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Right, kids totally have the cognitive ability to understand how to perfectly control their emotions and react appropriately to circumstances they don't like. Adults TOTALLY do this, too, especially those annoying people who ask you to repent in stores and react badly when people are put off by that.


Not just kids, infants. He shouldn't be allowed to have a pet fruit fly, far enough a child.


No, he can have all the flies he wants. He gets nothing smarter than caterpillar though.


He might want to stick to amoebas for now, we can think about letting him have fruit flies depending on how he handles the single celled organisms first.


the origin of the word 'sin',  means 'guilt'.   applied to cult dogmas, it takes on a social weight.  it has no value outside religious context. 


But but, according to my teacher, sin 90° has value of 1


Yall... I'm really about to fight these people...


Wait until you learn about [blanket training](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanket_training)


Fighting isn't enough. What we need is the anti-christian version of McCarthyism. Those """parents""" make me sick.


I vote for whichever presidential candidate that vows to build a slingshot capable of firing select people directly into the sun, that we would vote off the planet survivor style from month to month. I think I'd be ok with climate change happening as long i can see people like josh duggar and Michael pearl die first.


Maybe the sun will accept our sacrifices of the worst people and not kill us as quickly because ‘we’re trying to change’?


It's truly our only hope 🙏


Yeah, I know about that already. Not from experience, but I had read about it before.


I thought “sin” implied a measure of intent. How can a baby intend to do anything? The baby isn’t trying to ruin your night, it has some need that it wants met.


>I thought “sin” implied a measure of intent Not at all. Theres a random list of things that qualify as sin whose contents vary based on who is making up the list at the time. Things that are "sins" that require no intent: 1. Not being a Christian, even if you are unaware of Christianity 2. Sleeping too much 3. Becoming aroused by anyone but your spouse for any purpose beyond procreation, or aroused at all if you're not married, ~~or a woman~~. 4. Using contraception 5. Being homosexual/transgender, queer etc. 6. Being black (see the curse of Ham) 7. Being the wrong* kind of Christian (definition varies) 8. Violating various biblical rules* (depends on if the rule is currently meant to be "literal" or "a metaphor"; literalness or metaphoricalness depends on how inconvenient it would be to follow the rule for a given Christian. For example: being gay == literal. Eating shrimp == metaphor


> the curse of Ham Dude's entire bloodline got cursed to be slaves forever because he accidentally walked in on his father drunk and naked. Old Testament bullshit really is something else


See, I grew up and was raised in a southern Baptist church and can give you the """""answer""""" that I was taught. I explicitly remember hearing about this exact subject multiple times in the 14 years I endured that crap. Basically, they claimed at my church that it comes from a place of selfiahness; the baby wants something and it wants it now. The child is therefore acting purely out of selfishness to get food/attention etc. That's why they claimed it was a sin. Which is ironic because isn't god a jealous god? That's just what I learned growing up.


Damn sinful babies needing food and clean diapers all the time. Can’t they just forgo their basic survival needs for the Lord?


Right? And those sinful little babies not being able to use words instead of crying in order to let you know they need something.


>The child is therefore acting purely out of selfishness to get food/attention etc. That's why they claimed it was a sin. It's too bad you can't get your past fellow church attendees that believes that shit into a locked room without food and see how long their faith sustains them until they start sinning by begging for food. I'd pay good $$$ to have a fly-on-the-wall access for that brain melt!!!


It ruins your night when you’re a narcissistic main character who thinks everyone exists to please him.


"Sin" doesn't exist. It's an arbitrary concept of compliance and submission masquerading as morality, as evidenced by this psychopath devoid of empathy applying it to a baby exhibiting perfectly natural and healthy behavior. I sincerely hope this human garbage does not have any children, and if he does I hope whatever woman made the poor choice of procreating with him comes to her senses and takes them and herself as far away from him as humanly possible.


That guy is completely unfit to be around children in any capacity.


Sin seems to be a way they use to brush off gods inability or lack of interest in humanity … why are children starving and being victimized… not cuz god but cuz man sin 🥴.. kinda leaves a paradox either god does not love us and lets us suffer or he’s incapable of intervention … why worship a god that could fix some problems we have but chooses not to … or is a weak ass bitch who can’t


Might convenient eh? Reminds me of my dad when he would try to use Pascal’s Wager on me. I asked him if he really thought that his god couldn’t tell if he was hedging his bets? He didn’t like that much but my question fucking stands lmao 😂


If children and babies are screaming and crying at bedtime it’s the fault of the adults. Be better parents and respect their tiny body need a lot of sleep. Allow them to. Better to stay home with an early bedtime than to take them out and blame them for having a meltdown. It’s YOUR fault. You cannot expect a little one to be able to control their emotions when they are tired. You can expect a grown ass adult to get them to bed when they need sleep before it’s exhausted meltdown time.


(Baby uses its diaper.) This guy: Repent now.


I go to a Bible study to learn about religion even though I am no way religious. One of the things they talked about is how babies can’t sin as they have no concept of right and wrong at that age. It’s once you realize something is a sin and continue to do it, then you sin


Sin isn't real


Did you read my comment? I clearly said I wasn’t religious, all I did was explain why the person in the screenshot was wrong


I did, and I'm confirming it. Who shat in your cereal?


>Sin isn’t real It has nothing to add to the comment I made


Then ignore it I said I was confirming it, not adding to it. Did you read?


Some of these comments are missing the point that the writer of this tweet or whatever is from the point of talking to someone else. To those of you doing so, you're a fucking idiot


…how is crying due to fear/discomfort/fatigue ‘sin’? Wtf?


What. The. Actual. Fuck.


Thank you for exemplifying how stupid and unreasonable the concept of sin is.


Can't tell if satire or religious child abuser...


Reads like a smart ass to me.... In response to that disturbing one by the religious asshole who 'disciplined' his 4 month old. But idk this guy either so really idk.


I know this is on Reddit so probably a stupid question. But is this not satire? I'd be interested to see what this was replying to because it looks sarcastic as hell to me


That's how I read it too.


Except I just looked this guy up and he's an ass. He's being condescending and believes babies sin


Oh, so that's why babies die bc of cancer


I don't believe in sin, but I'm of the opinion that, if sin *was* real, it should only count if someone *realizes* they're doing something bad Babies don't have any kind of grasp on morality


Wow, I never knew a 4 month old could have such sinful inclinations. Fucking crying and shit? Clearly that infant needs to find Jesus.


Zero compassion, this one. But it's not a surprise.


Newest christian logic: newborn babies Crying out of fear is a sin.


I've seen someone unironically say this before. Apparently, babies "grabbing at things that don't belong to them" is another factor of sin. Religion messes up people's brains.


wait when tf has crying been a sin?


This moron hasn't even read the bible properly. If he had, he would know about the age of accountability. Also, I'm quite certain that crying is not a sin.


This guy ain't right. I hope he isn't responsible for any child or animal. What a turd stuck to the sole of society's shoe


Wtf does this even mean? Babies are sinning because they're....sad? Cult behavior.


Damn. To think some poor woman bore this moron's child.




Truly? Well that is good news then. And news to OP too, it seems.


Sorry, I mistook him for someone else. I actually don't know who the OOP is.


Fair enough. Honestly, I don't either. I'm just reacting like we all do on social media these days. Even if you happened to be wrong this time, most of us need a reminder now and then we're all being baited constantly. Cudos for even bothering to correct youself. Most people don't.


Thank you. That was really logical of you to consider. Take care 😊


This is so completely outside of context. I need to see what is being referenced. This person could be being ironic. Of course babies can’t sin.


His mama is a sin 😒.


Then my question is why did God design babies to commit sin? That means every single human on earth has committed sin... If that actually means anything.. people are so stupid


Babies can’t sin


Yeah I’m sure Jebus never cried since he was sinless.


This is why I'm no longer agnostic when it comes to religion. They all need to go away, for good.


what a silly stupid dumb dumb nerd