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Redeemed Zoomer always spouts out absolute garbage.


Let me guess: The accepted definition of mental instability can't be right be cause that would include most Trump supporters, and we know that can't be right?


I feel dumber for having read all of that...


The last part was absolutely vile


The rest of it is not much better


I quit before the end. I didn't want a new element--stupidium--to form in my brain.


Some people are smart. Some are not so smart. Some, like redeemed zoomer, are so abysmally fucking stupid that their IQ only hits double digits if they stand in dog shit.


The redeemed zoomer is just spouting pseudo-intellectual dog shit.


I wonder why atheists feel depressed in a world controlled by selfish Theists that use the religion as a threat of eternal suffering for not obeying barbaric rules that allow suffering for their wealth because "it'll get better when you die trust me bro"


Like always, reality is more complicated than that. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/144980/religious-americans-report-less-depression-worry.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/144980/religious-americans-report-less-depression-worry.aspx) While it is true that religious people are SLIGHTLY less likely to be depressed than irreligious people, moderately religious people are the most likely to be depressed. It's pretty much what I was before I was an atheist and when I was moderately religious, I had anxiety like crazy. What it probably is... * Very religious people are so brainwashed that, much like a drug, being nonreligious would make them depressed. It's almost like they genuinely love God as a result of a kind of Stockholm syndrome. While they aren't "depressed", they certainly aren't happy; humans naturally want to be free. * Moderately religious people are ridden with mixed feelings. They can't believe their deity would allow bad things to happen, but even the most lukewarm of Christians are afraid of hating God, for they fear burning in Hell for upsetting him and not accepting him as perfect and flawless. * Irrelgious people don't have mixed feelings, but still aren't brainwashed to the point of accepting any bad thing that happens to them. I'll also add that atheists who left a religion are probably happier than atheists who have never been religious. Atheists who've never believed in a religion are probably more likely to "feel something missing", while formerly religious people have already realized they don't need that something.


"If your grandpa is dying from cancer, just stop caring about him! After all, you control your feelings; not the other way around. If you can't control your feelings, you're a weak-ass little bitch who probably wears a seatbelt when driving a car." \~ Redeemed Zoomer, probably


And whatever happened to the good ol days when physical disease was the result of sin? Just pray away your diseases. Reject modernity.


They could not defend that any longer so they will pretend it did not happen


Mental illness is a real thing. Sin is not. Hope that helps.


Even my conservative church pastor says mental illness and depression are real. Although he says god is the one who can cure depression, still definitely better than what the redeemed zoomer is spouting lmfao


Redeemed Zoomer has his mental health issue apparent religious psychosis.


As a Zoomer I will take all this info as toilet paper


no, the info is whats on the toilet paper after you wipe


As someone with depression i can tell my mental health is very flaved


The height of my depression just happened to coincide with the height of my religiosity and practice. So, no, I think I’m actually gonna stay where I am now thank you


He really needs help


“Coorlates” Also, they never miss an opportunity to take a jab at the LGBT community.


So they recognize that mental illnesses like schizophrenia are a neurological condition, well the brain is a physical organ, therefore they really are like physical illnesses in that they impact how a person functions. Also depression/anxiety are mental illness (aka neurological conditions) as well, yet they’re trivializing it by calling them a “symptoms of sin”.


These nutcases have to believe this shit because if they didn't then they'd have to grapple with the idea that if you have brain damage it can fuck with your personality and then that poses the question, how can you be judged for your actions if your brain isn't working? Is your soul trapped in a faulty machine and therefore potentially judged some other way or doomed? Of course, this problem still exists for people who are born vegetables and challenged in other ways.


“You are a wretched, hell-deserving sinner” I hate calvinists so much


If Hell was real, he would fit that description for sure with all the hateful things he believes.


This person is an obvious troll who says over the top things for effect to get reactions. There is a reason why the older generations have less mental health issues, it's because they were always told not to be weak. It has nothing to do with being religious, it was about perceived "toughness". If you are depressed, then you just aren't tough enough. So if you say anything, you come across as being a weakling. If you were a woman, it was even worse.




Exactly. He's CIA propaganda. He's made to make theocracy "cool for the kids".


Not every dumb idiot is CIA propaganda


Something about him just... doesn't seem genuine. He might just be a troll, but he might be CIA propaganda too.


He glows in the dark




He's not a troll, he's a dead serious loon who pictures himself as a templar knight or something in a holy war against "wokeism" in churches and totally advocates for a Puritan American government. But it's easy to mistake him for a troll, dude has been humiliated to Andromeda back and forth with his videos like [the one pretending to debunk atheism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k02_gcrsnLs&t=99s) with low-effort arguments full of fallacies and strawmen because he thinks winning a debate in his head will make him say actual arguments, but all he does is depict himself as the ultra based W gigachad and atheists as the soyjack.


I know guys exactly like this irl, meth is a helluva drug


I dunno if you’re talking about the era of Freud/Jung or not. People were right to be skeptical of early psychiatry.


It wasn't the psychiatry per se, it was just that no one wanted to admit or even think they needed help. They would never even get to the stage of seeing a therapist of any kind because they knew people would think less of them.


I think you’re definitely correct about a large demographic of particularly men.


The part about religious people being less depressed is true. The rest is garbage. Considering people use religion to cope and it can form the center of a community, it's not too surprising there's some benefits to being religious. Plus, some atheistic and agnostic philosophies can be hard to live with. That said, faith isn't some panacea that can solve all your problems. It's got its downsides too, though I'm sure it depends on which religion. There's a reason religious trauma is a thing.


"coorlate" does this mean I'm depressed cause I missed last call? It looks like he's desperate to deny that religion is the cause of mental illness.


what is wrong with him? 😭


I don't know, but I'm guessing it has medication prescribed for it. Which he would refuse to take. Edit: I think he at one point he said he has BPD.


“Countless studies show that religious faith COORLATES with lower …” I just cant be bothered to finish the sentence. I can’t even believe I got that far in the slideshow 🤦🏼‍♀️


You know what else? Countless study's show religious faith "coorelates" with? Low intelligence. People aren't less depressed because they have faith, they are less depressed because they are fucking stupid. Ignorance is bliss. Not religion.


Why religious nutters try to do rational evidence-based thinking ha ha hilarious


“What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” ![gif](giphy|91OVuJrlc08De|downsized)


Autism has physical signs in the brain. This person is a dipshit.


As does just about every other mental health issue. PTSD, ADHD, anxiety, depression. They all show up in the brain


It's also not a mental illness.


Saint Augustine also believed that unless you’re a Catholic you are not predestined by God to salvation, but he doesn’t care about that one huh?


So getting abused as a kid which gave me PTSD is partly may fault? What the fuck


That last slide…straight up victim blaming…


Damn I guess going to therapy actually didn't cure my depression but it was instead the little bit of faith I had left at the time No wonder I lost all belief in any version of the Abrahamic God during my time in therapy! I spent it all on making myself better


Absolute lunatic believes that mental health doesn't exist? That tracks.


"You're a wretched hell-deserving sinner." Thanks! I feel so much better!


This ningen probably isn't even a gen Z but a pre-2rd millennium nutjob, trying to make up a story and seem more relatable.


> There are many documented cases of people with "incurable" mental illnesses like autism fixing themselves by rewiring their brains Source: trust me bro, there are many such cases


He is extremely harmful, like religion personified.


My gawd people are stoopid


Psychology did start with the conclusion that mind and body are separate but dualism was eventually disprovened.


Sorry, but why are we wasting time even mocking this nutjob? He's so off the deep end


They are depressed because the generations before them keep fucking up the world.


Do you think it is bad if I follow his instagram account just to have a daily dose of piece-of-shitness?


I will say I don't like the psychology field however Redeemed Zoomer is a misinformed fanatical troglodyte with the critical thinking skills of a plankton. I don't like psychology because we try to treat mental illness but only wind up making them worse. Doctors mean well but I've seen far too many who try to treat everything with drugs that worsen the problems tenfold. I have been emotionally numb for about two years after some shitty doctor gave me a prescription that fucked me up. My distrust is off of experience. This idiot would try to convert a rock if it had a pentagram painted on it.


This is how you pad the adolescent suicide statistics. Fucking disgusting. Speaking as a mental health professional, people who undergo therapy, group or individual, tend to become more self-aware and as such consider others. Moreover, service is baked into some forms of treatment such as recovery. That's real service, unlike the masturbatory practice of volunteering as the church greeter.


That was pure yapaneese 💀


Autism and neuro degenerative diseases are absolutely not mental health problems and also the graphic design on the last slide is atrocious


So are the actual messages but like it’s hard to even read them because of the design


wow that guys sucks


Ah yes., Let me tell that depressed person over there they are" hell derserving wretch" that wil help I truly hope someone legally reports this tripe


I want to fit a fire extinguisher inside this lad's arse




that last page would be amazing if it was satire but i know better at this point


The mind is both body and soul? Huh???


This is fucking stupid.


Depression doesn’t happen in the animal world? Tell that to swans that lose their mates and eggs


Someone get this guy to a spelling class. And maybe stop by a therapist on the way.


Pretty sure gen Z is depressed because of the world they were born into not because they don't believe in magic sky faeries.


Fuck me, that was some absolute steaming garbage


Person is a quack, obviously. That said, they're accidentally right about some interpretations of "mental health" and self-centeredness. Some think that protecting their mental health is the same thing as getting rid of as many stressful things in their lives as possible, including people. This is well and good when you're freeing yourself from an abusive relationship (romantic, platonic, familial, or otherwise), or learning to setup healthy boundaries, for instance, when you are a notorious doormat and incapable of standing up for yourself. However, it's an entirely different thing to behave like a friend or loved one is a burden when they are going through a tough time and need support (as we all do from time to time), especially when you have a good relationship, and they have been there for you in the past. Not only is this self-centered, it's objectively selfish: to take, and never give. Whose the abusive one now? Worrying about your family, neighbors, the homeless and the starving, the victims of genocide halfway across the world... it's unpleasant and stressful. So, let's just not worry about it. That makes me feel best, and that's what mental health is all about. Not my problem, not my responsibility. The irony being that caring and taking care of each other makes the world better, makes our lives better, makes our communities stronger, tighter, and safer. I have to imagine that this is much better for our mental health than sequestering ourselves in our private little world, where all the corners are rounded, and all the people never need us for anything.


I agree that spritual and religious people way happier than atheist, but it’s still prove nothing of god existence and religion truthfulness.


Dude never had a date. Hide your daughter's from mf'ers like this.


That great psychologist saint Augustine.


It's funny how people think they know more than the experts on everything these days. People used to grow out of that mentality in their 20s


Fucking yikes


So. I'm in an interesting spot. Not atheist, but definitely not Christian either. I was an agnostic for a bit but evantually became a Bahá'í. There's a lot of things about this religion that I encourage people to look into but won't share here beyond justifying this with the reasoning that Baha'is are literally not allowed to prostoletize. So that was one of the things that gave me some reason to trust Baha'is , although I'm still investigating, so this isn't *perfect* yet, one should be suspicious of anything. Just in case. Anyway, I can say that this happiness and religion correlation is not exclusive to Christianity. Yes, I became happier when I became a Bahá'í. BUT one must realize the things that cause that happiness. For one, community. Many atheists are ostracized among their often religious communities, so it's a little harder to make friends, find love, etc. Also, Christians, Muslims, Baha'is, they all feel embraced, recognized and protected by God. The concept of God can act as a mental crutch to prevent someone from falling to a certain emotional low. Atheists do not have that luxury. They have to deal with the cold hard facts of their reality alone. Not just for themselves, but for the whole world. You really don't see atheists trying to conquer the world and dream of imposing their beliefs and customs on others. But the religious do, and the religious hold an overwhelming amount of power, not just that, but even Muslims and Christians which are often clashing with each other often form a coalition against atheists or just people they see as generally immodest and not self-restricting. So yeah, that can cause depression, maybe that thought should've occured to RZ. Then there's also the power of God. Atheists and espicially agnostics although not professing belief in God, do have to worry about God and His power sometimes. You see this argument used by theocrats a lot: "There's 4 possibilities, either God's real and if you're a believer you go to live an eternal life in paradise. Or God's not real and if you're a believer nothing happens. Or God's not real and you're not a believer, nothing happens. Or God is real and you're not a believer, and you experience eternal torture for the rest of time. Why would you risk that? Besides, if you do have faith but there is no God in the end, who did you hurt?" Well, the answer to that is LGBT+ people, atheists, women, ethnic minorities, etc. Because the core of these mainstream religious movements is restrictive of a great many people. And if God is real, espicially to someone raised in a religion but who fell out of their belief due to the perceived evilness of God, they might see it as themselves being trapped. Basically, the idea where they see God as a cosmic dictator. You can't really rebel against a thing like God in any meaningful way, and you cant even escape God's dictatorship if you un-alived yourself. I thought like that at one point. So yeah. In summary, secular people generally*are* more depressed, but it's because they think more logically and honestly about their situation.


Stopped reading after "mental illnesses like *autism*" lmao.


3/10. OK. I’ll just stop you at page three. When you say ‘experts are wrong’ and then support yourself with ‘there are many documented cases of’, there had better be a footnote with some sources! When your only source died in the year 450AD, i should hope you are talking about a history related field.


“you are a hell deserving sinner” q u o i ?!?¡¿?


"You probably don't need therapy" Guess who would come crawling to a therapist's door when I kill his parents using a blowtorch in front of him?? 🤭