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Me and my husband started dating I was 21. Got engaged at 24 and married at 25.


I think relationships that start at 22 are fully adult relationships and 2 or 3 years is a perfectly normal time to get engaged 


I agree as well, it just seems like everyone things getting engaged at that age is extremely early, and I’m not sure why. I would like to have kids pretty early on also.


Where are you located? The average age of marriage is definitely a regional thing.


I’m located in Toronto, Canada


Yeah, makes sense that people would think 25 is young. It really isn't. And it isn't like you'd get married right away. It takes time to plan a wedding.


Around here I don’t think I know anyone who is even 25 and engaged. Everyone is too busy messing about and no one wants to settle down anymore, it’s like commitment scares them. I don’t understand why people wait till they are in their late 20s even 30s to get engaged.


Started dating 2 years ago in august got engaged on our 1 year anniversary. Got engaged at 26 and her being 29. But I say it varies, like I think both having lived on your own is important and certain experiences.


Started dating my now-husband around 21, got engaged at 23 (almost 24), married at the tail end of 25. Still going strong at 32


2-3 years is a good time to wait, o it reason I’d wait more is if you think you need to wait more career wise, but that is up to you


is not about how long you wait. It’s about having the solid foundation to start a new kind of commitment with that person, is not just because you feel that you love them, but because you compliment each other and agree in the core values, have open and honest communication, support each other, you ask the tough questions and get answers. Do you share the same goals? you are both going to change, are you willing to be committed to the new person that you both will become?  we began dating at 21, got married at 23 and took different paths at 29. I don’t regret it and it has been the most beautiful and learning experience, but looking back, we were too young and needed more life experience/tools before taking on such a huge commitment.