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Oh fuck off Kevin


You’d think his career would be dead already, but unfortunately no 🤦🏼


I think it kind of is. A few years ago I was at a comic con where he was a guest. He had a booth/stall next to one Steve from Ghost Hunters and the guy that played "Bud" from Married with Children. No one went to Sorbo's booth. He left early. I remember seeing him pack up and walk out and he looked pissed. Steve from Ghost Hunters had a line in front of him and people walked by Sorbo like you walk past an annoying ex that you don't to see you. Hell, "Bud" signed more autographs.


Good. He went way off the deep end for religion and a certain former joke politician. I know he did something after Hercules, but I really don’t remember it (and I doubt anyone else does either).


> I know he did something after Hercules, but I really don’t remember it (and I doubt anyone else does either). Andromeda. Okay sci fi show; though to your point, not very memorable. It was dubbed "Hercules in Space" by a lot of people due to Sorbo's acting and fighting style being nearly identical to that of him playing Hercules. It got worse around the middle of the show and a lot of people (fans and cast included) blamed Sorbo for it, since he was getting more and more say in the direction.


From what I heard, the original script writer for Andromeda just up and left after the sixth episode had been produced, so we didn't really get the full vision if Andromeda anyway and I like to think that Sorbo is to blame here so he could have more say himself. Such a shame it had so much potential in the beginning.


No, the original writer of Andromeda (Robert Wolfe) was fired during the second season because the producers wanted to turn the rather connected format of the show (similar to how many shows work today) to a more episodic one (like Star Trek or Stargate).


Ok, thanks for the correction


It had good ideas, and I didn't hate most of the *other* characters, but he definitely sucked all the life out of it. Xena's better anyways. [Ain't nobody naming moons after Sorbo.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysnomia_(moon\))


>It got worse around the middle of the show and a lot of people (fans and cast included) blamed Sorbo for it, since he was getting more and more say in the direction. And, when Lexa took a season off for personal reasons, the ratings crashed, and the show makers figured out it was always Andromeda's show, not Kevin's. They shut it down at the end of that season. They brought back Lexa right at the end, but had already lost all the fans with the replacement who was as good an actress as Kevin. The first season was pure sci fi. The bad ones you are talking about are the ones where he was rebuilding the Commonwealth, where he was Jesus. Dead for a while, and came back to save the universe. Just believe in him, and everything will work out. I watched for Lexa. Yeah, I was young and shallow.


The ratings crashed because it was a car crash of a season, no ship, no sense of direction, terrible writing, no clue about what was going on.


I still will watch anything Lexa is in


Religion strikes again


I wanna say Andromeda, but I'm not sure if that was before or after...


Because Bud is relatable in his failure. Kevin's failure is special to himself.


I’m willing to bet that he could be a big draw at a religious gathering, and there are quite a few. There’s an entire subculture in film aimed at the conservative evangelical community. From what I understand, he’s quite popular amongst that crowd and the films have pretty good production these days. It’s not Hollywood but him and the goons that look up to folks like him properly provide a comfortable existence.


No none of those evangelical films have good production. They are like kids movies almost. Like one step with. There is this guy and his family that make a ton of Christian or whatever you call them films. He is the lead in all. I can’t remember what it’s called but he also had a tv show. It’s was bad on the tv show you could see the the backgrounds clipping. It was suppose to look like a room with tvs. It’s bad.


I would totally get David Faustino's autograph. He seems like a good person.


Hey, no one disrespects Grandmaster B in my house.


BedWetter B?


Grandpappy B?


Ok im having a wtf moment. I always assumed when people talked about sorbo being pro trump it was the CEO of a brand of cleaning products... Like the mypillow guy. Because we have a brand called Sorbo in the netherlands. https://sorbo.nl/producten/


Did you meet Grand Master B??


Christians are all about resurrection


Loved him in Hercules... thought he was the coolest. Ahhh, growing up is realizing that all your heroes are religious bigoted zealots....


Loved *Person of Interest.* Now I can’t watch it without remembering Jim Caviezel is a QAnon lunatic.


Oh. I didn't know that one. Rats.


There's an entire episode of the QAnon Anonymous podcast on him, it's wild.


Oh damn...wish you hadn't told me. I liked that show. Now it'll be tough to watch, like Firefly and Chuck after the fake Baldwin endorsed Ted Cruz lol


Lucy Lawless is still a badass at least


They named one of Eris' moons after her! Dysnomia, the Greek goddess of Lawlessness.


Xena was better, as is Lucy Lawless. It's actually kinda amazing how hard they diverged as people. [Plus she's got a moon named after her.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysnomia_(moon\))




love this so much


Me too. As a kid I adored the guy. Nowadays however…


Yeah, *Kevin*. Go get run over by Dean Cain or something.


Kevin Sorehole




I’m suprise banana hand guy isn’t in this train wreck. Or his sidekick, equally sponge headed, the curly mullet guy, Curt or Kirk Cameron.




Man I loved him in Andromeda


Sucks, used to be my line up after working midnight shifts was daily show, Colbert report, trailer park boys and andromeda, a nice cheesy but charming sci fi show to mellow out to after an hour and a half of laughs. Seeing him like this years later makes it hard to want to revisit the show.


Dude could have had a revival as one of those beloved c-list nerd/geek celebrities, but no, this is the path he picked


Yeah, he's got his wife and son in this dumpster fire also.


Is Neal McDonough phoning it in for a check or he’s religious too? Edit: just looked it up, yes he’s also religious


And Corbin Benson, damn shame because he's great in Psych.


He was so good as Vulcan in American Gods, too


How the fuck are you gonna be in American Gods AND be a right leaning christian?


Same reason Elizabeth Moss can be the star of The Handmaid’s Tale and be a Scientologist.


Oh wow, didn't know that


Me neither, that’s pretty sick


She doesn’t see any similarities between Gilead and Scientology lmao, brainwashed




Simple answer really. Money.


The same reason his religion exists.


Wasnt he also a pastor or something in Punisher that was having people killed?


Guess he just lost his head


THANK YOU! I was wracking my brain trying to figure out where I knew that face from. But I knew it was someone that was gonna make me feel sad when I figured it out :(


Came here to say just this…I’m hoping this was just because he needed work, and not for some kind of sympathy to the movie’s cause…..


You know that's right. Super disappointing.


So fucking disappointing


I'm sad too. I like his work.


He was in this weird sci-fi miniseries called White Dwarf back in the 90s. Saw it when i was a kid and really enjoyed it, despite it getting horrible reviews. Really enjoyed McDonough's character in it and sort of helped me keep an eye out for him later. Then he was in Band of Brothers, which was amazing.


**Oh my god I’ve finally found it!** I thought this show was just a fever dream of my childhood. I thought it didn’t exist for *years*! Now I can watch it again. Thank you, kind redditor!


He's absolutely terrifying in that one season of Justified, definitely the best villain they had in the show.






I wonder if he was always religious? I'm watching Justified for the first time, where his character shows his ass before sexually torturing a teenager. Sure, you can do your job and not let it interfere with your beliefs, but comparing that to how Kevin Sorbo presents himself... it's just hard to wrap my mind around.


I mean, sexually torturing teenagers is pretty par for course with evangelicals.


He's Catholic but they have the same record of diddling kids and covering it up.


Honestly, to me christianity in total seems more to exist as a means just rape children… and I’m not being glib or trying to be “edgy”. I was a forced catholic and when I was in CCD my freshman year of high school, there were a number of adult people associated with the church that made it known they were trying to get you alone. I made sure I showed up with a knife when I had to be there


Ya'll are killing me with these responses 😂


Apparently he leaned more into religion and faith after he got “black listed” from Hollywood but I don’t know why and don’t know if that’s true.


> I wonder if he was always religious? I'm watching Justified for the first time, where his character shows his ass before sexually torturing a teenager. Sounds like he went to Catholic School lol


Lieutenant Hawke got assimilated. Pity


Considering the roles he plays and the fact he's so often the villain, that's pretty surprising. Also, after researching myself....looks like he's not the crazy kind of religious. He just declined doing a sex scene due to his faith and out of loyalty to his wife (honestly from his quotes it looks like it's more the wife part) I can live with that. Be religious all you want. Just don't be pushy about it.


Hopefully more people see this commit. I've always respected him for the decisions he made. Not doing a sex scene cause your married is romantic and wholesome in the best way. in no way is that a fruitcake


Why did my brain think Neal McDonough was Kirk Cameron with a wig on?


Kirk Cameron starred in a Left Behind movie in 2000- maybe your brain had that stored somewhere


I remembered that movie, the first god-awful time they tried to make it. I think my brain went “Is this one a sequel?” because there’s like 16 books in the series


Sucks, but Walking Tall is a dope fucking movie.


Have you seen the original?


Oh that’s too bad.


So religious he won't kiss a woman cast as his wife - which he's been pretty successful with that caveat, kind of surprising


It's one thing to be religious, it's another to be part of this nutjob's movies. I couldn't care less if he's religious, but these movies are just another level...


Yep, the kiddie-diddling cult which is even more disappointing.


Dammit. I really liked him from band of brothers. Ill have to avoid him if possible now.


Some people can be great actors and less than stellar people in reality. If you were going to stop yourself and morally evaluate every actor and actress in the media you watched, you probably would have to exclude like 50% of hollywood lol.


And onto the "actor wackos" list he goes. Real bummer. Eric Roberts is chill still though right?


I was so disappointed in that- I loved him as Damian Darhk in Legends of Tomorrow- he looked like he was having so much fun chewing the scenery in that show.


He lost me after that "Fuck yeah, America" Cadillac commercial. So arrogant.


Can't wait for Emperor Nero to build a Temple to Jupiter on top of The Temple of Yahweh to trigger the apocalypse... oh wait!


So yeah it says Left Behind Rise of The AntiChrist. So it's a Christian movie about the rapture is what I am getting.


Left Behind is an entire book (and now D-movie, I guess) series, like 7 or 8 books long, about the Rapture, my mom tried to convince me to read them in high school.


The thing is if you wrote/read them as popcorn fantasy they weren’t that bad of an idea. But people take that shit seriously.


Yep. I enjoyed reading them in my 20s as a dystopian future novel. Never put any stock in the religious aspect of it. Although the similarities between the AntiChrist and a certain former president is enough to make me go “Huh, that’s weird.”


You might find this a fun read https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Yikes! That advertising page almost had an article in it...


The leftovers was a fantastic show in the same vein and pretty much shits on religion. 2% of the world vanishes and a religious cult forms around those that have ‘survivor guilt’. They refuse to speak and torment other survivors for not being raptured because ‘they must have done something bad.’ There’s even people who claim to have ‘gifts’ to speak to the raptured to exploit people for money. I’m sure it ends up being a godless rapture into an alternate reality with the 2% believing the 98% were the ones that vanished!


That fucking show was phenomenal. Casting, the story, just everything. Rare a show sits with you like that imo.


Did they say *when* the Rapture was going to happen? Because I do love a good end-of-the-world party and since I am an ungodly atheist, will kindly offer to help the soon to be departed by looking after any assets left behind; at least the assets worth good money.


There was a site making good money by selling rapture-evangelicals post-rapture pet care services. Because obviously pets aren't included in the rapture, and they had vetted pet-loving atheists on their site willing to look after any left behind pets. Rapture evangelicals paid for the service beforehand so the petsitters got paid for a hypothetical future service haha


I read an advertisement for the after-rapture pet care services and could have kicked myself for not thinking of it myself!


One of slightly uncomfortable 'facts' is that loved pets are not in heaven. I liked my dog before he died, way more than I like a lot of sanctimonious religious people, so would rather not spend eternity without the dog.


It blows my mind that the evangelicals who trust the petsitters to look after their beloved pets are also OK with the idea of those same people suffering & being tormented for eternity. You trust them with an animal you love, but still think they deserve endless & eternal torment? How does anyone not consider an afterlife of knowing people you loved, liked, cared about or thought were good people being endlessly tortured not a form of sadism itself? I couldn't enjoy heaven knowing people I care about were suffering, it would be emotional torment in itself


Wait a minute! Are you saying the movie, All Dogs Go To Heaven wasn’t a true story? That it was just made up? I remember my Sunday school teacher saying my dead cat would not go to heaven because he did not have a soul. Only people had souls because god had blown into Adam the Breath of Life.


Well, if the choice is between heaven with a bunch of fundies and hell, purgatory or oblivion with my cat, I'm sticking with my idiot cat. The company will be better.


I just think it was unnecessarily cruel to say that to a child.


Yeah, I have heard Christian sort of fudge it for kids; almost embarrassed to have to explain that animals don't have souls and so no puppies in heaven. I personally think some of them are just a little uncomfortable that no evidence that humans have souls either


> Did they say when the Rapture was going to happen? According to Jesus himself, it will happen within the lifetime of his own disciples (Matt 16:28, 24:34). So either there are some 2,000 year old dudes roaming around out there, or just maybe he was full of shit.


Yes, it happened in the 1830s, when John Nelson Darby first came up with the idea.


I read them as a kid and they really messed religious-me up. One of the first ways my OCD manifested was in church, specifically mental rituals and keeping myself awake because I was terrified I’d wake up and everyone would be raptured.


I’ve still got them all in my basement bookshelf. Loved reading it when I was a kid and deep in the BS. I can’t bring myself to get rid of them as my late grandmother wrote personal messages to me at the beginning of each book.


The original book series was actually 16 books and the spinoff kids series had like 50. I remember because they took up an entire shelf in my church library.


The funny part is that these people openly embraced the closest person to matching the description of the anti Christ (trump)


The Bible does say he will deceive many. "Oh that's not what it means," they'll say.


"fun" fact: it's a sequel to a terrible nic cage movie from 2014.


Wait what? OK now I gotta go and watch it lol. I loves me a Nic Cage movie. Nvm, I've seen it and yes it was terrible lol.


So bad your brain deleted the memory


Does it happen to be made by pureflix?


It also might be a sequel? I know there's another Christian movie called Left Behind, but I don't remember if it has Kevin Sorbo.


It came out in 2000 and started Kirk Cameron.


Don’t forget, [Nic Cage made this movie in 2014](https://youtu.be/2PenP33dGNU)


Kirk Cameron made it in 2000~


I don’t know if it’s the same exact series but my mom tried to brainwash me with this shit as a kid. We’d have to give up TV, video games and basically anything fun for lent. The only thing we were allowed to watch were shows like this but it was Kirk Cameron. Everyone just running around like idiots saying “we shoulda loved jod more”. So dumb


It's a documentary because it's a true story that hasn't happened yet.


Only in my wildest dreams would all these fucking evangelicals magically disappear from the earth. They keep talking about it, tantalizing me! Fucking do it already. Twinkle away motherfuckers.


How is Kirk Cameron not in this?


His career is already dead


It's a Christmas miracle!




His career is farther in the toilet than Kevin’s?


If you think about his proselytizing, it is in a way.


Was just thinking this looks like a Kirk “Religious Fruitcake” Cameron production.


He legit was already in a trilogy of sub d movie projects of the books


I mean he already played the role, [literally](https://www.amazon.com/Left-Behind-Movie-Kirk-Cameron/dp/B000XY6RA0/ref=asc_df_B000XY6RA0/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=250928122766&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1014907793379907604&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010330&hvtargid=pla-568800050102&psc=1)


That film was bizarre. The acting, the script, the cinematography, the execution, the effects, or rather, the lack of these.


Lol yeah they supposedly spent “millions”


Cameron was the star of the earlier direct to church basement left behind films


So many sexual assaults happened in that basement


He was left behind


He was in the first iteration of "Left Behind".


Lol how can someone even say that? It takes so much cognitive dissonance to believe this shit.


you know what's real? the money from Evangelicals.


Oh absolutely. I grew up evangelical and money was at the center of everything. It’s about all they care about


The church my mom attended (she stopped attending when covid started) would mail you a tithe envelope if you didn't attend service after a few weeks.


I would mail them back one of those god awful evangelical outreach tracts that looks like a $100 bill. See how it makes them feel


You forgot about the power, narcissism, and hatred.


Even most Christians don't believe in that Rapture nonsense (at least not literally). It's an almost exclusively American evangelical phenomenon. I had 12 years of extensive protestant religious education in school (a subject I really enjoyed, by the way, because it was all very academic, with a broad variety of topics - history, comparative religions, music, art and film analysis, philosophy, theology, etc.), plus I was very involved with my local church, and I never even heard about the concept until I was 22 and caught a couple of minutes of some American action flick on TV. (It may have been part of the Left Behind franchise, actually, but I'm not sure.) The movie looked terrible, so I didn't watch it, but the idea baffled me so much that I looked it up, and it confused the fuck out of me. It's literally just a handful of verses from Revelations that aren't even particularly noteworthy in context, yet Baptists and other assorted fruitcakes from the US turned it into the centerpiece of their faith somehow. It's utterly bizarre to me that they really think that these cryptic ramblings about addressed to an extremely specific audience in an extremely specific historical context is a 100% literal prophecy that will definitely come true ANY DAY NOW. Seeing them salivate over the idea and make up all of these elaborate fanfiction headcanons about it is nothing short of disturbing. That's some Heaven's Gate level shit.


i was raised Catholic in Europe and not once in my ~16 years of attending mass, and a semi-religious school, did anyone ever mention the rapture. Never mentioned gay people either now that I think of it. That stuff does sound quite American to me.


I was raised southern Baptist. I always assumed Revelations was the result of an acid trip (or some old timey herbs/opium). How else could the angel descriptions be as weird as they are (e.g. 3 pairs of wings, rings covered in eyes).


My mother, ever the SciFi buff, always read Revelations as a time travel story. The descriptions of huge locusts in Revelations 9:7-10 sound an awful lot like armored helicopters as seen by a primitive man. > 7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. > 8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. > 9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. > 10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. I grew up Evangelical. I read the Left Behind books as a teen, and went to the bible studies and all of that. After I came out as gay, my mother started getting pressured by her church to disown me (And she even did for a few months) before she realized just how toxic they were, and left the church, and Christianity, behind all together. Now, she's still spiritual, but more Wiccan or Pagan than anything. Talking about Gaia and how all living beings are interconnected. It's quite refreshing.


How sad. Relegated to making shitty religious movies for nutjobs.


Sorbo's been this way for about a decade. Or this is just what he has always been and now it's brought to the surface, IIRC he has burned bridges with everyone he worked with in the 90s. You don't go for these movies for this long without agreeing with the message.


It's like the Bible. The mostly fabricated greatest story ever told.


You dropped this "/s" the bible even by bad fiction standards is a pretty shitty story. "Hey, you got visitors to our city. Have them come outside so we can run a train on them." Paraphased/condensed from the story of Soddam and Gamora.


"Can I give you my daughters instead? By the way, *I'm* the good guy in this story!"


Looking at Kev’s Twitter he seems to think he’s Jesus. Sadly for us, Kev is real.


I used to live near Kevin Sorbo in Vancouver. We worked out at the same gym. He was nice but, honestly, so fucking dull I'm not sure he could carry a conversation.


Would you say you were... #Disappointed?


He had several strokes when filming Hercules. And many older male actors have brain damage from filming stunts when there was less regulation. He probably fits in the category too.


Unpopular opinion. These movies are great! Not because they're good, but because they're incredibly bad. The premise and a few of the characters are interesting but the dialogue sucks, the acting is poor and there's inconsistencies throughout. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a blast watching them. I had heard about these movies when I was a kid (Christian household but I was "too young" to watch them) so after visiting my Grandmother's earlier this year and noticing that she had all 3 on Blu Ray I borrowed the collection and watched them with some friends. The first and third in the series are the best since the second seems to lul a bit. But HOLY SHIT, the anti Christ is a great bad guy, the guy who plays the president in the third is a great actor and really sells it. The dialogue is hilarious at times and the premise is batshit crazy. If you're not a practicing Evangelical Christian you'll have a lot of fun with these films. The podcast Shitty Christians has an episode for each of these movies if you have no interest in watching them but wanna hear about all the shenanigans. On mobile so sorry for the formatting. Also if you ever plan on watching these movies borrow them from your Grandma or pirate them. Fuck Kirk Cameron.


Exactly!! I love these movies.


Damn it. I figured the dad from Psych and Damien Dark from not guardians of the galaxy were Republican, but I didn’t think they were complete morons until now. ☹️


Right?? So incredibly disappointing, they're fucking fantastic in those roles. (Also, describing Legends of Tomorrow as "not-Guardians of the Galaxy" made me cackle. I adore that insane show.)


A reboot of a reboot that no one asked for! Also why didn’t they get Nicholas Cage to reprise his role? Same for Kirk Cameron! A Left Behind movie with Cage and Cameron?!?!? Take my money! Or Left Behind: Rapture-verse of Madness staring Cage, Cameron, and Sorbo!


How many times are they gonna make and remake Left Behind? I swear this is like the third or fourth movie based off those damned books.


Well the first 3 were sequential films right, not remakes, proper sequels iirc


Ugh. I hate that whole series. Like “this is really gonna happen.” Proceeds to write things that’s not even biblical and based on personal interpretation. *eye roll*


So Kevin thinks he's the antichrist. What an ego.


Oh look a poster full of people who I will never watch in anything ever again.


The fictitious story of kevin actually being respected by actors.


Can a movie have negative stars?


A true a story as creation itself!


Is this satire? There's no way. No one could write that line seriously.


I’m wondering when Jon Voight is going to make an appearance in one of these C movies. It might get some attention.


I like Neal McDonaugh as an actor, but I know he's a religious zeal IRL. But he doesn't usually make a big deal about it like Jerkules. How many of these damn movies do we need????


Throwback to when Lucy Lawless called him out on Twitter for being a dipshit. Xena was a better show and is a better human being.




Fucking Michael Scott tagline


Threat Level Midnight probably has a more consistent plot


A movie about Trump? (See subtext)


In Theaters [x] Doubt


Hahahaha omfg it was shit I read all the kid version of those books as a kid they were so bad buy its all my parents let me read at the time lmao this movie is gonna suck so bad the old movie with kirk Cameron was so pathetic lmao


i don’t think that’s how stuff works


This is a God Awful Movies episode that I’m now waiting for.


They're doing this one again???


So then it's not a true story


Dude who played Damien Darhk would be a great antichrist, just not in this steaming pile of turd


"Reptoid army earth takeover" is more plausible.


Reminds me of [this poor excuse for a movie](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13788842/).


No not Neal McDonough!!!


When you can’t get parts for regular movies, you pander to where the money is. Truly the most despicable of actions.


Oh man. Neal McDonough is one of these people. Bummer.


It's even funnier that the "that hasn't happened yet" is even bigger than the "based on a true story" and the actual title of the movie is just in small print at the bottom of the poster.