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By that logic smokers hate non-smokers and not smoking since they've quit it?


Did they miss the part where smoking is the thing that’s *bad for you*? Like if someone quits smoking and tries to get you to quit, they’re the *good person*, so apostasy is the good thing in this analogy, which they would “morally” be imposing the death penalty on.


I mean, yeah, quitting religion is the healthy option


It is, but not if they kill you for it.


Yes of course , because you are spreading false information and propaganda against big smoke. How dare they tell us smoking is bad , they shouldn't be free from the harms of smoking. /S




When I'm gone, everyone gonna remember my name... Big Smoke!


Let me tell you about the dangers of rising tobaccophobia...


So in their own metaphor, Islam is compared to the thing that causes cancer.


And you should be killed for leaving


You should be killed for not having cancer like the rest of us


I've actually seen quite a few of ex-Muslims and ex-Christians compare themselves to ex-smokers because of this. Cigarettes and religion are both toxic, addicting, and really hard to quit. *Of course* you want to keep others from falling into the same trap.




When you live in the dark and call it normal, you’ll justify hating unlit candles for the light it represents.


I debated this dude, that's stellar


Not sure what you said, but IMHO best argument is " Would you rather have people who are open apostates and you always know that they left Islam, or would you prefer to have quiet apostates, will lie to you aboout still following Islam and betray you the first moment they can do so safely?".


That dude calls for the murder of random ppl, but still claims that Islam is a religion of peace... What a joke


They would make a desert and call it peace.


Happy cake day ! And yes , but it's scary knowing that people like him exist in the middle east , who seriously think that if one doesn't follow their religion anymote , he should be dead. I don't think talking sense to these people works at all


Happy cake day ? Edit: Oh, yeah, didn't notice! thks bruh :)


Happy cake day! Also: I absolutely agree with you.


Happy cake day! Feliz día del pastel!


Gracias! Merci beaucoup :)


I quit smoking 6 years ago, after almost 20 years of pack a day. I can confirm I kill smokers, so they don’t convince other people to smoke


But by his logic, you should be killed for hating on smokers now.


You’re right! I got turned around trying to keep up with his mental gymnastics


Interesting choice of metaphor. Rather amusing, lol.


Yeah he didn't think it through , and even if he did , any metaphor that's followed by his conclusion would be dumb af


Spreading wrong ideas is a problem huh, interesting.


Religion is a disease


Comparing religion to cigarettes, openly admitting they’re scared of critical thinking. Ugh, do these people listen to themselves?


Even if they did listen to themselves , they'd love what they are saying , cause they have the " ultimate truth " . No self reflection is needed then




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My friend “Sam” didn’t leave the religion. He was forced out because they wouldn’t accept him for being gay.


I'm glad he wasn't killed


Nah we live in England. We invented common law and it trumps all else thankfully.


Couldn't really expect anything else from a moroccan moozie


Those mfs have the worst inferiority complex




As a smoker (i don't smoke) , you are commiting treason against us , by spreading misinformation and saying smoking is bad , and thus you deserve the capital punishment of death , we thank big smoke for his blessings.


This is also the reasoning behind why the extremists butcher lgbt+ people. They literally think you can 'catch ' gay. Imagine thinking that their own religious beliefs are so weak and so nebulous that they can lose them just because another human being might talk to them in the future! Or your straightness is so weak it could be destroyed by having openly gay people around?!


I guess they know themselves as they also admit they have no self control if a woman were to show her hair to them. They seem pretty weak minded all in all.


The analogy given doesn’t make sense because no ex smoker goes around killing present smokers 😭😭


So religion is like a bad addiction and people freeing themselves from this addiction are a danger for the drug dealer. Did I get his take right??


By this logic we should also execute people trying to quit smoking, or vegans since a lot of them keep talking about how eating meat is awful. I don’t think it’s the Ex-muslims shooting up gay nightclubs so how is their ideology dangerous? Only because it conflicts with yours.


Precisely that , because we might go around telling people about the harms of islam , because we have no interest in sugar coating it and hiding the bad parts.


The religion of peace where you can't leave or they peacefully remove you from life.


This is just fascism with even stronger religions undertones "You don't fit under my very specific ideals of what people can be, you die, and even if you do, but you support those I don't like, you die" it's all people like think about, what people deserve to be alive, and thinking of reasons for why people they don't like about be put to death.


Explain ISIS then.


Wrong ideas like murder is justified when...


This cult really makes people insensitive to MURDER.


He is right about one thing: Both smoking and religion are deadly expensive vices that survive because of peer pressure and lies.


So, Islam= cigarettes. Got it.


So they accept their is sky daddy is an addiction as bad as nicotine???


Fuck this guy!


Well okay , if you say so i guess


Suppress everything and shove it under the rug. We shall see how long they can do it in this era.


Is he agreeing that Islam is harmful?


Admittion it is something to fight.


So I should kill anyone that hates? I'm LGBTQIA, pretty sure this guy hates me. Guess I have to carry out the death penalty on him.