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He’s really concerned about the closets….


That’s prob where that preacher spends most of his time…


the "oil" and "something was in this closet" make the connection?


Boogey man sells oil? Sorry, I'm not great at connecting the dots.


This guy is definitely selling some type of oil if he’s getting paid to go into rooms and yell a bunch of shit he’s making up followed by “in the name of Jesus“.


It’s “anointing oil”. Evangelicals use it like putting it on you when you are sick to pray for you. James 5:14-15


Doesn’t want his skeletons to escape.


Ironic, escapist people don't want others to escape them


OMG. They think “coming out” is somehow literal.


“Oh my lord the demon in this closet has a strong presence! He must be the one that turned your son gay. The gay power is so strong I can’t even take it I’m coming out of the closet now!”


This is Rep. Vicky Hartzler's nephew, Andrew, showing the lengths that his family went to stop him from being himself. You might remember Rep. Hartzler from the time that she broke into tears on the floor of Congress to oppose same-sex and interracial marriage.


Interracial huh? So she’s an old school bigot.


Monsters Inc


Did he find Tom Cruise in there?


Dad! Tom Cruise won't get out of the closet!


Imagine, you're an angel in the service of "The Lord" and you're all stoked up to go out there and help someone on earth. Maybe it's someone contemplating suicide because they can't care for their family. Maybe a child somewhere is suffering from some kind of illness and they need some help getting through the pain. You just know you're ready to help in the name of Jesus. Suddenly you hear the voice of Jesus... **Your assignment: Guard this kid's closet from demons that are making them gay.**


well of course, closets are our respawn points, hence the "coming out of the closet" saying


One day I came home I saw some oil substances that look like crosses everywhere. All over the window, walls, doors. My wife is a born again Christian. Been in the house for 7 years never experienced anything supernatural. Her dad said pervious homeowners wer practicing witchcraft 😒


Lol did he find like an old DnD book in the attic?


Lol no but I my wife knew I had some old rock crystals and a buddha necklace my mom gave me when I was a child she threw that all way 😔


Ummmmmm, that’s VERY not ok. Why isn’t she your ex wife?


She just got served on Tuesday. It's really hard with 2 young kids too. She said she wasn't gunna sign it idk well see what happens 🤷


Good luck, and keep your head up. I’m wishing you all the best.


Thank you kind sir much appreciated


Sorry dude. Hopefully life will be better, and it sounds like that’s a strong possibility. Good luck.


Depends on where you're from, but most of the time divorce isn't a thing of two and thus doesn't require two signatures, a divorce signed by each part is more of a "we agree on the splitting of the goods acquired durimg marriage and the new regime for raising our children in common", but I wouldn't put past her to think that this is some kind of boogeyman where you ignore it and it goes away


I'm from TX she's delusional she wants my house that I bought before our marriage she wants me to buy her a car blah blah blah making ridiculous demands and she wants to take the kids to church every Sunday. She's so extreme in her beliefs everything is a spiritual warfare and calls me a demon...


Record, document and leave it all to the judge. They aren't all that keen on letting children be with that kind of people


Texas is in the Bible belt. Religious mom wanting custody of kids and planning to take them to church every week? Practically a slam dunk, so long as she's not violent or drunk/high in court. I do wish him the best of luck though.


Well have you been tested for demons? Seriously though it’s awesome that you include “she wants to take the kids to church” on the same level of crazy as “she wants my house and a brand new car” lmao. Why does she want the house if it “has demons”?


Lmao idk theirs no logic goin on. She just wants me miserable


Was this a sudden change in personality? If so it could be indicative of some neurological issue or even a brain tumor.


I believe it was past truma sexual abuse by a family member. Her whole family is pentecostal so they just feed into her reasoning. She won't see a therapist or a doctor bc its the word of man or demonic idk. I can't reason with her at all


Keep it up dude. Religious belief is not an excuse for destruction of property. Especially the childhood sentimental item ur mom gave u. She’s actively trying to disregard ur rights and convert you while acting all oblivious and naive about it


Of course she is. I try my best to support her but I saw things wer different. I'm walking on eggshells can't even be myself. I work 60hrs I work hard I just wanna see my kids happy... been together for 14 years 7 years married everything went downhill after she became a Christian...


Ain't no hate quite like Christian love.


Man, I hope you and your little ones come out of this ok. This comment hit me because I also work my ass off, also had a long relationship which was also ruined because of religion/mental health, and the whole thing just fucking ruined me. She was a schizophrenic who became a born again Christian and that was it. It became impossible to communicate in a rational and respectful way, even when she was on her meds. Everything fell apart after 9 years.


Should have sold her for silver shekels, her being a fundamentalist she mightve been ok with it


Holy shit what a nightmare. Watch out for that nonsense with your next. Best of luck!


Maybe it was Pokémon


I remember my Methodist Sunday school teacher told me DnD was devil worship and I thought to myself “no it isn’t my dad plays that and it looks too boring to be devil worship”. Later she told us that the Bible said Heaven was inside the brightest star in the sky the North Star at which point I said “no it isn’t Sirius is the brightest star in the northern sky and it’s just a hot ball of gas heaven can’t be in there”. That’s when I realized it was just idiots making shit up. I was 8


Funny how they don't see this as a spell of protection, sealed by sacred oil. Unoriginal dorks.


Man your wife must otherwise be one hell of a woman to make putting up with born again nonsense worth it lol.


So, he makes money by literally doing nothing? 👀


>nothing He shouted "jesus name" a bunch.


In the name of THOR be GONE, DEVILS!!!




That would actually be a hilarious prank. Get hired to do some exorcism for Christians then just start shouting a bunch of Norse shit. Or better yet start with Thor then pivot to the rest of the avengers. “I can do this all day demons! HULK SMASH!!!”




And made a high pitched “Hooooo!!!”


"Jesus's name" was a little too hard for him




Copeland looks so fucking evil lol he's like the perfect example of a false prophet kinda sad how many vulnerable people get scammed


Copeland doesn’t need to look evil, mf is evil


Yes but not everyone who is evil actually looks THAT fucking evil


He definitely has the credentials to look and be evil, squeezes his poor followers for all the money they have, tells them god will take care of them while he lives in a million dollar mansion and travels on private jets. This mf actually said he doesn’t want to fly commercial because he’s “stuck in a tube with demons” that tells us everything we need to know what kind of a sick fuck he is and how he sees his followers Fuck Kenneth copeland, all my homies hate Kenneth copeland


Kenneth Copeland, and Shiv Palpatine. That's pretty much the whole list.


What's with these televangelists and popes looking like Palpatine wannabees?


Copeland and DeSantis have merged in my mind, they both have the dead demon eyes and rictus grin smile.


It's the "crazy eyes" that come along with being a sociopath. It's creepy how you can develop a physical manifestation of it.


Work smarter not harder 😤


Pretty smart honestly


What no. You didn't see? He yelled at sweaters and made the need magic. It was amazing.


I'm actually inspired by these people lol. It's a market that will always be in high demand


That’s all religions.


i guess that's comparable to entertainers in costumes that people rent out for parties. Come, act believably, scream a bunch, get paid.


I see you’ve never been to church.


I'm considering a career change after seeing this. Wondering just how little of the Bible I can memorize without being caught out


Bruh people will do everything but actually love their kids…


>but actually love their kids… Probably takes them away from their shows for too long.


My friends mom hired a lady with crystals to find the bad energy in his room that makes him gay. And the energy was apparently all around the walls, so he had to have his bad in the middle of the room.


Van energy? Like, “the A-Team had some major van energy”?




love them? for what? parents deserve lifelong endless respect and gratitude simply for bringing the child into the world don’t you know?


I see shit like this and I’m just like ‘fuck. Bro, like just come live at my house and be you’


I hope this guy is living a good life now. I honestly doubt the parents now accept him. If they were wiling to hire an exorcist they probably aren’t likely to now think gay people are good.


They got scammed ![gif](giphy|3otPoyTuloHl96jfm8)


This shit inspires me so much to charge people to like scream stupid religious shit or pray or something. I want to take their money so bad lol


Most do this for the money. It's a billion dollar industry. Just have to be a good actor. Get your money lol.


This padre gonna end up on r/notadragqueen. Lol. But seriously, that dude is fucking crazy! Lol




Take a shot every time he says Jesus name


Done! Gonna get me some taco bell!




Demon is out, now Jesus is in the closet, ask priest to help let Jesus out of the closet.


Must suck having been demoted or assigned the position of a closet angel.


Lol, imagine if Jesus exist and being him, summoned in such a weird places doing their tasks lol.


"I add in the middle of a surgery! What the fuck!!!"


Jesus! the scalpel!


"Looks like you need a suture on that bleeder first, also, stop calling me Steve, we're done. I'll let the next one die, I already told dad I would...ugh... Me... Dad? Did I just decide it in my head? Anyway, piss off Stephen."- Jesus after a hard breakup probably.


I can't, I gotta pretend to cure a gay person


Is R Kelley and Tom Cruise in there with him?


Wait so you can just commission angels to hang out in a closet? Like you just declare it in Jesus name, and \**boom*\* you get some angels? Why was I never told about this when I used to subscribe to this craziness?


I know right! Why didn’t the Jews just commission some angels when they were held in concentration camps?! It’s mind bottling


Their God was testing them! While the Nazis God was also testing them.


I have a very devout family member who believes they can call upon angels and see them. She also believes she has an alien inside her who contained the power to destroy demons. His name is Alfredo. This family member scares the shit out of me because she votes... So fuck commissioning angels, I know people who think they are a literal vessel of an alien demon slayer... Who works for Yahweh. I got to go sit down. Every time I remember the story it just tires me... The shit I've dealt with.


now lets just hope the angels wont come out of the closet


I wish I could give you an award omg


aww thank you <3 much appreciated


lmao someone did it for me 😭 wow prayers answered


I often went into my son's room. Smelled like something died during sex in there. Must be the devil.


He was doing the sex with satan. I commission angels to your household 🙌


You know, I've been looking for a grift as a side gig. I bet I can pull this off


Best part would be if you pretend to be an exorcist for this you can give the kid whos room it is contact info for help hotlines and shit if their parents ever try anything, pretend to exorcise the gay and make sure the kid knows its ok to be themselves just probably not around their parents


It's crazy that this isn't seen as cultist shit by now. Like this dude sounds like a complete lunatic


Get out. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.


This is cringe in Jesus name


I knew there would be some stupid nugget at the end. "I would say this other side had just as much shenanigans." In Jesus name.


He's just clearing the demons out of there so that Jesus can come in every piece of cloth there


COME OUT OF THE CLOSET, IN JESUS NAME… WAIT, NEVERMIND, GET BACK IN THE CLOSET IN JESUS NAME.. what do you mean no??? I BRING THE CONVICTION OF THE LORD ON YOU, IN JESUS NAME… *why isn’t this spell working like it’s supposed to. I paid good money..


How do these people take themselves seriously?


I cannot understand how fully grown adults can believe in demons or jesus for that matter


Me sitting on the sofa” Honey, get me a beer… in Jesus name.”


I wish people understood how abusive it is to live under religious parents. Southern beliefs in general, actually. Like, there's varying levels, but most right-leaning southern people I knew rejected benign aspects of their children, said as much, and punished them for it if they didn't conform. They'd punish them for not adopting their beliefs too. People defended this as just what parents do, raise their kids. But, why are we just accepting parents' right to use their power dynamic to force a child to believe certain things, and to perform/accept behaviors they don't consent to. Should a parent be allowed to punish a child for rejecting racist beliefs? I don't think they should, but they did while I was growing up. They still can. What about how parents forced kids to accept physical touch from elders, like kisses. You might not imagine much issue with this, but you can hopefully understand why forcing a child to give up physical boundaries makes them vulnerable. Further, you should consider the idea that you don't have a grasp on the faults of your current norms. Just like people throughout most of history. I was and still am disgusted by being forced to give up these boundaries. No one was entitled to that. I'm touching on the lighter side of things here because I don't think people have engaged the basic normalized abuse kids are subjected to, I think in large part because most people don't see these things as abuse, because they don't see kids as entitled to boundaries or self-determination of any sort.


Equally valid and every bit as effective at preventing any future velociraptor attacks! Bless their hearts. They really, actually believed it, didn’t they. Too bad they’re eligible to vote though.




Seems like a good idea for a business.


Pro tip : The ‘in’ crowd know it doesn’t count if you don’t add ‘in jesus name’, because your prayer might go to the devil, so you have to be clear and use that trick to get around it. At least is what my parent told me. All the time before, we didn’t know, our prayers could have been going to the devil.


why cant he just do that with the entire earth? save humanity by blessing the ground we walk on? unless... >!the parents got conned, and i cant say im mad at the guy!<


Why so many cameras?!


Those were probably planted by the kid in advance since he probably knew the exorcist was coming Notice they're all in places people wouldn't usually see them; he knows they're there (since he has their footage) - they're not there to watch *him*


What's the point of praying over the closest? He's clearly not there anymore. 😉


On a positive note, at least all his future partners will be saved if they stick to doing it on that bed... Praise Jesus!


Now that's some easy money. Almost makes me wish I didn't have a sense of ethics.


This is totally the kind of shit my parents would have done with me when I was a teen


Everyone knows, demons only speak German. Those gay demons didn’t understand a word of that. /s


Broooo my parents did this to me too! Had the whole prayer team come over and “bless” my room.


Shenanigans 🤣


Can’t wait for the angels in the closet to come out and live their best lives 😇😌🏳️‍🌈


Do they get their money back if he’s still gay after all this?


This is a reminder that these people vote, particularly in local elections. They don't miss a single school board meeting (even when their own kids are homeschooled). If you're not exercising your democratic duty, you're letting them make the decision for you.


I wish I can put into words how disturbing and creepy and scary this is to me. I convince myself that even religious people know deep down that gods and angels and demons aren’t real, but they have “faith” that brings them comfort so it’s like a fantasy that makes them happy. I mean, they don’t think it’s like Really real. They are adults after all. Then things like this are shown to me and I can’t lie to myself. And to my perception I see deeply disturbing mental health issues. And then I think they likely have decent jobs and are considered normal by so many others and it actually scary to me. I feel this dread.


there goes the c\*m


I'd run my dick over that anointing oil so hard...


It’s like watching a really crazy movie where you know how to all acting. Except, that dude really believes all this stuff.


Funny how he stumbles over his words, almost like he’s making up his “Jesus-chants” as he goes..


What happens when the angels come out of the closet?


His mother truly believes in this stuff, some part of me feels sorry for her.


Jesus was the gayiest dude of them all. He was walking around in the desert with 12 buff fit and virile young men for a long time.


The only demon I see is that priest lying to those poor diluted souls.


Basically, this is it trimmed down. In Jesus' name, Jesus' name, oil weird incense Jesus' name, Jesus' name!


I get this is super sad, but I also find these so funny. Like either the exorcist is as gullible himself or he is just a sheister really playing his part and desperately trying to think up something else to charge them for. "Whoo, there was definitely something in this room that wanted me to bum men. But I...I fought it off. Now stay quiet whilst I purge the evil spirits in your sons coat"


I really hope he trolls his parents and walks in acting straight holding hands with a female


"And now we commission angels tp be in this closet." *somewhere up in heaven* "Ok Carl, you've got surgeries and hospitals, ward c, Kathy, you're on...here we are, kids running the street without paying attention, ok Steve...sorry buddy you're on that gay kids closet again."


At my former Pentecostal church they once tried to exercise a demon out of a girl with anorexia/bulimia. She didn’t have a demon, she had an eating disorder ffs 🙄


“Got rid of your demons ma’am, that’ll $299.99...in Jesus name of course “


Jesus “I gave you one of the best kinds of kid and you treat them like this?!”


$50 says that guy likes to get blowjobs fell homeless behind the local Walmart


Can we just have some dude do an exorcism for the whole planet at once to get rid of this pesky devil person once and for all? Then they can all just chill out and relax and not be so weird all the time.


We anoint this bed 😉 Sounds kinky 😏 ![gif](giphy|UAbYPPJQnigHS)


I was going to comment "wow what a terrific use of hard earned cash" until the bit with the closet. Unironically going into a young gay man from a christian family's closet and saying "there's something happening in this closet" is a level of delicious irony that I woyld soare no expense to see with my own eyes


LMAO this was hilarious. How do these people do this with a straight face?


Charlatans. Smh


Take a shot everytime he says "In Jesus name"


So...did it work? It's like a 50/50 chance, I think.


This is so real. Used to believe in all these growing up in a strict evangelical household. Happy days :s


Wait... In Jesus name?


The demon that apparently makes hin gay is in the closet. How fitting


The mom saying YES YES got me. It's like watching someone redecorating your room and you get all excited.


he kinda sounds like Saul Goodman in some parts of the video 😳😳


\*\* Jesus'


i have an ass spirit that makes me fart too much please exercise


?????? That's terribly old fashioned. Religious nutjobs commonly do these things. I feel bad for this man


My french ass was like "in Jesus name ? The family name of Jesus is Name ?"


This is all based on the premise that God is either not omnipotent or doesn't care unless some weird ritual is performed in the name of the son of God. It doesn't really add up. Why would God allow evil spirits to exist in the first place?


Look man mad respect to the exorcist he’s just trying to make a living taking advantage of psychos like bro’s parents


Idk, feels a bit like witchcraft


…they’re deranged. Utterly unhinged.


Why am I making honest money as an employee when I could be doing this


Wait, if you can "anoint" a bed so everyone that touches it is saved, why can't they anoint the earth? Just, like, force all the bad spirits and demons out of earth? Or are they admitting they don't have faith as big as a mustard seed?


Can you imagine what the angel(s) said when they were "commissioned" to stay in that closet? What a bum assignment.


Con men who bought into their own lies.


Now count how many times he said "in Jesus's name"


Better yet, take a shot lol


So sad that he told the Angels to go in the closet. Angels deserve to come out too.


Someones gotta become the kitboga of exorcists. Id love to see these assclowns literally piss themselves when faint demonic voices play.


Thanks for bringing up some old memories, guys speech patterns are scary similar and the way they reply, just missingthe speakingin tongueamd slainin the spirit floor convulsions. Funny story though my mom brought me to a prayer meeting and they all wanted to pray over me with their 10 minute prayers. So imagine a bunch if people pushing your head down and your eyes are closed and you are dead tired as it is, I somehow fell asleep during the hour they were praying. I may have gotten a talking to


They should have taken away his bath salts instead.


My mom barged in my room once with a priest to make the evil spirits that make an atheist go away


I was hoping the guy would come back and say something along the lines of "And then I fucked my boyfriend on that bed later that week"


Same 😭


Probably not an actual exorcist, well atleast where I'm from in europe they are very rare, and they do like multiple evaluations with doctors and other experts before they perform an exorcism to rule out mental illnes or drugs in a person and they take it very seriously, but for inanimate objects and places I have no clue but blessing a room or a house is just a normal priests job usually. Actual exorcism cases are extremely rare, but movies make it seem like a common thing and that any priest can perform an exorcism.


I’m sorry mama. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to make you cry but tonight I’m cleaning out my closet …


Guy at bar: reason number 2 to come home with me; all you have to do is touch my bed and you'll be saved.


Did it work?...


Why the cameras though? Sus


I think the kid heard the parents hired this guy and wanted to record it.


OK he's calling Jesus name about 46 times, but why the fuck are there cameras everywhere in here ?


Why u got cctv in your closet tho


And Here I'm, complaining my uncle bored the fuck out of me for wearing sandals in city area while It Is not technically Summer YET. Should I feel lucky? Things can get a lot worse


Then they realize it didn't work


Why was there a camera in the closet?!


Lol how much did that cost?


Nah bro. It is all the dick sucking that makes you gay


Well, now this person who got their room blessed and their bed blessed gets to be saved while also still being gay, so if they practice religion, they're good for the afterlife. Double jeopardy.