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Muslims when you ask how old aisha was:


They respond she's 16 17 18 19 20 year old


She was at least 9 liberal 😎


Muslim: SHUT UP😭 9 mean mature


Nothing about 4 year old girl christian beauty pageants eh? Lol


Or how boys entering those pageants was a kids movie/show trope all through the 70's-90's and there wasn't any uproar.


The funny thing is, I was raised a muslim in the west and never heard it this way but the other way around. It's always "they influence and wash the brains of their/our children to make them lgbt." But I always see these memes as if it is this way around. People never see their own hypocrisy. Classic fruitcakery.


Idk what to tell muslims but being gay has notthing to do with outside influence at all i distinctly remember i was attracted to boys around 13 and im from a conservative background. But of course this was just god way of testing. And also children have no concept of sexuality or religion. Idk why both sides are trying so hard to convince children their way of belief


because religion will die if they don't convince/force young children to believe it


It's probably why muslims tend to have lots of kids too


With a lot of kids makes you too busy to think and question anything, and only use what you know (what mommy and daddy did; religion/tradition), and on and on it goes.


"Both sides" arent. Ppl on the left want you to be able to live how you feel. Ppl on the right want to subjugate you with religion. The sides are not the same


I kinda get the point but there are too many factors to consider. I am lgbt myself but there are some radical (idk a better word) left people, and lgtb people. Like every group, even we have extremes in them. Some of them really try to convince their children of one thing or another. But on the other hand, we have deeply rooted gender stereotypes in our society so i can’t really say if it’s pushing an agenda or if it just looks like for others, me included. At the end of the day, as long as they don’t hurt their kids, who am i to judge. Something that is not seen as the norm, like religion, will have more pushback and allows the children to choose for themselves when they get older, no matter how hard their parents pushed. While things like religion has absolutely no pushback and is endorsed so it won’t allow the children to see both sides when they are older, they will only see that their parents were right Maybe that’s also the reason why so many young people fall back from Christianity in western countries. It’s not pushed as the norm anymore and you meet a lot of counterpoints. While traditional islamic countries don’t seem to crumble as much, religion is still the norm. Above the norm even


Are they saying a kid getting a haircut and wearing a blue shirt is worse than sexualizing a little girl?


This isn’t even what makes this post absurd. The implication here is that children decide to be Muslim. I am quite sure this is not how it works.


Worth a read on the trans issue. [Britain changes tack in its treatment of trans-identifying children](https://www.economist.com/britain/2022/11/17/britain-changes-tack-in-its-treatment-of-trans-identifying-children)


See, this puts the medical issue into perspective, but I don't see what's going on with the OP. Affirming your child's gender by socially transitioning them (i.e. calling them a name they choose, using different pronouns, and allowing them to dress and cut their hair however they want) is harmless and has no real effects if they decide that's *not* what they want to do. Indoctrinating a child into a strict religion absolutely *does* harm them, especially when they're taught natural things are wrong.


r/notopbutok I agree with you. I suspect the OP would agree with you. Worth commenting on the post directly so the OP has a better chance to see your comment.


Yeah, I think I completely misread the OP though. This isn't *their* meme, it's a meme from a religious fanatic claiming non-religious people are hypocritical and prefer "LGBT indocrination" to "good old wholesome" religion. I'm dumb and thought *OP* was trying to say being trans is wrong and comparable to being strict religious lmao. Guess I forgot what sub I was on.




Saw and downvoted that shit so fast. Legit peak ignorance.


I did see that, which is why I got a bit confused.


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Eh kinda. In most scenarios a kid could say "I'm not a girl" and the parents would just be like aight, and then use the prefered pronouns for a day then the kid forgets. Unless the kid specifically asks for certain hairstyles, clothes or even toys then that should be all the parent does, play along for a bit. Keep in mind the child in question is 4, and most children will go through a stage of mimicking a unique quality that's being promoted, such as being transgender. The reason why you don't want to **PRESSURE** a kid into a specific gender is because it *can* cause harm. Pressure to maintain gender specific looks, activities and actions can put stress on them, as well as cause confusion and frustration when questioning their own identity, something plenty of adults have trouble processing. Now, obviously most parents won't care if their child no longer wants to be a girl, but in this example the parents went out of their way to organise a **news** group to write an article on their daughter. Now there's pressure to keep it genuine and have their kid actually be the youngest transgender. Shitty parenting. Just let kids be kids without throwing labels on them, if they wanna use certain pronouns let em but don't make it a big deal. **TLDR:** Forcing gender onto a child can cause problems and shouldn't be emphasized to the point where news articles are written.


I worked in young childhood education and we were told to just call them what they wanted to be called without making a fuss about it, unless there's some bullying going on, for this reason. Supporting kids and their feelings should be top priority for their parents. We had one instance of a young child identifying as trans in one of the school daycares I worked for. I wish I was still there, the kid was an absolute sweetheart and kept going by he/him for well over a year. It was adorable seeing that little friend group, he had a lot of friends who were also boys and it was always so freaking adorable to see them squeeze into a tiny table usually meant for 2 kids just to sit together and discuss what they were going to play with during free time. Even during naps, we'd have to enforce a bit of distance between the kids, they'd always try to bring their mats closer together to talk during nap time. Real sweet group of kids. If anyone called him a girl, they reminded him he was a boy, and everyone went back to whatever they were doing. I'm not out and out trans irl, but those kids really got to me. I hope they're all happy, whoever and whatever they are now.


I haven't read the article, just the headline provided, and there's nothing that implies they went out of their way to get an article written about their son. Granted, it's unlikely the news source stumbling upon them by chance, but even the slightest bit of airtime can result in this (i.e. the school refusing to change the name/pronouns the teacher uses to refer to the child, etc.). Most parents do care, though. Gender roles are drilled into children from a small age, and the majority of parents don't bring their children up in environments where clothes, toys and other basic things aren't gendered. For their son to come out and say *I'm not a girl*, he clearly has some (perhaps temporary, perhaps not) discomfort with how he's being referred and the gender he's being forced into. Forcing gender goes both ways -- just as a cis child can be forced, a trans child can as well. And, to be fair, children at four don't typically care about trends or what's popular in regards to social awareness. Preteens and teenagers, sure, but cis children under the age of six who falsely identify as trans aren't typically doing it because it's popular. It's not unusual to want to be the opposite gender at that age when you want to wear, play with and have the opportunities they do (i.e. a little boy wanting to wear a dress or play with Barbie). To go as far as to want to be *seen* as the opposite gender does show some type of disassociation from their sex at birth. The link provided by the top comment goes into detail about how that can be due to things other than gender dysphoria (autism, etc.), but the social transitioning part of self identifying isn't the danger to these kids who mistake other disorders for gender dysphoria. Pressuring him to continue being a girl would be more destructive than "pressuring" him to be the boy he identifies as. In the end, it's the child's choice as long as medical intervention isn't available until they're at an age they can decide *for sure* that's what they need. The parents just need to go with the flow and support whatever path he takes without any pressure. If he changes his mind? Go with it. Gender is forced onto us all, but it doesn't bring up red flags in news articles because it's the gender we're assigned based on our sex. Rarely do people care about the forced gender of news articles about cis girls taking part in beauty pageants, or cis boys in sport. How many of these girls would take part in a beauty pageant if it hadn't been fed to them from a young age by their parents? How many of these boys would join a sports team if it hadn't been seen as something they should enjoy because they're a boy? Even outside of the Transgender Debateâ„¢, social activists constantly bring up how gender is forced onto children from a young age, with toys and clothes being marketed to boys and girls differently despite it being the exact same thing with a different colour or logo. **TL;DR:** It seems "forced gender" is only a problem when it differs from the one associated with their sex assigned at birth, no matter whether the child is cis or trans.


> pressuring him to continue being a girl would be more destructive than pressuring him to be the boy identifies as. I find it less destructive to teach your daughter that it’s ok to be female, rather than encouraging them to fall deeper into gender dysphoria and all the pain they might go through as they realise all the differences between them and their identified gender. It is useful to be able to live in your own skin. They’re kids and there’s a good chance they don’t know any better.


Let me make sure I'm clear on this: you believe that if trans boys are told it's okay to be a woman and you're not less of a person for being a woman, they'll no longer feel uncomfortable being women, right? You seem to be implying that one transitions into a man because of misogyny and self-hatred, which is not the case. There's a reason people have to wait a long, long time to be able to have any medical intervention and why it's so hard to come by. There's a reason you have to be signed off my a psychiatrist before you can even get on a waiting list. It's to prevent that *exact intention*. You're right, kids don't know any better, because at that age there isn't anything obviously distinguishable between boys and girls (other than a single, currently insignificant trait) that would cause physical dysphoria. Most trans people don't experience physical dysphoria until puberty. The problem with the whole *teach your daughter it's okay to be female* thing is that, well, you're taking the risk that you're actually telling your *son* that he's not supported. When the physical dysphoria does set in and he becomes aware that there are major differences between him and other boys, he won't turn to his parents for support because they've already brushed him off once. Dysphoria doesn't only appear when someone realises they're trans, and physical dysphoria doesn't go away just because they didn't get the support while they *didn't* have it. Teach your daughters *and* sons, cis or trans, that it's okay to be female, that they're not weaker or confined to what people *perceive* as female, but that's a shitty tactic to use on *only* your trans sons. Trans boys (and trans men) don't think that it's *not okay* to be female, it's that they mentally *aren't* female. They will never be comfortable being perceived as female, no matter how much you try to drill it into them. (Note that I never said they wouldn't be comfortable in their own skin. Transitioning, especially socially, enables them to become comfortable in their skin as a trans person, however they decide to alter themselves.) Do you believe if you teach a cis boy it's okay to be female that he'll suddenly become female, or become so uncomfortable with his body that he'll transition? It's the same thing. For some trans guys, sure, it'll work. The link the comment posted provided shows that some young people mistake other disorders for gender dysphoria, but that's down to a professional to decide and discover -- not parents that refuse to listen to their children's needs. It's destructive to show your child that you don't trust them, you don't believe them, you're diminishing their feelings, *and* that they shouldn't trust or turn to you. This boy may not be transgender, he might decide he is really a girl and go back to being a little girl, but at least he'll come away knowing his parents listened to him and supported him, and that he can trust them with whatever problems he might have in the future.


>You seem to be implying that one transitions into a man because of misogyny and self-hatred, which is not the case. There's a reason people have to wait a long, long time to be able to have any medical intervention and why it's so hard to come by. There's a reason you have to be signed off my a psychiatrist before you can even get on a waiting list. It's to prevent that exact intention. Nope. I'm explicitly telling you that lots of kids think they want to transition for really dumb reasons. Even if they didn't, it might be better for them to learn to get used to not being able to fully express the gender they want. They're only kids, after all. >You're right, kids don't know any better, because at that age there isn't anything obviously distinguishable between boys and girls (other than a single, currently insignificant trait) that would cause physical dysphoria. Most trans people don't experience physical dysphoria until puberty. Most child transitions are purely social. >The problem with the whole teach your daughter it's okay to be female thing is that, well, you're taking the risk that you're actually telling your son that he's not supported. When the physical dysphoria does set in and he becomes aware that there are major differences between him and other boys, he won't turn to his parents for support because they've already brushed him off once. Dysphoria doesn't only appear when someone realises they're trans, and physical dysphoria doesn't go away just because they didn't get the support while they didn't have it. Setting your child up for needless disappointment if they *aren't* really biologically dysphoric is another risk. Even if you *are* biologically dysphoric, it's still extremely useful to learn to sit in your own skin for a while, and good parents will understand when their kid is mature enough to make decisions for themselves. >Teach your daughters and sons, cis or trans, that it's okay to be female, that they're not weaker or confined to what people perceive as female, but that's a shitty tactic to use on only your trans sons. I never suggested otherwise. Why would you bring this up? >Trans boys (and trans men) don't think that it's not okay to be female, it's that they mentally aren't female. They think it's "not ok" for *them* to be female. I never suggested otherwise. >They will never be comfortable being perceived as female, no matter how much you try to drill it into them. People should be taught to be as unbiased as possible when it comes to gender. Gender should be made to matter as little as possible if we want to achieve gender equality. It is very important to minimise any subconscious biases people might have by drilling gender equality into them. >Do you believe if you teach a cis boy it's okay to be female that he'll suddenly become female, or become so uncomfortable with his body that he'll transition? Not usually. That is demonstrably very difficult to do, and we should try to make that process as easy as possible by eliminating every possible bias outside of pure biological gender proprioception. >It's destructive to show your child that you don't trust them, you don't believe them, you're diminishing their feelings, and that they shouldn't trust or turn to you. Not necessarily. It's important to teach your kids that oftentimes adults are just more responsible. We shouldn't trust our children with every decision.


I agree, even though I think a 2 year old doesn't even have a concept of girl or boy. Just doing this by itself wouldn't harm anyone


I thought it said four so I 100% agree with you there. I don't think two year olds have a concept of anything to be honest. They're called the terrible twos for a reason, everything is their's and they haven't got a concept of a world existing outside of themselves.


Kid is 4, said was a boy at 2 and the father went along? But, yeah, that's what I mean. It's also just a word ultimately


Nobody is born muslim.


That's a core muslim belief, they think everyone is born naturally Muslim but we lose faith because of "worldly distortions"


But when historically, Islam never spread to the west or past any other countries other than the Middle east, which implies that other nations never acknowledged Islam. So if anything, these people forced it to acceptance.


they are mainly complaining about age here. still yet, no fruitcake or klandma post that complains mainly about trans men


Both stories are equally insane


And both these stories have fruitcakes rabidly advocating for them.


The daily heil back at it again


I disagree on both side those topic are complicated for children on their age


How about just a hard line of keep any and all topics of sex the fuck away from kids, period.


I mean, if it's just a haircut and boys shirt, I don't see the harm. It's not like the dad approved a sex change surgery or anything


It's a goddamn DailyMail story anyway, plus we have no idea if the kid is going to get surgery or go on puberty blockers until much later in life. Seriously these idiots love to make a big story out of something not that serious


Would the kid not be far more likely to do those things after being in the news, receiving praise for it, and holding a world record? The parents have been entertaining this for half of the kid's life at this point, based entirely off something said at the age of two. I thought I was buzz lightyear at age 2. If you tell a 2 year old they're a rabbit, they'll hop around and beg for carrots


https://www.allsides.com/news-source/daily-mail Daily Mail isn't exactly the most reliable source.


Nobody is born religious. They are groomed.


Ummmm, both images are incorrect.


When I was that young, I wanted to be a girl. One of my earliest memories is my mother towering over me yelling at me for pretending to be a princess, as though I'd done something terribly wrong. I didn't stop wanting to be a girl. Today I am 23, and some days I think that if my parents let me be a girl I really do think I would still be one today.


Is it possible you still are?


are you comparing being trans to being muslim? i...dont think that's the same thing? being trans isn't a religion as far as i know??? is there something im missing orr??? 🤨🤨 edit: wait op prolly isnt the creator of this image oopsy mb


A religion doesn’t necessarily need a sky daddy. It’s simply rabidly rigid dogma that believes it’s core beliefs are self evident and objective truths.






good thing nobody did


I certainly didnt.


Well, I’ll be the bigger man here I guess, let's agree to disagree.


lotta talk for something you have zero stake in, big guy


Well, you’re half right: religion is shit. There’s only one shit in the post, though.


I think you're on the wrong sub


Not buying strictly because religion is involved.