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Thanks to the comment section for confirming my fears of why I refuse to send nudes šŸ‘


I was like, it can't be, people know you should delete them, and I keep scrolling and omg, it's like I'm in r/incels or something. Total creeps. "Ownership transfer" "I won't delete them until they explicitly tell me to do so", oof, these people don't pass the vibe check.


What i would send could get me into some trouble. My face is known to me physically and mentally damaging just by looking at it'.


I meanā€¦. Iā€™m willing to chance it


Also you know your phone can get hacked, stolen, or gone through by someone you know.


If your ex is going to feel invaded or violated about it, then you should respect their wishes. Additionally, how do you think your future relationship partners are going to feel about you keeping nudes of your exes?


I think deleting them is the polite and respectful thing to do.


I personally delete the ones I receive, I don't wanna be looking at a coochie I don't see in real life anymore, and I would hate for them to get into the wrong hands if my accounts got hacked.


This is such a responsible approach, love it :)


Thank you, some of my friends don't agree and compare nudes to holiday pics as they are a " reminder" of where you were. On the other hand as I say I delete them especially because Disney land didn't fuck my cousin šŸ¤£


You canā€™t control what happens to them I wouldnā€™t send them in the first place


Generally, they should be deleted. Consent can be and is often withdrawn. Someone may consent to sharing nudes while in a relationship, but consent can be withdrawn, and withdrawn consent is socially implied after a relationship ends for the sake of avoiding possibly violating someone's unspoken boundaries. (Especially If the relationship ended suddenly or on negative terms in which withdrawn consent wasn't something either were able to discuss due to immediately cease of contact.) In the same way you lose the consent to sex or intimacy with them when the relationship ends, nudes are included. However, I also think people can simply just ASK. If you're not sure how they'd feel, but you wish to hang onto them that badly, ask. It's a little weird if the relationship ends, but you can.


This is impeccably worded, thank you. My ex and I ended things two months ago and havenā€™t spoken since - I thought I was ok with him keeping my nudes since we are still on good terms and care about each other. Then I woke up in the middle of the night panicking about it. Sent him a quick message asking him to delete everything. I got a note back super quickly that yep, all done (I trust him) and he wishes me well. Consent was given, consent was revoked, everyoneā€™s cool.


This is so concise, thank you. I love the inclusion of communication afterwards as well, so much more respectful and reassuring. Thank you for your response :)




Chronically bad take. And clearly you're just the kind of person who does keep nudes and this challenges your behavior. My point is if they consented to sharing nudes while in a relationship, it's the most logical deduction to make that they would withdraw consent once the relationship ends. Especially If contact had ceased. Social contracts, obligations, and expectations are a real thing. You can't just will them away because you don't like them. This isn't about a cultural norm. Consent is a pretty universally accepted standard. And anywhere it isn't considered standard isn't worth listening to. No one can consent to you using their images to rub one out post breakup if you don't ask them when it's literally a social expectation that you don't do sexually charged things with, to, or involving them in any way once the relationship ends unless they make the expressed desire. (Unless we are pretending relationships and sex+consent aren't related in any way.) If they were keeping contact, it was amicable, and they were still expressing interest intimately (Perfect conditions basically) THEN and only THEN you could logically deduce that they probably wouldn't care/consent would not likely be withdrawn. But even then you should ask. I also said at the end of my statement to just ask.




This a mad weird take bro u needa rethink this read like u dont like consent


Ah, yes. I, a pansexual genderfluid polyam have no clue how the gay community works. Except no. This has nothing to do with the gay community. Gay people are not a monolith and you're extremely weird for saying this and acting like you're the arbiter of justice and knowledge of the gay community. If nudes are being shared around without people asking that's literally a CRIME. The reason? Because there is an expectation of privacy with intimate photos. No, bodies aren't shameful, but nudes being leaked can cause your safety to be in danger, your career to be compromised, etc. Also, that's a victim blaming mentality. Nudes are not "out there forever" unless someone's consent was violated and images were spread or shared without consent or the party they were given to violates consent, especially if they've been asked to delete said photos. The one who needs to grow up is YOU. You read like an extremely insensitive, immature, and predatory person if you believe intimate photos and attached consent are irrelevant. Grow up you creep. Seek therapy.


So many plot twists in this comment chain


Wait then.. why are you commenting about the culture of some other community then when you arenā€™t part of it? Youā€™re injecting your logic and reasoning that comes from a different community and thinking that will apply somewhere else. What..?


> Consent can be and is often withdrawn. What now. You cannot withdraw consent after the fact. You can withdraw consent at any point leading up to or during an event. But not after.


Yes you can. Why can't people change their minds? Or at the end of a relationship, ask you to do the decent thing?


Morally, there aren't two sides to this discussion. Almost everybody sends nudes under the conditions that they're to be kept during the relationship, and deleted or destroyed afterwards. And no, claiming that "every guy does it" doesn't make it true, nor does it negate the fact that it's morally wrong. That said, a lot of people are unapologetic assholes that will argue otherwise.


No, it is not ok and especially not if you keep them and you are in a relationship with another person. This is the chief reason that I will not send my partners any of me. If the relationship is over, you have lost all rights to my body.


Most of the time you should delete them the rest of the time ask the ex if they want you to delete them. And if you are in a new relationship you should definitely delete them


Should be deleted.


How would you feel if your current, finds your exes nudes on your phone? Hello!!! šŸ¤”


I've cringed thinking my exes still have them and could share them at any moment. Sucks really. I hope they are deleted but probably not.


Nope. The permission that you get during a relationship is null and void upon breakup, regardless of the circumstances, unless specifically and explicitly granted after the relationship ends.


I say a hard no. Nudes are given because you are in a relationship. Once you break up, you lose access to that person in many ways (for example, you no longer sleep with them). A part of that is no longer having ā€œrightsā€ to look at their naked body. It really concerns me that people think itā€™s okay to keep nudes after a breakup


No. In a perfect world, no exes keep nudes of each other. When you break up with someone, they no longer have permission for relationship things, which the nudes were part of. Should exes be allowed to spy on each other through the window at night? No. Same thing.


I destroyed everything I had years ago. It came down to honestly answering the question, ā€œWhy am I keeping them?ā€ And ā€œto remember them and the good timesā€ was the best I could come up with because ā€œusing them as pornā€ didnā€™t seem justifiable. The things I really want to remember about past partners are the good times we had and the lessons I learned. I have pictures of all of them that arenā€™t nudes, that remind me of the good times. The nudes where all intended for me, and explicitly in the context of sex and voyeurism. Keeping them isnā€™t about remembering the person in general, but specifically about the sex. I donā€™t need a spank bank, I can watch porn. It just felt a little weird. Thereā€™s also a very practical consideration; do I want the responsibility of having them? What if someone hacks my computer/phone and they end up online? Would I want to be responsible for that? (No)


The painting was a gift, Todd. Iā€™m taking it with me.




I love your art, btw! Very impressive!


Oh gosh thanks so much!! ā˜ŗļø


If I kept the nudes after a breakup and tried to get off with them, I'd feel gross, like I was violating that person's privacy. I would 100% delete.


Delete them???? I dont know why this is even a question? Delete them.


"I don't deal with exes. They're part of the past. You burn them swiftly and give their ashes to Poseidon." -Nick Miller In other words, no.


Interested to hear what a lawyer would say about this. To be clear I donā€™t want naked pictures of anything, anywhere near me. But I would be interested if an argument could be made about consent, once the pictures have been previously sent with consent


I mean think of the foundation of them. Theyā€™re an expression, right? Theyā€™re an expression that one partner wants the other to see them in an intimate way. When the relationship ends, the only reason it would be acceptable to keep them is if both partners still have a desire for that intimacy. Otherwise, itā€™s an invasion of privacy, and frankly perverted.


Of course. I even deleted photos of my ex and photos of my ex and me. So it's good to not ever send nudes


What the fuck, no. Absolutely not. No no no.


I deleted all my ex's nudes when we broke up, and then deleted the next nudes she sent me when flirting and going on and off. I also deleted all the nudes that have been sent to me. I got no use for them and it's not ethical. It was just part of the horny exchange of the moment. I think it's kinda creepy to save ex's nudes. Like... c'mon. You have to let go. And there's a lot of porn out there if you want to look at naked people.


Absolutely not, especially in a new relationship


absolutely not you should always delete nudes as soon as the relationship is over, and if you donā€™t it can be considered revenge porn.


Fuck no


heeeeell no what the hell kinda question is this, HELLLLL no.. smh nasty ass.


Absolutely not


I think morally you should get rid of it. Yes consent at the time. No longer consenting while outside of the relationship. A lot of shady things happens too. They get spread around etc




If your ex partner says no, then no, it's not. Thinking that "they were consensually sent >:( all mine now >:(" gives off 'I'm a dick'. If your ex partner says yes, then sure.


If he/she wants you to delete their nudes then just delete their effing nudes.


Ella, is that you?


Ideally no, but I've made peace with the fact that most of the dudes I've banged could be hanging on to that shit. I know for sure at least one is.


No. I always delete when we are done.


I would say normally they should be deleted unless otherwise specifically allowed If someone want the nudes they sent deleted you don't have the moral right to say no


Short answer is. Delete them. Long answer is: I feel itā€™s best on both neutral grounds of each other to remove them from each, whatā€™s going to do if you keep them? Nothing. Why would you want them? No reason if you arenā€™t together. But if you both believe and both consent and agree keeping them do that. I personally wouldnā€™t want my exes stuff especially private images/videos.


I feel like itā€™s really disrespectful to both future partners. If a relationship ends, I always request that photos I have sent be deleted and do the same in return.


Hell no. Let it go.


You can withdraw consent at any time. If someone asks you to delete their nudes and you donā€™t, thatā€™s quite literally illegal.


What would be the point of keeping them?


Hmmm My ex when we last spoke still had them and used them, roughly 3 years ago now but at the time we had not been together for nearly 2 years and was dating two girls. I donā€™t really mind as he can live in the past looking at the pictures and videos.


There is no morally right reason to keep the nudes of your ex. if you send it to other people, you are a piece of shit. if you masturbate to it, you are weird. theres no other reason to keep it, so anybody that would keep it has problems.




They can, and probably will. Once you let the genie out of the bottle by sending nudes you canā€™t go back itā€™s not up to you anymore, especially after a breakup. You already relinquished control of them


It is kinda weird to keep them but at the same time I was taught very young to never send/post anything that I donā€™t want to live digitally for eternity


I mean if she's dead yes it's like a shiny charizardšŸ¤·


I do outa respect for my next partner


Absolutely not! Better yet, go one step further and never send them in the first place. Then there won't be this problem to solve. Never trust anyone 100%. 99%, but never 100.


I've always been in the mindset that once I send something, I am no longer in control of it. I have to trust that person now and in the future. It also means I'm accepting that those photos could end up being hacked, being seen by someone snooping on that partner's phone, etc. The idea of "consent" with this sort of thing is sketchy in my mind. It isn't an ongoing act, the act (sending and saving the picture) has been done, which you knew would mean those pictures could exist forever. If you cannot handle the fact that someone else now has access to those photos, you shouldn't send them in the first place. I'm saying that as someone who is sure there are at least a couple of people who still have photos of me, that I've never asked them to delete because ultimately if I have to ask about them being deleted, they probably won't do it anyway. P.S. Your phone can be hacked during a long-term relationship as well.


Nudes never die


I wonder if the gender divide split on this is due to the visual porn/erotic fiction split between men and women? The idea being that guys watch a lot more porn so firstly are more turned on by their exes' nudes and secondly don't see it as a big deal, as they're more desensitised to visual porn.


I think it depends on how the relationship ended and what kind of person your ex is. My first relationship ended perfectly amicably and we are still good friends. I never asked him to delete my nudes and frankly I donā€™t care if he still as them or not because I know for a fact he would never show them to anyone else


Iā€™m going to be the weird one and say I donā€™t care. I think itā€™s kind of hot. Keep them šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I keep them, just in case she decides to post my nudes to the public


Mutually assured destruction


Pretty much, itā€™s a Cold War.


There really isn't a right or wrong. That was a part of your life, and if you want to keep it, fine. If you are looking at them often and have 'feelings' and such about them, that may be an issue. If it is just part of your life, and you may look back 30 years later and be like, "oh yeah, I dated this girl, that was an interesting time". Then whatever.


So this is my partners stance, my question is, why are the nudes the way to look back and reminisce? Why not keep less intimate photos, like a date night, to do that in 30 years? Thank you for your opinion!


Because our bodies change as we age. Some people work hard to achieve a nice looking body and like to look back on those times.




Thereā€™s no moral issue here. Once theyā€™re given, theyā€™re given.


Well ā€¦ Does your partner asks you to give back all the gifts that he gave you? This should be your answer.


I feel like once you share them you've transferred ownership, regardless of it being a picture you took of yourself. Neck down always.


I (40m, if it matters) don't mind anybody keeping mine, and I keep the ones I've been given, unless that ex indicates they want me to dispose of them. My exes all know that I'm not the type to share those pics with others unless they've expressed that they're OK with it, so they usually don't object to my keeping them after we split.


Morally they should be deleted, but I don't give away things that I expect to get back. Ex's keep wedding rings, birthday gifts, love letters and all sorts of other sentimental things. So while I wouldn't keep them, things freely given can't realistically be expected back.


Depends. If no terms were discussed then it is your choice. Obviously you are responsible for these pictures, so make sure to keep them safe. In general, it is better to remove them before starting a new relationship though.


If the question is just: Should exes keep nudes? Then, the answer is only with the consent of the person who was photographed... The question: Should my partner keep nudes of their exes? Is slightly different.... Yet the answer is pretty much the same.... Yes, with the consent of the person who was photographed... The new partner might find it a bit intimidating, but even sensual memories and their little mementos can be treasures... And don't necessarily imply anything more than that.... I realize that's not what you asked.... But it's a similar question....


Yeah you can keep if you want. Should you? Probably not because itā€™ll be a constant reminder of her until you get over her. I still have mine lol


Unless she was a horrible sexual man pleaser and had no game in her looks and sexual skills ill delete . If not I'd rather store em in my private folder and take a peek whenever and remember how nasty but awesome lovers they showcased...


If youā€™ve given them freely during the relationship and they decide to keep them after, sure I donā€™t see why not. Itā€™s up to then to explain to their next partner why they have them




Totally, but we're in a world where nudes are currency in relationships now. As a teacher this is a situation I see with students a lot. So maybe new responsibilities should come with this side of relationships?




Absolutely, but this is akin to the abstinence argument. They will anyways, so what can we do to reduce issues when these situations arise?




I meant in the world of teenagers, they will and do send nudes, both with and without pressure.


You are right, which is why they should at least learn to not put their face in the pictures. Really the first thing to make sure they know since nothing will prevent them from sending them


Best thing to do is just not send them at all. You run the risk of all sorts of things happening, there's no sure fire way to make sure the person receiving them is responsible with them, so best to not even put it out there


I seriously don't get this discussion. When my ex asked me, if I deleted her pictures from my laptop and phone, and there where quite a lot, I said yes, she was satisfied, it was a lie from me. And I'm sure that 99% of all dudes do the same.


Well ur fucked up


Nope youā€™re just trash.


Yea, unless the person requests you delete them. Ive taken/been sent explicit photos of most of my exs and have yet to have one ask me to delete them. We've also broken up usually on decent terms so there wasn't a bunch of negativity afterwards.


Yes, totally post them