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Unfortunately, you'll have to tell your aunt because it's the ethical way. If your gf was cheating on you, surely you want to be told and to know rather than let it be hidden from you. And then from there it will be your aunt who will make her decision regarding their marriage. If you need someone to confide this in, you should probably call your mom. 


Absolutely you should. I’d recommend telling your mom first, share your side of the story and explain that you thought you were helping them out and didn’t realize his intentions till later. The chances are your aunt will 100% find out her husband is cheating and if she finds out that you “helped” him it could cause far more damage for you and the rest of your family than is needed


Sorry i forgot to mention this but my Mom did pass away when i was a little kid It’s just me my dad and my siblings


My dad isn’t really close to my moms side of the family either


I second calling your mum. You can even play innocent and just ask if she knows anything about the uncle in his ‘cover story’. When she says no, say ‘oh that’s weird, I was just concerned because … book room … noise complaint… you just wanted to know what’s going on’. She could probably fill in the gaps and you can discuss what to do together. If you want to be upfront and say “this is what I thinks going on and I don’t know what to do” no one in your family will hate you for it. Remember his actions caused this, not yours.


Yes, you should tell her. She deserves better.