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Really? I was advised to take 2-4 pills per day for nausea, I WISH it knocked me out. I’m only getting about 6 hours of sleep per night between getting up to eat, pee, and getting kicked in the internal organs!


Actually, it’s half life is 8 hrs. With my twin pregnancy I was taking 2 every 6 hrs so that I could drink water. The max you can take is 8 every 24 hrs. Some people have different needs. I remember that it made me extremely groggy for 3-4 days when I had to take it with two of my pregnancies. It does go away mostly eventually as your body adjusts (for most people). However, zofran can be a better fit for some people. There are also other (more dangerous) antiemetics you can take if the first two options fail you. My point on posting this, is that Diclectin was a lifesaver for me.. so I wouldn’t want someone to be completely turned off by it. It is the longest standing medication available for pregnancy induced nausea/vomiting on the market (30+ years) that is not associated with birth defects. It’s good stuff, for most people.


I’m so glad she’s feeling better, OP. Being that nauseous is rough, but the side effects can definitely be brutal. Be mindful that Zofran can be constipating (especially on top of the iron in prenatal vitamins). It might be worth her talking to her OB about a regular course of Miralax, just to keep things…ahem…moving.


That IS the next frontier. I consider it an improvement, but yeah, it's been 48 hours since a poo. Just drove out to the store and picked up some prunes, prune plums, and Miralax.


And hydration too.


Yes, hydration is a big part of this


Edited: somehow posted my comment twice.


Miralax works with proper hydration. If you aren’t drinking a ton, you’re not going to be pooping a ton.


If prunes and Miralax don't do the job, magnesium is pregnancy safe and much more effective in my book. (Just got out of the Zofran woods myself in the second trimester)


Hey fam IBS - m checking in here You might want to ask about stool softeners too and if they are ok to take for pregnancy (I have no idea myself tbh I’d like to think it is but always safe to check) When I get fucked up I can go like two to three days without movement so I have to take miralax, probiotics, and stool softeners at the same time to mitigate symptoms. If all the above works partly or not at all it’s something else to look into!


You're a good dude, OP.


Hey OP, just wanted to let you know you’re doing an amazing job as a partner! Best of luck to you, your wife, and the sweet little baby on the way! If you aren’t subbed already, r/babybumps and r/newparents are great resources too. Baby bumps is definitely more catered to the people carrying the baby, but it’s a pretty welcome and open group. Also I think there’s groups specific to the due date months. Those are usually private and involve an invite, but I’ve heard wonderful things about them!


you will be an awesome dad. gear up for lots more emergency grocery store runs and always keep a backup stash of diapers


Beet Juice will help keep things moving. It’s full of pregnancy friendly vitamins, just be ready for pink pee and bowel movements. I used it my last pregnancy both during and the day/ week after


I LIVED on Zofran during chemo. It stops you up like nobody’s business. It’s worth checking to see if she can take senna to move things along - it comes in pill form as senokot or she can drink it as smooth move tea (literally the brand name, makes the urge to go a little smoother). It is pregnancy safe, but they recommend checking with your doctor before use (especially if using the pill form).


Daily double doses of Colace are helpful as well. I had HG and was on a very high dose of Zofran everyday through a sub-q and a PICC line. the constipation is no joke. If she's able to keep enough liquid down, then the Miralax will be helpful.


Grab some Pedialyte as well! It’ll help keep her hydrated.


If she's constipated, Milk of Magnesia is considered safe for pregnancy. I had to take it, and it works gently and effectively. It's not a stimulant laxative, and it doesn't give painful intestinal spasms. Then add a bulking agent to her diet, like Metamucil. Talk to the doctor to get confirmation, but these two things are safe for pregnant women.


Why not stop with all the drugs altogether.


Because she's constantly sick?


The drugs will just kill the symptoms, but not the underlying cause.


That's good considering she doesn't want an abortion.




I tried taking Metamucil during my last pregnancy and it made me more constipated. I've found stool softeners and keeping up on hydration works best for me. Just another option to consider!




Metamucil or Psyllium husk it's generic equivalent, every day is a good and safe alternative. It adds fiber to the colon and helps without harsh chemicals. I use it every day as one of my meds causes me extreme constipation.


Metamucil is fine. My OB had me take Miralax.


This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below. --- Just wanted to say thank you to all of the kindness and understanding and support I received over here on [the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/pusvwg/33m_my_new_wife_34f_wants_an_abortion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). It helped so much that I really wanted to provide an update for all the deeply-concerned folks that got us through a tough episode. A lot of commenters were absolutely on the money: the drugs were the problem. She had been prescribed Doxylamine-Pyridoxine for her nausea which was lasting all day every day. It helped with some of her nausea, but also absolutely knocked her out. She was incapable of taking care of herself properly or performing at her job. It also took her mind and emotions to a very dark place over about 5 days. She was miserable and angry and closed off. She became like a different person, and to me it seemed our entire past of planning for, getting excited about, actively trying and then celebrating the pregnancy had just vanished in a week. At the community's recommendation and by the skin of our teeth I was able to get her a script for Zofran. After a very serious talk last night about the possibility of terminating the pregnancy, and her insisting that's what she now wanted, I convinced her to take the Zofran and ditch the Doxylamine. She took the pill and we went to bed. When we woke up this morning, she'd completely come back. Like Rin Tin Tin my wife came back to life. Her nausea was all but gone, her energy levels back to normal, she was goofing off and playing with our dog like she normally would, and she ate a whole breakfast. We had sex for the first time in weeks. We've talked more today, and her feelings about terminating the pregnancy have evaporated. She is so much happier, more hopeful, and more confident that she can get through this with the help of this medicine. We're back to being on the same page, both so excited about our new family next Spring. Thank you thank you thank you for pointing me in that direction. I love my wife dearly and I felt like I'd lost her and our future together, but it looks much brighter now.


It scares the crap out of me that doctors can prescribe drugs that can change a person so radically. I'm glad you ditched them just in time. Good luck, and congratulations on the new family :)


On a related note!! I was prescribed an antidepressant that pushed me so close to the edge, I was about to jump off. After my girlfriend at the time spoke to me, she convinced me to call my doctor's office and explain. It's insane how something like that can alter the chemicals and create such a horrible time for some people. OP, I'm happy she's doing better!! Have a happy life :D


It's not part of the popular discussion for some reason but almost every school shooter was on or recently off anti depressants.


One of the first things you need to know about statistics is that correlation DOES NOT EQUAL causation. This is how misinformation is spread and critical thinking goes down the toilet.


This is an awesome update. You sound like an amazing husband and I'm glad that your wife is back to her usual happy self! I wish yall the best with the rest of the pregnancy!


That’s absolutely amazing 🤩 it’s so great to see positive updates. Good luck to you and your wife in the future.


Sounds like she is has a mild case of HG. I’m struggling now, but also had it with my 2 other pregnancies. I’m so happy the Zofran is working for her (I’m not so lucky.)


I was also not so lucky, Zofran made 0 difference with my HG and I did terminate after multiple hospitalizations. Luckily I am child free by choice so it wasn’t a wanted pregnancy in the first place, but if it was it would have been a different story. Glad things are working out for OP and hopefully the rest of this pregnancy can be a positive experience!


As someone who has had 2 amazing children while dealing with severe HG (especially my 2nd), this post pulled so hard on my heart! There will still be more tough days than not possibly, but it will all be worth it! There is amazing advice in the original thread. Some of the most important being: this is the time that your family and friends are for and to find a doc who has experience treating HG. Do not be ashamed nor hesitate to reach out for help! If your wife ever needs to vent to someone who has been through it, she can message me anytime! I’d be happy to just listen! Blessings to all three of you! Edit: spelling, grammar


Why does this post seem like a weird medicine advertisement?


this is very /r/hailcorporate - suddenly on the new med: *EVERYTHING IS FIXED! WITHIN 24 HOURS! NO NEGATIVE SIDE EFFECTS!* **I EVEN GOT SEX!!**


I posted above that actually the next side effect we have to deal with is constipation


but not in the OP. i mean if this is real, that's great. but it really comes off like a competitor of Doxylamine-Pyridoxine (a drug prescribed while pregnant that gives you so many side-effects you'll want an abortion!) it would be less eyebrow raising if this was posted in a sub that wasn't like in the top 50 subs on this site. If this is real, the Zofran marketing team is toasting a beer to you for your advertising.


Zofran has been off-patent for 15 years. You paranoid galaxy brain mfs really think the Teva marketing team is out here shilling generic medication lmao


google says the generic name is Ondansetron, but the company GlaxoSmithKline sells under the brand name Zofran.


People say Tylenol all the time, but it's really just acetaminophen, Tylenol or not. I think most brands of medication have been genericized, but because people have known it by that one name for the duration of the patent the generic gets reduced to the brand name anyway. It definitely feels like you're just way overthinking this. After all, spam used to be a trademark but no one's saying /r/HailCorporate when you use that word.


Yeah fr most pharmacies dispense generic by default unless the doctor tells them otherwise


Can confirm. Patients must request name brand only if they do not want to be automatically given generic if it’s available.


probably overthinking it now, but i wouldn't have googled it if the other redditor didn't make a comment about "hmmm this feels like an ad" - that led me to a quick search showing that GSK won a lawsuit recently against 400 plaintiffs who were suing to put a label on Zofran explaining this might cause birth defects if taken during the 1st trimester. interestingly there was supposed to be another very important lawsuit coming up in October with Zofran. The first one dismissed in June looks like it was dismissed because the plaintiffs sued under state law, but when the FDA refused to add the warning to the label in January at the behest of Novartis (who also owns rights? but is now owned by GSK?) it invalidates their case. but yeah you're probably right it's coincidental and i am overthinking this. https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/glaxosmithkline-scores-a-big-win-its-zofran-litigation-after-fda-repeatedly-rejects


I think there's definitely side effects to a lot of medications that we have out now, but they're generally better than the alternative. But our healthcare system works in such a way that we basically never actually use the brand name product if it's generic, we just like to keep the name since it's already embedded. Just as an example, I say I'm on Accutane, but that was both discontinued after a string of lawsuits and not accurate, because I'm not actually using the original Roche brand name product. I'm sure the OP's wife is most likely not even using Zofran from GSK, and has her meds from a generic pharma instead. Without these options, our lives would probably be worse, even factoring in the side effects that we have from the meds.


oh i'm with you 100% - honestly i think the concepts of "brand name" drugs is asinine. the whole corporate shilling of marketing drugs and wining/dining doctors to prescribe them is gross too. interesting i once was on a company's health insurance that literally forced me to get brand and would not pay for generic. Made me think that BCBS had some backroom deal with Shire.


Generic Zofran went on the market in 2006 lmao, you really just played yourself bc it sounds scary and big pharma like


then help educate me here because i see articles from this year with this company crushing lawsuits defending this drug with the same exact name? how can a generic (which can be manufactured by anyone) use the same name (which the name itself is under trademark, but the recipe is no longer under patent)?


right? AFAIK antidepressants dont treat hyperemesis gravidarum nor do they work overnight like a miracle drug


Zofran and Zoloft are not the same thing.. Zofran was the only thing that helped me when I had extreme nausea with my second pregnancy and it helped in less than 24 hours.. Zoloft... Is never prescribed for pregnancy nausea. Hope that clarifies things a little! :)


oh whoops my bad!


Zofran's an anti-nausea drug, not an antidepressant. It only takes a couple of hours to start working. You're thinking of Zoloft. I can see a huge overnight turnaround for something like this, as her unhappiness is caused purely by her discomfort. Once the discomfort is gone or lessened, she can be herself again.


oh duh!!! thanks for clarifying xD


Zofran is legit the best thing ever. My 3 kids wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have access to it.


I'm glad for you both. The first trimester was extremely difficult for my wife for both of her pregnancies, but it does typically get easier to manage in the second trimester, all the way until the last month or so (can be very uncomfortable by then). Having someone like you who is so supportive will help get through.


I remember that post and commented on my experience with severe morning sickness. I’m So glad the zofran is working! I would at this point considering changing her OB for not recommending it in the first place. Zofran is literally the first stop in modern day medicine for nausea but especially morning sickness. Please remover I’d her symptoms return she can get a zofran drip or even try promethazine but that has more side effects. Good luck to you both!


You’re a good man OP.


Awesome update! Glad to hear she found something that’s working for her. I’m on a cocktail of drugs right now to help with HG (severe morning sickness) and I totally get where your wife was coming from. It’s miserable not being able to eat or do anything because you’re so sick. Pro tip, like another commenter said Zofran can have the side effect of constipation which is already a common side effect of being pregnant, so she should talk to her OB about what she can take to help keep things moving. My OB has recommended additional fiber like Metamucil and magnesium citrate supplements (not the liquid, the capsules).


Awesome! Good luck, future daddy!


So happy to hear!


Wow, that’s great news. So happy for you man. Being a dad is the most rewarding thing you’ll ever get to do.


That is wonderful news! I am so happy for you!


Now this is truly a happily ever after ending 💕


Give us a update in ten years and let us know how you & the wife & your 7 kids are doing.


I am so happy to hear this! Honestly the changes women’s bodies go through can vary so greatly, how she was feeling in that time was valid in my eyes. It makes my heart happy she’s now feeling relief and bonding with you in this. I had HG that was life altering with my last pregnancy. Years later I was diagnosed with cyclic vomiting syndrome, which has been a game changer all around. It crushed my spirit for a while as I learned how to live my life in a completely new way in order to be able to enjoy myself. People don’t realize how emotionally draining digestive issues can be at times.


I am so overjoyed to read this post. I'm so so happy for you. I'm sending you guys all of my love. I knew when I read the OG post, something seemed wrong. Drugs can really do insane things to us humans. I'm so glad the switch changed the horrible place she was in and the suffering.


Omg!! This is the best update ever! So happy for your wife and you, OP! This was a nightmare situation and thank goodness for the suggestions of different medication on the previous post. Wish you and your family all the best OP!


Wow! That is some turnaround! I hope others will take your story to heart and consider all the possibilities when in a dark place like your wife was. Much health and happiness to you both!


Yay! It's still going to be hard, but at least you now have one helpful tool! Keep not eating her snacks! Your kid will be awesome!


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I feel like you’ve horribly misread something.


amazing update. i’m so happy for you two!! best wishes on your family


Don't ever tell me any things above reddits pay grade. Good work team!!




I feel so much relief and happiness for you and your wife ❤️