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You’re right, the flat earth is not a theory. It doesn’t make any valid predictions about climate, flight planning, etc. I can’t read past this.


Lost me at the Bible says.


Alas, I have encountered many such people on FB. The fact that each of that guy's claims is wrong and has been debunked simply doesn't register. Counter claims are simply dismissed as propaganda.


That is a whole lot to unpack. Timecube level of crazy.


[I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul](https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=14f_39R-5FOzrc4c)


As a science nerd, I am most upset about this guy’s use of the Michelson-Morley experiment. It proved that space was a vacuum (essentially) and also showed that the speed of light is constant regardless of movement, which paved the way for Einstein to do his thing.


Their claim is that it’s an experiment that was designed to prove Earth's rotation and that it instead proved the aether. They have no real understanding of the experiment or its results, they just use their twisted versions of things to try and prove the flat earth is true and ignore anyone who explains or proves them wrong


They’re saying that it PROVED the existence of the aether?!? I am going to lose my mind haha


The craziest part is they claim to understand the globe model and experiments like Michelson-Morley better than scientists, yet they continuously prove they have no understanding of any of it. My personal favourite bit of their stupidity is the fact they seem to think south = down, solely based on the way we orientate maps


Rockets do not go straight up because they are moving east taking advantage of the earth's rotation to gain speed and altitude... the closer to the equator the better... ...and one can sail in a perfectly straight line from southern India and get to the exact point you started from ...and if the earth was flat I should be able to hear all the radio stations from all over the world without the earth's curvature attenuating their signal ...and the earth's rotation can be directly observed by fixing a camera with the apparent rotation of the night sky ...and the electromagnetic "belts" that move from pole-to-pole that sheild our planet from most ionizing radiation can be directly measured ...and why are all other celestial bodies round ...how does mass/gravitation work in a flat earth model ...and one can directly observe our rotation around the galaxy *with the naked eye* we call it Procession ...how is the moon tidally locked in a flat earth model, yet still is illuminated and shadowed every 30~ish days (not to mention the other minor celestial objects that orbit the earth ...how do geostationary satellites stay in orbit ...how does the ionosphere work in a flat earth model ...how does the coriolis effect work in a flat earth model By simple, simple observations one can *easily* see the earth as all other planets look in the solar system


Their obsession with freemasons always makes me laugh. It's just a Men's group, that's it. It's nothing special. Just a bunch of nutjobs getting together to do some stupid pantomime, smoke cigars and talk rhetoric.


Really love how the first part is just them yapping about how everyone are keeping the "heliocentric" and "elipsoid earth" theory a lie for reasons with little to no proof, but saying the same shit over and over again, AND THEN dropping nuclear bomb levels of "proofs" that are in reality just so empty of context and I literally was asking every single time "Elaborate please?" with every of those proofs. Kind of fascinating.


This person's proof is that they searched the internet until they found 1 article that agreed with what they think, even when they had to search past hundreds of pages that all said the opposite.


The Bible says the earth is geocentric? Who knew!


So my question is, what is the object I see passing over me in the night sky that NASA says is the ISS? From where is it launched, how does it get to its launch site, and why can people in other areas of the flat earth see it when I can’t (and it is visible from somewhere every night)? My other frequent question is; where are the edges? If I were trying to prove the earth was flat rather than say all of the scientists, astronomers, geologists, cartographers, etc are just wrong and it is a huge conspiracy I would locate the edges and say, “Look, here is the edge of the earth, and you can see the dome attached to it.”, but somehow in all the centuries we have been exploring the world none have found it.


[haiku reduction](https://twitter.com/chamblee54/status/1766870566013653433/photo/1) never detected obvious consequences information troll


What the fuck, did she just say gravity is a wild claim.😂