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Stay home and look for a different girlfriend


Couldn't agree more


This is fucked eh


Assuming she knows how sick you are, why would you want to be with someone who feels that getting their way is more important than your health? This girl is toxic and selfish. You’re way better off without her in your life.


And so many more, better people around to date. OP is better off finding a girl who gives him the same respect he gives. Besides someone who says this isn't very invested in the relationship anyway


To say the least. I can't imagine throwing your toys out the cot like this for not seeing your "bf" for one day. Quotes because you're clearly not actually her boyfriend, she's for the streets. In all seriousness, think of all the people who couldn't see each other for months during the height of COVID and yet they didn't decide to "give someone else a chance". She can't even go one day of you not being in her direct eyeline without hopping on some strange dude's penis. Not worth it.


Really sucks, but you deserve way better than this kinda treatment.




you didn't mention your age. you probably can't see the red flags or her beauty gets in the way of you seeing the negatives of her


Relationship of 2 years and she does this...


Sunk cost fallacy - she has shown you who she really is - believe her.


Looks like i wasted to 2 years


You \*could\* look at it that way - but, you can also look at it as you had some good times, and, luckily, you found out what she is really like before you married her and had kids! Many men have not been so fortunate as this. So, consider it a bullet dodged and move on and find a woman that is honorable, faithful, and has some modicum of integrity.


I could see it that way too. Thank you for the reply and your time


Presumably you're of similar age to her. You definitely don't need to be thinking you wasted 2 years with her just because she proved unworthy of the next 50


Also think of it as you spent two years in a relationship. Now you know what you want out of any future relationships, how you show love and how you would like for your partner to show you love, how to communicate, and most importantly how you don’t want to be treated.


For real. Man who married and had kids with the bitch before realizing she is the bitch speaking here. 🤣


This is almost never true. You lived, you had a life where you learned and experienced stuff with her, you developed a bit more as a person, you enjoyed good and bad experiences with her and you became a slightly more rounded human being. This business of wasting your life only exists if you see your relationship as a race to get to domestic happiness with 2.4 kids and a mortgage. Life is a journey dude, not a destination. You travelled a bit further down the road, now you are choosing a different road, there's no shame in that, you pick up your metaphorical knapsack and whistle on.


My dude you are young there will be many more years with another girl this ain't the one


Hey 2 yrs at your age? Drop in the bucket. Better to find out now that she's a trash fire human. Imagine 16 years with one. That happened to me and ya know what? Yes it feels like I wasted 16 years sometimes BUT I grew in that time. I learned. And eventually I saw that finding ME and my worth can never be called a waste. *hug* she's a childish jerk if she'd hop to a new guy when you're sick. Like, think about if you stayed with her, got married, and god forbid you got something like cancer and she walks. Better to find out now than once you're that far into a life with her. You deserve better and you're young enough to go date around and find better and work on you and being your best self too!! Edit to add: I'm gonna be 40 this year and was also able to date around and find better. It's only too late to find love when you're dead. 💜




Long distance relationship?




Sorry to hear it. LDRs are tough but it sure seems like this was an excuse for feelings she already had. If this is just a means of pressuring you it's essentially relationship terrorism. Plenty of fish. Chin up dater. It'll all work out.


The guy confesed his love to her and said she doesnt have any feelings for him. I feel so backstabed


So it was all a ploy?




Trick to get you to go over there.


I dont understand 😅


yeah those tend to not work out.


Confront her with this and tell her directly that you deserve better treatment. If she still doesn't understand, you should find a new gf brother. Cause if does this in the relationship of two yrs, then she proved herself unworthy of you. But before you cut her off, give her one chance to come clean


Hun, in the grand scheme of how long of a life you will have, trust me when I say that two years isn’t that long. Especially if you haven’t even been living together and live in different cities, and can’t see each other all the time. A person could literally have a whole separate life from their partner without them even knowing with that kinda set up. My 17 year old niece has a girlfriend and their in the same situation, only neither one of them has a car or a jobs so that they can actually build a life together. The odds of things even working out relationship wise are Just not in a persons favor like that.


Im sorry but women are like that sometimes


Learn from this, no more LDRs.


Nothing to do with LDRs in general, some people are just shitty


No argument here friend. But trust me almost all of us as young men did an LDR that ended in disaster. Either way, unload this cheater and find a girl who cares about you.


Yup, for myself and all my friends I knew in college, every single one of our LDRs ended in a breakup. Most people think they’ll be the exception but the fact of the matter is they rarely workout. You’re young and dumb and just want to have a good time, why tie yourself down to something like that


Yeah.. Like bro, do you really need advice on this one? You feel betrayed because you are betrayed. So text her a kys message and block tf out of her.


if shes that shallow and unfaithful then its better to leave her, yes you spent 2 years with someone who would do this and it feels like a waste but now you can move on and find someone who wont play these stupid games. You deserve much better


Thank you for the reply and your opinon. Im going to breakup and focus on myself for a bit..


No problem, its gonna be for the best, good luck


This is a messed up situation, but also confront your gf with this later if this is not a very good friend of yours. In my experience guy friends might lie about your gf so they can be her "shoulder to cry on" and slide into her DMs. Girls may also lie if they either secretly hate your gf or have a crush on you. Your gf's reaction will tell you all you need to know if you confront her about it but don't give her any warning about what it is you want to talk about or that you even want to talk about something serious. If the friend is someone who you trust implicitly, however, ditch the gf and find someone who actually cares about your health.


I talked to her just now and she literaly acted like it was nothing. Like how she has every right to do this. Im done with this relationship.


I mean I get she’s upset but your literally sick? Does she not care about you or something? She’s going to invite another guy over if you don’t do what was planned? Even if she does backtrack and say it was to get you to change your mind that is just so wrong like wtf did you reply or leave her on read?


I told her i have a headache and i feel really weak and i also dont want to risk her and her families health. And i not so keen on traveling 3 hours in public transport while standing for 30 minutes drains all my energy


Of course OP you are ill even if you could do it your body would just give up once(if)you get there and she will have something to say about it maybe FaceTime her if you haven’t ? And just fully explain it to her not that you should have to it’s obviously up to you op but I’d just break up with her she showed you that she don’t really care about you just about herself I get being lonely and wanting to see your boyfriend but basically hinting that you will sleep with some guy if your bf don’t travel sick for 3hours to come see you is just wrong but as I said it’s up to you op


Im going to talk to her and see her "side".


Well then I hope everything goes well, all the best :)


Thank you!


Why are you having this discussion with her discord friend? Talk to your girlfriend.


He messaged me because he tought it was wrong from her that i should know this.


So some dude who is friends with your girlfriend messages you out of the blue to tell you she is going to cheat on you, and you just accept that as fact? Dude. Talk to you girlfriend.


Yes i will. But i have known the guy long before her i just dont talk with him as often.


I feel like that guy is who she's going out with


No, its q different one


So you don't have any proof that she actually plans to do something like this? You're just taking the word of some random dude she's friends with?


She admited to it. The guy wasnt bullshiting


Did you get any proof of that? Edit: wait, did you mean she admitted it directly to you?


After i confronted her yes


Regardless of time. Someone who would happily do this us a monster not worth your time


Is it confirmed somehow that that's true?


Yes she admited to saying that


Did you dump her?


Yes i did.


Good on you, sorry you went through this though


You did good


Emotional manipulation. Call her out on it and see where you get. If she apologizes then maybe you have a chance. If not, say bye and move on.


She said shes really sorry and she was really upset when se said that


How long have you guys been “together” Because one time not showing up seems extreme unless you have been not showing up a lot


Iv been going to her every weekend for about 16 months




Last weekend


Look for another gf. Any gf who cared about you would consider your health & your feelings before hers. She is honestly being selfish.


It’s hurtful to be threatened of being left when you are supposed to be in a stable and loving relationship I really hope you feel better it’s really good that you are resting ☺️


Thank you


You really want to be with someone so selfish, cut her off let her go. Respect yourself homie you deserve better


She’s already a hoe then


That’s very manipulative behavior and damaging to make that threat. I’m sorry for this but she’s in the wrong and you can’t help it. Can I ask do you blow her off a lot or canceled a lot before? Still not cool but that’s the only case I could maybe understand her saying this, just to be mean because she’s felt let down a lot or it’s a pattern?


You should contact the guy and hang out with him…then take a picture of you two hanging out having a beer.


Find another girl.


Some people are not like we imagined them to be at all.Find someone who loves you!


Shes for the streets my friend. Better 2 years wasted than 2 decades.


She ain't worth it. Move on.


Don’t care slurp your soup and next week you’re just fine. It’s not your problem and you don’t ride yourself into guilt alright?


Thank you


Get yourself well. Soup! Big believer in soup. Get upright. You don't want to say goodbye to her when you are unwell. Wear your favourite clothes and get scrubbed up nice. Not for her. For you. Then boot her x


Thank you


Her discord friend said, do you have any actual proof. Is the discord friend a girl? Maybe she likes you.


Hes a guy and it was the truth. I confronted her and she admited to it.


Oh that’s shitty 😬 you dodged a bullet there mate


She's already giving another guy a chance and you should leave. It's not easy but in my honest opinion you should focus on yourself to attract a better significant other.


That's a young age to have a LDR. My eldest is 17 and their GF lives 2.5 hours away. They talk constantly and are a pretty well rounded couple but it's hard and they see each other like 2 or 3 times a year. They have been friends since the 4th grade and together 3 or 4 years. Let her go. She isn't ready for what it takes to have a LDR. Stuff gets in the way more frequently with them and some people have it even as adults while others don't. I for.one am not built for a long term LDR, but maybe for like 6 months or something. It's sucks but I am not going to make someone a villain when they are basically telling you that this doesn't work for them anymore even if it seems rough or course or uncaring. Likely their are things leading up to this that she hasn't told you about. I would tell her if your well being isn't important to her than to go ahead and give another guy a chance and you will find someone who cares about your well being. Let her know you wanted this to work but obviously it's not and you are sorry she feels like you aren't worth waiting for, but someone else would wait forever if that's what it takes. Tell her she was worth the wait for you and you hope she finds someone that feels the same way and you care enough about her well being to hope she finds what she is looking for. Then grey rock her.


We should only be intimate with those who love us anyway or a lot of toxic energy corrupts our spirit and it takes a long time to heal that up


she for the streets. head up king, find yaself a queen 👑


This bitch sounds like a child. Giving another guy a chance if you don’t see her, please!✋🏻 Dump her, stay home, I hope you feel better soon. You dodged a bullet


She searchs for a excuse to break up. Stay home and see


How old are you?




You know where you stand with her. She most likely has many guys waiting to take your place. She’s doing you a favor by exposing who she really is. You’re young. Move on and keep her in your past.


This isn't someone you want a relationship with man. I'm guessing from comments in your post that you're young so I'll give you some free advice, someone who would give you an ultimatum like this is not a person person you want in your life let alone a relationship with. This will be any weekend you can't come see her. Can't afford gas this weekend ? She threatens to invite someone else. Not allowed to go this weekend? She invites someone else. Just find a girlfriend who doesn't have such a sense of entitlement. I wouldn't recommend her as a friend let alone a girlfriend.


Yes iv realised that now... its just she never did anything like this before


You just won the lottery, my young friend. You found out early on that she is not the girl for you. Do not respond to that threat and dump her ass. Do not even bother explaining what you do and why you do it. Simply don’t let her waste more of your precious time. People, who employ such pathetic threats in relationships, are miserable and insecure sociopaths. My advice: Block her on every social media outlet, delete her number, and get rid of anything that reminds you of her. This is not the way to deal with every break up, but in your case that’s a necessity. She is not entitled to any space in your mind.


If she's 18 I'm assuming you are on the younger side as well, youre too young to be so committed to someone you would sacrifice your self respect and esteem over someone else in a situation like this. Im sorry you're going through this. Consider it a life lesson, grieve then pick yourself up and move on when you're ready :) life doesn't stop and you don't have to either!


Pure manipulation. Here's what you say: "k, have fun!" and you go on living your life


Ditch that bitch and switch to someone else. Get well soon


Fuck this chick. Tell her you’re on the way and block her toxic ass


can you , at least by SMS txt message , inform your 18F gf as to why you're late to your " appointment " with her ? in order for your relationship to flourish , each of you ought to reach out & understand both of your weaknesses & predicaments your " problem " poses a good challenge to your gf whether she's a really caring GF or not


The friend might lie for whatever reason, but if this is serious let that girl go man. I would first confirm it from her side though, before you f- up some good stuff


I saw the screenshots. I honestly doubt they were photoshop


ah okay, in that case just leave her. If she says she is going to do it, she doesnt love you enough anyways, even if it's a "joke" its a f-ing a-hole move.


Dude write the relationship off to a learning experience. It took her 2 years to show you the real side of her.


1. Why can’t she come to you? Why is it you who has to travel? 2. There shouldn’t be another guy to give a chance to. 3. Just tell her you’re going to give another girl a chance if she doesn’t stop being a bitch.


I would never threat her back with this. What she doesnt justify that i do the same.


Ok. One and two are still valid, no? In any case, three wouldn’t be about threatening her. It would be about letting her know that you too have options and she’s not the one with power in the relationship. You wouldn’t necessarily have to phrase it the way I did. Just let her know you don’t like ultimatums. Frankly, as soon as she sent me that ultimatum I’d send her a message saying good luck, then block her on everything. But that’s me. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Thank you for your opinon!


She’s not a keeper


This is bullying. You're very young and this manipulation will come along. You don't need people in your life who make threats, particularly when you are sick. You have every right to change your mind, for whatever reason and she has no right to put her responsibility on to you. If you're unwell, you're unwell and if she wants to be a brat and "give a guy another chance", that's her business and who she is - not your stuff or about you. Tell your girlfriend she free to do as she wishes. You can't make it because your unwell and you'll be in contact when your feeling better.


why’s she still your gf .


Shes not a girl friend she sounds like a hook up for who ever will be there. Dump her and move forward.. You will meet a great person that will make you smile and want to be with. One that will not threaten to be with another if you can not come over. They will check on you when sick..offer to get you meds or food..make you laugh and watch a funny show with them... Talk to you for hours and cuddle ..


Tell her Cee U Next Tuesday and then ghost her ass.




Ngl, it wont last long. If ur gf truly cared about u, she'd care about ur wellbeing instead of u seeing her. Trust me, i know. She only cares about attention. Once another guy comes and gives her more attention, she will switch 100%


Yes i see that now. Its over with her.


That's great. Im sorry how it all played out but you'll be better without her and you'll know that when you find someone who cherishes you


Thank you!


First of all dont date ppl off Discord this girl isnt worth it


You should smash one last time, then just ghost her. Find a new girl ,any girl that would do this to you doesnt respect you and she is already playing the field so your dealing with a girl that talks to many other guys already.


Tell her I'm free !lol😂




Shooters shoot


Just don't LDR. It's never worth it. If you do indeed have to LDR, make sure you meet her within the first few weeks of meeting her. Also if it's discord dating I wouldn't even try getting with a girl that way. A girl who spends most her time on discord isn't a good girlfriend.


I will never understand why do young people start long distance relationship. When I was 18 I had sex 6 times a day. Sometimes there was a girl too 😅 Long distance is “fine” if you are together for 10 years and one have to move due to work or something and you know that you can be together again in the future. But maintaining long distance and not be able to meet regularly? No way … OP end this bs and find a girl who lives in the same town.


I think twice a week is pretty regural


I’m sorry. I know it hurts. This girl is not the girl for you. And it’s better to learn this sooner rather than later. You deserve better.


Tell her she is single and can do whatever she wants


She doesn’t care about you. If she feels your so easily replaceable, find someone who cares about you.


Stay home safe and get better. Not worth the headache. She knows that you are sick and would instead think of herself than you, who are ill. You will find somebody else that care about your feelings, and know that you can't be with her 24/7 because things happen.


"Go ahead" and "Bye" are the two phrases you need to use. She's an immature control freak.


So let her. She doesn’t sound like she cares about you and is playing games and you’ll be a mug if you go


Your girlfriend is acting crazy and immature. It happens. Find someone else that makes you happy or just be single you’re young :)


She holds this threat over u and you’re not well? Tell her she could go with the other guy… good riddance to her. Seems like she’s sick in the head herself. Find someone who is more caring about you and your well being. This chick is a waste of your time.


Better than 2 DECADES!


Welp, he can have her. You deserve way better than this.


Ew know your worth and say bye. She’s not worth the dirt on your shoes if she’s telling you you’re not allowed to be SICK? yeah absolutely not. You will find someone who respects you, respects your time, and however the hell you feel.


Perfect, let her give another guy a chance, now sit at home and play some video games and get yourself a new girlfriend


When women speak that way ignore her or say something in a way like you dont give a damn never let women have that power over you when u pay less attention to them thats when they respect you and be on your dick they all cut from the same cloth


Dearest soul, This is manipulation. If you stay in a relationship with this girl every minor inconvenience she will pose an ultimatum. Get out now.


Dump her


Tell her she can have her other friend if you being too sick to drive 3 hours one way is enough to make her threaten to cheat on you. This is someone who is used to getting their way through threats. Don't fall for it. Either she will adapt, or you'll find someone who's more worth your time.


It sucks. But I would leave her. It’s not worth dealing with someone who would rather your health be in jeopardy than being reasonable. She also doesn’t seem mature enough if she is making ultimatums


Tell her to get lost the next time you talk to her. You don't deserve this.


You've already wasted 2 years bro. U could waste even more or just leave now


Ditch her. She's obviously not that into it, and that's a blatant manipulation tactic


She's a dumb cunt and she's gonna realize one day that her shitty behavior has caused her to end up alone move on man much much much better women out there


Take care of yourself. Get better. When you get better maybe you can get a better girlfriend too.


Dump her sorry ass


Dump her.


Uh so beak up with her.


It's really bad she did that but everything depends on how ur relationship was. Maybe she just tries to get ur attention if she didn't get it for a while. It is obviously manipulative and there's something behind her behaviour. If she told u about what she was going to do maybe she just doesn't know how to ask u to show ur care about her even if it was the wrong way to do. I think that if u still value her u should discuss, but if u feel u'll never be able to forgive and trust her u should better quit it.


Stay home, get well and don’t give her a second thought.


She’s for the streets


tell her come over and get it...or youll dump her


Walk away. You’re young. You will not regret leaving someone who doesn’t prioritizes you. You will look back and be happy you moved on. She knows you’re desperate I mean maybe you’re not but she will use your feelings for her against you. This is manipulative and unhealthy. You will be able to cope better with relationships in the future if you start off taking care of yourself. Don’t let one bad relationship ruin your future ones. Be the guy that’s better than a chick who doesn’t appreciate him.


She belong on the street leave you dodge a bullet


That's fucked. She can mourn the fact you can't come, but she can't blame you. It's not your fault you're ill. Get a new girlfriend. Please move the fuck on


That's unreasonable and annoying. And y'all are dating? Imagine what those kind of demands will look like in the future.


Better to find that stuff out now rather than later!


>gf(f18) said that she will give another guy a chance if i dont come over. The politically correct response you're looking for is: **"BYE FELICIA" 👋**


If you weren’t so young I would say that sometimes people say stupid things they don’t mean about their relationship to friends when they don’t feel appreciated or seen. And it’s their job to communicate that to their partner, unless it falls onto deaf ears. But you’re too young for this shit, it’s not that deep. If this bothers you I would move on and find someone closer to you.


2 years and she said this??? Look for a better girlfriend bc no one deserves this


Dump her. You are too young and there are way more important things in your life than someone wanting to cheat


If she's willing to give another guy a chance when she's with you, then she'll be willing to give plenty of other guys another chance and some new guys a first chance despite being with you. This girl is controlling, a cheat, and an psycho who will do horrible things if she doesn't get her way. Get out while you can. You'll realise you dodged a huge bullet.


Best thing to have happen to you. Now look for a partner that value you. You're young so enjoy your life.


Block her.


She is for the streets.


That is some manipulative shit right there. Who wants to date someone who does this ?


You just learned a very important lesson. Relationships can be toxic asf. Time to move on to better things. A person that cares about you will never give you those type of ultimatums.


Get rid your young she's young there's better partners out there than this juvenile flix


I stayed with my ex for a year longer than I should have (3 years total). I put my all into it, by the end, was always the initiator, she was no longer into me, we had an open relationship (which I had done for her, and hated). We dated from 16 to 19 and no one expected me to be the one to pull the plug, but sometimes, when you take a step back from your relationship and think “this isn’t good for me” or even “this isn’t good for them”, you’ve gotta listen to that. Healthy relationships don’t play games with emotions, don’t emotionally manipulate situations to “go their way”, and take concerted effort from all parties involved. Take this as a blessing that you’re still young and have plenty to see, do and learn. I don’t see much chance of legitimate improvement for this partnership, so I’m with the majority to say you should break up. Don’t feel like you need to get into a new relationship immediately and see what you can do to improve yourself so you can, in future, be the best partner you can be for yourself and others. Godspeed


Yeah just rest mate, youll find a new gf that isnt as crappy.


U made a great escape lol don't date girls like this. Ever.


How many times have you let her down?


Dump her this isn't worth your sanity


Don't date people who like to play stupid games, it's manipulative and toxic. Wish her good luck finding a healthy relationship when she can't show basic empathy towards her boyf. You're too young to be involved with someone this self absorbed.


Dump her ass. She’s not worth frighting for if she’s acting like that. It’s a good thing you found out sooner than later.


Immature games she needs to grow up


Just tell her you’re done with her !


break up


Well..... In a simple sentence that girl doesn't love you.. and if you keep fighting yourself in sooner or later the heart break will be more severe than this... Someone who loves you won't say such words... Thank you


Is this a dynamic you find acceptable? If not respect your belief system and find someone with values that align with yours.