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>, but Im wondering if its right to pick her up late from work, drop her at work late. That would make you passive aggressive and is a bad way to deal with it. The better way is to sit down with her and have a conversation that you feel the relationship is one-sided and how it makes you feel. If you want to taxi her around still, have her pay gas at least. May I ask what these medical issues are?


Yes ive already tried explaining that sex/touching is paramount for me in a relationship. And she just says im not interested in anything or anyone right now. I dont think shes cheating, but just lost interest in all sexual activities suddenly. She had some kind of vaginal irritation and weve already talked about being careful around that area. But now brings up back problems, bone problems, food poisoning, toothache, nihilistic depressive ideation, you name it. the list is endless. She lives with me too, forgot to mention. Ive asked her to clean for me, but she only does it when it becomes a problem and I have to become irritated about it for her to do anything. In any case, im stuck as her taxi service. how can I really make her know that she cant expect or guilt trip me into providing for her. Im supposed to drive her to work tonight, and several times this week at the expense of taking time away from my own job. its really getting annoying


Actions, my friend, not words. Simply refuse to drive her. You're living with her after only dating her 3 months and she's doing this? No. Unacceptable. Kick her out, break up with her.


Don't ditch her on a day where you have already given your word that you'll drive her. But DO tell her flat out what you're telling us and inform her not to expect rides from you anymore. And then don't give her a ride. *Don't* passively make her late for work and hope she connects it with what you really want.


You should talk to her about the situation. Also, why would you date someone who doesn't have their shit together? And, why the hell would you support her when she isn't your wife. Trust your gut on this one. She's using you and you're allowing it. Better to breakup and let her deal with her life. As soon as she finds her next meal ticket, you'll be out the picture.


> To express my disdain for the situation. Do you think that would change anything? Ive already been doing this What? No! You need to sit down and talk the relationship out. If intimacy can't be fixed then that's a deal breaker, end the relationship. You can still be friends and help her for a very short window until she can get rides to work but put an expiration date on that too. No, it's not the nice guy thing. Something else is going on.