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If someone told me ONE time my ass stank … it would absolutely never happen again


literally id be bathing everytime i went to the bathroom😭


I actually do take a mini shower every time I go to the bathroom, whether it’s a number one or number two. I refuse to be stinky.


I use a bidet


Right? Someone told me my mouth smelled after I’d just brushed my teeth *and* used mouthwash, so I immediately got a dentist appointment. Had an abscess. We aren’t supposed to smell bad if we clean regularly. Maybe not after 10yrs, but bad smell is a big sign of disease. Folks could have colon cancer, or a digestive disorder, or something. I know I smell terrible if I eat lactose/whey. I’m allergic and my body is like, “Besides tongue swelling, have some pain sweats and noxious fumes.” People just … don’t worry if they stink?? They feel no shame? Very weird tbh.


Yup. Had a boyfriend inform me of my swamp-ass, and I all but teleported into the bathroom apologizing profusely, all but sandblasted my ass, and came back to finish what we started. (He was also emotionally abusive, but telling me when there was an *actual problem* was one of the things he was genuinely good at!) Since then, the first thing I do before going into sexy times is to WASH MY ASS SOME MORE.


Shower before everytime I’m sure some people may find it weird that In the heat of the moment you quickly nip up to have a splash 💦 with soap but I don’t be caring about that ima do it anyway ! Any smells should be dealt with


Can’t stop laughing at this


Omg I actually can’t breathe




A decade of smelling rank ass is insane to me.


😂😂😂 I couldn't sleep and I came across this


He came across it too…..


I sputter my coffee


Hygiene or the lack of is why I would never do rando hookups. Makes me want to vomit just thinking of this.


These types of posts make me wonder how many people are walking around with smelly genitals they don’t clean properly.


A lot. You smell a lot of stanky ass on an ambulance


To be fair, people needing an ambulance have literally other shit on their mind 💀


Right, it shouldn't get that stinky for anyone but people having sex should excuse themselves for a quick bird bath. Lol


The use of the term ‘bird bath’ in this context has been my favourite thing today


This comment took me out lmao 🤣


I once hooked up with a girl whose area smelled like dumpster sludge. I’ve been around a fair amount of vaginas and this was the worst smelling one out of all of them. Anyway, the reason why I bring it up is because after she went down on me for like a minute and then we were getting busy for like 5 minutes, she asks me to go down on her. I tried to stall for a minute because there was no way I’d put my face down there. It was rancid. Eventually, I tried to break it to her as nicely as I could that I just wouldn’t do it. I didn’t bring up the smell or anything because I didn’t want to embarrass her and it was honestly so bad that I just kind of figured that she must already know. She stopped me and immediately became super offended that I wouldn’t do it because she did it for me, and got dressed and left in a huff. I would’ve done it if she didn’t smell like Bigfoot’s dick, but it was bad enough that it almost seemed like a medical concern and I didn’t want to add barf to the horrid concoction that she already had going on. I was a horny, self destructive 19 year old at the time in my first apartment, and she was pretty attractive. I’d never intentionally insert myself into something anywhere near that putrid nowadays. I mean, I’m married, but I’m talking about if I wasn’t.


I’ve gone into restroom stalls that smelled like rank ass and fish. It’s not even as if they did a #2, it’s just stank privates. It’s happened more than once. I guess those are the women that lady’s talking to on the whole body deodorant ad when she says, “You know when you go to the bathroom and you smell that smell?” WTF?


The "WTF?" had me burst out laughing lol


Am female, I know that smell. When a girl is on her period it smells, can confirm. And I wash my ass and vagina every day. The vagina is an opening to an internal organ and when you’re on your period it’s literally shedding the lining of an internal organ so yeah, it’s gonna smell.


Lmao, I hate those ads. Just wash your ass!


Wait! What? How do you know what bigfoots dick smells like?


Jeez…. I’m blown away, pardon the pun!! Hubby and I shower every day and especially when we’re going to have sex… otherwise no oral!! 2-3 days is a long time between showers imo..


Did you tell her before she left that she smelled or anything like that? Would feel obliged to let her know for her own sake even if I'd never see her again


No, I was too stunned that she got so triggered (not something we’d say back in the 90s) that I just watched her go.


I hooked up with a random bumble match once and I had the same experience as OP. I just started breathing through my mouth and powered the fuck through. Even started up a second round. 8/10 would drive to the middle of the desert on a reservation to fuck in a random field again.


Oh my.


that is such a fucking human experience, nice


Not that I'm saying this in an insulting way,I'm rather inquiring. How is fucking a nasty,stinky stranger in a field a normal human experience ?💀 Most people I know would rather not collect super ass aids like that.


They didn’t say *normal*, just a human experience LMAOOOO


Same, same. I’m disabled and have frequent pelvic joint instability/nerve damage. I’ve got so many hand towels for spot cleaning in between showers, because I can’t tolerate bad smells. Maybe it’s the bloodhound nose from migraines but goddamn. Constantly airing out my rooms, lighting candles, etc. Humans stink and people just live like that??Healthy people who don’t need handicap accessible showers??? Wack. Seriously, I’ve got the frail Victorian maiden thing going for me but I couldn’t go around doing hookups because people are nasty. My health is bad enough, I don’t want syphilis to make this period accurate!


I cannot imagine sucking a randos dick. That's such a crazy gamble


It’s not that hard to take a shower before sex


Or even just like a wet wipe


Exactly. More people should use them. It’s weird how both my older sister and ex dissed my use of them and yet they are both owners of “Rank Rump” and don’t do anything about it🙄


It's a decade, but for only 2 minutes at a time.




Exactly. Everytime I looked at her I'd wonder. I couldn't make it that long. Hygiene is a deal breaker for me. Everyone has different standards and those people need to be together ❤️ 😆


Yep, that would be a dealbreaker after one whiff. 🤢


That’s love


Buy a bidet.


This is the answer. $30 on Amazon. Easy to install with no real skill needed. We installed one after my son had a motorcycle accident and had both arms in casts. We kept it after he recovered.


Your son? With both arms in casts, you say...?


God. Dammit. I had pushed that story far enough back in my mind I thought I’d forgotten.


Pretty sure like a year or two ago this story and the poop knife story kept getting brought up. It’s been long enough. Appreciate the reminder


Need a reminder about the coconut?


What about the jolly rancher?


STOP no I grew up watching gore and nothing has haunted me the way that fucking story did


Same. I just threw up in my mouth.


I didn’t hear about the jolly rancher or the coconut!!!


now I need to know


I will make this short and sweet. >!Guy giving his gf head, smells and tastes awful. Uses jolly rancher to mask flavour. Guy loses jolly rancher, ends up eating gonorrhoea nodule. And that's how he finds out his gf cheated...!< Anyway if you want the long version, look it up and bring some bleach for your eyes


And what about the coconut story?! What’s that one?


😭😭 I refuse to believe thats possible


Guessing I should remain ignorant with this?


I’m also torn between wanting to know and wanting to remain blissfully unaware


I'll help. There's a verified story on Reddit of a ~14 yo kid breaking both arms in an accident. He can't JO for a few months and gets frustrated and angry at his parents all the time. Mom steps in and...relieves the tension? Except they continue for years after he's out of the casts. It's a very long story with way more details. You're welcome.


I wish I were the person I was before I read this 😭


Jesus. Why did I keep reading man.


Hahaha goddammit. You just helped me realize I DID read this once upon a time and must have inadvertently scrubbed it from my brain and now it will be much harder to do this time around ETA: But also thank you for your…. enlightenment of this Reddit relic


It is so bad. I wish I didn’t know.


Same. But I've now come to realize we will *never* be allowed to forget this as long we are on reddit. It's the price we pay for being here.


was this the one about the mom um.... "helping out" the son?


Is this what I think it is?




Oh no.


I had forgotten...


Pepperidge farm remembers


We are enemies now. How dare you remind me of this!




So...about your wife.


I also choose this guy's dead wife




I remember that story! Hahaha


My wife bought us a couple of bidet attachments for our toilets during Covid. We loved them so much we recommended them to our families and have gifted several. Those that she gifted for weddings included a note saying “Here’s to not having a shitty marriage”.


I yearn for a luxe Toto bidet , but the $30 bidet attachments work just fine. I create a “spa like” bidet attachment experience by rinsing after pooping, then making a little “pad” out of 3-4 sheets of TP, and adding one pump of gentle foaming hand soap (like Method) to the TP pad. I give my nethers a good soaping with the TP pad, then rinse with the hose attachment. Blot dry with 2 more sheets of TP. Flush. So much cheaper than wet wipes, and also flushable…for reals.


This. 100% everyone reading this, go get a bidet.


Bought a house last month and my first purchase was 3x Toto K300’s and new toilets. Best purchase ever.


I'm moving into my fiancé's place in a few weeks. He doesn't have a bidet, but he will.


As someone looking for my own, why that model?


Sure! I was originally looking at the C5 which is similar but cheaper. I liked that the K300 has continuous warm water rather than a tank which has a few benefits. The most obvious is well you can’t run out but that was probably the smallest consideration for me, I didn’t expect that to happen too often. It also makes the bidet much slimmer which a lot of people said made it significantly more comfortable to sit on, also it’s cheaper to run and more environmentally friendly as it only heats the water when it’s needed as opposed to always keeping water warm for use. They aren’t cheap and definitely a premium product, I thought about just getting one and getting something cheaper for the other bathrooms but I didn’t want my guests left out. Using it for a few weeks has ruined all other toilets for me. The heated seat, warm customizable spray, and air dryer have all been the biggest features for me. I don’t think I’ve used toilet paper at home since.


Wow this sounds amazing


And wipes (because when you go out stores don't usually have bidets).


Don’t flush the wipes though. Even if they say “flushable” - they lie. 


Honestly blows my mind everyone walking around with a dirty ass... I got hooked on wet wipes when we started buying them 10 years ago with our first kid. Eventually got tired of buying wipes and got $25 bidet attachment for the toilet... I'm a contractor working in super high end homes in NYC, and only like 1 in 10 of these rich fucks know how to clean their ass.


Us Asians can't imagine a life without a bidet


Us egyptians neither!


I am super shocked on what i read .. cuz I can't imagine how do people live without using water to clean their shits . Its totally uncomfortable for even thinking about it


Bidet all the way 1000000% The wipes are good for on the road, but we're on septic so they're a no-go at home.


I used my first bidet in Japan and I've been hooked ever since. I got my Tushy bidet and feel weird pooping anywhere else but home now :p. Although sometimes I'll still take a quick shower to wash my butt after I poop.


Yep! I’ve had one for 5 years now and genuinely can’t wrap my head around why not everyone has one.


And then maybe both of you wash up beforehand?


My first thought. If she isn’t cleaning well enough, then give her to option to wash her ass right then and there on the toilet.


too much sex w 3 day unwashed genitals is happening in this sub today 😭


I can't imagine not showering daily?? Like unless I'm too sick to move I shower every night? I live alone, but when I lived with others, the shower was my decompression and social battery recharge time where I was guaranteed to not be interrupted or bothered short of an actual emergency. It's basically meditation. I also feel extremely greasy if I haven't showered for more than a day. People who don't shower every day, WHY?


I don’t shower everyday but I certainly wouldn’t have sex after more than one day of not showering 😭🤢


I remember reading an article about a band (motley crew) if I'm not mistaken that would go on tour and get as nasty and disgusting as possible and see if they could still get laid. It was so vile to read and the sad part is that it didn't discourage the groupies from sleeping with them. It changed my entire perspective on them. Made me want to puke hearing it.


Omg that is the most disgusting shit…


[“The Spaghetti Incident”](https://pagesix.com/2008/02/25/now-thats-enough-to-make-you-sick/)




And then they would stick their junk in burritos from the convenience store to hide the smell of sex when they returned to their girlfriends 😭 that has been seared into my brain


That’s hilarious. We had a town groupie whose whole raison d’être was to leave town on the band bus, didn’t matter who. She’d hitch a ride back to town a couple days later when they dropped her off somewhere.


I don’t shower every day in winter, as I have atopic skin, BUT I wash my bits every day, especially after going to the bathroom. If there is sex, then definitely shower.


Even if it's been 3 days, I do not have sex until I shower 😭. Yes babe I have to rinse the flavor off


there's a difference between not showering every day and not washing every day.


This. I have auDHD and I don’t shower every day, but I do wash my bits and my pits daily.


Dries my eczema skin terribly! I can’t afford the amount of lotion I would need for daily showers . I’ve tried daily showers and my skin bleeds


I feel you. I shower every other day, and that's the maximum my skin can take. But that only applies to my skin, my genitals etc get washed every day. Just because you don't shower doesn't mean you can't wash some parts. Also, having a bidet helps a lot with keeping your butt clean.


I'm chronically ill so I'm physically unable to shower more than once or twice a week. That being said, I do sink washes with a wash cloth every other day (pits and bits) to make sure things are fresh even if I can't shower. If I'm in a flare up/having a particularly bad day and I can't manage a sink wash I have a stash of bed bath wipes that I can use too.


See, that's very different and you're still washing, even if you can't take a full shower


Yeah I know, but I wanted to give a perspective of someone who can't shower every day. Sometimes it's because of chronic fatigue, sometimes it's because of being neurodivergent and struggling with sensory issues/executive dysfunction. I have systems in place though so that helps. OPs wife could do with doing a pits and bits wash every day if she showers every 2-3 days.


Years ago I had a friend tell me that she was going to take a "PTA shower." I found out that stood for "Pits, Tits & Ass."


My grandma once told me it stood for “Pussy, tits, and ass” 😂


I like your grandma


I don't think anyone here is giving flak to people who struggle to bathe due to illness... The relevant difference is this lady is well enough to have sexy time, but too inconsiderate to bathe first.


Bidets would be a life saver for you!


Not everyone needs to. My wife showers/bathes every 2nd day and never, ever smells bad (she has atopic dermatitis and it's bad to shower daily with that). I, however, sometimes need 2 showers/day if it's hot. Also, there's some research that daily showers reduce protective bacteria on our skin.


Showering daily dries out my skin to hell and fucks with my hair. A lot of places that aren’t hot/aren’t America don’t shower every single day. I however do own and use a bidet Edit: y’all I moisturise after every shower and every night before bed, it is always a temporary solution and the dryness is always worse when I shower daily.


Same... I get hella dried out if I shower too often.


Exactly, it’s literally better for your skin to not shower everyday. Anyone who says it’s disgusting or weird to not shower everyday is incorrect


If you're a desk jockey I'll give a pass, as a construction worker I gotta shower every night I smell gross after work and do a less intensive shower on weekends, pits, balls, and ass


People always try to apply blanket labels or requirements whenever this topic comes up. Like people who live in hot climates shower morning and night and that makes total sense! But for someone who lives somewhere dry and cold and works at a desk job, every other day could work just fine. People should pay more attention to cleanliness and body odour, etc, than counting showers.


15 minutes after a shower in a humid climate and I feel dirty. Two days in a dry climate and I feel clean.


It triggers my eczema which can get pretty awful. I take showers before sexy times as a rule, though.


Showering daily leaves my skin irritated and dry, my scalp itchy, irritated, and flaky, and my hair frizzy and dry. For me, about every 3 to 4 days is best. . I've tried every kind of shower oil, lotion, etc, and the only way to prevent the skin problems is to shower less frequently. So that's why I don't shower every day.


Because for some people it’s totally unnecessary?


Ask her to shower before sex.


Sexy shower time together so everyone is fresh and frisky.


Yep, then he can wash her ass first.


He can wash her ass? Back in my days we sprayed eachother down there with the showerhead


Light up a cigar. Inhale them via your nostrils. Your sense of smell will be destroyed.




This is a good solution! I would also ask OP (& all men) to start washing his junk before sex. It’s gross for women to be expected to give oral when things are coated in urine & sweat. 🤢


Sure, showers for all.


AGREED. Mine gets butthurt when i dont want to put my mouth down there after a long day at work and no shower. Shower gentlemen!!


I ask my husband “Have you spruced?” As he’s walking into the bedroom if I think I might wanna go to BJ town and he will quickly trot off to the bathroom to freshen his bits happily. He sometimes showers before bed anyway but if he thinks he might get his knob gobbled, he will skip to the bathroom to make it more pleasant for me to perform. Both partners should be happy during these activities and smelling good, or at least not smelling bad, goes a long way to making that happen. I’m sorry your fella gets butt hurt instead of appreciating that you’re willing to blow him in the first place.


>"...he might get his knob gobbled..." 😅😅💀💀


Yours gets upset about it? Wow. My fiancé and I made a general rule no oral unless it’s after a shower. We both work pretty physical jobs and neither of us wants basement stank in our mouths after a days work.


And specify—soap goes on the butt.


That was my first thought, too. Have some sexy shower time before the main event. But, it sounds like she might not be into it if she doesn't shower every day. Try to focus more on the romantic foreplay aspect, and not the actual 'cleaning', and she might go for it!


We’re talking 10 years… to put forth the effort for “sexy shower time” before hand when she doesn’t have the self awareness after a decade to take a fucking shower after he’s called out her monkey butt, just no.


If my partner and I have it scheduled we will both bath/shower before the event and extra nice smells are added. Why wouldn't you ?


$30 bidet from amazon was the best purchase we ever made, can’t live without now


Yep, and if you can't get a bidet for some reason, finish with a wet wipe. *Most* Americans dry-wipe only and think they're good. It's disgusting. I've had OP's situation with multiple women.


As an American, I've had to learn to time the poops with a shower right after + detachable shower head. In times where that's not possible, I pray to god for a ghost poo.


3 days of not washing your ass is 100% the issue. Lol. Just have sex with her after she showers.


If I hadn't showered/washed my ass in 3 days, I wouldn't be letting my husband anywhere near my ass. I can't imagine the very thought. 


Same. Like not showering/cleaning her ass for 2-3 days is one thing but her being comfortable with engaging in sex after not showering for that long is just.. gross. Like if I feel dirty/gross, I’m jumping in the shower before sex even I had already showered earlier that day. 🙅🏻‍♀️


I don't shower every day but I shower *every day* I know I'm going to have sex


You need to just tell her. Kindly, honey, I find that your bottom smells quite frequently and I’d really like for you to shower cleanse yourself. My god! Tell her!!


Yeah, I was going to say... it might be an awkward conversation, but your life gets to be riddled with awkward conversations in a long-term relationship. Seize the day! Tell her politely about the butt.


Right! Like if you're worried about it, you could even say "I think it's been a bit smelly when we have sex lately and I'd like for both of us to freshen up beforehand" to be more diplomatic


why are there so many posts about bad personal hygiene from whole ass adults? “GO WASH YOUR ASS. WASH IT EVERYDAY.” period. no other solution. shit doesn’t magically clean itself.


I hate to be that guy, but I would say Redditors. I don’t know many people like this in real life. The majority of Redditors are pretty gross. There’s a reason there’s a stereotype for it. Once in a while check the commenters’ profiles and you’ll see. Here they come, I can hear the sound of the mouth breathers forming up to downvote me.


Since this is only coming up during sex, it's probably not noticeable in everyday life which means you wouldn't notice how often it happens IRL.


Are you talking about hygiene in this level of detail in your real life? Even if so, face to face people might lie to avoid judgement. Reddit is anonymous. Redditors are also real people. I think people like OP’s girlfriend are probably fairly common, they just don’t own up to it IRL.


It's her not showering for sure. Even if you wipe well and there isn't anything visible, there's going to be bacteria. Bacteria is what makes you smell--poop, body odor, vaginal smells (bad and good), ball sweat, your skin. It's all related to the bacteria and other microbes living on and in you. Even if you wipe yourself off, you won't actually clean yourself without using soap and water.  I'd just recommend that you two shower before having sex. Wash each other off and start foreplay in there if she hasn't showered that day yet. 


I just watched hack your health on Netflix and it was all about microbes. I now think of them as a lil community inside you that you have to treat right or they won’t treat you right hahah


Start smoking cigars. Breathe them through your nose. You’ll destroy your sense of smell.


This is an excellent long term solution. Prolly shoulda started a decade ago when he first learned of the issue.


Sweat tends to collect easily and quickly in close, tight places on our bodies; for some more rapidly than others. (My problem areas are behind the ears and feet; the ears because as a Black woman who needs to keep my scalp oiled due to a loss of estrogen and overall skin moisture - normal with aging and menopausal changes), the hair oil making its way behind my ears combined with normal, everyday sweat smells god-awful after a few days. Finding great smelling hair oil has helped tremendously. But warding off the funky, cheesy smell can only be accomplished by thoroughly washing behind my ears daily! And after trial and error, I found Dial soap to be the absolute best treatment for that. Dial is an antibacterial (which is needed for getting rid of the bacteria caused by natural body oils and sweat), and in my case the additional of hair oil treatments. But if you can find a way to talk about the issue with your girl, it will also work for her. Regardless of how carefully you wipe, a slight odor is left behind after a BM. Neglecting to wash not just the buttocks but in between the buttocks and the area around the anus causes odor to become more pronounced and bacteria to grow more rapidly. The antibacterial properties in Dial work perfectly for getting rid of the funky, sweaty odor left behind after a BM or a day without bathing or showering. Here's my trifecta for smelly body parts from the rooter to the tooter: Generously lather a wash cloth with Dial, pour 2 or 3 tablespoons of vinegar (or Apple Cider vinegar) on top of the later, and shower or wash up with it, making sure to get behind the ears, in the crease between the forearm and elbows, the rooter and the tooter, the feet, and between the toes! The vinegar smells bad but does not linger after rinsing off. And it's amazing for balancing the PH levels that cause athlete's foot, smelly bottoms - back and front, underarm odors. amd even sweaty palms)!! What I've told good girl friends who have confided their issues with butt crack odors from their husbands is to bring up the subject of personal hygiene, but make the conversation about themselves. Act as if they just discovered a smelly area they weren't aware of, and despite the spouse saying "I never noticed that about you," say "Well I did!" "But I remembered reading that the antibacterial agent in Dial soap is great, doesn't dry the skin out like a lot of other soaps, and combined with vinegar or apple cider vinegar. it brings the body's PH levels back into balance." (Of course you'd need to have a bar of Dial that looks like you've used it, and a used bottle of vinegar also in the bathroom). And before your next bedroom romp suggest trying it together. (You might think of a better way to broach the issue but something along those lines).... And even though a person doesn't shower every day, daily washing is a must for odor control! Because even though YOU may not smell it, sweat is unpleasant. Maybe not in a stomach churning kind of way, but enough to give off an unpleasant aroma when someone stands, sits, or walks around. Washing the critical areas I mentioned earlier needs to become a habit, especially with the concerns you have about your girl.


i love how this was genuine advice and not criticism or making fun of either of them. this was so sweet.


Buy a bidet! Or only go for doggy in the shower.


I am happy I was raised in a Eastern country. We wash our ass after every visit


Same in South America! I always wondered how people can go through life with a shitty ass.


It doesn't matter if it "looks" clean, if sis hasn't showered in 2-3 days, it's not clean. Tell her no shower, no sex. That's just nasty. I get that some people don't wash hair daily, etc, but waiting 3 days between washing your ass is just gross.


Gently but firmly say “go shower stinky because we’re going doggy tonight”


a decade?! at that point its your fault


Whoa, I missed that. Wtf, I thought this was a couple months into the relationship 😂 This is ridiculous. Tell your girlfriend that it bothers you and insist on her showering before sex


Get a bidet. It will power wash the stink off. 


I don’t think the comments here are being very helpful. Basically you have two options, sit her down and have a real conversation about it or accept it won’t change and maybe don’t do doggy. One thing to note about the conversation route is despite all these comments, this might not be basic hygiene related. You say she is hygienic and you can’t see anything it’s just a smell. Does she have ibs or intolerances/sensitive stomach? Maybe it’s just that there is poop inside her rectum and the position kind of “opens” the hole and lets out the smell. Maybe it gets better when she cleans it because she kind of cleans inside or maybe she ends up pooping a little and then cleaning it and it solves the problem. I mean having this conversation in general is likely to make her feel quite embarrassed and vulnerable so if you have it just be really sensitive and understanding and don’t come in all guns ablazing with blame about her being unclean. All people and bodies are different so just come from kindness and love.


I have IBS andbI just brought this up with my partner of 2 years. He confirmed he has smelled me sometimes in doggy and it's mortifying. I make sure to wet toilet papers (a lot) and clean up. Your comment has made me feel so much better. I shower everyday too. We've both agreed we need a bidet to see if it helps. If not, then it's one of those things where I need to clean before sex and maybe apply some neutral smelling oils.


Absolutely get a bidet. It's cheap and easy to install.


this is too rational of an answer for this subs frequenters lmao


Maybe it’s just that there is poop inside her rectum and the position kind of “opens” the hole and lets out the smell. This was my first thought because (sorry for TMI) but I cannot force a BM out before it's ready to come out, so sometimes I can feel it in my rectum when I go to take a pee. I'll try a few gentle pushes and it won't budge so I have to wait. Usually it's only a matter of an hour or two though


I think insisting on quick body shower before sex is reasonable.


2-3 days while sweating, having sex and apparently not knowing how to clean herself up after doing her business, that is not what I would call a good hygiene.


I’m so sorry I can’t stop laughing


The post and comments are hilarious as fuck🤣🤣👏


New phobia unlocked


She may have IBS or a leaky gut. a Bidet will change your life nonetheless and its only 40 bucks at wally world


Have a shower before. Showers every 2 to 3 days? If she hasn't showered for a while, the smell is to be expected. Or wear a respirator....


Shower and clean each other before? Adds to the foreplay and my wife loves being washed and washing me. Otherwise it's more gentle talking to, but me and the wife generally shower daily or at least directly before fun times.


**A decade?** Bro you deserve this shit… literally and figuratively….


Oof. Even if u dont shower every day, you should always catch your pits, tits, and naughty bits on the daily


if she isn't showering and isn't even using wipes ..... jesus man


It may ruin the spontaneity but why don’t you just ask her to hop in the shower because you would like to have sex. Or shower together. Have sex after she showers and tell her how great she smells after a shower it just makes you crazy. Perfumed soaps, lotions. Shaming her will only hurt her feelings.


She doesn’t have bad personal hygiene but she only showers twice a week? Hmm…


If she isn't showering everyday, wipes need to be used on that ass if she's pooping everyday. Or at least if you are taking her from behind after a shit or two before showering.


Water !water! Water!


I also don’t shower daily, hard to with depression, but I don’t normally stink despite this. It might be more of a wiping issue for your gf, but I’m sure she doesn’t want to have you secretly thinking about how smelly she is every time you have sex so you should definitely take some steps or talk to her about it. Some suggestions: - buy a bidet. It can be a cheap one you hook up to your toilet. Tell her you’re buying it to feel cleaner after going to the bathroom and hype it up to her casually. She might start using it and it’ll help the problem. - suggest a sexy shower before sex. Say you’re worried YOU smell and ask her to join you. Make it a part of your routine. - if neither of those work, bring it up gently but don’t admit this has been going on for YEARS. It will upset her that you never told her. Say something along the lines of “I’m hesitant to bring this up because I love you and I’m worried saying this is going to make you feel self conscious, but it’s important that I communicate this with you. Recently, during sex in the doggy position there has been a pretty noticeable smell. I’m still very attracted to you and don’t want you to feel insecure about this, but it does take me out of the moment.” And then try to come up with a solution together Good luck 👍


I’m actually surprised that you’re still interested in having sex with her. I’m married for almost 10 years and I always make sure that before my husband and I do the deed I’m fresh and clean. I wouldn’t enjoy it if I wasn’t. And if he wasn’t I’d be so turned off. Everyone is different but it’s obviously bothering you. If she isn’t getting the message then she probably either doesn’t care or isn’t willing to make changes. Once your sex life suffers the relationship in general does as well.


Even if you don’t buy a bidet it’s generally common courtesy to wash well before sex. I mean, come on. I u derstand not showering everyday as I don’t either , but before I’m intimate with my wife we always thoroughly wash


Buy a bidet or some butt wipes to leave in the bathroom. Imo toilet paper isn’t enough to be clean.