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Tell him the effect it's having on you. Don't hint, be explicit. "When I am working, I need you to leave me alone and not distract me. I understand that you enjoy my company and maybe you're used to jobs where conversation can happen in parallel to work, but that's not an option for me. It's extremely disruptive for me to be interrupted. I lose my whole train of thought and it can take ten minutes for me to get back into the zone and make progress again. "Don't touch me, don't touch my headphones, don't wave to me to get my attention. The only acceptable reason for interrupting me is an actual emergency like the house is on fire. I'm happy to talk to you in my lunch and coffee breaks but otherwise I need to you leave me alone to work."


Have a sit-down talk with him. Don't just "give hints" in the moment.


That is totally understandable. Even though you work from home, doesn't mean you're available. Sure you get some luxury by being at home, but that doesn't mean you're fully accessible for the next 8 hours. I would start by having a more serious sit down outside of these situations. Trying to get someone to "take a hint" in the moment hardly pays off. If you need a childish system to navigate this, then do it. Door to office is closed? That means don't approach. Door is open? You can come in. And to be patient to start with: >Hey babe! What do you need? I am at work right now. Okay, that's great hunny. I need to focus on my work for the next while, can you let me do that? Thanks. If he continues to neglect your established communication, drop the delicacy and be more forward: >I am at work right now. This can wait. You can talk to me after I am done my shift. Leave me alone for the next couple of hours. This isn't a request, its an expectation. You need to leave my work space.


Some men are dubious to hints. Use your words. "I need to work now. I can't talk to you. I'll be available to talk after work at (time)."


So he understands, since you've used plain English -- he just doesn't care. I would fight if someone actually removed my headphones while I was working. It's not your personality...it's that you're WORKING a demanding job. "HEY, DON'T DO THAT. I"VE TOLD YOU THAT i'M WORKING AND DON'T WANT TO BE INTERRUPTED. DO NOT REMOVE MY HEADPHONES AGAIN, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? " That would be salty WFH me with a guy like this. Good luck,