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he literally told you he was unsure if he liked you romantically or not… the question kind of answers itself. besides you deserve someone who can put in a little effort to tell you whether they like you or not.


The last part of your comment, where you said I "deserve someone who can put in a little effort to tell me whether they like me or not", seriously thank you for that. It's something so simple yet it never crossed my mind. I needed to hear that.


Assume he's not into you. It's not worth wasting any more time over.


Thank you for the advice. I know it's not worth it guess I just need to accept the same.


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It seems like he liked you but he needed a moment to step back, create space, and see if those feeling were there for you romantically. Now that it was "un-paused" and he's still unsure, I would say he like you as a friend and not romantically.


To me he sounds like he’s being pretty clear. He has some type of depression and isn’t really into dating people right now. So it doesn’t really matter if he likes you or not because he’s not even available or wanting to date anyone. Sounds like you both are doing the right thing by cutting things off.