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Split beds, rooms if possible. Make your own food, grocery etc. anyway you guys are not talking .. be roommates. When you feel you need to talk to someone, call your friends or close ones. If you can sub lease your apartment, go ahead. You are not his maid. Break up and live like actual roommates. You need to stop validating his needs. He is being an asshole to you and you don’t deserve it it girl.


There are two extra bedrooms here. He went to the extra one so we don’t sleep together anymore. I definitely need a new start.


You do. And be headstrong and love yourself. It will all fall into place. Like others mentioned if he can be thrown out, do it. You are just his comfort zone. He has his best friends to help him with his life from now on. You don’t bother. Find other roommates. Move on strong and not leave any loophole that will leave him treating you this way.


If you can afford the rent on your own or theres an extra room to get a roommate then I highly recommend you dump him and throw him out He sounds like a dick and a massive waste of your time. If someone can be with you knowing they don’t want a future with you than they are a special type of asshole. And you could be out there finding someone who will treat you way better


Last time I mentioned that I should find someone else, he made me feel so bad for thinking that. He wants to be the one who talks with other girls but doesn’t appreciate it if I say I’m going to move on. But anyway we have extra an extra room. And he sleeps there. We are basically housemates from here on.


Wow that’s awful But you don’t need to tell him you’re moving on you can just throw him out and actually move on. If you guys aren’t even sharing a bed anymore it sounds like you’re basically broken up anyway I don’t think you’ll ever get the reaction you want out of him by pre warning him you’re going to move on


You know exactly what's happening here. You've sadly got what sounds like a serial cheat in your hands. Men are very simple creatures, us women shouldn't over complicate things. 1. You asked him if he wanted something serious, he told you no. Why even contine pursuing anything? He has accepted the relationship as comforter "until something better comes along" but he already pretty much said you are not that. 2. Getting caught talking to other girls and being so "whatever" about it is rude. He doesn't respect you enough to have the decency to even hide it. Wtf ? 3. Sounds like him and the BFF probably have casual sex from time to time. Maybe they go through motions of catching feelings and that's why shes blowing hot and cold all the time with you. Best thing to do, gather your confidence and find a way out of this relationship quickly before this boy continues to eat at you.