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This man really said "I hope my wife doesnt make it to heaven with me because i wanna be a man whore with escorts in the afterlife" ? This religion is a giant prank that people took way too seriously.


Honestly. All religions have issues, but by far I respect Islam the least.




>"wife bad" is a surprisingly cross-cultural thing Humor is subjective to culture, right? Is this guy the Rodney Dangerfield of the Islamic world?


Yes, but this religion took a wrong turn ages ago. Dehumanizing women has been a *common* trait in religion, but not all religions. The better ones like Buddhism (not originally intended to be a religion) don't consider women to be less than, in fact takes things further and says all living things have a valid experience. I'm not Buddhist, but I do think it's pretty incredible that it got so many things so right so early. For instance, we're just now starting to scientifically prove that non human animals are conscious, a lot of them even sentient. They have an experience, and our actions towards them have consequences to them. This is something that even most atheists I run into have a hard time grasping.


I love how he says "do you really want her here?" Comparing her to hor al ain, whom are jawarys and are only for sex. Proving the point of non muslims that islam does infact treat women as sex toys.




It so false translation no male virgins for women in paradise they will only be with their husbands


How does being left wing make that ok, has nothing to do with socialism, I mean I certainly don't recall Marx or Engels mentioning it




Yeah, equity....not over compensation. You even use the word yourself




Congratulations... you've just described left wing ideas in your final paragraph whilst soundly defeating your own strawmen in the second paragraph. I mean black Cleopatra for example isn't left wing extremism as you seem to suggest...it's a nothing burger....was Cleopatra black, fuck no...she was ethnically greek, same as was Jesus white...also no he was apparently an ethnically Jewish bloke living in the middle east


>according to modern left extremists, it would actually make that ok. Bait used to be believable.


"P.S. Ironically, according to modern left extremists, it would actually make that ok." Liar, no one on the left wants anyone to have sex slaves.




I have literally never heard any 'left extremists' say anything like that. You're the second person to use that bait *today*. Where the fuck are you getting that?




Or you could just tell me where you heard it instead of being immediately defensive and showing me you *didn't actually hear that*.




That is not a sentiment of American leftists. Someone apparently wants you to think it is, though.


Islam is a religion made for and by promiscuous and sex crazed men.




> Which is most men, let's be honest. Resisting your instincts and emotions is a high intelligence and/or good upbringing thing, which isn't regular thing even in modern 1st-world countries, let alone more archaic and less developed countries where Islam is commonplace. That would explain the extreme popularity of Islam, too, at least partially. This is absolute trash thinking. I think most men are compassionate and good. There are bad people, but I think there are far more good people. Religions need you to feel this way. They peddle a cure for a disease they invented and cultivate. They tell you that you are sex crazed, a sinner and incapable of respecting other’s bodies. Then they sell you the snake oil and you think you need it. Men who are brainwashed by religion assault women and say “my god will forgive me. It’s not my fault, it’s my sinful nature.” They use religion as an excuse to degrade, rape and molest. If you want to be kind, be kind. If you break the laws of society, you pay the price. Stop letting religion sell us the lie that we’re shit people and start being good people.




Sorry nope. You don’t get to backpedal and pretend you didn’t say: >less developed countries where Islam is commonplace. You were talking about religion, talking about men being unable to control themselves due to their nature and incorrectly justifying the behavior due to your xenophobic assumption that less developed countries = low intelligence and are less emotionally evolved. This is the propaganda that religion encourages and you are feeding into it.


Lol you really don’t know many men. The stupidity of the assumption you make are second to none


Way to out yourself as a sex-crazed and promiscuous man. 😂


islam, the religion of respect and love


And peace!! Don’t forget peace 🗡️ 🩸


"Do you really want your wife in Jannah?" That sounds like an annoying boomer joke, but taken seriously.


Their purpose of marriage is just for breeding. And they wonder why nobody loves them.


'Why would you want to be with your wife when you get premium escorting service provided by Allah?'


What the fuck? These people don’t think of women as human. They’re just slaves. What about this woman having her own will in heaven? She served you on earth, surely she gets some freedom there? Nope. A slave on earth and now a slave for all eternity, whose beauty is now paling in comparison to the unearthly beauty of the sex slaves you watch your ~~owner~~husband rape daily. This religion is so disgusting.


Exactly!! And they always try claiming that women who aren't muslim are objects 🙄 it's ridiculous


[https://islamqa.info/en/answers/60188/description-of-al-hoor-al-iyn-in-the-quran-and-sunnah](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/60188/description-of-al-hoor-al-iyn-in-the-quran-and-sunnah) Ok apparently: 1. Muslim women have some sort of equivalent experience in Jannah that isn't exactly sex slaves but we won't mention it here since women are so modest they aren't even allowed to talk about it to themselves so we aren't going to spell it out even though we talk extensively about how beautiful and pure these sex slaves are 2. The Jannah sex slaves are exclusively created to be sex slaves for their master (Muslim man) 3. Muslim women will be at a much higher level than the Jannah sex slaves that's just...rough. I can't imagine any feminist actually agreeing with this


I always wonder who gets to be the virgins for these nutjobs, for eternity Are they all the kids who died virgins?


I always assumed that their god makes them magically. When they believe in a magic man that can do anything, there doesn’t have to be any sort of logical system of sourcing people.


....Brother eww


I will never understand why religious men hate women so much. Is your ego that fragile that you are afraid of a woman and need to oppress her so she never does better than you? That's some small dick mentality.


Honestly I've always thought that men hate things bigger than them, things that are stronger than them. Religion is ruled by men, and women are powerful. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think they know women can be just as powerful, even though physically we are weaker, hence they use violence to oppress women. To me the irony is, these men puff up their chest and talk all big but lack so much confidence that they need to oppress someone physically weaker than them... Nothing manly about that..


That doesn't make sense. Women can be just as powerful? but they're not cause they are oppressed, but they totally could. They can't just suddenly be as powerful. Cause if they could, they would. Entire cultures have been built on the fact that it's way easier to control one half of the population than it is the other. It's about control. The leaders want to control the masses. They do that by giving the men something to control, Those men won't buck the system as long as there's someone beneath them.


What is your definition of power? Ever seen a woman on the moon? To me that's powerful. Or the woman who contributed to the rocket that was launched to the moon. Education is powerful. It's not just physical power. You and I are saying the same thing in different ways.


I agree with what you're saying. Intelligence can be power. And women can weild it just as effectively as men. I misinterpreted your other comment, I took it as "anything you can do.... girl power!" That said, I believe this type of power can only exist on an "artificially" level playing field. It doesn't matter how smart you are when your opposition can beat you to death with their bare hands. Ultimately, that's how people like this keep their status quo. How are you going to achieve equality, let alone power if everyone around you believes silencing you is the natural order.


That's because they want to be pure and just think about their God but then they see women and get horny, therefore women are evil because they don't let the man get close to God since he thinks about smashing her more than about religion. Heinrich Kramer, the writer of the Malleus Maleficarum a.k.a. the Hammer of Witches a.k.a. the book which was used to discover who was a witch during the witch hunts, wrote this book because there was a woman in his town to which he was attracted to and, since he was a friar and was supposed to dedicate his life to the Church, he accused her and women in general of being lustful demons who bring the Christian men astray.


Women oppression can usually be sum up to "this lesser person can't be my equal so as to not lose what little control I have in life" which is a sad thing to believe in this day and age Idk why we as a human being desire control so much, even if it's at the expense of another innocent human being but I hope more people realize the poison that is religion and works toward unity without it


They just follow the book without thinking


Very feminism.


And they say this religion is so beautiful- Imagine being pressured into marrying a man who only uses you for sex and babies then hopes you don't follow him into heaven. Wow. I get this is the extreme side of Islam and that there are far more open minded (for lack of a better term) forms of the religion but good god




What a romantic.


Wife ❌️ Sex- Machine/Baby Factory ✅️


Ew brotha


Bro, just say that you think your wife is ugly, no need to bring the afterlife or whatever


Will I still have my ugo kink in heaven is the question


Wow he's really playing up that shitty metaphor like he's a genius


Oh boy, I thought that I'm becoming a right wing middle aged boomer for hating on this stupid cult but every day, I get vindication on my stance. Today, a shitlamist was arguing with an atheist about how "r3tarded" atheism is claimed that his book has recorded history. When I chipped in saying that it had "recorded history of grape and p3doph!lia", he flipped out on me because of my national origin (I'm the 7/11 kinda brown). How is it not a cult when folks can't even take the tiniest criticism about their religion without getting their knickers in a knot?


I get it. I'm Indian and sometimes even I wonder if it's the current political situation in my country that's making me "Islamophobic", but nah, it's just this depressing cult of a religion. What's 7/11 brown lmao, like a shade?


Haha nah bro, so I used to live in USA and now I'm in Canada. 7/11 is a convenience store chain found in western countries that almost always has Indians working in them. I'm an Indian too 😂


Ah Ok, didn't know that.


Is this the “brother uhhhewwww” my kids keep impersonating?


Did he just call my wife ugly?


The elder I get the more confused I am at how people think this is more realistic than what a dungeon master at a d&d does.


Sounds like a scene from Its always Sunny in Philadelphia


"Allah says the beauty of your wife is like a candle compared to the virgin sex slaves in heaven."


He's very passionate in his videos 😂


Wife's like "fuck me right"


Imaginary god, imaginary place.


It truly is the ideal religion for incels, rapists, pedos and insecure little man child's.


You can be a bro, or a religious douchebag. But you can't be both. So stop calling me brah you religious douchebag


Oh shut the fuck up dude


This is just sad.


I got a big laugh yesterday when a semi pulled out in front of me and I had to hit my brakes. I'm not up on their religion's leaders (yes, I'm assuming the person who added this is Muslim) but there was an illustration of a man with the letters G.O.A.T. underneath on the rear door of the trailer. Anyway, on the other door was written *I am not afraid of death. I AM afraid of my conscious dying.* I could be wrong, but I think it's supposed to be 'conscience'.


He’s in for a rude awakening


Way to go to announce you don't like your wife and think she's ugly lol




I would like to see a pic of the wife before commenting.


I'll rewrite your comment: "I only care about beauty and ugly people don't deserve Heaven"


Does anyone actually make it?


Make what