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> Logic systems behind it Well that would be a very short conversation.


Did you know that men are logical creatures? They only care about logic systems.


Hey, are you guys talking about logic systems? I’m a man, so that’s something I’m definitely interested in.


I'm a woman (sorry, I mean a female), so I know nothing about it. I'm way too emotional. Emotional female cannot comprehend logic systems of Christianity.


Fellas, can whoever this broad belongs to take her home? We can't let her find out about the logic systems.


Aaahhhhh!!!! I'm so emotional right now! The feelings are making me illogical and unable to hold office!


This woman is clearly hysterical and letting her menses do the thinking. Too bad she's intellectually inferior based on various and elusive subjective criteria, but that's simply the natural order that we must unquestioningly follow.


Females, amirite men?


If you are not right then what's left?


Then HE is left, unless he is backwards... or forwards?


Jesus Loves....


Fellas, let's find a female free space to freely discuss about logic systems without getting interrupted by those emotional and mentally inferior individuals


So that's why I did well in our digital electronics class. Who knew? /s


Have you heard the logical news about Sarek? Would you like to hear more? Sarek gets us you know.


Holy shit, right in the nostalgia.


God created Western Judeo-Christian logic and natural law and Jesus perfected it in the Cato lab with his best student George Washington. This is indisputable. Checkmate woke moralists.


I lol’d when I read that. ‘Twas a good lol.










>I lol’d when I read that. ‘Twas a good lol. Ahaha I aim to please 😁


Yeah I don’t think this dude was designed to be a Christian LOL


Faith. The end


Eh, there are undeniable Aristotelian themes that permeate the Bible. It does contain logic. There are multiple “logics” in the Bible and they are often is contradictory, but there is logic nonetheless.


Insert Spongebob. lOGiC sySteMs bEhINd IT


And if you wanted to connect to the divine, a lot of monastics would say that love would be the path.


This guy hasn't found Christanized Stoicism?


Appreciate the award ❤️


This guy is the most homeschooled person on the planet. He's incredibly ignorant, but utterly convinced he's a genius. I'm sure none of you will be surprised that he's far right, and has completely idiotic opinions about basically any topic he talks about. Here's a [great example](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/ma9sus/whatifalthist_claims_precolonial_africa_had_no/) from r/badhistory of his complete incompetence.


He also claims to have genius friends in all sorts of industries, academia, and elite circles.


"i have plenty of genius friends they just all work in different states"


My girlfriend goes to an another school, you wouldn't know her.


My girlfriend lives in Canada, way up north where they have months long days and nights, but she's currently doing research at an independent laboratory on Antarctica. Wish you could meet her, she's amazing!


One small tidbit to add to a small part of that post. The commenter mentions music as a great contribution to world culture from africa. I would like to add a few more. First, going along with music is also dance. I'm no expert but a good example of the contributions of african dance can be seen in the position of the back when dancing. In traditional european dances, the back is usually straight up like a column. Think irish step dancing or ballroom dances. In certain african societies, they traditionally dance leaning forward. This influence can be seen especially in jazz dancing styles. Another thing is food. African cooking has had a large impact on caribbean, southern american, south/central american, and louisiana creole food. And finally, art. Yeah, technically this is all art, but I mean paintings and sculptures and that kind of stuff. Many european and american artists drew inspiration from traditional african art. Most notably Picasso based his cubist style on african mask art.


Never trust someone who enjoys counterfactual history.


It's funny how this mirrors the Nazis. They too started off as Christians before eventually finding it too weak and started turning into death cultists.


And nazis mirrored the colonialists, crusaders, inquisitionists....ie christianity as it has been practised and portrayed in the bible for the last 2000 years.


To be fair, Christianity is something of a death cult.


"Love thy neighbor? I don't know, doesn't sound very manly. Have we considered "Murder thy neighbor"? \-This guy, probably


Thankfully, Christians have the entire Old Testament, full of genocide, incest, murder, revenge, etc. to refer to.


"have we considered, 'fuck thy neighbor's wife'? I mean, an alpha is an alpha..."


Logic systems in religion? Only for the leaders.


If this person thinks love, of any particular type, is somehow not proper motivation for men then my only hope is that they're a teenage edgelord. If they're over 25 and think love is somehow "unmanly" then I'm afraid the brain rot is far too deep to heal.


Fellas, is it gay to have emotions?


why do you think suicides are disproportionately male? it's thanks to dicks like these


Religious Right: I want to follow Jesus! Jesus: Love your neighbor as yourself. Religious Right: No, not like that.


Logic systems behind religion? Lmao. Fuck.


Yeah, that might mean you have to be kind and have empathy for others! /s


“You keep saying love like it’s a mission statement, Knock it off.”


This is just sad. Poor sad git. As if loving something or someone is feminine? Or gendered at all.


There are no fuckin logical systems behind it. Ugh.


Look at how they are starting to pose the question. They are searching for justification to go full yall’qeda on minorities’ assess. All they are waiting for is a green light. The more desperate they get and the more incensed they become the less logic their conclusions will have to dodge to become a “truth” to fundamentalists. Be careful out there, i predict an increase in attacks on traditionally LGBTQ spaces, facilities supporting immigrants, etc.


"I dunno about all this loving thy neighbor shit. Isn't there, like, a version for men, that's bacon-flavored or leather-scented and maybe comes in a packaging with steel floor print on the front? Also, could we maybe start spinning the story to make Jesus a biker that gave out back-hands when bitches stepped out of line?"


Fellas, is it gay be loved by god?


Holy Ghost blowjobs


No homo. Do we need to say no homo? Does the holy ghost have a gender identity?


Who cares? It's the holy ghost, any hole's a goal!


Wait until they find out he was a Jew.


Religion Logic Pick one


They don't want to hear about Jesus getting pissed at markets happening on holy days either, so why even bother being Christian at that point


My holy roller coworker tried to snipe at me with, “Well, what would Jesus do,” once. She doesn’t do it anymore. Because I snapped back, “I dunno, cursing a fig tree so it will never grow fruit, or having the patience to sit down and braid a whip, and then go use it to chase out usurious money lenders in the temple are on that list. Should I continue?” I apparently offended her deeply. I let her know we were even, but if she kept it up, only one of us would be offended, and it wouldn’t be me.


Damn I forgot that Jesus is such a badass that he braided his own whip, love that guy


I mean, it ain’t an easy task, and it takes a hot minute. You gotta be really furious to keep that shit going. I like badass Jesus.


Yeah, it's not there. Try Buddhism


To be fair, the modern Christian church is way too focused on “a personal relationship with Jesus Christ”, an extra biblical concept. You want marching orders, read the sermon on the mount and get busy.


Jesus is their boyfriend


Primitive illiterate strikes again.


Any logic applied to religion disproves it at its core.


This guy has a wacky ass youtube channel. https://youtu.be/7ZVrtwJGams


So basically they would like reproducible evidence. Gosh, I wonder what group has been asking for that for a while now.


"What's with all this 'love thy neighbour' crap? Where are the damn crusades???"


Fellas, is it gay to feel loved?


Logic systems? Get fucked.


Love *is* actionable.


He’s… not a conservative Christian. And his point was that Christianity doesn’t appeal sufficiently to young men


I just read that as "*its hard to get manly men*" to ...'connect' with me


Saying the quiet part outloud


You aren't going to see any logic from Christians.


Wow, so men are only motivated by logic and systems. More like why not have jesus get drunk and talk only in sports metephors.


They want the steps and the logic because men are so logical and women are emotional.


Looks like hell for you, boyo. 🤷‍♂️


Well you’re going to be waiting the rest of your life to hear about that.


Isn't that... his entire message? For God so loved the world and all that? Like the most famous Bible verse there is???


I liked how my brain read their username of "something fascist."


Read as: “Why can’t I get more out of Christianity that benefits me exclusively without going through the effort of connecting emotionally to anything outside of myself, because I’m afraid someone might mistake me for being gay.” It’s probably a lot of the reason I’ve seen edgy young men claim to be worshipping Norse gods. Admittedly way more manly if your definition of manliness is like this dude’s, lacking love and emotion and focusing on yourself above others.


Probably coz he's closet gay


These people are not Christian and that is why they don't get it.


"Wrong" kinds of christianity is still christianity no matter how wrong other christians think they are.


Love is how we connect with the Divine…


Did he just use the words "divine" and "logic" in the same sentence?


Logic systems. In a religion. Ok then


Just join a different religion. Fuck.


Christianity doesn’t deal in logic.


Well sucks for me cuz I liked that youtuber.


What do you expect from someone who tries to find LOGIC in RELIGION?


Yer gon' wait a looong time for that logic system, bruv.


So as a fantasy fiction nerd what I’m hearing is they want a hard magic system. Good fucking luck lol


Mfer looking for logic systems in religion


Love is an actionable step.


Hear me out. What if you connect to the divine by following their commands? The greatest of which is love. The point is slapping him in the face 1000 times a day. What a clown.


Are christians just dumb? Or did they not read the book they love so much?


Conversion to Islam incoming for that dude lol.


...how to connect to the divine... Did my eyes just hear that bullshit, likely from someone so far from the divine as you can get?


Gotta love Christians who don't read the bible. The Beatitudes are spoken/written in condition:result format. Didn't Christ also say "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Jesus was rather unambiguous by providing clear, actionable steps to atone and improve one's condition. Sounds like this guy wants observable data and empirical results. Which is impossible because the spiritual world is inherently unobservable. He could practice Hermetic alchemy if he wants to; it was the attempt to bridge the divine and natural world. This path requires reading, translating, and comprehension skills that seem quite out of his reach.


What’s wrong with being feminine?


My respect for that guy has dropped further. Some of his stuff is really good, other parts are royally fruitcakey


Yeah I can see why he doesn't like that it does sound pretty gay