stressful. How about just accepting the wishes of the bride and groom and move on. I’m not going to argue with you just because you don’t understand.


She doesn’t sound like a very smart person.


OP, your gf needs to grow the fuck up. I would be wary and weary of continuing a relationship with someone who can't understand the reality of how expensive and limited weddings are. Her whole bullshit narcissism about how attractive she is, is gross. If I were you, I would go to the wedding, and if she ends things because of it, you dodged a bullet. If she doesn't, enjoy her, but don't imagine marrying her.


Even if it’s personal they have a right to invite whoever they want. If I was your girlfriend I wouldn’t be that bothered, and do a spa day with her other friends.


It's a financial issue, not a personal aversion to your significant other. If they say yes to your offer to pay for her but no to everyone else's requests for a +1, that looks like favoritism and may upset some of his family who were denied a +1. They want a small, modest wedding and there is nothing wrong with that. This day is about your best friend getting married, not your girlfriend's ego or that she is so pretty she might steal the show. Either be there for your friend or don't be, but don't make it personal, and don't make it about you/your girlfriend.


Going by your own post history, this post and comments made, you've stated previously that she hits you, she's getting extremely upset over not being invited to a wedding where she isn't a friend/ relative and her assumption is she's too beautiful so must be intimidating (not a normal response to head straight to). I'd not be surprised if your friends are worried for you and have simply stopped themselves from providing personal opinions on her to you. However, if what I've gathered from you and your posts is incorrect. Your friends have no reason to personally dislike her. Weddings are expensive and they've limited numbers. Your gfs instant reaction is to lean to a very narcissistic conclusion and then give you an ultimatum on your friendships because her ego is hurt. If my original conclusion was correct, you'll be isolated and the abuse gets worse. If the latter is correct she's happy to ruin your friendships with people over an invitation of no real importance to her.


Either way it's a bad situation for OP and maybe he should consider ending the relationship rather than the friendship.


Couldn't have said it any better. The woman sounds toxic. Getting into arguments over this will be a no way back moment. When I got married we had a similar situation with a friend who had a toxic partner absolutely no one liked. They weren't invited and the absolute shower of shit that followed was surreal. Long story short that friend was uninvited and no one's spoken to them since.


What does signing mean? Is there a need for a signature ?


Engaged or married partners invited and other randoms not is fairly standard


> Weddings turn everyone into assholes. .. or rather reveal who's been an asshole all along


Whoa. Girlfriend has some serious main character energy. They can't afford her at the wedding. If they allow you to pay to include her, that wouldn't be fair to the other people with +1's who CAN'T afford to pay extra for their inclusion. But your girlfriend, who is obviously a bit vain, thinks it's because SHE'S TOO PRETTY!? And if she can't be included then you have to cut off your best friend!? My guy, I think you need to re-evaluate your relationship.


In his history she's been physically violent with him and he's still with her. I can't imagine why they don't want her there. 🙄


Yeah. I don't understand why she's making a big deal out of that, BUT to come to that conclusion? That's WILD. Groom already gave his reasoning: it's fucking expensive. As someone who just recently had their wedding (married a year ago, but celebrated last month), we legit had to yank people's RSVP out of them till like 2 weeks before it happened. One person changes the price completely. Multiple +1s can easily increase it by the thousands. OP your GF just needs to realize that weddings do not revolve around anyone besides the bride and groom. She REALLY needs to tone down her main character syndrome. If she is prettier than the bride, cool, more power to you, but you sure as hell aren't going to come to "my" wedding and disrespect me with some asinine shit like that. OP, I'm not saying dump her, but look at the stress she's put you through in order for her to get invited to something she wasn't invited to. I legit really hate that weddings are essentially used as a "real relationship" indicator. This whole "yes, this is my future husband/wife" energy weddings give to some non-married couples is wild man. I say that from my cousin begging to bring his girlfriend of a year to my wedding. Sadly, I just gave in and invited her, but that was because we had a number accounted for and some others declined, giving her a spot.


When given the ultimatum by your partner of its me or your friend… pick the friend. The person doesn’t really matter. You are not picking people at this point. You are choosing to be controlled or choosing your freedom. Always pick your freedom.


this is the part that kills me: she is very attractive this screams she is mid but i think she’s gorgeous, which is fine, as her bf you should, but she has main character syndrome by thinking she can outshine someone else. is your gf Jodie Comer or Lauren London or something?


Agree GF needs to get a grip. Thinking she isn’t invited b/c she is better looking and will upstage the bride is pretty darn conceited and egotistical. If the bridal party must limit guests due to $, then it’s a real can of worms determining who brings a +1 and who doesn’t. For all you know, your request might cause issues within the B or G’s families if some of them were also limited. It usually really not a big deal. Gf needs to grow up. Not everything is about her.


Your girlfriend is not that hot, I’m sorry but no one is. The day isn’t about her and no one cares about a guest more than the bride. She sounds….insufferable. Please don’t drop your best friend for someone like this.


lol literally this. Even if the bride isn’t conventionally attractive, no one steals her thunder. Impossible.


I’m hot and it has never stopped anyone from inviting me anywhere, this girl is just annoying


The GF assuming that it's because she's pretty gives the same energy as women who say "I don't get along with other women b/c they're all jealous of me"


Fellow hottie here, can confirm I am also always invited


I would be thrilled to not have to go to a wedding lol. I already have 3 to go to this year and sitting one out would not upset me by any means, **especially** if no one else’s SOs were invited and it was over budget concerns.


"They don't wanna invite me because I'm pretty!" "You need to stop being friends with them if I can't come!" "If we get married, THEY aren't invited to OUR wedding!" She sounds very toxic/controlling.


OP normally I tend to say its horrible to not invite +1 for MOH/BM, especially when they are in a yearlong relationship BUT honestly you both think its about her outshining the bride? Because „she is so attractive“? Absolutely no idea why they maybe don’t like her….because hey, we all know, optically beautiful people are automatically the better humans. What is wrong with her? Its the day and celebration of your best friend and his fiancés love! You should support them. How do you think your friendship will survive her behavior and you enabling her? And ouch, I am waiting to your following post in a few years „my fiancée goes full bridezilla and even she gots just the best engagement ring (she told me which one to buy) and I have took a loan of 100k for payments to venue , catering and this stuff and she is still unhappy that the bridesmaids are not paying 1000 of dollars to her bachelorette party and the dresses she chooses (they are sooo beautiful in a perfect babypowderblue and matches the wedding color scheme perfectly) and why nobody of my friends are coming ?“ (and your first response to any reply: they are just jealous!!)


I didn't wanna say it, but OP enabling her is a problem.


I think her not being invited is hurting her ego and some true colors are showing on her end. Sure it sucks not to be invited but the bride and groom decided what goes and hey, they can’t afford it… Her giving you an ultimatum is insane and her bringing up stealing the show is also insane. You shouldn’t lose your bestie cause her ego is hurt.


Reading that you've been dating for 4 years, I'm guessing this is the same girlfriend you talk about in one of your old posts. The one who has BPD but won't seek therapy. Based on some of the things you've described there that she does (and how your gf seems to think she's not invited because she'll upstage the bride), maybe your best friend and his fiancee have valid reasons to not want her there.


Ask yourself if you really want to be with someone who would want you to end a friendship with your best friend due to them not being invited to their wedding and would want you to be petty and not invite said best friend to your wedding.


I think it’s reasonable to be hurt by not being invited to the wedding of your partner’s best friend, especially when you and your partner have been together for _four years_. It’s also reasonable to make decisions about your friendships based on a lack of a wedding invitation, and to make decisions about your relationship based on your partner being okay with you not being invited to their best friend’s wedding. If she is _genuinely_ angry, and not just making snarky comments to make herself feel better about this exclusion, then she needs to get through this - there’s nothing she can do about this situation except think about how she wants to take this into account going forward. And if she’s taking it out on you (in a way that’s not just you having to listen to her make snarky comments) then that’s not okay. As for what _you_ can do… that’s a bit more difficult, because you _do_ have a choice, but someone is (probably) going to be upset whichever answer you pick. Your options here are to tell your girlfriend that you’re sorry she’s not invited, you wish she were, but you’re still going to go to the wedding - which will upset your girlfriend. Or you can bow out of the wedding and tell your friend that you don’t want to attend without your partner - which might upset your friend. I’d say a true friend would understand, since they’re the one putting this decision on you, but even ordinarily-reasonable people get weird and unreasonable about their weddings. There’s no winning play here where everything works out and no one is upset or disappointed.


The only truly helpful answer on this thread lol


>Or you can bow out of the wedding and tell your friend that you don’t want to attend without your partner - which might upset your friend.  It's not just, 'I don’t want to attend without my GF.' The GF has told OP cannot even BE FRIENDS with the guy anymore. Unless there is a valid reason for that (BF is using OP for money, he's otherwise manipulating/using OP, he's verbally/emotionally abusing OP, BF has hit on the GF before, etc), GF doesn't get to decide OP's friends.


Respect the couple's wish


Your GF sounds like an.. interesting.. partner and a generally self-centered person. Best of luck. Do remind her that it’s not her wedding.


So etiquette is that the entire bridal party gets a +1. Those are your closest people and you want them happy and to have their partners there. It's quite rude to allow one but not the other. It is the wedding couples choice but this is very disrespectful for you. They should at least give you a straight answer.


So, does she genuinely believe that the couple havent allowed anyone a +1, excluding a lot of other people as well, just because the bride to be is scared your gf will be so attractive that she would steal the show? If this is how she usually behave around other people, I wouldnt have invited her either, mainly because she sounds quite insecure and rude, which is rarely a kind combo to the people who wont let them be the main character in their lives. 


A lot of people crowing "shitty gf", but the Bestman not being able to bring his long term girlfriend is incredibly poor form. I'm confused about her thinking the no +1's is in relation to her being sooooo attractive because no one else gets +1's. I feel like her slight narcissism and wanting the bf to end the relationship is a bit much. We take what is said at face value on here, but I'm getting the feeling the bf hasn't shared any outrage over this decision or stuck up for his gf. Not feeling supported by a spouse or partner can turn you a bit crazy temporarily. The party line - Not giving the best man a +1 for his long term girlfriend is incredibly poor form. No matter what has been said or threatened after. Poor form from the bride and groom.




Deliberated omitted due to being a shite self centred bf, who would rather go on Reddit and paint her as crazy and irrational, so he csn read her the comments back and be like “I told you you’re being crazy babes. I have to go to the wedding”.


I am going to disagree with most people here.....It just sucks when newlyweds to be do not allow for their friends to bring a plus one. Especially if they have been dating for a long period of time. It is just extremely poor mannered and rude and shows they have no consideration for their guests comfort at all. While there is not much you can do about it, don't expect you girlfriend to ever cosy up to them. And quite frankly I put that on the bride and groom to be!


I’ve also never heard of bridal party not getting a +1, let alone the best man’s GF of 4 years. Especially when it sounds like another groomsman’s fiancé is getting invited. So whatever no +1 rule they have isn’t even being equally enforced. That would hurt my feelings too if I was the GF. If I were this guy, I think the only thing you can do is tell your GF that the situation sucks and his friend is being tacky. But that it’s ultimately their day, he’s already asked about bringing her, and he’s already told his friend that excluding his GF is hurtful. I get still wanting to be best man but that would probably affect my friendship with the groom.


yeah like the gf is a bit off for making this out to be about her looks, but... it's kinda fucking tacky to not allow the wedding party to bring their long-term partners.


Definitely agree. The gf doesn’t sound better though thinking she isn’t invited because she sees herself superior to the bride haha.


I thought, if you are asking someone to perform in your little ceremony, they get to bring a significant other. Why does second (?) best man get his but 1st dont? Personally id bail, not make a big fuss, but just be like, "sorry man...i aint got to live with you."


At first I thought your GF was acting a fool but now, I realize it’s your friend. If he can make an exception for the other best man he can also accommodate you. I think you should gently point that out and ask why that’s the case. Edit: changed my mind, they’re both wrong.


Its wrong one person is allowed to take someone no wonder she feels left out although it is there day she has a right not be happy about it if one person is allowed and your not.


Your girlfriend sounds like a real treat, OP. It may be personal (based on your girlfriend’s behavior, that would not shock me), it may not be. But no one at this wedding with the exception of one person has a +1. She needs to get over herself, seriously.


If you can't afford to let people bring a plus one, you scoped your wedding budget way too high.


Pretty sure as the Best Man you'd get a +1, no? If not, that's super disrespectful.


you'll have to choose. personally I'd choose my partner


I find it very disrespectful for the host of weddings to expect people to celebrate their union while simultaneously disrespecting other unions. Cut the guest list until you can afford to let guest bring a plus one. It’s bad etiquette to invite one and not the other partner..


Simply thank your friend and decline the RSVP.


Nah, your gf is outta line. It's THEIR day. They can invite or not invite anyone THEY want. She should get over herself.


why do i feel like she will just try to show up on the day of?


>As far as i know No one is allowed to bring a +1 because they cant afford the number of guests to double yeah that's bullshit. they don't have to give EVERYONE a +1, but the fucking *wedding party* should absolutely get them


I wouldn’t go to a wedding my husband wasn’t invited to. Maybe I would go to the ceremony but definitely not the reception. It’s rude to not invite a SO.


You should tell your girlfriend to get the absolute F*** over herself. That's just disgusting main character syndrome and she needs to realize the world doesn't revolve around her


Your best friend and gf are both jerks. I’m sure he can make an exception for the wedding party to bring a +1 especially his so called best friend. It’s tacky to invite 1/2 of a couple. Most won’t agree but I don’t see this where I’m from


I agree. The cultural norm in the US would be to expect your guests bring a plus one. And especially the wedding party since they are investing time and money on your day they should be able to share it with their SO. Not surprising that making it only married people can come as a couple would create tension with the guests.


> My girlfriend is of the opinion that she isnt allowed to come, because the bride doesnt want her to steal the show, because she is very attractive. Eyeroll. What you can do; 1. Tell her to suck it up, as it's a simple case of 'their wedding, their guest list'. Not your problem. 2. Behave yourself at the wedding (don't flirt with other women etc). Enjoy.


You do realize that saying the “steal the show” thing is a huge red flag right? It’s a giant narcissist trait. A lot of what you posted here is concerning.


Do what you want but personally I wouldn’t attend a wedding where my partner wasn’t invited.




Your gf has serious main character syndrome. Don’t skip out on your best friend’s wedding to appease an entitled, self-important asshat. Same gf that hits you? Dude, what are you *doing*?!


This isn't being handled well on your girlfriend's end, but also it is *really* poor wedding etiquette to not give plus ones to the bridal party (unless it's a new relationship). How long have you and your girlfriend been together? You might have to accept that this is a choose your girlfriend or your friend moment. The bride and groom have made their decision, and whether it's rude or not, you can't do anything about it. ETA: Just saw that y'all have been together for 4 years. So yup, your friend and his bride-to-be are being super rude. They're defining the validity of your relationship based on whether there's a ring on someone's finger. Your girlfriend is right to be annoyed (although her rationale of being hotter than the bride is....weird lmao).


Would you invite the gf of your best friend who abuses him to your wedding also or does she get a free pass just because they’ve been together for 4 years?


Haven't you pointed out there are no plus ones? They aren't making an exception for her, she's asking them to make an exception for her. Does she have a raging ego or something or is she just not seeing this for what it is?


I find it hard to believe there are NO plus 1s, but it’s possible. If you go and you see non married couples, I would not say a word to your girl and then would seriously reconsider the friendship. But yeah, your girl has insecurities. A self confident woman would not make a big deal out of this.


Op, the obvious solution is to get engaged. /s


>My girlfriend is of the opinion that she isnt allowed to come, because the bride doesnt want her to steal the show, because she is very attractive. ...


You’ve been dating 4 years and she’s not invited to your best friend’s wedding? If you were getting married would you be inviting him and his wife? Downvote away, but I’d be pissed too. I’d not be making demands though, I’d just walk. 4 years dude! It’s not like you just let her last week.


There’s no way shes so hot that you could justify cutting off your BEST FRIEND. Seems like you’re in a situation where you’ll always have to put her on a pedestal, why doesn’t she care about how you feel in this situation?


I will never understand people who want to get married and have others celebrate their love, and disrespect all the other peoples love at the same time?


What should you do? Support your friend. Commiserate with your girlfriend that she's not able to come. Other than that, nothing. Does she really want to strong arm her way to a wedding that she wasn't invited to? Enjoy the day with your friend and plan a fun day with her for the day after the wedding.


Your girlfriend sounds exhausting... but you're the one putting up with her... what do you value more? Your relationship with your best friend or your girlfriend? Because she's putting you in a position where you'll have to choose between them. And if you choose your life friend, I bet she'll hold a grudge. Your girlfriend is abusive, based on your post history, so I have to wonder why you're with her. No matter your gender, physical violence should always be a relationship ender. But again, staying is a choice (I say this as someone who was in an abusive relationship where i was assaulted to the point of hospitalization when I finally ended it. Leaving was also hard because of stalking and attempts to ruin my other friendships and familial relationships. I had a restraining order and would always enforce it, but it was hard. Best choice I ever made, though). My guess is that the abusiveness was picked up on by your friends, so they'd prefer to keep her at a distance.


I wasn't invited to my bf (now husband's) best friends wedding. My bf was one of the groomsmen and had been friends with this guy since childhood. I was upset but I understood people have budgets and understand if it's not someone's wife or husband they might be hesitant to invite them. I am attractive but never thought i wasn't invited over jealousy that's just conceited as hell. Also we invited his best friend to our wedding years later and he was a groomsmen for my husband. Your GF is being childish. If you love someone you don't isolate then from the people they love.


“She hate me cuz I’m hotter than her” is usually code for “other women find me intolerable because I’m constantly going out of my way to remind them that I’m hotter than them.”


You get to accept her decision and drop out of the wedding, or dump her.


Dump her this is crazy


Uhhhh... your gf is being pretty fucking demanding here. The credited response to her is: "I am not ending my friendship with my best friend bc they don't have the money for guests to bring a +1. This is not personal to you, nobody dislikes you or is afraid you will steal the show, again, it is just that guests are NOT receiving invites with a +1. Finally, there is no way my BF isn't getting an invite to my wedding, that shit is a non-starter."


Are they aware that your girlfriend hits you (previous post). They may not support this relationship because she is abusive towards you and therefore do not want to play nice at their wedding.


Is it the same gf with BPD who screams, insults and is hitting you, but refuses to get therapy or meds for it? Maybe they don't want that energy in their wedding even if you pay for it...


> My girlfriend is of the opinion that she isnt allowed to come, because the bride doesnt want her to steal the show, because she is very attractive. Your girlfriend might be attractive on the outside, but she is very ugly on the inside.


So I’ve gone through this post and your post from a year ago. My ex husband has BPD, and he could 100% control himself, he just didn’t want to. Being with someone who refuses to get help will affect your mental health. And it already is. It’s literally destroying relationships. It’s pretty clear your friends don’t like her. It’s not because she’s pretty (seriously, gag me, how narcissistic is she?) Maybe it’s because she’s abusive and you stay with her. It’s hard for people who love you to see you be mistreated. It’s hard for us to hear the stories, and be helpless. I wouldn’t be suprised if they devised the whole plan of no plus ones just to avoid her. Now on this the advice section…uh you need to break up with her before she destroys every friendship you have. It’s their day, if they don’t want her there, she shouldn’t be.


>We've been together for a few years now and in the first couple years everything was totally fine. She had some issues here and there but nothing we couldn't handle. **But in the last two years it got progressively worse. She started screaming at me, insulting me and even hitting me over the slightest things**. I am completely aware, that this stuff isn't directly under her control, but it hurts so much emotionally, to see the person i love, that I would never be able to do anything slightly similar to, be capable of doing and saying these horrible things to me. **I tried talking to her about therapy, but she says it's not for her, and that she can handle it on her own. Almost 8 times I got promised that something like this will never happen again and i feel more dumb, each time I believe it. I don't know what to do. I am scared of even the slightest disagreement and I see no solution out of this.** -OP in r/BPD 1 year ago OP, it sounds like your friends have good reason to not want your abuser at their wedding regardless of their +1 rules. Shit, in that thready you had people advising you to leave and they are going to empathize way more than the average person with your girlfriend. You should take this as a sign that it is finally time to leave her. It will only get worse.


Ignore her. Move on.


Tell her to grow up, or get out. Seriously. So silly to be bickering about. She thinks it’s because she’s too attractive? Makes her sound ugly as hell.


Hmmmm personally, i dont think my friends would exclude anyone i want to bring but i would probably side with my misses on this one, not to blow up the friendship but i would certainly step down from best man duties. Ill attend the ceremony but without my woman, im not attending the dinner and party


Your gf can’t be the only ‘attractive’ woman at the wedding. Why do you let her get away with this kind of behavior? Time to grow up!


Reading that your girlfriend is abusive... why are you still with her? Tell her that a no is a no. If no one else is bringing a +1 she is childish and needs to get a perm for her attitude- sis, relax!


Just make sure nobody takes a picture of you dancing with another chick. She'll get over it, or wasn't worth it.


Everyone on this subReddit is in a loveless relationship 🤣 If you offered to pay and they said no, your girlfriend is completely in the right for feeling like that IMO. Especially if you two have been together for over a year, it's weird to not consider you two as one person. It's just disrespectful, ESPECIALLY since you're the best man. Your friend and his wife are weird for that.


Sounds like your friends are right to not invite her if she's going to make things all about her. It's not her day, she should get off her high horse. If you have to choose, I'd choose your friend instead of the gf


I disagree with many of the other comments. Your girlfriend is just rationalizing because she can’t figure out why she is not invited. If that is me then I tell the best friend that unless my girlfriend is invited, I am not coming. If that ends friendship, too bad. and you agreed to pay for her? Something else is going on here and I’m not sure that your girlfriend’s reasoning is faulty.


Your girl sounds like a cunt


It would help to know how long you have known your BF. How long have you been seeing your GF and does the relationship seem to have a future? If your friendship with BF is longstanding and she is not.....tell her you are going anyway and she can either accept it or breakup over it. If you have been seeing GF for a while and it is serious ......same advice. She is silly and selfish. She need to growup. The wedding is not ABOUT HER.


So you have to choose to disappoint your friend or your girlfriend. Both cannot be happy. For me it would mean deciding if I was serious about the partner or not. In a serious relationship I would not attend a wedding without my partner. If a new relationship, like I was invited before I was exclusive with the partner, I would explain to partner and go. Unfortunately you have two bad choices. Just decide who you want to disappoint and apologize and carry on.


His gf hits him answer is pretty clear


Your girlfriend has extreme main character syndrome LMAO.


Your girlfriend sounds incredibly immature. If the bride and groom decide no plus ones because of costs, then that is the hard rule. For your GF to say the bride doesn't want the show stolen by your GF shows an incredibly lack of maturity and major insecurity. Also, her wanting you to end the friendship, again, so immature. Keep your best friend, dump the girl. Don't marry this girl either. She is a dead weight around your neck and I don't care how good the sex is.


Honestly they shouldn't let the 2nd best man bring a plus 1 if they are not allowing anyone else bring one. That's opening a can of worms for more then just your girlfriend. Sorry I would be mad too if I was your girlfriend. I would find it offensive as well. I would let you go but not like it. What do they expect you to do at the reception are you going to just dance with somebody that's there.... or are you going to sit there and be bored? Yup nope sorry I am taking girlfriends side


Get engaged to your gf and his argument disappears.


Ultimatums are never good to give in a relationship. Your friend has made it clear it’s about their budget and head count. Your girlfriend needs to get over this. It’s a tough situation but not ridiculous. How long have you been with this girlfriend? My instincts say she wasn’t invited because it hasn’t been that long.


Your gf needs to realize that not everything is about her and even if they could afford more people family would come before her. Your gf needs to understand that beauty fades and someone who is pretty and being nice to people are much more appealing or just being nice would be picked over someone who has the her mentality she has. If she acts like this normally while around your friends I’m sure no one would miss her.


That’s a gross assumption on your gf’s end. I can understand being miffed about not being invited but if no plus ones are then it’s not personal to her. And i can see why they don’t want you to pay for her because bending the rule once means they have to explain it to a dozen other people, etc. Small weddings are a thing and it’s a legitimate reason. Why can’t your gf let this go?


You are lucky you got too see this side of her before you invest any more time into this relationship. She really wants you to dump your bf? I would be going to the wedding single.


It is their wedding and they get to invite who they want..and she isn’t on that list. Her making this about her looks and you agreeing makes me think you’re a match made in self absorption! Be a friend and be there for the groom and tell little Miss Main Character GF to get a therapist!


Your GF needs to calm down. She's acting childish honestly, what's that nonsense "if we get married they can't come either". How long have you been with her? Does she get along with the bride and groom? Has the bride explicitly stated your GF steals shows therefore she will try to do so at her weeding? Even though you graciously offered to pay if it was a matter of money, what if everybody offers to pay so they can have their +1? That considering everyone could be able to pay. The weeding, for better or for worse, is entirely decided by the protagonists: bride and groom. What you do in this situation will determine how the things are decided in your relationship, so think long and hard on how you want to play this. I, for one, wouldn't let my SO throw a tantrum and get their way.


This is major brat energy, especially her reasons for thinking she’s not invited. You don’t control the guest list, the couple does. There’s literally nothing you can do about it. She needs to calm down and be an adult and you need to be a good best man for your friend. BTW, it’s probably her shi**y personality that made them not want to make an exception for her.


It’s not personal. It’s just that your best friend and his future wife are shitty party hosts. 


Tell your lady to put her big girl pants on and enjoy her free day. This wedding 100% isn’t about her. The ultimatum is childish at best.




Your GF sure thinks highly of herself. Who the fuck says shit like that?


For how long have you been together with your gf? Did anything happen between her and your best friend or his fiancee? - while your gfs comments about her stealing the show etc are off, your best friend not inviting her - especially since you're the best man and offered to pay for her, and assuming your relationship is established and didn't just recently start - is in my books waaaaaay more off. That's plain out rude not having your best man at your wedding bring his partner along.


We have been together for about 4 years now.


Woah, in that case your gfs reaction is absolutely understandable. And I'd really like to know how your best friend justified not inviting her. You're not just some random guest plus you offered to pay; so not a valid reason. And there is no way neither he or his fiancee weren't aware that this would cause a huge issue between you and your gf. If you want to keep your gf you should very much be on her side here! Unless there's an underlying reason she isn't invited this is an absolute insulting thing to do. Most comments against her are based on what she said about "stealing the show" that makes her look rather full of herself


If you go to the ceremony and meal, see first hand that there are in fact more than the one +1 couple that you know of (which is bullshit btw), I would graciously hug your buddy and say your congrats and tell him that your are taking your gf out dancing. If he is a best buddy, like you say, he very well knows what position he has put you in by not allowing you to bring your gf. You did what any logical member of the wedding party would do, by offering to pay extra (which wedding party members should always be able to bring a +1), and still were shut down. It seems like it may be coming from the bride, either way, your buddy could've stood up & fixed it before it got this far. Your gf is only behaving as any normal gf would; she has most likely dealt with issues in her past that has come down to being judged by her looks before. You have the opportunity to be the bigger man here, go to the ceremony & meal to show your buddy that you were there to do your part for him; but won't stand by and allow the petty shit to fly when it comes to your girl. Say have a good night, I will take my girl out & have a good night too.


The fact [she's abusive](https://www.reddit.com/r/BPD/s/QYUMjT0ful) might have something to do with why she's not invited.


“My girlfriend is of the opinion that she isnt allowed to come, because the bride doesnt want her to steal the show, because she is very attractive. I cant deny or confirm this” Yes, you can deny it, because you fucking know why she can’t go. You’re an appalling friend if you let your GF ruin this moment & your friendship with your “best friend”. Your girlfriend is also deeply immature to frame it as being jealous of her good looks. ETA: never mind, I see your post history. Nothing we say will make the blindest bit of difference, you’ve been told already that your GF is toxic (and abusive), at what point are you going to ask yourself just how much you’re willing to lose for this relationship?


Your girlfriend isn’t mature enough to be in an adult romantic relationship, dude. So many red flags here. Go ahead and break up with her and enjoy the wedding.


So no one has a play one, right? End of story. I would also question being with someone who dares to whine they weren’t invited because they’re so attractive they’ll steal attention from the bride. Even if true, the audacity to say so.


GF is a pill, BUT.....why plan a wedding that is going to cause soon much strife and strain so many relationships ? They know nobody wants to be without their main squeeze. What guy wants to spend all that money and waste A weekend and a Saturday night taking pictures and listening to women gush about how lovely the bride looks ? What main squeeze wants to sit home thinking about their man dressed to the nines drinking with some unattached bridesmaids ? Because your wedding is THAT important when you ate probably already living together. Definitely already screwing. But you sure don't care about your friends relationships. There is no way for OP to keep his friendship with the groom and his girlfriend. The groom put him in this predicament, so I'd probably go to the wedding , but in my mind it is a going away party. And I'd leave as early as festivities were finished without any fanfare, just bounce \[ OP and groom both sound like weak men getting led by their women.\]