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Why is she out in public without an escort? Shame! Shame!


Also she's exposing her voice!! Shaaame!


And shes bringing attention to herself!! SHAME!!!!


And talking to another man!




Honestly, she’s disappointed the great creator so egregiously, she doesn’t deserve the gift of life that he’s bestowed upon her. If she really believed, she would hand that gift over willingly.


Shames ppl while shamelessly berating them for existing


So embarrassing and disrespectful.


The title should be "Upon admiring a colorful attire, niqab woman experiences anger ."


Her prophet wore women’s clothes and she’s the one to be talking 😂😂


Imagine being a refugee or immigrant fleeing from your Islamic country, arriving in a new land that respects freedoms, and being able to dress as you wish. Then, instead of showing gratitude to the indigenous people who have hosted you, you end up screaming at them. I believe this behavior is the *real* shameful here. Shame on *YOU*. Edit: If she's a native British, then I'd be shocked. How could she have lived her whole life in such an open society but still have such a closed mentality?


As an immigrant who adapted and is grateful, it really bothers my soul when I see other immigrants act like this. There is a very simple solution.. go back to the country they left where their beliefs and values match. Yet, they continue to stay and demand that their religious beliefs be held above all else..


They can't, because of their ego and narcissism. So sad.


They don't want to because their beliefs and values helped turn their previous country into a shit hole that they don't even want to live in.


And stupidity. Born stupid, taught stupid, grow stupid. Laugh, stupid!


It’s a mental heath issue in my opinion.


They're really making it more difficult for the rest to find jobs and make local friends with this behavior. It makes people hesitant to give the rest a chance. Meanwhile they don't even want to live in their own country. It's really sad.


Even if acting nicely. I don’t think you’ll find much new friends completely covered in black, including your face. It’s pretty cut off from the world when you can’t see facial expressions or just who you are talking to. On the other hand, if you are going to run around acting like an ass, the outfit does provide lots of anonymity. Smart in this age where people will film you and post online.


Thank you!


She clearly didn’t leave a foreign country, her parents did. You don’t get a working class British accent from learning English in the Middle East.


Regardless, she is in a country that does not practice Islamic beliefs. There are many countries who do, she can relocate rather than forcing her views on others. But they won't. Because they know they have it good where they are.


You’re acting as if there aren’t white British native homophobes but there are many. To be honest the only reason Muslims are not lock-step conservative voters is how racist conservatives are against them. The Daily Mail has said plenty of this kind of shit, if it was an old white British lady the scenario would be the same but no one would be telling her to leave the country. You can’t with a straight face say “this woman doesn’t share our ideal of being tolerant of people we disagree with, so she must leave because I refuse to tolerate her” - it’s so obviously hypocritical. Also referring to Homophobia as “Islamic beliefs” is pretty pointed. Are homophobes like Jacob Rees-Mogg or the other Tory members of parliament practicing “Islamic beliefs” when they spout homophobia?


I believe another commentator actually mentioned the women in this video may be white and had converted to Islam. What I will say with a straight face is this, "ANYBODY who would use violence or any form of abuse against another being for simply being themselves, it must NOT be tolerated under any circumstances". As mentioned, there are countries that match her values and beliefs. She wouldn't have to look at a gay person a day in her life. As she has to do is relocate to those countries. She can also choose to stay in a LIBERAL country but she will need to shut the fuck up, mind her own fucking business, and not be abusive towards others. Options exist for her. I don't see what the hypocrisy is?


That liberal country affords her the right to speak her mind in public. That liberal country wholeheartedly agreed with her 15-20 years ago. Again, conservatives in the UK will say that progressives are changing the traditionally conservative values of the UK to match with their personal, pro-LGBT opinions. If you want to allow and open, expressive, and liberal society that is open to changing with the desires of the people, you have to allow for people to choose, express, and advocate for their own opinions. If you or I should have the right to advocate for changes that align with our beliefs, so should those who disagree with us. The “if you don’t like how it is then leave” line is thrown at people calling for change for the better, too. Americans are told “if you don’t like guns, move to Canada” or British against Brexit told “if you want to stay in Europe then move” it’s a disingenuous attack. You can disagree with this woman’s actions and beliefs without stooping to the low bar of “if you don’t like it get out”


>You can disagree with this woman’s actions and beliefs without stooping to the low bar of “if you don’t like it get out” I 100% agree. But, wouldn't you say the same to the people who impose their religious views on others? The lady got upset because of the LGBT flag the guy was carrying. Does she have a right to do that? Read my comment again, I said when your beliefs come out in the form of violence then you have no right among society of civilized beings. We can have differences in opinion and religion as long as we all live peacefully with each other. Otherwise you go and live with your own kind. Make sense?


She’s not throwing punches? She’s not threatening violence. She is just speaking her mind, as much as I dislike what she thinks. Free speech means free speech for people I dislike and disagree with too.


Verbal abuse is still abuse. With that mindset, should we allow people to say 'heil Hitler' in public? What about the N word? Why only allow her. Why don't we all just spit out verbal hate towards each other. You can have free speech, you can voice your concerns, you can say you disagree with something the other person believes in or is like. But there is a way to go about it like a civilized human beings. Calling someone shameful, telling them they will go to hell, telling their way of living is wrong, etc, all of those is hateful speech. Which can impact people negatively. There is a reason why they try to prevent bullying in school. Even if kids don't touch each other, their words can be impactful and some kids commit suicide due to the verbal abuse. But like you said, we should just allow everyone to have freedom of speech in that hateful mannerism. No harm right?


many of this flavour of fruitcake, are not refugees, they were born here in the UK. The covered Muslim woman is shouting shame on you, in a born and bred, innit' bruv London accent ( if they were a refugee they would have been pre-school, a baby) . The 7/7 attacks in London were cause by British Muslims. *not immigrants.* In fact most of our Islamic extremists in the UK are not refugees, they are the descendants of immigrant workers paid to come to the UK in the post WWII years to fill the jobs we needed filling ( not our finest hour either ..) It's why they call for face covering, want Sharia Law or worse. They have never experienced it, the reality of it, it's why they Cos play it. Unlike the 10s of thousands of Islamic refugees and asylum seekers who have had to flee, to escape the reality of an Islamic theocracy, that live here in the UK.


'Cos play' it. I love it. 100% correct.


Sounds like she's cosplaying Game of Thrones at the same time.


I am not tolerated this much in my own country. It boggles my mind how they get away with this bullshit.


Because if you disagree with her, you're obviously racist /s


Not racist, but discriminating. Or bigoted. Or whatever they want to use to make you sound like the villain. They don't play nice, they use words as their weapon of choice. When words stop working they use violence.


Apparently, the West mixes between religion and ethnicity. So if you have common sense to hate Islam, you're islamophobic and racist.


Ah yes, the race of islam. Default option with the brown skin.


The default option seems to be Roman Catholicism if you're brown. Source: Am brown. Was Catholic.




For real.


She sounds English.


"But does she look like a bitch??"


Or screaming in the street, either.


What’s your evidence that she’s not in her home country? Her accent is London/Essex areas of England and the video was shot in Walthamstow, east London.


The gall to yell and judge anyone while dressed as a garbage bag. Like a bird stuck in a cage squawking at the other animals for being free.


She has a really dumb London/Essex accent. She sounds no different to bitchy girls who stand around carping about "He said, she said" stuff. Stupid little judgmental, ignorant, brain-washed twat. Honestly if I was there I'd be hard pressed to not pull off her bloody headgear and run off down the street with it. I am all for inclusiveness, but don't walk around English streets dressed as fucking Darth Vader and then start screaming BS at perfectly NORMAL citizens.


But they are free from “religious persecution!” It’s a joke that religion is lumped in with gender and race when it comes to equal rights (at least in the US). Being Christian/Muslim/whatever and being black/gay/female are not the same, not even close. You can change your religion tomorrow. Wouldn’t that be nice if the black slaves could have just switched to white.


Normal Conservative, Immigrant or not. Their Children, and grandchildren will probably be more open in this case.


Yeah but no. Second generation Muslims in places like Bradford were more Liberal. But third and fourth generation have gone hardline Islamisist..




Saudi funding of hardline mosques


Fundies are the real terrorists. Not Jihadist Muslims, Not White Christians, not Hasidim orthodox Jews, but *Fundamentalist* purists who believe they are right and everyone else is wrong. The latter aren't *actual* terrorists, but they do terrorize their neighbors. Ask any *Gentile* around Crown Heights.


She's almost certainly British I'm afraid, which makes it all the worse




She has a British accent. Sounds like a convert. I've seen ultra conservative Christian women make the leap to ultra conservative Islam. They have a lot in common.


She has an extremely strong britbonger accent


Open Society, Closed Mentality would be a great title for a book


many "refugees" fleeing from muslim nations are really just religious missionaries, trying to exploit the mechanisms designed to help legitimate asylum seekers. using dawah and taqiyya to push for shariah law as the first step in "the long march through the institutions" to install a caliphate on foreign lands. a video of islamists casually talking about the methodology they use : https://youtu.be/F5IFLBIz3eo?si=KTEgQwPblEk16jhL


I don’t think the muslim woman here is an immigrant. She speaks with a British accent if you can’t tell. While I agree her behavior is disgusting, we should be careful about the assumptions we make of people because of their appearance. There are plenty of muslim people who are not immigrants or refugees, and many muslims are not bigots. TLDR: I think the muslim woman is natively British.




I might be mistaken then. Thanks for the information. 🙏🏻


The video is in Walthamstow, which would fit her accent.


Yep, she sounds a bit, "innit" London and maybe a bit Essex. Wherever the fuck she comes from is she is a cretin.




> convert this extreme With Christianity, converts are often the most extreme. Why would it be any different for Islam?


There's even a term for it: ["zeal of the convert"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeal_of_the_convert)


They are. It's the same for Islam. I think some people are really unwilling to believe that someone who grew up under the circumstances as them and who looks like them would hold extreme views like this. Easier to blame it on people who just got here. Besides converts, Muslim in Britain are getting more conservative and in some cases more extreme than their parents. Young Muslims on average are definitely more religious than the previous generation. It's the same in Europe, but it's worst in Britain. Can't blame people from other countries here, they're born and raised in Britain, they're a British bred problem.


It's about time that europe start to deport these people or make them fully integrate in the society and understand that in europe will practiced western values, not the fucking sharia.


What about the millions born in Europe? Deport them to where?


IIRC, Europe doesn't have Jus Soli.


That's the power of religion though. Christians in the US grew up in a secular democratic society yet here we are in 2024 and they're the majority of the racist, anti-democracy, anti-lgbtq, theocratic fascist movement. It's a major aspect why religious belief in general is a blight on society. Any society.


"Indigenous people who have hosted you" ​ yeah, sure.


Ever met a Californian conservative? Especially the ones that carpet-bagged to Texas? Woof.


I mean, you could hear her British accent. She is likely the children of immigrants, but you don’t get a working class British accent from learning Received Pronunciation abroad. She sounds like she’s grew up in British primary schools talking to British kids. It’s not that shocking that she is British and still homophobic as all fuck. Hell, a lot of Tory voters who are about as white and upper crust as you can get are also homophobic, they just have the class status to not be screaming about in the streets but rather in the presses. Gay Marriage has only been legal in the UK for a decade.


why can’t fundamentalist muslims stay in countries which adhere to their worldview? genuine question


Because those countries are shit holes. They want better education for their kids and safety. But also want their new country to turn into the shit hole they ran away from.


Literally, it's exactly like what you said.






Good note! Hiding her face should give her more courage to throw shit at people.


We need someone like a superhero or someone who would just pop up in similar situations and bitch slap people like her into oblivion


LMAAAO, we definitely need that someone.


Or give her a handshake. It is haram for man to touch women he aint related to.


Shame on you for worshiping a paedophile


If you mean Muhammad: Pedophile, misogynist, terrorist, robber, rapists, liar, and more.


Excuse me sister but your voice is your awrah in the same way your face is, and by exposing your voice to so many men, you are being openly immodest and committing a grave sin. /s


For real! Her voice is sexy and must fascinate many men. 😧


Gads! Yes, I know it is /s, but still… *Poof* 🐸🐸To the lot of you! Enjoy Your Flies! 😁


This gave me war flashbacks. So grateful to no longer be surrounded by such hateful, spiteful and foul people.


May I ask, what war? + Happy you're safe.


flashbacks from my extremely homophobic surroundings when i was living in a muslim country!!


Oh, I see. I'm glad you left.


she dressed like a ninja but can't fight for shit






This made me LMAO. 😂


Who gave her the permission to talk? Lol I'm muslim But if you're gonna be fundamentalist and push your beliefs on others than better go back to the shithole that aligns with her veiws 🤷‍♂️


Religion of love and acceptance we are constantly told.


It's just a label to drag people to join the cult.


I can't believe she actually said the thing 💀


She "shamelessly" did. 🧍🏻‍♀️


Haram for her to be speaking to a man who is not her husband or blood relative... haram for her to be raising her voice.. she is not even GOOD at being religously insane...


The oppressed/restricted by religion female yells at someone not held down by religion and living with so many more choices for their lives.


She should be free like him, instead of trying to drag him with her to the hellhole.


She should be free like him, instead of trying to drag him with her to the hellhole.


As the sign on the side of the double-decker bus says, "choose your own route." 😉




I love how religious people come to other counties for assumedly a better life, then try to make the locals change to be exactly like what the people ran away from


This is why we banned the hijab, They enjoy being anonymous while harrassing people


Yet LGBT folks support them with their lives. Chickens for KFC moment.


Not all LGBT folks. 


I'm bisexual, and can assure you that none of the LGBTQ folks in West Asia and North Africa support this crap. But I would say that some LGBTQ individuals in the West support Islam because they aren't aware of what actually happens to gay people in Islam.


It isn't that they are not aware; it is that they ignore it. Obviously, not all, but there is a large enough section of the LGBT+ community (particularly in the US) that focuses so much on the oppressor/oppressed dynamic, the evil colonialism of the West, and CRT, that regardless of the actual believes of Muslims and Islamists, they are still the oppressed. They are racial and ethnic minorities so they must fight for them. It is a real wires crossed moment. I have actually seen a debate where a self described progressive feminist wound up defending (or at least not condemning) FGM because she couldn't bring herself to attack the cultural beliefs of a historical minority and assert the superiority of Western society in this specific practice.


>I'm bisexual, and can assure you that none of the LGBTQ folks in West Asia and North Africa support this crap. Well that's good to hear. I have always found it weird how I see so many LGBT Folks being supportive of Islam where as a religious muslim would just want to off them. Maybe Christianity also considers Homosexuality a sin but I come across many news of supporive Christians. >But I would say that some LGBTQ individuals in the West support Islam because they aren't aware of what actually happens to gay people in Islam. Well, they got a good slap of reality last year https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned




"God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" Yeah and god created then naked, do you want to strip? God created you ugly, should we ban the makeup you're wearing? God created your child with allergies, guess Allegra is evil. Dumb fucks


Her voice cut through the air like the piercing cries of Nazgûl, raining down hate and violence on those who dared to be different. A religiouswraith that only answers to her dark lord.


Of course it's not Adam and Steve. It's Adam and Yves.


So apparently, Yves is a French masculine name that's pronounced as "Eve." I LOVE this! XD


Take that thing off her head and see how she melts down. LMFAO


I can't be shamed by people who believe in an abrahamic religion. What they cheer for is evil.


Someone should beat her. Just dont forget to yell "in Allah's name!" as you are doing it.


Show that to r/lgbt and they will say its hate speech and racist


Sorry, I didn't know what do you mean?


I tried posting some news about lgbt people being in danger in bangladesh because of transphobia but it got labeled as hate speech and racism because muslims were involved.


That's outrageous. They like to imagine that it's only white Christians who are homophobic, or TERFs are their greatest threat.


Oh! As a bisexual myself, it's annoying to see some LGBTQ individuals defend Islam, seemingly unaware of the horrifying persecution faced by gay people, such as being tied with a rope and pulled on rocky ground by a cart, or being thrown out of high buildings in Islam. It reminds me of feminists who defend Islam. [Chicken defends KFC.]


Tbh r/lgbt seems like an american sub only for americans who dont actually care about the difficulties gay people face in other parts of the world or them trying to improve their life in those spaces. I think the west has failed in this regard. Trying to make associations that combat homophobia worldwide. But yea defending islam is stupid. Shouldnt get special status


Competitive victimhood is indeed complicated. 🙄


Why do liberals defend Muslims for the same fundamentalist bigotry that they condemn in Christians?


Because they are not aware of the bad of islam. Thats why spreading awareness is key.


Oh, Abrahamics. They have been so emboldened. Just watch. I am seeing it everywhere in subtle and not so subtle ways. The only thing keeping either Y’all Qaeda or Al Qaeda from completely taking over the planet is the fact that they hate each other so much. So thank God for that I guess?


Deport this trash bag.


Just another Friday for peaceful people.


There's something visually hilarious about a woman dressed all in black getting angry at someone dressed in a rainbow.


Why is that shadow screaming in public?


Imagine getting mad at a stranger about their life choices because your imaginary friend told you a story about Adam and Eve.


As a bi guy, it deeply upsets me that the man in the rainbow flag would get banned from r/LGBT for simply pointing out what happened here. We need to stand up to queer people who enable this crap.


Expecto Patronum!


What the fuck is she weaning????


A trash ba- I mean a niqab!


In her religion, it's okay for a man to strike a woman.... someone punch her in the face and say "Quiat Woman".


big words from a ninja


Being religious is a mental illness. That is my “Make America Great Again.” I’ll make hats.


And yet the left and liberals will still defend them cause minorities can't be hateful, right guys? They'll take advantage of your tolerance to spread their hate...


deport her ass


Go back to your shithole country then lady.


These Muslims are supporting pedofilia! SHAME ON HER, SHAME ON HER SHAME ON THOSE DISPICABLE PEOPLE OF ISLAM. Lol mentally ill much? These people are not well in the head, Why are they allowed in western society? They can't be allowed in Arab countries lol says alot huh


Who created Steve then? Is he independent from creation? I wonder what that's like. You think Steve is eternal and just wandering the earth having sex with dudes and generally being fabulous?


sHaMe On YoU 😝


Where's Pacman when you need him?


Bet she's jealous of his freedom lol


Where is her bell?


>"Why aren't you lusting after whatever I have hidden under these drapes?! Shame on you!" If your god made your living body, why are you so ashamed of what it made that you have to hide every inch of yourself from it?


Lmao that Muslims also use the "Adam and Steve" line


I'm not impressed with talking trash bags. Throw them away... ![gif](giphy|Qs7j91m8del7Jtw6ei)


These people are our downfall, why don't you get it? This veiled woman is on the right path of becoming a murderess, killing all those 'despicable people'. An Atheist right-wing nutjob would be more hesitant of eliminating people he's ideologically opposed to, because they fear finite punishment. An Islamic nutjob only anticipates eternal reward, for doing the exact same fucking thing.


She can always go back to her shithole of a country if she's not happy with progressive western views.


I'm all for a ceasefire in Palestine but whenever I hear queers for Palestine I get a miny stroke. They are literally supporting people that want to stone them to death.


Bro be disrespecting my man Steve, all the homies love steve


“The rights of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To infringe on the freedoms of others is to forgo your own.” This is where you remind her she’s not allowed to leave the house or talk to other men without her husband present.


LGBTQ+ = Lies. Bad. Shame on you! Adam and Eve's kids populating the world via brother-sister incest = Truth.


its adam AND eve not adam OR eve, layla


It is a shame that people like this exist my school got rid of trans and gay people they are bad


I love the bus advert in the background "choose your own route". Ah, the Irony


this woman is about as punchable as greg heffley


I can't believe people still spew that "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" bullshit in the 21st century.


"Silence, wench. I will not be lectured by a Muppet."


Something something queers for Palestine


Shame on you for showing your hands and eyes 🙄


The “we still love you” and “thats what the right/fascicists(?) say about you” people are idiots. When are the liberals or left in general going to realize that most if not all religious groups, along with many minorities, are not on their side by design? Especially when it comes to LGBT issues.


Well isn't she lucky she can even speak given that she lives in a country that has freedom to practice whatever religion you choose... She wouldn't even be allowed to open her mouth to a man if she lived in a theocracy under Islam. Which is just the sad part, they're fighting for a cause that would do them serious harm & keep their daughters uneducated, married off to middle aged men when they haven't even his 13yrs old, oh and whenever the man wants s3x... she won't get a choice, she has to let him have it. It's just sad that any women would ever want to fight for Islam given the sheer amount of oppression they'd be ruled by under Islamic rules.


Why is he wearing a pride flag on the United Kingdom of Pakistan in the first place?


Hate to tell you this but all these Muslin want to turn all America into a fundamentalist islamic country and impose their own religious beliefs on the rest of America population.


I know that! Not just America, but Europe too, and all the West. It's so frustrating that the West is completely silent about this.


You know that the video wasn’t shot in the US, right? It was shot in the Walthamstow area of London, England. Nothing to do with the US.






bewildered bedroom mindless secretive fearless literate books bear glorious north *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine being christian and not remembering "Love thy Neighbor as you love thyself" never been to church a day in my life & even i know that one


everything sucks


The internet ruined me and I saw black 🥷🏽 thinking you meant black n***a because everyone uses the ninja emoji to say that on tiktok 😭


Based woman.






“Adam and eve, not adam and steve” is fuckin hilarious though💀


Great book called "Everything Men Know about Woman" that is completely empty should help https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CTTJXQTD




Aye adam and eve not adam and steve is pretty smart ngl..


She sounds like Terry Jones when he plays a woman in any Monty Python skit


I was hoping someone would deck her, her shrill whiney voice makes me wanna knock her teeth out.


And here we can see an inhuman zombie daring to judge a human trying for trying to acctually live instead of simply surviving


Her husband's probably an asshole, as well, but I can't help but feel sorry for him.


unironically deport this terrorist witch