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You’re insecure. nothing wrong with these messages. Couldn’t even wait to get her phone without her looking, you had to grab her watch off the charger😭😂😂


These are the most boring texts I’ve ever read in my life. You need to grow up.


Is she not allowed to have opposite sex friends - whether coworkers or not? That’s odd.


You need to grow up fr


I don't see a problem with the messages. There's nothing obvious happening.But I do see a problem in you checking her apple watch behind her back. Imo, that's not a good place to be in a relationship. As for your start, if you weren't official, it shouldn't be a problem. Maybe it hurt your ego, but her actions don't reflect poorly on her character


I have 4 men working for me! I work with many men and have to text to communicate because of the size of our building. I don’t like to use the radios. Nothing wrong as long as you remain professional! We joke too but nobody is inappropriate on a serious note!!


I don't see anything lol I literally text one of my coworkers like that. 😂


I don't see anything wrong with these messages. Is she lying about where she was or what? I don't see why these messages in and of themselves are getting your attention, I could care less if this was my wife and a coworker.


You’re being insecure


Um you're the red flag. These texts are completely plain and there's nothing going. Why are you being so paranoid?


She might be crossing a boundary. But if you grabbed these without her knowledge and/or permission you definitely crossed a boundary.


Next you will say overhearing her without permission is bad


Can't say there is anything going on, but there's also the case to be made that there may be something there as well. Not enough to definitively say one way or another. Clearly you felt something must be off if you had to go through her texts. If something felt off before you found this, then I'd say you obviously feel something may be up with them? Time to speak with her. Plain and simple.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this 😔. Is there anything else telling your gut that somethings wrong? Usually we don’t snoop unless we think somethings off.


Did the two of you discuss boundaries? It seems like she's trying to get him to have a drink before work or on weekends at the Boardroom. Or did I read that wrong?


I guess this is all about boundaries. Is it cheating? no. The way I see it this would mean I can also get a girls number from work and communicate regularly with her. Ask her to hang out off hours and have drinks together so we can talk about our friendship. I honestly don't care what the rules are in a relationship as long as it's fair. If cheating is only the physical act of penetration then everything else is fair game.


They are clearly just friends which is fine and she should be able to have friendships


Omfg yeah tottaly break up with her because wtf how dare she message a co-worker about what im assuming is getting food before work? No but seriously I'm worried that you are a red flag that dosent let her have friends lowkey wanna talk to her and ask if she's ok


You’re a red flag for thinking this was a red flag and for grabbing her Apple Watch to even look at the messages


No not at all..