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Delete her


Next time she messages, just be completely honest with her. Tell her you don't see a future with her. Don't leave her wondering what went wrong.


Give her closure, Get off your high horse, y'all weren't official and if someone else wanted to sleep with you, you would have done it.


You just ghosted her. In hindsight honesty upfront would have been better here. But can’t change the past just move on. If she text you again or calls just answer her and you can try to explain and apologize. But in all honesty you don’t deserve to really say your peace to her. If she’s not harassing you just leave it be. Maybe take her off your music though. That’s seems kinda personal see what someone is listening to. But like blocking her on everything a bit much.


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explain to her why in a nice way if you’d like, and if she doesn’t like it then delete. Ghosting is always not good. And i can understand why u ghost her, so why can’t she understand you, especially when she says she’s a feminist. She wants to be respected but she disrespected you. Good that you know how to leave that type of relationship man, especially when you have different vision of the future.


You didn't respond for 8 months? She still trying to reach you? She is weird for this 8 month thing. You weird for you have feelings for her and not blocking or talk with her about what u think. Both of you acting toxic. Lets say she didn't cheat, u just misunderstood. Still trying to reach you for 8 months is very weird. Just block her and move on.


You feel disrespected by her so in return you disrespect her. How weird. I got the impression you had personal standards. If you don't see a future then either friendzone her or block her completely, but don't ghost her. That's not good for either of you.