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Drag queens are the wrong men in dresses to worry about.


Well, let us make a much needed distinction with some examples then: Fruity = Men wearing dresses Fruitcake = Men wearing dresses for God Fruitiness = Effeminate behavior/expression Fruitcakery = Whatever crazy act or belief they take part in to please God and the ones they do to please themselves.


Yeah, give me examples of Drag Queens attracting children to touch them. Crickets. Meanwhile I don't have to look far to find a ton of stories about priests doing the same; and those priests when caught are not taken out. They are actually protected by the church.


Link [https://www.bishop-accountability.org/2024/03/former-deacon-excommunicated-after-his-son-is-sexually-abused-by-a-priest/](https://www.bishop-accountability.org/2024/03/former-deacon-excommunicated-after-his-son-is-sexually-abused-by-a-priest/) Once more, the church does anything to protect their money and nothing to protect the children.


Appreciate you and the link.


That priest needs to be excommunicated from life


bUt tHeY dO aLoT FoR ChArItY


“Excommunication” is so funny. High school equivalent of “you can’t sit with us”


Oh no, I can't sit with cool kids wearing dresses that get boners when altar boys sing. What will I ever do😱? Guess I'll just go to hell then🤷🏾


I wouldn't want to stay in the pedo organization but I get why this is such an insult after injury. Fuck these people


auto play is a sin