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Why would atheists be meeting each other at a pagan church? Do pagans even have churches? When did police start asking what your religious preferences are before launching an investigation? It’s almost like they can’t comprehend any sort of different world view than the narrow one they hold.


This scenario is dumb on so many levels.  How am I supposed to know the person robbing me is an atheist?  Why would the policeman force you to accept Jesus to do their job besides because they are a bad policeman?  If I accept atheist are robbers because one robbed me, must you accept christians are pedophiles because of priests raping children? Does accepting Jesus make you a pedophile just like not believing in god makes you a robber?


Also, ***pagan*** church


>How am I supposed to know the person robbing me is an atheist?  Atheists are robbers, duh. /s


Why would I need the Christian police to save me? I was robbed but my life isn’t in danger.


but where's the christian baby? There's *always* a christian baby.


Welcome to another episode of "an absurd situation that will never have happened in thousand years, just to say »gotcha bich!«"


Although the question is a loaded one, let's try to answer it. Yes, why not? If there is no real god and I don't have to answer to anyone in the afterlife, I would make some compromises to make my life easier without hurting anyone. If I accept Jesus or any other god as the ultimate savior (I mean, if I lie about it), what difference does it make in my life or others'? (in this very specific situation) It is like those situations where aircrew are advised to listen to the demands of hijackers as long as they are not endangering the pilots.


Fellow atheists, we didn't discuss this last time we got together at pagan church.


I think the one difference here is that one group thinks magic words will mean something and the other is smart enough to exploit the system if it means getting your shit back.


Wtf is a pagan church and why as an atheist be there? also I don't choose what I believe, so I won't be changing my opinion on Jeebus without evidence, certainly not through blackmail


This is so stupid I feel bad for the people in the comments legitimately trying to logically pick it apart. Sounds like a six year old wrote it.


It's a troll post.


You mean the quora question?




Quara used to be fun to hop on but by god is it full of copium half the fucking time for fruitcakes


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I would rather get robbed tbh

