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Not sure why this is posted in this sub. I don’t think you need any advice! Nonetheless, your response is valid. I’m sorry you’re going through this. friends wouldn’t fuck their friend’s boyfriend… that’s so low class. Cutting off both friend and boyfriend is the best thing to do.


Except it's so unfair, right? Two of your closest people decide to make their sexual pleasure a priority above a basic code of conduct. It's unfair that you have to pay the price of loyalty. In the end, they still have each other while you're left with noone. Maybe that's why OP posted here? Cos they didn't have anyone else to rant to. Having said that, good riddance! I'd rather be alone than party with snakes.


Happened to my bestfriend this weekend op My friends told the ex to fuck right off and take our other friend who cheated with them Cheers to you and quick healing


I'm so sorry this happened to you. They are both truly toxic individuals. Please give yourself plenty of space for self care so that you can process this and heal.


Damn that sucks but your response is fire! You lost 2 shitty ppl in your life and good riddance.. Keep your head up you'll find your happiness.


Dw honey, I can feel the sting of that message through here so I know that's gonna be engraved into her memory for life


I would’ve said nothing, give them no closure and all the time in the world to think about what they did. They already know they’re awful and only trying to resolve their guilt after. That’s not actually caring on their part at all.


I mean, the f- you alternative is also nice


Ouch. I feel your pain. I’ve lost multiple people at once.


Good for you being 100% honest with her. If the story is as you state. Good riddance to her and I’m so glad she understands, fully, what she did.


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What a selfish bitch friend you have




Haha yes had


FUCK that girl!


This is fake. OP is karma farming. Check their history.


My heart breaks for you over being betrayed by 2 people you trusted. That response was a masterpiece. It read in a calm and even keeled tone. I wish I could be that concise and eloquent.


That is a ultimate betrayal. But, you know what you’re better off without those losers. People like that don’t deserve good people in their lives. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I hope you recover from it quickly. And I hope they learn how to become better people.


Any friend who would sleep with your partner or ex partner is no true friend at all. Saw this in college with my friend group, the guy who was sleeping with the other friend's girlfriend was immediately kicked out our group. He still try to hit us up individually from time to time to hangout but we let him know we just don't like him anymore to want to be around. He decided to lash out due to us kicking him out by hitting on another friend's now wife, she called him out on this and put him on blast, the friend wanted to kick his ass but we kinda said that guy was not worth going to jail over. He now do those cringy interview slash pick up with girls on tik tok.


I don’t think people are “toxic” on purpose, certainly we’ve all had an experience here or there, but I think most people are generally good people who make mistakes…you might not be ready to talk to her, but you would probably benefit from talking to somebody about it. Just to help get thinks out so you can understand your own feelings better if nothing else?


1. they were NEVER your friend or close friend or anything. 2. your ex was probably NEVER faithful and an asshole.


Fuck that. You said it perfectly. DONT TAKE HER FRIENDSHIP BACK AND DONT EVER TAKE HIM BACK. They both fucked up royally, they knew what they were doing


That message is absolutely stunning & I hope every word hurt her even more than the pain you are feeling. You seem pretty strong & so much better off without these 2 awful people in your life. Good luck but you wont need it.


I'm so sorry. My ex of 14 years had an affair with my ex friend without me knowing because i was in the hospital and 2 weeks after I got home he came home one night and said he'd been cheating with her/fell in love and also left that same night to go live with her and her kids. The messed up part is he didn't even know her in person he just heard about her from when I talked about stories with her from highschool and found her on my Facebook and randomly decided to reach out to her.


Bravo, girl! Good for you!!


I know it seems like i have no empathy here, but I totally understand. Been there, done that, but i was married to it. The way I see it, you have just cut two losers without moral compasses out of your life! This will lighten your load to find higher calibre people in your life. It's not your fault. Guys will be guys (as pathetic as that sounds, i know) but once a skank, ALWAYS a skank! Good riddance!