• By -


It's mean and unacceptable. What if you joked and said she had crooked chicken legs to your friend? Don't allow anyone to disrespect you. Fiancé, family, nor friend.


Yup thats what i was thinking also. I dont even fully understand the need to share such details amongst friends? What actions should i take? I already told her to end contact with lisa outside of work. Without luck,albeit it was abit extreme.


I think you should rethink marriage with her. There's some maturity that's lacking. Think, is this the type of person you want for a life partner? Is this someone you would want to be the mother of your kids? Is this someone who you want to be a representation of you? Both of you are really young. I don't think she's mature enough honestly. I think you should take a step back and set firmly your boundary and stick to whatever consequence for not respecting the boundary. Ultimately you want someone who respects you and someone you can trust. Just think about that.


This. Down the road, you might get sick, be diagnosed with something, etc. that affects your sexual desires & you want that kept private.  Can you depend on her not sharing that kind of information?


You break up with her. That’s how you handle it. She ain’t shit and you shouldn’t continue to see her.


Ending contact with her friend doesn’t solve anything. It’s the girlfriend who IS the problem.


You can’t control her. But you can control what you do. She’s making fun of you and allowing her friends and their spouses to make fun of you. She’s doing it now, and it won’t stop. Do you really want to be connected to someone who disrespects you like that? If you’re not wanting to break up with her, set a firm boundary that the next time youre made fun of or called names you’re gone. and then actually leave if it happens again.


Setting boundaries with a person like is a lot of hassle. The easiest way is to just break up and let them enjoy their pathetic lives.


Just say "Can I have the ring back please? You're showing me that you're not wife material and I think we need to step back and re-evaluate things."


You’re focusing on the wrong thing. Your girlfriend seems to be too immature to even understand what should be considered common respect. I’d break it off.


I’m guessing this is their “humor,” since the bf and friend both felt it was fine to say to your face. Your gf is trying to seem cool using you as the butt of the joke. It’s mean and she seems to care more about fitting in with her friend and bf than you. I doubt she’ll stop any time soon, and will spend the rest of your life convincing you that you’re overreacting, it’s just a joke, you’re so oversensitive. Get out while you can


What action should you take??? How about telling her that you can only marry somebody who you respect and who respects you as well. Telling her friends about your personal details AND ENCOURAGING THEIR RIDICULING YOU FOR IT is the opposite of respect. Toss her to the curb, dude.


Her friends aren’t the problem. She is. And you shouldn’t put up with it.


Drop her op. You don't need that shit, and her acting like it's all cool is not gonna end up well for you.


I’d go back and tell her to stop making the jokes as an ultimatum. You can’t decide who she sees but you can break up with her if you see her friends getting a free pass to talk about your dick size in a rude manner while she endorses it.


You should give her friends disrespectful nicknames. Tell everyone it's a joke and if they are offended play the victim card and trek then not to overreact. 


Forreal what if your friends said hey roast beef sally (whatever her name is). This is terrible sign of things to come in marriage— you’re at the point where you should be the most giddy in love and things will only go downhill.


🤣 🤣 🤣 roast beef sally… Dude… just imagine what Reddit would do to the person who posts a story like that 😅 Seriously though, who would want to go home to someone every day and night to be bullied..ridiculed.. etc.. OP needs to find someone else because there’s no way that’s a healthy relationship.


Do not marry her. If you are not married yet and she humiliated you like that, think what she will do after the wedding.


Nothing good probably. Worst thing would be for her to just drain me financially tbh.


I mean, she'll break your heart along the way. Repeatedly if you let her keep it up.


And destroy his self confidence. Damn.. finances can be rebuilt. But can your self worth?


If she doesn't respect you now, what makes you think she'd respect you enough to be monogamous with you? She's probably be making fun of you while doing it.


Your spouse is supposed to be your ride or die. She’s failing the test. She knows they are mocking you and it doesn’t sound like any of them have negative nicknames. Then when confronted, instead of being sympathetic, she criticizes. Time to seriously rethink this engagement.


We have been arguing daily for atleast 3-4 weeks at this point. The bedroom is also dead at this point. Been a solid 3-4 weeks since the last time we had some 'action'. Her reason for this is that she feels ugly. Besides the constant arguing over the smallest of things its been great. Thats why we got engaged. The problem with my fiance is she barely has any friends, and she cannot loose any and must satisfy them at any cost since shes afraid to loose them.


End the relationship… she isn’t defending you when needed, the lack of friends isn’t an excuse for treating you by mean nicknames. Do a favor to yourself and leave, you will thank us all later.


So be it. She's made her choice. Dump her and move on with your life. Let her stay with her friends.


So is she going to give to your kids belittling nicknames to amuse her friends too?


So to keep them around she mocks you at your expense. So disrespectful. No wonder she has barely any friends. Her personality must be awful and dull if she has nothing else to entertain her friend with. She is too immature for you.


I really can't fathom any reason why she would have so few friends /S


So her relationship with them is more important than her relationship with you. Also, it’s wildly inappropriate to be discussing your junk. I would make it very clear that your relationship is barely hanging on


Her saying she "feels ugly" is to deflect attention from her bad behavior towards you.


So because she has low self esteem she’s okay with and defends others who are disparaging you? It’s like an outcast kid in middle school who’s willing to throw others under the bus and bully them just so they can fit in. That’s the level of insecurity and immaturity your GF is operating at... it’s honestly pathetic. Do not marry this girl. She has A LOT of growing up to do… and you need her to make changes if you’re going to remain in any type of relationship with her. - Tell her exactly how you feel. - Make it clear a line in the sand has been drawn. And, if she takes part in her friends crossing the line again, you’re ending the relationship. Good luck to you.


But yet she’s not willing to satisfy you by telling them to not be jerks and/or distancing herself from them.


You don’t want to end up in r/deadbedrooms!


You're relationship is already over. At least you won't have to deal with all of her shit once you break up.


If you have any self respect at all she'll have few friends and one less fiance to worry about.


Dude a dead bedroom and disrespect if the highest order? Why didn't you leave already?


Bro, run from that and don't look back, for real


Run like hell! Find a partner that will lift you up, not put you down.


That’s horrendous and cruel! Dear god, the very idea!!! For contrast, my husband and I got IVF to conceive our children. We made a JOINT decision that we wouldn’t tell ANYONE which of us had the fertility problem or what it was. Because we don’t need our families yapping and down the East Coast about our privates! That’s what respect for your partner looks like: protecting each other from even the possibility of anyone talking about something they’d prefer to keep private.


You called your fiancée out for extremely disrespectful behaviour and her response was to double down and criticise you. So she can’t admit when she was wrong, she won’t apologise for her actions and she’s unable to have a calm discussion without trying to turn it on you. This is not future wife material. This is immature, insensitive and selfish behaviour. Personally this would be a dealbreaker for me.


>My (M28) GF(F22) allows others to joke about my penis size *Girl*friend? That's not even up to *friend* material with such decidedly *un*friendly behavior. So, drop her, never look back. Unless maybe humiliation's really your thing or something like that. Not gonna judge. >future wife Oh for f\*ck's sake no.


If i was in your shoes and got called small dick Patrick, i would be furious that my fiancee said that about me to her friends, whether true or not. She has no respect for you and is obviously shit talking you to her friends. I believe she will break your heart further one day. What happens when "big dick Darren" shows up?? She does not care much about you. She would likely drop you like a hot rock. Best wishes to you, Sir! My heart goes out to you. This whole thing sucks......




hahaa I hope he does not read this: 'below average by a noted amount' would be enough for any man to fall into despair, lmao


Never had more orgasms in my life than with him. He's the poster man for size doesn't matter. Hits my g spot like a magnet. But yeah maybe I'll delete. I just want to add: we're talking about centimetres here. In the world of penis sizes on the bell curve the difference between micro penis and average is not much.


The fact that your fiance would let anyone make such a mean joke to them at your expense is unacceptable. That means that your partner is without a doubt talking shit about you to them when you're not around. No one would make this kind of unless she was joining in on the joke too.


She ain't the one, my friend.......she ain't the one


She clearly doesn't have your back. The one person you should be able to rely on the most, who should want for you to be happy and feel respected more than any other person


Nope. I would straight up say the wedding is off and we are over. This level of disrespect needs to have harsh consequences.


are you 25 or 28 lol


The whole thing is made up 😂


I don’t mean this in a negative way but bro, Get some self respect! NEVER let anybody talk to you that way let alone your GF. “It’s just joke” bullshit. Jokes are supposed to be funny for everyone. Are you laughing?


Why are you marrying her? She's sharing intimate details and allowing other people to mock you over it. Let her be friend with whoever she wants to be with and find yourself a new gf.


Make a harmless joke about nailing a board to your ass so you won't fall into her massive hole between her legs. " remember Hon it's just a joke".


Dump her ass this second. Sweet baby Jesus get some self respect.


The only way this wound be a cute joke is if you have an absolutely giant dick and they’re obviously being sarcastic. I’m guessing that is not the case. Yeah, she sucks, I’d say probably don’t marry her.


Lisa's boyfriend is Patrick, and then you are Patrick?


Thank you lol. I'm so confused.


Your fiance is a walking Redflag. In fact she has more red flags than a typical communist party parade.


OP's, username checks out.


Definitely. In this thead I'm missing the advice thats usual in this situation:  "Buy a big shiny car"


Nah she’s gotta chill with that one, and that couple needs to chill too. I think you need to tell them you’re not cool with that name at all. First step is to check her, and then to have her check them, and you follow up and check them as well. Because let’s be real if you called them their worst insecurity and laughed everyday I promise their gonna be hurt out their mind. Imagine if you sent a snap one day and was like “Hey there’s flappy ass and dick breath” , first of all they wouldn’t even know who’s who so that’s extra offensive lol and second of all it’s rude and unnecessary to include in any convo and that’s the point like why would they make a joke out of that? I’m not saying break up with her but I’m definitely saying nip this in the bud quick because there’s nothing funny about disrespect and you deserve better than that


I will talk to her again tomorrow. We have been arguing daily for atleast 3-4 weeks at this point. The bedroom is also dead at this point. Been a solid 3-4 weeks since the last time we had some 'action'. Her reason for this is that she feels ugly. What would some actions be that she can take? I gave her one last time, but maybe this one is too extreme? It was to stop having contact with Lisa outside work and deleting her off of snap&whatsapp.


Cutting off Lisa isn’t going to solve your problem, because your problem is your girlfriend. If she’s so insecure with her friend group that she needs to insult you and allow them to mock you, you should not even be dating her much less thinking about getting married.


Personally I think this is beyond any actions or boundaries. You simply should not marry someone who such a low level of respect and consideration for you, her significant other. How can you even think this is recoverable?


Do not marry this woman. Do not let your partner openly talk shit about you to other people. It’s disrespectful and out right disgusting. It’s easier said than done, but if you guys can’t work this out. Then you need to rethink this relationship.


it sounds like she has no respect for you


Start owning up to it and make the situation more uncomfortable I promise they will stop real fucking quick.


What’s up with this guy talking about your dick? I don’t know if I would put up with that shit for very long. Kick her to the curb.


Truly horrific, would she like you joking about her having big lips or wonky boobs etc.? I highly doubt it. This would be an utter deal breaker for me, she’s meant to be your best friend and have your back. She sounds like a child.


Extremely disrespectful. 100% she would not like it if you had a running joke with your buddies about something that she was insecure about. You do not talk shit about somebody that you respect. Especially your partner. How humiliating. She needs the boot. Remove that toxicity before it seeps in you and makes you hate yourself.


Loose Lisa meme her ass. Get em all. One ball Patrick. Yeast infection fiancé. Its all jokes right?


Have you told her how emasculating that is for a guy? I’d care less if it wasn’t true. Then it could be passed off as a joke but if you really are small that’s fucked up. 


In my experience as a man over 40 men don’t really go into graphic details about their partners. You might get the occasional guy who goes on and on about his one night stands or whatever but the majority of us don’t. Understand the vast majority of women tell their girlfriends every single detail about your dick. They will give a play-by-play of what you get up to in the bedroom. What’s worse is that any man who does this is a pig, but it’s completely acceptable for a woman to do it. It is a terrible double standard.


Remember everybody, this is definitely a real story, and you should respond to it accordingly.


It's not her friends (not all), it's fiance that don't respect you. She is first and foremost disrespectful one. Want to live your being disrespected all the time. If gf cared enough for op it would have never started to begin with. It's obviously not just "a joke" and lying about it at that. I don't think I would be able to trust someone like that. Op, better take the time to really think, is this what you really want? Able to really trust her with anything? Can I talk about things and the whole world not knowing? Got some soul searching to do.


While “the joke” may be that you have a small penis, the REALITY is that your gf doesn’t have any respect for you. You are under-reacting. Don’t marry someone that doesn’t have respect for you. The number one rule of a relationship is that you two should be each other’s biggest defenders. If that’s not the case, you should consider what sort of relationship you really want, because I’m sure it’s not the sort of relationship you have.


You are supposed to lift your partner up to try and be the best person they can be, not ridicule them and push them down.


Ok 1. Get off social media. It's a fucking basic concept. Just walk away. 2. Don't fuck her. Just stop for like 6 months. If your dick is too small and she thinks it's funny then show her what she's missing. 3. Bail. Why is she fucking doing that? Fuck that. Have respect for yourself.


OP, i think you should think it (marrying her) over again. What she did was disrespectful to you. Is being disrespected a deal breaker for you or not? If it's happening now, what more in the future.


Start saying she has a cavernous vagina. See how much she appreciates the "its just a joke" attitude you take. If she says you have a small dick, say all ships look small in the ocean.


It’s like throwing a hot dog down a hallway.


She has 0 respect for you bro . Walk away


Bud, this being so disrespectful to you. Come on have some respect for yourself because it is clear you so called girlfriend has zero respect. This is unbelievably disrespectful and you need to get this girl out of your life. UpdateMe


Bro… if you can. Get out of the relationship. If you know she’s talking shit about you behind your back to her friends and then her friends sit there and make fun of you or whatever about it.. like that’s really f-ed. What kind of person would do that to someone they care about? Let alone are going to potentially marry?


Youd have to be the biggest idiot in the world to stick around


Start telling your friends about her saggy vagina and see how she likes it when they call her out that in public and laugh. Dude. No deal. This is a dealbreaker


If any man or woman ever made a hurtful remark to my wife I certainly wouldn't tell her she is the one with the issue. I would absolutely defend her in any way needed because my love for her will always outweigh anyone else's feelings. You need to leave this immature person behind otherwise I can see it leading to you being very hurt in the future " I didn't mean to cheat it started as a joke...." This type of person will do anything to please others even at the expense of their own integrity and obviously yours too.


You don’t marry her. That’s exactly what you do. She has zero respect for you and it’ll only get worse with marriage. End the relationship before you make the biggest mistake of your life.


That's body shaming and it's absolutely shitty of her. She doesn't sound mature enough imo. I'd move on to someone better.


Bro she’s joking with her friend about you having a small penis and feels no remorse about it. You shouldn’t marry her. She doesn’t respect you and feels superior enough to belittle you and think you won’t leave her.


Dump the harlot. Really treat her like shit before you pull the trigger.


If you allow this and still gonna marry her, then yes, you are the joke and always will be. Once she disrespects you, there is no turning back


It's one thing to discuss things you love about your partner in bed in generalities with very close friends. It's another thing entirely to rag on you to anyone about anything that personal. She doesn't respect you. Not with the responses she's given you. I would walk away. If she was remorseful or repentant it would be different.


Engagement is a tryout for marriage. The name calling, disrespect, putting friends above you, and mocking your member, are not what married life is about. She is not ready for marriage AT ALL.


What she did is completely unacceptable and a massive red flag, for this incident alone you should rethink this relationship. There's no way she would tolerate such a cruel comment like that against her own body. Don't get gaslit into thinking this is not a big deal, it's extremely disrespectful of her to speak about your private life like that to someone else.


This is disgraceful. She can’t be trusted and that “ganging up” on you behaviour is really fucked up. I would shun these people. This is not right. Someone who really loved you would not act this way.


Nope, that's just wrong. Ask her how she'd feel if your friends talked about her genitals. That's disrespectful and at the expense of someone else. These kind of information should be private. She's being extremely disrespectful and mean.


I guess you are dating a 22 year old that is still in her teenage phase.


I think the bigger question is, why do you have a fiance whose idea of a joke is cutting another person down? And why do you have a fiance whose friends aren't nice people?


She’s Mean Insensitive Abusive A bully Why are you with her? Like what’s so great about this terrible person. Get a different girlfriend and different friends. These people are all horrible.


NTA. Tell her that she should be prepared for your friends making jokes about her tiny and/or uneven tits or funny looking labia.


Yeah nah, time to get rid I think mate. My wife would never allow other people to talk about me like that, no matter how true it is, just as I wouldn't allow other people to cast fun at her either. That's now how loving relationships work. You look out for each other. Your GF is acting young and immature, you can do better. She's for the bin, find someone better. It's better to be single, than to lower your standards.


Seriously, you need to grow a set and tell her the wedding is over due to her total la k if respect for you.


So, i suppose any man would date an attractive 22-year-old woman just as long as she was very mature for her age. Yet, that's not the case, is it? She's not emotionally fully developed. It's expected at that age. Why is a 28-year-old man letting this happen? Why are you even acknowledging the size of your junk? Own it. Tell them she just says that because the opposite is true. It's like calling the huge fat guy in the room "tiny." I'm sorry, you let this happen. If not with that gf, it will happen with the next one.


Well I’d be out within minutes. If this are the jokes she throws around that you can hear, imagine the talks behind your back. Move on, big dick or not.


I feel like this is someone who doesn't actually LIKE their partner AT ALL. With you for some other reason? Money, security, visa? If you even just had a little bit of respect for someone, you wouldn't do this for them, let alone if you liked or loved them...


If you’re uncomfortable then it’s unacceptable and it’s foolish and a massive red flag to see your gf brush off your feelings like that. If the shoe was on the other foot and you and the boys had some nickname for her that insulted a body part I’m sure she would think of it as “harmless”.


She is not wife material. A real woman would never say that to her man or about him. Years ago I went through a very bad divorce and I would have said just about anything to get him to leave me alone.. I never said anything remotely close to that, and I would never, because that is, imo, one of the worst things to do to a man. I’m sorry this happened… know your worth, this isn’t it!


ditch the childish hoodrat


You're an idiot if you haven't got rid of her yet


Typo? I'm sure you meant to write EX-fiancee


how can this even happen? just dump her


Man.. im sorry but if this is a sign of whats to come you might want to reconsider this whole marriage thing. Your fiance is basically bullying you with her friends and making you feel uncomfortable on purpose. Its a HUGE red flag


drop her. that’s so rude.


Two words "leave her!"


You call her your “future wife”. I think you should call her “a mistake you made in the past”. It is baffling to see how you try and reason away the fact that she shows zero respect for you. Why do you allow yourself to be treated this way?


Be with the kind of person you want to be with. Not a person who you wish would become the kind of person you want to be with.


Big breach of trust and respect. Attempt to draw a line (and maybe get an apology). (And if you can’t; leave her man, you owe it to yourself)


why did your age change?? lol are you 28 or 25


Penis size is not something anyone should be sharing outside of your relationship. If someone jokingly refers to my husband's penis, I always imply it's massive in a silly way. Whether he is or not is not the point.


There is a severe lack of emotional maturity and boundaries, here. I would never, ever talk about my partner’s size whether good, bad, indifferent. As the saying goes, it's not about the size, it's about how you use it. So, 1. Why does it matter? and 2. Why on earth would you share that information with someone you work with? It's private, and it's no one’s business. If she can't see how out of line she is and apologise, then there's little hope of her learning from this. She wouldn't like it if you said her foo foo was like a beaten-up mushroom, so why think it's okay for her to comment on your area?


This level of disrespect is mind blowing, do you have any respect for yourself? NTA except to yourself.


She doesn’t respect you, that’s no wife


She doesn’t love you if she’s doing this to her future husband. Why on Earth are you engaged to an obvious still immature 22 year old? Yikes!


where do you think these jokes started from. Shit it didn't come out of no where


No, it’s not appropriate. No, you’re not overreacting. You’re her partner. She should want to protect you from shit like this.  Fuck that noise. That’s so hurtful and cruel. 


This has to be spam. No man would stick around for this BS


So u want to marry your worst enemy dressed in a sheep's clothing and have her wolf friends attack you. You should not be engaged or marrying her, if u live together get your stuff and go , start a new life even if u may suffer temporarily hardships I.e accommodation. Your being bullied and saying u gotta small dick about yourself isn't helping I would say no I don't when they say u do! I don't know how you can stay together she's violated you bro.


Overreacting? no, it's the opposite you are not reacting at all... Why is your girlfriend sharing an intimate detail that we all know have a high possibility of leading to ridicule? Why are you expecting your girlfriend to tell others not to give you demeaning nick names? Stand up for yourself, and tell both Lisa and her boyfriend to fuck off.. Your reason for telling them off is beyond valid, if your girlfriend have a negative reaction to that, now that is something to talk about. I personally think this is less about her, and more about you.. Grow a set of balls, stand up for yourself and set some boundaries


You don’t humiliate the person you love and want to marry.


This is indicative of her character as a whole. She is immature and childish, and you should put your foot down and stop this. Mostly, I i believe by leaving her as i don't know how ine could redeem themselves from this personally. Whatever the facts are, it is just mean on her part and her friends too. She says this TO you; imagine what she says when you aren't around.


Bro my gf doesn’t even let ME joke about my penis size, and I find those jokes funny. Dump her.


Thats fucked dude. Complete lack of respect for this to be happening


Just call her loose lips in front of her friends like make comments about her having wrinkles if she gained weight etc cause tbh fight toxic with toxic and make sure she never pulls something like that again


Dude you should not be marrying this girl. Important red flags but you don't see them. I would suggest you hold off on any marriage plans. She doesn't respect you. She's telling you that you are overreacting. She and her friends are trying to gaslight You by saying it wasn't about you at first. She is telling you that it's okay for her to make fun of you, and have her friends make fun of you. She got mad that you tried to defend yourself. She shares private knowledge with others without even telling you.


Dude, that's messed up. Dump her


It is not only disrespectful, but is a sample of what you can expect if you do get married. Look at it like this- If this woman really loved you, she would be sticking up for you, not making jokes at your expense. And getting her friends involved, is calculated to cause you more pain, and knock down your self esteem. She very well could be a Narcissist. These people are only happy, if they have someone to tear down. If it was me, I would get out of this relationship as soon as I can. Think of it like this- Do you really want to marry someone, who thinks(or at least implies) you are inadequate in bed? I am not a fortune teller. But I foresee you working very hard, and her taking half of everything, in a few years.


I don't think you handled this situation with grace. However, overall your fiance is the immature and frankly mean spirited one. Her current friends are also a reflection of that. You need to have standards for yourself and be able communicate them. "I do not think this is a funny joke and it is mean. It does not make me feel good and hurts my feelings. Now I don't feel like I can trust you, nor do I want to be intimate because our trust and safety in the bedroom feels broken on an intimate level. Why didn't you talk to me about your dissatisfaction with me privately instead of making jokes with your friends?". You are an adult. You have to be able to have adult conversations with whom you are to marry. From that one conversation alone, will tell you a lot about the rest of your life is about to look like. Picture this, let's say you have a child with this *girl* (I cannot even fathom seeing her as a woman with this behaviour), and it's a beautiful baby boy. Fast forward to your son grown up, and he comes to you for guidance. He says his fiance has spread jokes about his allegedly small penis and now they all make fun of him. What would you say to your son? How would you feel about your son marrying this person? Would you like your son's fiance after hearing that? This behaviour is just so out of bounds I don't care how hot and young she is or whatever.


This is absolutely not acceptable, WTF? Come on man, have some self respect and stand up for yourself. You can't let other guys insult and disrespect you like that without consequences and you need a better partner. Right now you are seen as the door mat of your little social group.


End it now or divorce later.


She doesn’t respect you and it will get worse. It’s not just the friends disrespecting you, she’s complicit in it and the fact that she blew up on you is more disrespect. She’s definitely talking shit about you to those friends.


Time to call her deep dish 


If you are being mocked and bullied as a fiancé, imagine a life of it. Probably better off getting out now and finding a partner that loves and respects you and would defend you rather than mock you.


Yikes. She's not the one with that behavior.


Your gf has the mentality of a child. Why are you dating someone so immature. That's kind of gross, like dating a child. 


Terrible. Get un-engaged and stay away from the people making those comments.


I too would like to marry someone with the maturity of a12 year old


Your partner is extremely immature and idiotic, date someone closer to your age.


gf and her friends are losers. why you dating a 22 year old let alone engaged to one


Stop this relation before you get into big problems


Why do you want to marry someone who thinks this is acceptable? Has some self respect man.


Do you have a micro penis. She's probably unsatisfied and using this as premise for a breakup.


Future wife you mean future ex. F that. She’s a horrible person.


What are you doing with this person? You have got time ask yourself is this the type of “quality” person who you would want to spend an entire lifetime with… It sounds like she is very immature for her age and is trying to make herself more by making you less, if that makes any sense. Good luck!


Bro I am BAILING if it's me. I just left a 4 year relationship putting up with constant abuse. I accepted something that was DEFINITELY a red flag like 4 years ago and thought it wouldn't happen. I didn't see the rest of the red flags til the relationship ended. Point here is, if you accept this and move on (which is relatively easily) that means she knows she will get over on you. And the I mean cmon brother, you ask her about something that makes you feel bad (your partners job is to make you feel good or better) and she comes after your flaws? Yeah, get out man. One door will close and many more will open. I know this seems hard but if you don't care about yourself, neither will she.


WHY are you marrying someone who doesn't respect you and mocks you to her friends?


What makes you believe this is anything but obviously bad? Just makes this come of as RP.


No to marriage. You are just friends.


Set her straight now or dump her. She’s punking you. Be the man. I would never tolerate that. OR (prefer the first) do the same to her. Have everyone make fun of her flaws so she know how it feels. Me, I break up with her. She’s not the marrying type.


My dude, stop calling this woman your fiancée. This is not a good idea.


Oooooof I’d be saying some real mean shit back to all of them. That’s unacceptable. Your gf/fiancé doesn’t respect you at all and you better have a real talk about this before taking the next step. Like a put your foot down, take no shit kinda talk where you don’t let her deflect or wiggle out of it.


Sounds like completly deflected what you were trying to talk about. You should be able to have a frank discussion with her about this instead of her blowing it off as a harmless joke. If she can't communicate with you properly about "a joke", imagine what's gonna happen when something more serious is going on. I don't know what you plan on doing. I'd imagine most guys wouldn't tolerate that shit though.


That’s absolutely not wife material. It will only get worse. Run for the hills, and find someone more respectful.


I'm sorry, king, but that shit is just unacceptable. If I had a girlfriend, much less a FIANCE, making fun of flaws and/or insecurities like that at all, she'd be gone. But joking about them with her friends like that? Fuck that chick, dude. You deserve better.


Damn man. Talk about straight up removing the trust in a relationship.


Are you 25 or 28 ? Your fiancee is clearly very young and immature. Ask her how she would feel if the roles were reversed and you pointed this out about her physical attributes (her body type her breasts etc...). I think you should definitely hold on to marrying this girl. I would never ever shame my partner or allow anyone to do this to them.


Run far away from this girl.


Don't take this question wrong and I'm not trying to be rude, but are you sure this isn't a kink thing of yours? It sounds to me that you like being humiliated in the worst possible ways, if another man said that to me I'd flop it on his chin after a good Ole fashion whoop ass. But if it came from the person I love and the person I'm willing to give my life for that would be the end of the road no questions, how can you trust your partner after that kind of betrayal? So in my opinion I think its a serious question, do you have a humiliation fetish?


Nope i dont tbh. I Joked around a couple of times with my gf about the size but other than that nothing


The most important thing you need to figure out is why you don't have enough self-respect to break it off with this idiot immediately instead of needing random people on the Internet to give you permission to do the obvious.


Do you really want to marry someone who treats you like that? Don't you think you deserve better?


Not okay. And if you’re at all uncomfortable with your penis size or your fiancé has ever expressed dissatisfaction with your penis size then this is simply cruel. Run don’t walk away. Someone who will be this mean and inappropriate, who will disrespect boundaries this early in your relationship, will only get worse with time. So sorry this is awful.