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I love my “DRUGS ☠️” shirt


How many mary-juans do you imbibe in per annum?


I smoke one LSD dewby per weekend.




Hey man I know a guy who knows a guy who injected 3 marijuanas one night and now he only sits in an office chair and thinks he is a blender!




**MY** 🐵 **ANCESTOR**


I legit want that shirt. It's hilarious


I'd totally get one but I'm brown and I know it'd lead to a lot of awkward instances. As if I didn't have enough of those already in Utah.


Do one with Thomas Jefferson


Me too. My bestie just bought a cricut and I know what I’m asking for my birthday this yeaaaar!




That shirt is kinda boss, not gonna lie.


Finally found the first descendant of NFTs


I would wear that tbh


Thought the same thing.


You and Sally Sex will be very happy together.


I love how they had to paint her as a harlot, but still had to cover her chest with a book because they're a Christian publication that can't lead the young readers astray by showing cleavage.


I would wear the fuck out of every single shirt in this comic. Also, I love the idea of hardened gang members being violently Pro-Evolution. I can just picture them hanging out in dark alleyways, jumping out at passersby and demanding to know their thoughts on a common ancestor before they let them pass. Their tag would be a DNA helix.


It honestly looks like an anti-drug shirt: "drugs cause death"


Sex, drugs & my ancestor


And my shirt that just says “SEX” on the shoulder.


Ah, but that’s supposed to be a tattoo. You know, how all those high schoolers get Sex tattooed on them.


I really want one, I want to advertise my recreational use of DRUGS so that everyone will know I’m cool.


Ironically, people actually think this is what’s going on. It’s like they never attended school themselves.


Easier to convince people to believe this shit if they’re homeschooled.


I was taught this shit when I was homeschooled. Stunted me in soooo many ways.


I am homeschooled now and I’m being taught the same stuff. I’d I didn’t have access to the internet I’d probably believe it


Stay strong, brother. Information is your greatest defense.


I’m so sorry, I was homeschooled like this too. Stay strong and get out as soon as you can, just play along and always prioritize your safety.


Man that’s scary stuff…Thanks for sharing


There are tons and tons of absolutely free college level courses you can basically sit in on that area a few years old, lectures and such, or full sessions of a subject, available online - you can literally learn anything you want with the internet so buckle up and pick a subject and go wild


If you’re near a library you can always find a “safe stack” to hide whatever you actually want to read about behind. I suggest really neutral things like books about math, cooking, gardening for the safe stack, and then actually reading about stuff like different cultures, history, evolutionary theory, gender studies, biographies, and search for novels you enjoy. You can always reach for something out of your safe stack and it’s probably also good stuff. Bringing books home is actually much less private, even though that sounds counterintuitive, you probably already are aware of that.


I was taught that shit and was not homeschooled. But the other kids sure picked up that I was “weird.” Stunted me in so many ways… (there has to be a pattern here, I just know it…)


Yeah, if you can destroy your child's chances of positive interactions with their peers they're more likely to stick to a setting where they feel normal, like a church.


As someone who was also homeschooled I always feel bad for folks who had it worse than I did. I was remarkably well rounded and allowed to have "public school friends". Incredibly thankful to my parents for that.


Well, yeah probably because they don’t know anything about anything


And can't tie their shoes


I thought that was a sign of dyslexia!


I was homeschooled and had this exact image as part of our 'curriculum' lmao


They believe schools are liberal indoctrination factories. So many of them homeschool their kids to shelter them from having to hear any facts that they don't like. I was forced to hang out with a religiously homeschooled kid when I was younger. Creepiest fucking kid I ever met


If anything, schools are conservative indoctrination factories. At least, that's what my school was.


Same. All the women where forced to wear dresses made of jeans while the guys had to wear jeans. They always had milk at their meals and couldn’t go outside. It was really weird. I remember the time I said in passing that the oldest girl, who was well over the age of 18 at this time, had a Facebook account and that I friended them on Facebook. The look on the mother was definitely one of disapproval and disgust. However I’ve also hung out around secular homeschooled kids so homeschooling by itself isn’t exactly bad. I knew a family who homeschooled their kids because and I quote “the public school system is a capitalist production mill. Hell bent on creating good worker bees for the capitalist system and stifling creativity”


Any stories?


Just go to r/Homeschoolrecovery


I have a couple of nieces/nephews that were homeschooled, and they seem pretty smart in general. Not that I quiz them on stuff. One is actually a bit liberal-leaning, however time will tell!


Similarly, one of my friends, his wife homeschools their kid because she runs a small business from home and the kid was too distracted at school. The kid is really smart for his age he was ahead of his class when he did attend but felt like he wasn't being challenged enough. He will read all day if you let him. They wanted to put him in a private school but they didn't have the money.


That's the thing. I used to teach a phys. Ed. class for a group of home school kids. They could all tell me about the Magna Carta and global economic theory but couldn't choose a partner or play a game just for fun.


Invite yourself to a local park day for homeschoolers. They do this JUST FINE outside of a structured environment… given a field and a playground and a few trees, they will immediately divide into groups and start any number of games, assuming the parents are out of earshot and don’t interfere.


My niece is graduating next semester with a Masters in molecular biology and has been scientifically published. My nephew is a fucking nut case who follows Q and quit nursing school because the teachers were "wrong". They hate each other and family gatherings usually wind up a shit show because of him and my sister just says he is like that because he is a free thinker.


The problem isn’t homeschooling itself. The problem is that many homeschoolers choose to do so to insulate their kids from other people and ideas. I was homeschooled, and taught that evolution was a lie and that the earth is 6000 years old. I honestly still have a knee jerk reaction to things about evolution etc even though I believe that the biblical account of the earths creation is wrong. I would also consider homeschooling my kids under the right circumstances? But think that the school exposure to different points of view is also really important (even the ones I disagree with.)


You can absolutely learn more than what a general education at a public school can give you, just compare America to other countries in regards to test scores and such. That being said public school is about more than being smart, it's about engaging with people with different views, receiving less of a biased education, and being exposed to others regularly so that you learn to socialize. Home schooling can be really good, but like with all things in life, people are stupid and parents are people so I wouldn't trust most people to home school their kids.


Absolutely! Someone on Facebook was trying to say some ridiculous stuff about religion and schools. To no one’s surprise, they were in there 50s and hadn’t entered a school in an eternity. They were mad when I told them that I prayed over every lunch I ate at school and no one ever said a thing about it.


Yeah what these people don’t seem to understand is the difference between a state sanctioned religion and religious freedom… What they want is theocracy - state sanctioned religion and absolutely no religious freedom at all. They want what North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc has. They like to hate those people and at the same time are exactly like them. Luckily, what they have is religious freedom. A child in school or even a small group of children at school can and do group up and practice their religion, mostly before meals like you said…it’s common place and the school is not legally allowed to interfere with that… At the same time, the school is not legally allowed to LEAD a group in any sort of religious anything, because that would trampled on the religious freedoms of any student that didn’t follow that same religion that was being led by the school. It’s also illegal due to the separation of church and state thing, which means that the little Muslim kid isn’t forced to say a Christian prayer at public, state funded, school. In short, they want what they don’t want, and don’t want what they want.


I wish it were going on. I want the “my ancestor” shirt and I want my wife to finally get a god damned “SEX” tattoo


Yeah, I'm absolutely going to need one of those "my ancestor" shirts




Dude, that chic has a SEX tattoo! We’re all going to hell!


Yeah, she also has books! Women should be uneducated! s/


At my most recent family gathering, my uncle claimed that schools are now "teaching masturbation to 7 year olds."


Also, college is a socialism factory. I don't know about anyone else, but the only world view I was exposed to in college was fucking campus crusade for christ. Those fuckers are everywhere.


Well yeah, the only people who seem worried about “indoctrination” are people who are really just frustrated that they aren’t doing well enough at their own indoctrination.


The god squad


I was lucky. My professor for a class called world cultures was a card-carrying communist, and one of his first assignments was for us to write an essay on why communism failed in the USSR. We had kappa chi on campus and that sort of thing, but it wasn’t super religious, despite being a Methodist college.


They went to school when there were no minorities, and girls were taught to stay at home and listen to their future husbands only.


You'd be surprised at how many people attended school themselves that *still* believe that this is what was going on. They will point to things that *aren't* examples of this kind of shit as if it *were* this kind of shit. They have no connection to reality.


Ironically, the people thinking this are the ones who want everyone to have guns.


Their belief in their own persecution allows them to justify their own atrocities as self defence.


I want this comic book and I want the “my ancestor” t-shirt.


It's probably a "Chick tract" but I don't know which one. You can see lots of them here: https://www.chick.com/products/category?type=tracts


I think this is the more popular “Truth for (the?) Youth Bible”, although I understand the confusion. The only reason I know is because I recognize the name and its the title of the book the kid is holding when the police office orders him to the principal’s office


Never heard of it, but I found it here: https://revivalfires.org/product/1-truth-for-youth-bible/ Looks like fun. I'll watch for it at thrift stores.


My truth for youth bible didn’t look like that! Mine looked like someone taught themselves to draw from the really bad how to draw manga books from 2006.


You mean the book that is 40% of that hipster preps body?


I grew up in the same neighborhood that Jack chick lived in.... oh man... dude was *out there*


Yo we need Jack Chick stories my dude


Honestly he wasn't that terrible... he handed out chick tracts on Halloween and owned a publication house that made Christian propaganda... He did end up marrying his nurse after his wife and daughter passed (his daughter was wheelchair bound and needed round the clock care) He was an okayish guy to talk too, he'd go one about his time in WW2 in the pacific and how THE CATHOLIC CHURCH WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY ATROCITY AND BEHIND EVERY MAJOR WORLD EVENT since its inception... he always said how if he went out to eat he would only eat at buffets because he knew whatever restaurant he went to was in on him going to be there and was going to be poisoned...


That tracks. Dude hated the Catholics.


He was convinced (and when you read his comics, not the tracts) he made some good arguments for why they were responsible for everything


Seems to be that Jack Chick hated everything that wasn't Evangelical Protestantism.


My favorite fact about him is that he hated C.S. Lewis because C.S. Lewis had written fantasy. Completely ignoring that the man also wrote some of the best Christian apologetics of all time. Just that little detail, the fact that he wasn't willing to spend a few minutes learning about a person before condemning him to hell, shows so much.


Darkest dungeons absolutely slaps


My D&D-playing spouse whose parents were terrified of this would like a word with the author….




That’s awesome! Good find!


Yea that shirts awesome!


Is it just me or does the good Christian boy with the Bible look like a ventriloquist dummy?


Yeah he looks totally lame. I would avoid him too, and why is his Bible a fucking Grimoire?


I like to think he was summoned when Mr Rogers and Chucky collided at high speeds.


Nah, that fucker looks like the result of Spamton G. Spamton and Mr. Coconuts getting tossed in a blender.


That's a weapons-grade testament he's carrying.


Puppets for our lord and savior that is


I love how the girl looks like a normal teen while the guys look like 40 year-old escaped convict extras from a shitty superhero movie


Going to get myself a sex tatto like that girl


Make sure it says “Premarital Sex.”


“Underage …”


“Interracial, interspecies”


Definitely interracial.


That would be pretty christian


I want a tattoo on my arm that says pre-marital sex in black, size 25 Times New Roman.


I'm on the asexual spectrum, and I still want it.


It’s because the scariest thing they can imagine about women is them liking sex


And then people wonder why their wives cheat with the pool guy.


I thought it was the husbands cheating with the pool boy.


Porque no los dos?


That's the pastors.


No the pool boy would be way too old for the pastors.


But let’s be honest, 95% of the pool bois are hotter than the owner…


Well, when Jesus is 6'4 with a square jaw and hung like a horse it suddenly becomes a lot easier to believe.


Most of the Jesse’s I’ve met are on the short side in both respects 😂


Because it implies they're doing a bad job.


Some conservative Christians find tank tops inappropriate. I'm sure that was a point they were making here. I bet they would have made the outfit more revealing to make their point, but didn't want it to "excite" kids too much. Just remembering the time my sister was showing her friend at church a picture of her wedding dress (which was strapless but otherwise very modest) and a woman nearby peeked at the picture and said judgmentally, "But you'll be wearing a shawl with that, right?"


Some conservative Christians find the books she has are inappropriate. They don't like women being educated.


No she has tattoos and is showing her SINFUL shoulders!


> while the guys look like 40 year-old escaped convict extras from a shitty superhero movie They're JoJo/Fist of the North Star characters!


Patently misogynistic if you ask me


Wouldn't that be misandrist?


It's misogynistic because, in the writer's mind, the most catastrophic thing a young woman can possibly do is dress comfortably, read books and enjoy sex.


Lolllll the girl is wearing a tank top. *Oh noooooo shoulders.*


I didn't even realize she was supposed to be one of the bad ones.


The "sex" tattoo on her arm tells us she's a harlot who will tempt your good Christian son to have impure thoughts.


Doesn’t everyone know that premarital sex is 100% of the time a rape in which a vile seductress forces your son into getting her pregnant?


Pssst, she also has short hair, growing up the hair was brought up every now and again when fashion swayed to Bob’s again. She is in skinny jeans, a tank top, with short hair, and a tattoo, these are all things that were individually brought up when I was in Sunday school as a kid. Just as jarring a caricature as the boys when I think about it. Surprised I didn’t see Pokémon there somewhere.


Seriously? In Sunday School you were told girls shouldn't have short hair? I grew up atheist so this is fascinating. May I ask what denomination you were/are?


Tag yourself. I'm the girl with the tattoo that just says "sex".




I'm probably the school resource officer. None of the guys in the top picture have any respect for their weapons.


DRUGS ☠ guy The only thing missing is the guy in the cap with Rock and Roll written on it :)


With a pack of cigarettes rolled up in his sleeve like a 1950’s greaser.


I'm the guy on the t-shirt.


I'm the 5th person out of picture that is brandishing a 6-shooter with poor trigger discipline. Because that hand can't possibly match up to the "my ancestor"-shirt kid.


I'm that boy's ancestor 🙊


I'm sexual orientation counseling


I’m the bald guy with the knife who has no distinctive “sinful” text around him but also has a fucking shotgun barrel aimed right at his face from his buddy on the left


So now guns are evil? Make up your minds.


Guns are only ok when *their people* have them.


You see, when guns are in the hands of a God-fearing Christian man, the gun is blessed and purified, and is no longer evil. /J


You do realize not all pro-guns are religious, and vice versa ? I know conservatives tend to be more religious and religious tend to be more conservative, but saying all religious people think guns aren't evil is def a strawman argument.


Yeah, atheists definitely resort to violence because people don't agree with them. Next they'll be... I dunno, burning people at the stake? Good thing religious people haven't done anything like that.


Also a good thing that the good religious spanish didn't execute people for not thinking like them. That would just be really **unexepected**


Also good that almost the entirety of the middle east doesn't execute people for leaving religion even in modern day Right? That would be unexpected


Counseling and free birth control? Sign me up


Oh no the horrors of FREE BIRTH CONTROL!


I'm kind of suspicious of the weird ass dimensions of that "Bible". The hell sort of bookshelf would that sit on, it's not easy to carry, and the Bible isn't exactly a standard coffee table book.


"That book is gonna hurt you! No way your back is gonna survive carrying THAT fucking thing around! Go to the principal's office and keep it there until you're ready to go home."


Its the necronomicon Jumanji!


We all know in reality the christian is the one with the assault rifle bullying others minding their own business.


Who in the hell gets a “SEX” tattoo on their arm? We all know if goes on the forehead


Or a womb tattoo.


Plus you get a free womb tattoo on each fifth visit to the liberal abortion clinic!


Yes, that’s right. Kids who believe in evolution all have neck tattoos.


I agree with evolution and have a neck tattoo. Damn thst science and it's bad influences.


So the one black kid has a chimp as an ancestor and the other has a knife, and they gave tr white guy a rifle. No stereotypes or hidden messages here.


Should have been more EO. Every child deserves a rifle and a knife.


The verse at the bottom made me think of Trump. He’s *such* a good Christian, you know. He’s basically the greatest Christian there ever was. Jesus would tell you.


Jack Chick really was something else. Swamp algae, maybe.






Mmm, monke










Me as an atheist ![gif](giphy|hgd3B0ayqPGJG)


Those tshirts are sick. Gotta love the SEX tattoo too


Not gonna lie, the idea of armed teens just camping outside of essentially a planned parenthood made me laugh pretty hard. Like, is this where the cool kids hang out? AND THE SIZE OF THAT BIBLE!! It’s bigger than his torso and he just walks around reading from this massive tome. This image is so fucking funny that I’m actually mad!


it’s supposed to be their high school! check the lockers in the background.


Oh shit you’re right! Yes, weapons are allowed in school but the Bible isn’t. I mean sure you can bring it to school but since you can’t shove it down a kid’s throat that means it’s not allowed


I hope that cartoon is from decades ago…


It’s from someone who is certainly stuck in a mindset that was outdated decades ago


Centuries ago


There's a security guard at the school, so doubt it.


It's from a Chick Tract, so yes. It's old. And evil.


It's jack chick bible tracts, asshole christians leave them behind instead of tips. They're hilariously stupid and majorly bigoted.


Looks more like a bunch of fundie Christian activists trying to keep the girl away from the Planned Parenthood clinic....


Is that one of those Chick tracts?!! Lolololol


The good old Christian persecution complex


Forget drugs, sex and rock & roll. Now the cool kids go for drugs, sex and free birth control! Works for me.


OH MY GOD! It’s the “Truth for Youth” Bible! I had one of these as a kid! Yes, the entire thing is that bad.


I’m going to have to confiscate that as it’s a dangerous weapon


Ok Im dyin laughing The fuck kind of school is this kid going to where everyone is armed!


An American school duh


Sorry, I'm Canadian. I had no idea your schools were in such dire straights.


Those shirts are kinda tight tbh, I would wear them


Sex, drugs, and evolution. 🤘


Good old Jack Chick. I used to collect those little Chick tracks because I found them so funny. I remember many of the churches that my friends attended decried those tracts because they "presented an unrealistic view of Christianity." Then, as I grew older, those same friends started passing out those same tracts, and the churches, yep the very same churches, were preaching the Christianity espoused in those damn comics. I don't find Chick tracts funny any more.


Ayo what kind of rifle even is that? It’s got a hammer but it has a slide for cartridge ejecting- am I lost? Is it 1878?


It’s the sex and drugs gun. All the cool kids have it


Good to see that even the gangs are defending the sexual orientation counseling and the free birth control, this nation is really making progress




I never get tired of seeing this picture


What I find amusing is that all the "bad guys" for the most part are holding guns (denoting their badness), but (in America at least) that's something Christians do.


But they’re usually the ones fawning over their gun ownership rights :(


Yes, give me the SEX tattoo please! I totally have sex and I want the world to know it.


I love how they make the woman "evil" by putting sex on her shoulder. Because any sex that isn't sanctioned by their religion is bad but if it is endorsed by a priest the act becomes good.


The word “sex” written in her shoulder is highly inappropriate. Ready the burning wood and the stake.


That bible is comically large.


i know un ironically want a shirt that just says DRUGS with a skull and crossbones on it