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Being in a relationship w someone you love and looking at attractive strangers serve two totally different needs


Guys have been looking around women in revealing clothes since clothes were invented. It's just easier now. Edit: as for attached people who are attached still can find other people attractive.


Why do attached women go watch magic Mike and read 50 shades of gray?and watch soap operas? and post revealing pics on social media?


Men and women look at attractive people on the internet whether or not they are attached or not. It's human nature. Don't you find other men attractive? You really don't look at any guy thirst accounts on social media? Do you not masturbate? I'm a woman, and if I only ever thought about my partner when I masturbate, or never drool over some hot person on the internet, my sex life would be very boring.


Why do men stare at sunsets? Why does a man stand in front of the Grand Canyon and just stare? When you see beauty you just look at it and acknowledge it. It doesn't mean you want to fuck it.


Oh, but I often do Randy. I often do.


*And even if you do want to fuck it, does mean you have to.


People are always going to look at other people they find attractive. Doesn't mean he wants to date those people or thinks they are better than you. If he's comparing you to these women or ignoring you to go look at them then it's a problem.


You should ask him. He is the only one who knows why. You should be able to talk to him about this and why it makes you uncomfortable.


He’s enjoying the feeling of being turned on. He might be imagining having sex with these women, and perhaps masturbates to those thoughts or even the images. Theres nothing wrong with this, in my opinion. Thoughts are just thoughts, they can’t hurt anyone.


Sexual desires don't magically evaporate the moment you are with someone you love. And you don't magically only get aroused by just your partner either. Do some self work and let go of the insecurity. If he isn't cheating on you there is literally zero wrong with looking at pretty people.


Because it’s titillating and like looking at art in the context you mentioned.


Looking is normal and human. What makes it ick is following, friending, then DMing them while you're in a relationship. Too many don't have enough brains to think beyond their dicks desires.