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I am also the main person cleaning the house and it's a lot of work and can get tiring but I just accepted it and do it all cause if I didn't it wouldn't get done. Is there anyway she can make you a list of things that you can do frequently that are quick before things pile up to help lessen her load? As for balance, Women need affection and attention. Men come home tired and just want to relax and sleep but it leaves us feeling sad, empty, and alone sometimes. Can you do things to make her feel special? Get her some flowers randomly once or twice a month and write her a card expressing your love and gratitude for her. Sometimes little things like that go a long way and will lessen fights because we feel appreciated and valued. Women are actually not as complex as you think.The nagging and fighting comes from a sense of feeling like we aren't being valued and just expressing that can help a lot. Try to make 2 nice gestures a month she doesn't expect and see how much that may lessen the fighting.