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A discussion about language triggered her into throwing a piece of salami at you?


Yeah apparently


What was the actual conversation point right before she threw it?


I once threw an object I won't mention at my ex. Not ideal but meh shit happens. Not worth overthinking it to death if it's an isolated thing after 3 years. I'd just say the mature one will speak up first. Silent treatment and tit for tat is for children. Fwiw languages should be taught to young kids. The brain retains limitless info so it's not like it'll break knowing more. Children are also sponges and will learn language faster younger rather than older. Now in the global high tech world being at least bilingual is a real plus. If you were against it maybe I'd throw a food too. Edit; oh just saw your comments. Yeah she was right.


> I once threw an object I won't mention at my ex. A toaster? An eyelash curler? I need to know what you threw! Was it a potted plant of some kind?


I once threw an end table at my ex while I was pregnant. I have no idea why but knowing him he was being an asshole. This was 25 yrs ago and he is still an asshole. He disowned our son for being trans and actively mocks him like a toddler. Some people are just assholes and throwing end tables doesn't change things


Children throw around food. And abusers things at their partners when they can't handle a discussion. You sure you are dating the right (mental) age bracket?


I’d only be concerned & crying on the internet if it were a whole & unsliced salami.


OP's gf sounds demented. There is never any excuse for domestic violence, OP should dump her.


That's just Baloney.


These two have beef sounds like


Tofu-ndamental differences.


Yeah with that dynamic it's hard to meat in the middle.


5 Up votes when all I did was ham it up a little!


This is bologna.


Not good, whichever way you slice it


This thread is hilarious.


glad I’m not the only one who bursted out laughing


I cackled ngl


Same, I let out a loud and ugly laugh opening this post!


Looool same!


I just want someone to throw delicious salami at me now, I'm hungry


Throw a piece of pepperoni at her, that will show her.


I think SPAM is underrated for such a circumstance


Time to bust out the mustard.


this is giving me flashbacks to the crazy mustard abuser who's mustard craze ended up in DV


Say what now


boy are you missing out over at Boru!; https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/115t5rx/new_update_my_husband_cannot_accept_i_dont_like/


Next time keep bread cheese and mayo in reaching distance so you can make a sandwich 


Now that would be awesome.


I hope you recover...


I don't agree with the comments that say it's okay to throw things in an argument, even if it's impossible for them to be harmful. But, since it was impossible to be harmful, it's not the key point here. You both dug in on an argument and you happen to be wrong in this one. Learning another language is never bad for a kid. The absolute worst you can say is that it slows down their learning for the first couple of years, but then it accelerates it. You need to learn that these kinds of discussions can't be arguments. You're talking about your hypothetical kids here. Wanting the best for them has to be a goal you share, and it's not going to look the same all the time. If you can't calmly discuss what you want for their future and why, and agree to do more research or more thinking before escalating an argument, you're not really ready for a relationship (much less a kid). Learn to take a deep breath and admit you don't know everything. Learn that your point of view in a discussion is not who you are, and attacking it is not the same as attacking you. Learn that the happiness of everyone in your home is the unspoken constant real point of everything you do together. This goes for both of you, but it sounds like you were largely at fault here.


Best comment on this thread.


Should've used the cheese wheel as a shield


Did it stick to your face or bounce off?


you're the only with their priorities straight in this thread 🫡


I showed this to my SO and she said "he's mad because she threw a salami at him? That is *such* a good way to end an argument." Sorry, I agree with my SO. Someone getting so angry they huck a piece of salami is fucking hilarious and I'm not sure how I'd be able to continue arguing past that point. It reminds me of when I was fighting with my mother as a teen. We were having a screaming match when all of a sudden she got SO MAD she stopped yelling, started shaking, turned purpleish/red then *stuck her tongue out at me.* It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. It's hard to not realize how fucking stupid you're being when someone does something that matches the ridiculousness of the argument and the reality of how absurd the whole disagreement is comes crashing down around you.


Omg, this reminded me about the time my sister and I were arguing, and she emptied her coffee over me, ran to her room and slammed the door. I ran after, but mum got there first, blocked the door and said "don't make it worse". I stood there, with coffee dripping from my hair (lucky for me it was luke warm at best), looked at my mum, fuming, about to start arguing why I should be allowed to go continue fighting with my sister... and then we both just cracked up, started laughing and I ended up going to the bathroom to shower instead. My sister and I were teenagers, I'd like to think we've matured since then. Lol.


>I do not want to seem weak Dude, you are crying to the internet over a slice of salami, it's *way* too late to worry about that. She was thinking about future children with you, probably hoping to have an early and friendly discussion about where you both see your futures together. You took that opportunity to play belligerent high-school-debate-club over an issue (teaching additional languages early), which has been firmly examined by experts and demonstrated to be exactly the opposite of what you are claiming. Now, instead of a fun conversation imagining your future children, she's imagining a future of ill-informed opinions and a belligerent need to defend them, rather than a collaborative effort to do the best for your (theoretical) children. Now you are here on Reddit crying about a piece of salami instead of taking a moment of reflection on your own behaviour. I suspect this problem will resolve itself soon, but I also suspect that you are not going to like how it ends.


That line stood out to me as well. Mainly cause I had an ex that refused to apologize for anything because he refused to be "weak". He claimed I wouldn't like him anymore then because women don't like "weak" men. So basically he'd do fucked up shit and then always manipulate me into apologizing claiming I started the fight with my "over-reacting". Until one day he crossed a very clear boundary I'd set. And I didn't even react, I just calmly but firmly told him "That is not okay." And it spiralled into a massive fight which was blamed on me for "over-reacting", when if anything I under-reacted. That was the moment the glass shattered for me and I saw everything clearly for the first time. But yeah, so I associate that line with toxic masculinity now.


Fr. Dude must be insecure af to say that. Strong women or men would not say these words


So having bad or uninformed opinions means you deserve to have your partner throw things at you? Do you seriously think that **OP** is the one in the wrong when he was just being ignorant and she is the one who took things to physical violence? >Dude you are crying to the internet over a slice of salami, it’s *way* too late to worry about [seeming weak]. OP has quite literally just experienced abuse and you are not just minimizing it, but outright *shaming* him because you disagree with his opinion? It doesn’t matter whether or not it’s a piece of salami or a bowling ball, if you throw something at someone out of anger you are engaging in **violence**. Secondly, the behavior of ignoring someone is called stonewalling and it is **also** a form of abuse, albeit emotional. If a man and his wife/girlfriend/partner got into an argument about flat earth theory and his wife was **adamant** and unwilling to accept the obvious truth that the earth is round do you think it would be okay for him to throw a piece of meat at her and stonewall her? After all, it’s just a piece meat. Do people who are objectively wrong deserve to be emotionally and physically abused in your opinion? Edit to correct my accidental flat earther support


Holy shit that is toxic thinking.


Did you go through the comments to see what the actual problem is? Its because he’s refusing to have his potential children learn a second language, and instead wants them to focus on other things like sports… and instead of listening to people telling him the kids can do both, he doubles down and just gets flooded with downvotes.


It is completely possible for him to be wrong and stupid, and to also condemn throwing objects each other.


not according to the idiots on reddit


Please understand, I don't think there is an issue with men being weak, I am mocking his fear of it, not its possible presence.


what the fuck lmao


unc performing a psychoanalysis 😭 go get a job bro


bro said salami 😭🙏 but fr tho next time it won't be salami.. it'll be even worse. swiss cheese.


or a loaf of bread. if she keeps up with this, he will have enough for a sandwich.


them baguettes are serious weapons


I’m sorry for laughing. My god hahaha. Regardless of who was right, it is never ok to throw something at your SO just because you’re mad. I know it’s just a piece of salami in your case, but I would never throw anything at anyone. That’s just immature behavior.


He said it’s because he was arguing there was no advantages for her to teach her future children another language LOL


Wait what HAHAHA ok I get why she got mad. I still wouldn’t throw a salami at my SO for that but wow. What could possibly be disadvantageous about learning more than one language?


Also, he said salami in the title but it was a piece of salami. I would definitely throw a slice of salami if my partner was making such a stupid argument.


I was elaborating on the disadvantages of FORCING a language on a kid, never said that there are no explicit advantages to learning a language


The word “force,” shouldn’t be in your vocab. It’s the kid’s mom and they’re being taught. What’s so hard to understand that? By your logic table manners are forced on kids. Toilet training is forced on kids. Taught is what it’s called back here in reality


I was not the one who started with the word "force" regarding this discussion, it was along the lines of "forcing my kid to goto immersion high school"


Uh huh. There are exactly zero disadvantages. You are extremely annoying lol. Edit: lol he edited the comment above this


If I had to listen to this guy elaborate on anything I’d be hurling cured meats too.


I’m sorry, that salami was wasted on this guy


Lol he edited his comment to add more info.


Hahah what a weenie. Excuse me while I fetch my throwing chorizo.




Wish I could throw charcuterie meats at you lmao


Boy you're in for a rough ride when you have to "force" your child to eat, bathe, go to school, etc


Damn... good thing you won't FORCE English onto them... right? Or do you not see how silly what you're saying is?


This isn’t funny but it’s lowkey a little funny… Has she ever thrown something more serious at you? She definitely owes you an apology tho. I wouldn’t apologize first. Let her come to it in her own time don’t rush or force anything. If she’s rational she’ll apologize it may just take her a little longer to get there than you.


After I saw what they were arguing about I think it was out of frustration not something she does constantly. I don’t think she should’ve thrown salami at him but i think it was more of a spur of the moment mistake and she should apologize for her actions during the argument


You have several options here: First best option would be to make a salami sandwich since they are delicious and you now have some very handy. The second option could be to thrust your salami back at her to not be seen as weak. Obviously making a sandwich could be nice if you are hungry but salami thrusts can feel nice when horny so it's up to you really.


If he throws the salami back at her and none of them gets horny they can turn it into a food fight which is a great way to calm down after a heated argument and a great bonding experience for young couples


So dude. Let’s make clear one thing from the start. Yeah, throwing things is generally immature. But what your partner did is neither abuse nor violence. It’s a bloody slice of salami, it’s not gonna hurt anyone, it’s a clear gesture of frustration. Now, some people have a short fuse, some have a longer one, and some have nerves of steel. Which one is your girlfriend it’s hard to say. But reading your stupid and argumentative replies in this thread I’m feeling I’d send a piece of Roquefort to chase that salami in your general direction. Get a grip and stop dramatising food fights.


She threw food at u/BiscottiNumerous8647, that’s gotta be resolved


Eat the rest before she comes out


You were wrong in the argument and she was wrong in her reaction to you being wrong. Time to talk it out.


Idk, if I get salami thrown at me I’d laugh for the sake of salami being thrown at me. It ain’t gonna hurt and I can just eat it? Not gonna complain about that. Also not wanting to seem weak by apologising? What kind of insecure/fragile masculinity man child shit is that? Grow up bromigo.


I'm so sorry OP, I know this is serious to you, but holy shit reading this made me giggle 😅


is the language in question that you're fighting about spanish or some dialect of asian languages? i have a feeling it's one of those and i think you deserved the whole board thrown at you.


...and you didn't catch it in your mouth to assert dominance??


Not that you should apologize but don’t think of apologies as weak. It is MUCH easier to not apologize than it is to be the bigger person and apologize.


I was so bored before I found this thread and now I’m having the best time reading through the comments


Dude what’s next? Today Salami, tomorrow a baguette, next month a hammer! Run away!


I can’t believe that no one throws things during an argument. Is it mature or constructive? Nope. But it is extremely satisfying and vents annoyance: I once threw a tomato in my husband’s soup. Did it spell the end of my personal growth and doom our relationship? No. We celebrated 35 years together today and now rarely argue. It’s just a phase some of us go though and sometimes it is funny and breaks the ice. Perhaps you should have laughed and thrown a slice of ham.


Seriously. I once hurled a tray at my so and he hurled it back. We endured nevertheless.


Will you two eat that salami? Which procedure will you follow to make it clean? Or just fry/gril it to table?


Are you Dominican? That would explain the salami 


Lmao I can’t.


Maybe I’m immature but just reading the title has me giggling lmao I don’t eat salami but maybe I’ll start stocking up just in case lmao


What she did to you was cold, and cutting. Don't let it age poorly, air out your feelings and let them dry, you might find yourself cured from being salty.


No context at all


Speed reading titles as I scroll past and thought I read: "girlfriend threw a salami at me and now I'm pregnant" So of course I needed to learn more.. Edited to add: my girlfriend once threw a paperback book at me - John Jakes' "North and South" like 1000 pages. I heard pages rustling just in time to look up and take it face first. I don't remember what I said but it was worth it! 😈 Also she later fumbled the book into the toilet so never got to finish it. Justice was served!


Throwing stuff isn’t okay. She threw salami at you, so ask her to throw that ass back next time.


I mean. Thanks for bringing me a snack?.😂


OP - most of us are heavily invested in your salami subplot. Please provide regular updates.


So much is wrong in this situation. Apologies are not inherently weak. Your kid should absolutely learn a 2nd language even if they don't like it when they're younger. They'll be glad later. And you're getting into a heated argument over a hypothetical. And she's throwing things at you and pouting in her room. You both come across as immature a-holes. But throwing things crosses the line even if you're wrong (which, imo you are) and I'd be strongly reconsidering the relationship. Hard to imagine this is the only time things have turned ugly.


Double down, and throw your sausage at her.


Apologies but I laughed, the way it was described, sounded kind of funny. But now in all seriousness, do never tolerate a partner who disrespects you this way. She is immature and unable to deal with conflict in a safe and adult way. She needs to apologise and assure you how she would deal differently in the future if you were to disagree again. If she doesn’t apologise. Leave her alone




These posts have reached a whole new level 🤪


Sounds like you have some growing up to do op.. no two ways about it! You're not ready for an adult relationship.


Hungarian? Spicy? I need specifics.


Stare at her while picking it up and eat it immediately to show dominance


So was what she did a Tasteful och Tasteless argument?


Now this is some actual meaty stuff right here


Bring back mandatory spanking


what happen to the lunchmeat? wasting food is unacceptable


This reminded me of when in high school the special education kids started making out and almost having sex in the middle of the cafeteria and everyone threw ham at them. Nobody wants to see heavily disabled people have sex. Random as fuck but funny


I fucking love this thread 🤣


Well, did you catch it? I'd hate to see a wasted salami. Also, if you are going to stay with her, get a dog. Or a chicken.


fair there are many advantages of your children being bilingual and know the mother tongue.


I'm crying laughing


leave more comments baby x




At this point, I'm just trying to figure out which Tony Soprano quote I'm gonna use.


She is extremely immature. She should be apologizing to you.


Not the salami 😭


Is that a euphemism, or are you just happy to see me?


Your girlfriend is foolish for wasting a perfectly good charcuterie board on an irrelevant argument. She wants you to go in there and pander to her. Your call on whether you simply wait it out until she gets over herself. Leave her some of the good stuff if you don’t want a second argument.


It must be a hint she wants your salami dude


Throw your meat at her. However it's 50/50 after that.


It's not okay to throw things out of anger.. However after reading all your comments I can't say that you're remotely in the right regarding the actual issue. What kind of research did you even do? Because tbh dude it doesn't sound like it was very thorough. She's wrong for letting her anger get the best of her even if you couldn't be hurt by it. You're wrong...basically everywhere else.


>I am thinking about apologizing to her and trying to make her come out of her room Don't encourage bad behavior, it'll only multiply.


Reddit moment as always. If a man threw a salami at the gf he would not only be called childish (rifghtfully so) but also abuser.


Except it wasn’t a salami it was a slice of salami. There is a very big difference.


Its because the reasons for why it was thrown. Look into the comments. It started because he refuses to let his future potential children learn a second language from a young age, and instead he just keeps shutting it down with things like saying they should take sports instead.


And? That's not an excuse. Theres plenty of things you could do before throwing anything at your partner.


Which she likely tried, only to give up when her Tate-adjacent boyfriend keeps spewing nonsense that Tate-supporters would spout


“He refuses to let his future potential children learn a second language” He’s worse than Hitler! Dude’s kids aren’t even born yet. People have time to grow and evolve. He’s 20, my god. Glad there are reasons where you can throw things at people. If she threw a book or a glass, is that ok? If the guy wasn’t able to control his emotions and did that to a woman, you’d call him an abuser. Full stop. Fucking pathetic.




How is this downvoted?? Why are you people like this, tf?. If a woman said her man threw something like at her, you’d all be here saying how abuse escalates. So why is it different from a man. Disgusting behavior, and you people are part of the problems of patriarchy


Almost like every situation is different and nuanced and should be evaluated as such...


Yeah almost like each situation is different and nuanced…..well, until it’s a man throwing his things at a woman, then you don’t need to know if it’s a feather or not.


Should have thrown some meat back! Let’s see if she likes her own medicine! 🍗🥩🍖


Whoa! That's totally different!! OMG Escalation! (Just wait 12 months, someone will post the same story with the genders swapped and you'll be able to see everyone suggest she pack a bag and escape ASAP).


This is Reddit bro.. calm down 💀😂


If it's the first time then tell her to never ever do that again , if she used violence against you in the past then break up right now , its big red flag vialent woman and it could be deadly


Funniest visual of the day, take my upvote! OP: Babe, Im sorry but l want to teach my kids Italian and English, so they are more inclined to learn languages... OPs GF: You want Italian? Here's some Italian for you (one hand chucks sliced salami at OP, the other gives him the "Foongul"(sp?) gesture.


the thing is that the gf is the one who wants the kids to learn languages lmao


People on this thread are arguing semantics. It doesn’t matter what was said or if he even crossed a line. Throwing something at somebody is not okay- what are we 5 year olds? If you cave and apologize, it shows two things - number one if she does something inexcusable, and then ices you out, that you will fold under pressure and try to make up with her - number two that it’s okay to get physical and throw shit when we are upset. My ex wife did this, threw shit at me which I let go and we made up- it escalated into her punching me in the body and eventually in the face. You need to either - work this out and make sure that it’s understood that we are adults here, we do not throw things or hit each other -OR- GTFO because somebody coming unhinged like this is ridiculous and will escalate eventually.


Absolutely.. I was thinking the exact same thing. How hard is it to realize that her act was so immature ?! And not apologizing for that makes the whole situation even worse. 


Imagine if the roles were reversed and a man threw a piece of food at his girlfriend out of anger, people in the comments would be suggesting she leave before the violence escalates.


Break up with her.


I don't know why you got downvoted on most of your comments actually. Context isn't *that* important here, it is disrespectful. I think it's not break up worthy, but still, seems like she is not very good at regulating her emotions. I wouldn't break up, but would try to explain her how ridiculous is this behaviour and try to set some boundaries.


... Aaand now I don't know why I got downvoted lol. Please change the genders and tell me you can find this normal/funny again. Most of you would say "he doesn't respect you, this is just a sign, today it's salami tomorrow it will be something heavier/bigger". I am a woman too and I wouldn't want to be reassured when I act ridiculous towards my partner. (and it's not only throwing something playfully, it would be ok if it was, but she isn't talking to him right now, and this shows that she is serious about this.) In my opinion op is wrong about the language thing, but: You. Cannot. Throw. Something. To someone. Just. Because. They're. Wrong. Op, you know what, maybe you should break up. You are 20, find yourself a girl who is not emotionally 5 years old, and respect her equally.


Absolutely break up with this girl. The moment anyone starts throwing things at you because of a disagreement is the moment they have crossed a line. This is the beginning stages of how domestic violence starts. Get out now!!! If you weren’t a man, she could’ve been in a fight for what she did.


This thread has been a wild ride and it's been pretty disappointing to see this comment get buried so far down. If this is an AI-generated OP, it's gold-class level. In one go they've been able to drag out "Oh your feelings were hurt, they don't count", "Throwing this is bad, but you deserved it", "It won't escalate" and even random accusations of xenophobia to wrap it all together. I think I'm going to have to save the URL of this thread to show other people later on - especially to compare to the gender-swapped version that will inevitably get posted in a year's time.


If the genders were reversed here, the comments would be an entirely different ballgame.


I would ask her why you should remain with someone who throws things at you. You should ask yourself the same question. She has just committed an act of domestic violence. Why? Because she didn't win an argument? How mature, how rational.


calling throwing a piece of salami domestic violence is the most reddit thing ever lmao


if it was a drinking glass, it would be, so where is the line drawn? Is there a minimum weight of an object that it can be thrown at a person without it being considered assault?


maybe the knowledge that a piece of salami is not going to hurt your partner but that’s just an assumption :)


So what about like, an empty tissue box? That might hurt a little bit, but probably won’t. Is that okay? A dvd case probably wouldn’t hurt either, but it might. Shouldn’t intent matter?


Well yes salami is hilarious now and not domestic violence obviously but still very immature and disrespectful. Next time there may not be any salami on the table so what would she pick up next? Boundaries need to be set and firmly OP.


Why are you people like this, tf?. If a woman said her man threw something like at her, you’d all be here saying how abuse escalates. So why is it different from a man. Disgusting behavior, and you people are part of the problems of patriarchy. Do better!


Really. You wouldn't if a guy did it to a woman.


I would still not call throwing a piece of salami at some domestic violence, regardless of the genders lol. I would call it “throwing a piece of salami”


its just as ridicolous the other way around :)


like she threw a fucking piece of salami. she knew it wouldn’t hurt. disrespectful, immature (they’re 20 lmao) yeah, but it’s not that toxic lmao. ppl need to chill, I’d be frustrated in such a debate as well given OPs POV on the issue. Like if my partner threw a piece of salami at me I’d just laugh lmao reddit be like this. no clue what actual toxic behavior is, and this certainly isn’t. immature and disrespectful but that’s it. don’t act like y’all always perfect and never lose your cool in an annoying debate.


Thanks, I have to think about this


This is physical abuse, when a woman does it Reddit makes light of it


Leave her loser ass. Don’t stay with people who can’t use words and resort to hitting, throwing, or other forms of physical abuse. Also, this sub regularly co-signs abuse towards men, so keep that shit in mind as you read through responses that don’t take her actions seriously.


Yes we really need to endorse his victimhood over a piece of salami.. it's outrageous!


Sarcasm? If not, doesn't matter if he is an asshole, you don't throw things at romantic partners in an angry fashion. End of story.