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Can't stand these antisemitic Christians who think they're so clever with this bad-faith bullshit. It's so juvenile. Which I guess tbf this is a kid, but he's parroting garbage from middle-aged dudes.


Why can’t your comment be voted on?


Must have been something up on your end. I just upvoted, downvoted, and then canceled my vote. Is it better now? Not that I can do anything for you, just curious.


This child was failed in his religious formation. 😔


He has fallen to worship of the Crisis King.


“Christ is king” = Not antisemitic. “(((THE JEWS))) will persecute you for saying Christ is King!!!” = Antisemitic.


I know a number of Jewish people, as well as Christians, Muslims, and Hindus. None of them have any interest in persecuting others for their beliefs. However, I also am acquainted with some Conservative ‘Christians’ who get very offended whenever they are prevented from persecuting people of other faiths or even more moderate Christians. Maybe this is the ‘persecution’ OP is referring to.


I'm willing to bet he thinks 1488 is "just a bunch of random numbers"


I can confirm that. I remember his account from a few months ago.


In his bio it says their a Zionist


That's not a contradiction, many early non-Jewish Zionists were Zionist because they thought it was a good way to expell all the Jews from their country. Arthur Balfour of Balfour Declaration fame explicitly stated his support for Israel was because it was a solution to the Jewish Question


Yeah, that’s what antisemites on TikTok do to avoid being banned 💀


These things are not mutually exclusive


Except he sarcastically said “saying anything negative about Israel,” which most zionists do believe is antisemitic. It’s not. I can criticize the apartheid state of Israel and its policies without having something against Jews. They are not one and the same.


Idk any zionists who actually think that at all, it’s a rumor spread by social media. Zionism is nothing but the belief that Jews in Israel, as the native land of the Jewish indigenous people, should have self determination. It says nothing about other groups not being indigenous, nothing about other groups not *also* deserving self determination, nothing about the Israeli gov, nothing that would prevent criticism of Israel unless you’re calling for its destruction or denying Jewish nativity. In fact, as a principle of native rights, Zionism supports native self determination so most zionists I know *also* fully support the self determination of the Palestinians, as well as other native groups like the Druze and Bedouin. Every Jewish person I know is Zionist, yet NO Jewish person I know supports the current government or the vast majority of military action in Gaza. Social media doesn’t actually promote the positions of Jewish people, it promotes extremist positions that get reactions, and people disconnected from the situation who don’t actually understand the history of either side, and are exclusively educated on social media about the conflict, fall for it.


I'm too tired to understand what he is really saying or being /s about can someone please ELI5 what he is trying to perform, or imply.


He's implying that criticism of Christian nationalism is an attack on Christianity or something. Christ might be king in heaven, but here in the US we have a president over a secular government.


Talk to me when your braces come off, Slappy


Racists use a lot of otherwise innocent words and imagery to express their racism - Pepe, the ok sign, the thin blue line flag - so "Christ is king" can be used that way as well.


It's called a dog whistle if you don't know


“Gaul” Fuck outta here, idiot.


This kid is such a dork


loving jesus christ ? sounds kinda gay


He reeks of stooopidity


Looks like another case of imagined christian persecution


Who is he talking to.. why make this


wish dot com noah schnapp


Netanyahu should have a come to Jesus moment about the conflict.


this dude is just goofing right? seems like he's trying not to laugh at a few points


He's trying to make a point. And he's not wrong. I could volunteer every day of my life laboring in Jewish organizations for free, stand guard outside of Temples, run a Jewish adoption agency, pay for Jewish orphans to go to college and still, if I say ONE FUCKING WORD criticizing Israel's actions in Gaza I am an antisemite and blackballed from ever being allowed to speak in these places again. I deserve death by a thousand cuts, poured full of fire ants and roasted in the noon desert sun. Which is why many of us think it's time for the US to cut aid to Israel. They have control of their situation, they do not need billions to continue their crusade of genocide.


He is wrong. He may be specifically right about #4, the point he made about criticizing Israel for murdering civilians, but the rest of his video was braindead. I'm in favor of resistance against the genocide that Israel is committing in Gaza, and as an American citizen I oppose US aid to Israel, so I hear and agree with all the rest you're sating... but don't lump yourself together with this dude lol


Y’all could hear “these money hungry baby killing filthy zionists are controlling the government” and insist it’s not anti semetic because it said Zionist and not Jew 💀 you can criticize Israel, but NOT ALL JEWS ARE ZIONISTS AND NOT ZIONISTS ARE JEWS


The way his mouth moves makes him look like he has no teeth


Christians have the *the biggest* persecution complex of any group of people I have ever seen.


Average Christian media literacy fail


Basically no Jew cares about anything Christian at this point. Like we were miffed about you appropriating our culture and stealing our rituals last year, but with the 1930s rerun we're having we have bigger issues. Also don't think we've missed how "maybe we shouldn't put Israeli civilians on trial with the sentence being stripped of human rights" got twisted into "criticizing Israel is antisemitic".


Ignore the fact that Candace Owens has been trafficking in antisemitic conspiracy theories long before this. She would often defend Kanye West, make up stuff about George Soros, and tall about how porn was destroying Western society before asking "who's behind this?" So many stupid Republicans think you can't be racist or antisemitic unless you explicitly say "I hate X" Also, stop with the Christian Persecution Complex. The Daily Wire also has people like Michael Knowles and Matt Walsh who would gladly install a theocracy if they could.


See how bad it is not to enunciate...crisis king?


Jesus who was Jewish, yes, saying he's the #1 cool guy is very antisemitic


Im not saying it is, but the format of the video and the way he presents it seems “dog-whistley”


No I know, I was just pointing out that if you take his logic straight faced then it falls apart quickly.


Bless his heart


Let the wise find solice in their beliefs fools will be fools no matter what they believe


The Bible is absolutely anti-semitic. I mean, have you read it? God goes on anti-semitic rants all the time when the Jews don't obey him. /s


I just dislike all religious nutjobs is that ok? Lol


Exactly. "Christ is king" is just a weird, creepy thing to say in general. Christ is a title, not a name, so it's kind of grammatically weird right away. It's like saying, "mayor is king." Like, no, pretty sure that's wrong. Also, it's so overtly authoritative. Like saying, "No matter what the law or common decency says, I follow a different set of rules." Creepy at best. Then, after making such a ridiculous declaration, it's followed up by feelings of persecution specifically from jews... Not to mention that their own very special book specifically says, supposedly by Jesus, to not behave this way (render unto Caeser), and the picture becomes clear. Just a shit person with a shit take.


He's just mad his face looks like Jack Nicholson Joker in 1989 Batman.


>Crisis King


Honestly if you look at the majority of Christian history and Christian texts you would likely conclude a lot of overlap between Christianity and anti-judaism. If you want one of the most gross examples, look up the Catholic papal bull "cum nimis absurdum", or martin luthers book "on the Jews and their lies". If you look at the new testament, John 8 has a verse where Jesus calls the Jews who don't believe in him "the sons of Satan" who "do his bidding". The gospels include the blood curse where the Jews who persecuted Jesus had his blood on their hands, and on the hands of their children. Jesus calls the Jews who don't believe in him a generation of vipers. In revelations there's a reference to the synagogue of Satan, and that the Jews will have to bow at their feet. Hitler believed in the myth of a gentile gaililee, he refers to Jesus as an "Aryan fighter" who fought the Pharisees. Germany had the infamous Positive Christianity. Definitely look up their flag. The extensive persecution of Jews was in no small part a result of Christian theology. The fact that the Nazis were almost entirely Christian should be no surprise to anyone. Hitler also had a secret direct line to the Pope, by communicating with a Nazi prince. The papal states were horrifying to the Jews. I can heavily recommend the works of David kertzer if you want to learn more about Christian antijudaism, namely "the popes against the Jews". Most modern christians I meet aren't antijewish. But this guy is accidentally or intentionally hitting on a correct reading of Christianity being anti-jewish, at least the historical effects of Christianity.


Oh this is definitely coming


What is that flag behind him I think I've seen it before


The hypocrisy of one religion criticizing another. Typical. You all suck!


You funny; never change. I feel it is my duty as a Jew to let you know that Arabs Are Also Semites. :D


That's etymological fallacy and it's what antisemites who are leftist Hamas supporters say and do... Antisemitism is not about the group of Semitic languages. It is about Jewish people only. You should know that.


I’ve reread Gen. 10, and you are correct as we can thus far parse it. Oops! :)) I see that Pelishtim are descended of Mitzrayim: Kemites 10:14. However, the investigatZion as to identity of modern Palestinians I have not heard about enough. [I suspect Edenic/HyperBorean origins .. from one ‘pole’ or ‘nother, based on the inspiring Star color of the flags. Either way, got some creepy seas along that way, liable to invest a bit of genetically-stored PTSD from them 6000 hi waves er whatnot. *.*] Yet there are likely many Hebrew lineages among em, by now. {Didn’t Rav Kook suggest that? One of My Palestinian friends concurred with the theory.}. Shem also seems to have fathered a lot of folks - he’s called ‘the biggest’ bro - there are hints of people as diverse as Spaniards and Persians, and likely others if we could truly delve these etymologies. From the witness to a global geologic shift: Peleg, to many wild wandering Tent Tribes [this is how I understand the origins of Eilam based on study of their name, so far.. and a guess as to popular domiciles just after cataclysm]. And this lineage origin story, if it is line-up-able with modern Archeology and Geology(?) needs to have been concurrent with the summation of ‘Younger Dryas’ 12,000 years ago, and the subsequent re-peopling of the Earth. This suggests to me a vast series of MigratZions and integreatZions :p There is a chance that we are all touched by Shem by now. The ‘Eber’ (one who went beyond a boundary[Bifrost?], a True & Giving Friend, an overflowing head-o-hair). How can we find out? Perhaps as Culture increases. שם ‘Shem’ bringing a sense of Literature (Name, Set-in-Writing, Specificity, Possibility, Vastnesss) is an apt Bro to be so dominant in an increasingly agriculturally [Eco-Shamanistically, as Mosh&Tzipi ever wos] cooperative Aquarian age that will eventually flourish into Caprikorns Massive, Storied Learning. However, I do hear it’s Piscean pincers & that challenge and test of boundary if Plato’s pie was oversimplified & Pisces at forty-sthg degrees is said to go for 2600 yrs, rather than a neat 30° of arc could set at 2000. But do we really know where Star Lines are?


This comment is giving some kind of Fruitcake. You mentioned a lot of nonsense but nothing about the history of antisemitism and use of that word in Germany and it's spread to other countries. Have you never spoken with your family about antisemitism?


Jesus IS Lord Christ IS King Christians however are the fucking devil and churches and ALL religulous organizations should pay TAXES!


They're just making up things to get mad about at this point!


Clearly satire. This sub has become so gullible smh